A Message from the Principal
Anoka High School events and fundraising reminders
September 10, 2024
A message from Mr. Hagerty, Principal AMSA
This is Mr. Hagerty, your AMSA Principal with a couple reminders for our Anoka Middle School families as we move into our first full week of school.
First, thank you for a great start and supporting your middle school child and their teachers. Connection teachers spent time reviewing expectations this week, such as no cell phone use, no hoods/hats and backpacks staying in lockers, as outlined in the student planners. Please take some time to look at your student’s planner so you are aware of the school policies reviewed with your child.
Next, this message is regarding High School events and middle school student attendance. AMSA middle school students will only be allowed into high school events such as football games with a valid GoFan- electronic ticket, student ID and accompanied by a parent or guardian on a 2:1 ratio of students to adult. Students are not allowed into the events with backpacks, food or drink. Thank you for helping us make these events safe for our entire school community. Here is the ticket link: ahschools.us/tornadotickets
Next, AMSA is excited to lead another trip to Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg this Spring! There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, September 19th at 6:30 p.m. in room 230 at our Washington campus. Before the meeting, please check out our trip website (https://worldstrides.com/custom/2025-anoka-middle-school-for-the-arts-dcgb-216836/ ) or call Robin Michalski at 763-506-4648 with questions.
Lastly, our one and only school fundraiser, called Step it Up will begin next Monday. The money raised goes to support teachers and students in the classroom for supplies and technology needs. The most important thing you can do to support our school is to help your child complete the first night “Golden Ticket” email campaign that they will bring home from school next Monday.
For questions on how to support our one and only fundraising campaign, please Visit: www.stepitupkids.com/Anoka55303
Thank you in advance and have a great evening.
Mr. Hagerty, Principal
Fred Moore and Washington campuses
This e-newsletter is published by Anoka Middle School for the Arts. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.Contact us.