KAMSC Newsletter
September 20, 2024

A Note From the Director
Our Challenge Success Team is excited to head to the fall conference in Waltham, MA next week. We leave after school on Thursday and return early Sunday morning. There are many sessions to choose from including student-friendly sessions for our student representatives. The students attending with us are Sam Miller (10th), Lizzie Holmes (11th), and Eiden Jonaitis (12th). Shout out to Aryaman Mishra who is also on our team but unable to attend due to his duties as drum major of his high school band. Here is a link to the conference schedule if you are interested in some of the learning choices we have.
Don't forget our college night parent/student opportunity this Wednesday night, 9/25 at 7pm. We hope to see you there.
Heather Kortlandt
Director, KAMSC
Pictures From the Week - Freshmen Bog Field Trip
The Segments Group
Mrs. Chapoton Giving Instructions
Single File Through the Bog
The Rays Goup
Cecilia Puente Working with Samples Collected at the Bog
Students Identifying Plants
Student Activities/Club Fair - Wednesday, September 25th
Representatives from our student clubs and activities will be set up in the student commons area to advertise and answer questions about different clubs that all students are able to join here at KAMSC if they choose. These are extracurricular and not required, but many of our students find them fun, engaging and important to them. We invite students to arrive early to open lab (5:30) to view the booths each club sets up.
KAMSC College Information Night for Families, Wednesday September 25th- 7pm
discuss opportunities for KAMSC students. All students and families are invited.
We also have College Admissions Representative visits: check the College Planning Calendar on our website: https://kamsc.org/college-visits/ This will be updated as visits are scheduled.
KAMSC Alumus, Dr. Smita Krishnaswamy to Speak to Juniors/Seniors Friday
Dr. Krishnaswamy, an Associate Professor of Genetics and Computer Science at Yale University will be in town next week to give a talk at K College and has agreed to stop by KAMSC on Friday, September 27th to speak to our Juniors and Seniors about her time at KAMSC and pathways since then as well as give them a glimpse of her work. Students will be with her from 1:30-2:00 in the presentation center. We are so honored to have her with us next week. See information below about her talk at K college.
Multi-tiered System of Supports at KAMSC - Important click the button to read
Please note that the MTSS structure is in place to help the adults at KAMSC see if students start to need extra support as early as possible. We aim to be as supportive in the learning process as possible and to make students aware of support that we offer. We hope that the system forms a great check-in process with their teachers and gets students support if they are in need. To review the structure, click the button below.
Old News...
Cleo to be at Open labs...
Who is Cleo? You may have met him at open house, but Cleo is a district provided therapist that KAMSC students are able to seek counseling with if needed. When I talked with Cleo this week he said that some of his busiest times last year at KAMSC were around exam times. You can imagine the type of stress students are under at that time between exams here and at their partner district. He is a wonderful resource and we want to make sure all parents and students know and understand that he is available at open lab on Wednesday nights. He can also accommodate phone or virtual appointments at other times if your student is unable to make it to open lab. Cleo is pictured here with Mrs. Joyce at Open house this week.
If you student is going to be absent from school you must notify both your partner school and KAMSC (if they are gone all day) and always KAMSC if they are gone during their KAMSC classes. Please remember that attendance is vital as the content moves fast and we want students to have as much of their classroom experience as possible. To notify KAMSC call (337-0004) or email kamsc.office@kamsc.org.
Attendance Reminders
Drop off/Parking Procedures and Reminders
If you are dropping off or picking up your student at KAMSC, please do so at the Vine Street entrance. Please find a safe place to pull over and then have you student proceed to the Vine street entrance. If students are driving themselves:
1. They need to acquire a parking pass from the KAMSC office - please fill this out
2. They need to park by the El Sol playground off of Dutton Street (but then walk to Vine street entrance)
3. They should be reminded to not keep anything valuable in their car and to keep their cars locked at all times.
4. The building will have a campus security officer at the Vine Street entrance during times of arrivals and dismissals.
Code of Conduct
KAMSC follows the KPS code of conduct for student discipline. Please be advised of it, it is linked here. Specific behaviors we would love your help with talking with your child about at home are:
- Academic Integrity
- Bullying
- Name calling/inappropriate language
Important Dates
Sept 25 - Student Activities Fair 5:30-6:30
Sept 25 - Open Lab for students 6-7:30
Sept 25 - College Night for families 7-8:30pm