Swift - Slaybaugh Complex
Week of January 12, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Swift-Slaybaugh Families,
This week our students participated in our "SOARing Into the New Year!" Pep Rallies! Each grade level had their own pep rally where students were reminded about our SOAR expectations at school. Representatives from each class had the chance to participate in fun winter games: "Igloo Building" with hula hoops, Penguin Waddle Relay Races, and Snowball Tower Knockdown! Students had the chance to show their school spirit and cheer on their team! A big thank you to our Renaissance "Wing Kids" for all of their help in facilitating the games! The winners of each pep rally are below.
Pep Rally Winners
K - Team Black
1st - Team Black
2nd - Team Yellow
3rd - Team White
During our pep rallies, we also introduced our upcoming SOAR Contest! Beginning on Tuesday, until Friday, January 31st, students will have the opportunity to earn four different letter tickets: S, O, A, and R. Each letter will be given out during a different part of the school day. Any student who has earned all four letters by the end of the end of two weeks will have the opportunity to attend one of two "SOAR Parties" during the first week of February. Students will be able to choose between a movie and popcorn and games and a snack in the gym. Good luck to all of our students and keep on SOARing!
Rachel Casumpang
Lego Math
Today Mrs. Swigert and Mrs. Alverson's class used Legos to create area problems. The students worked in groups to create area models and use those models to write multiplication facts that applied to the Lego shapes.
Way to go!!
For the month of December our top readers are, once again, John Peacock from Mrs. Zaccagnino's 2nd grade class, and 3rd grader William Herbert from Mrs. Cochrane's class. William read over 2,500 minutes in December!
Our top reading classrooms for the month of December were Mrs. Zaccagnino's class and Ms. Bates' class. Congratulations to all of our readers!
2nd & 3rd grade students enjoying our Winter Pep Rally
Ms. McGowan's class
Ms. Nigro & Ms. Kim's students' smiles say it all!
Ms. Striefler's class, along with all of 3rd grade
K & 1st grade students enjoying our Winter Pep Rally
Mrs. Ogborn's class participating in all of the fun games!
Mrs. Sheeran & Ms. Burnett's class along with all of 1st grade
Time to Buddy Up!
Today students from Mrs. Swigert and Mrs. Alverson's class spent time with students in Mrs. O'Connor's class reading them the story "How to Catch a Snowman". They were then able to color their own snowman and show off their AWESOME WORK!!
Attention First Grade Parents & Guardians!
Andi Green from the Worry Woos will be visiting the first graders on Thursday, February 6th. Please see the forms sent home to sign up for our night event, sponsored by the teachers and staff of The Egg Harbor Township Education Association and the Swift School Library. You can also purchase a book or stuffie with the order form that was sent home. All sign up forms and orders are due Wednesday, February 22nd. Please email Ms. DeNaples at Denaplesk@eht.k12.nj.us with any questions.
MLK Day Peace Tea
Mrs. Ogborn's First Grade class celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday with a Peace Tea on Friday January 17th. The students presented a program about Dr. King's life and sang the song, Everyone's Talking About Peace for their families. Everyone enjoyed tea and cookies after the show.
The Peace Tea was sponsored by the Egg Harbor Township Education Association.
Jr. Communications Academy Newsletter
This is the first issue of the 3rd Grade Jr. Communications Academy newsletter; enjoy!
Contact Us!
Email: ehtsd@eht.k12.nj.us
Website: sl.eht.k12.nj.us/
Location: 11 Swift Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-927-8222
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJSlaybaugh
Twitter: @EHTNJSlaybaugh