Roosevelt Raccoons
September 13, 2024

Key Dates
17 School Site Council 4pm
18 ELAC meeting 8:30 am
19 Secure Campus drill 9:25am
24 PTA meeting 6pm
30 No school
30 Goal setting conferences begin
We have had a few fantastic events already this year. In addition to Back to School Night, we had an amazing turnout to our Family Dinner Dance on Friday evening. Check out just a few of the photos from this fun event. Thank you to our PTA for hosting such a wonderful community event.
School Site Council Members Meeting & Ballot
Our first School Site Council meeting is next Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Please complete this ballot to vote for your parent representatives. You can vote for all 5 candidates (we need 5 parents on the SSC), or you can write-in a candidate’s name.
Welcome and introductions
SSC Training
Parent Involvement Policy & Roosevelt Parent Compact
Title 1 presentation
Measure U carryover
The meetings are online. Anyone from the public is welcome to join. Link: meet.google.com/nwu-exds-fxw
English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) Meeting
Our first English Language Advisory Council meeting (ELAC) is next Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The meeting will be in the family center (room 7) from 8:30am-9:45am.
Review and plan yearly calendar of ELAC meetings
EL parents elect DELAC representative(s)
EL parents elect officers for ELAC - only EL parents participate and voting
Training on ELAC legal responsibilities
Review & Discuss the RCSD EL programs
Reclassification Criteria
Safety First
There is nothing more important to us than keeping our students safe. Pick-up and drop-off are potentially the most challenging times. We recognize many of you have other places to get to, but we ask that you please drive slowly near our school and follow all traffic rules. This includes:
Please drive slowly around the McGarvey Avenue loop for drop-off and pick-up. Children are frequently crossing the parking lot. A reminder also that it is a right turn only when leaving the parking lot.
Do not stop your car to let your children out while blocking the cross walk. Please use appropriate parking spaces, and do not let your child jaywalk. They are to use the crosswalk safely with the assistance of our crossing guard.
Do not park in spaces marked with the blue disabled sign (unless you have a pass to do so), or in the striped areas. Please use the areas of the sidewalk marked in white for safe pick-up and drop-off on both Vera and Euclid Avenues.
The school driveway on Vera Avenue is NOT a u-turn area. Students are frequently standing in this area both before and after school.
After school, please park in the designated white-marked areas to wait for your child. Please do not block the parking spaces in front of the office.
Coffee with the Principal
Thank you to those who attended our first Coffee with the Principal for this school year. If you were unable to attend but would like to know what we spoke about, here is the presentation that was shared with parents.
Upcoming Safety Drill
Each month the entire school practices a safety drill. In August, we practiced what to do during a fire. This month, students are doing a “Secure Campus” drill. We want our students to be prepared, but please know that we are also careful not to frighten them in any way. A secure campus alert might be triggered by an unexpected and/or dangerous event nearby, not necessarily something at the school itself. (For example, a gas leak nearby might require students to stay indoors. Police activity at Red Morton Park or Roosevelt Plaza might also be an example.) Next week when students practice this drill, they will be asked to remain quiet in their classrooms while blinds are closed and doors are locked. They will remain in place for 5-10 minutes, and then they will be asked to quietly evacuate, much as they do for a fire drill.
Goal Setting Conferences
Each of our TK-5th grade students will work with their teacher to create a goal to work towards this year. Once they have created a goal, they create an action plan to create steps towards their goal. Students then present their goal and action plan to their parents (with assistance from their teacher) during the Goal Setting Conference Week, September 30-October 4. There is no school on Monday, September 30, however conferences do begin that afternoon. October 1-4 are district-wide SUPER minimum days. Students are all dismissed at 11:45am. (Our after-school partners are aware of this schedule change and provide their program starting as soon as school is dismissed.) Please look for messages from your child’s teacher to schedule your conference if you haven’t received anything yet.
Illness Letter
Here is a letter from our school nurse outlining when you should keep a sick child home from school, and when it is acceptable to send them to school.
Message from Roosevelt PTA
Room Parents needed: Our teachers rely on the support of their Room Parent(s) to help with class projects and parties, teacher appreciation and more. We still need room parents for many classes. If interested, please reach out to Elizabeth Feig (elirahan@gmail.com), Room Parent Coordinator, to volunteer or ask questions.
Eat out for the PTA: Our restaurant fundraisers are a fun way to support the school while running into fellow Raccoons out in the community. Look for fundraisers all year long! Here’s what’s coming up:
- Corner Yogurt: TODAY! Friday, September 13 - 1501 Woodside Rd
- Mountain Mikes Pizza: Wednesday, October 16 - 3121 Jefferson Ave
The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday, September 24. The meeting is at 6pm in the library, or you can join online. We hope to see you there.
The PTA will reimburse you for any required volunteer application costs. Stop by the school office for reimbursement forms. Go here to learn about RCSD volunteer requirements.
Parent Workshops
The Age of Grievance: A Conversation with Frank Bruni on Wednesday, September 18, 5:30-6:30pm. Renowned author, NY Times writer, and Duke professor Frank Bruni will discuss his new book, The Age of Grievance, in the specific context of topics relevant to the Parent Education Series, including teen behavior, family dynamics, and college admission.Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://frankbruni2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
The Many Lives of Mama Love (Oprah Book Club Selection) on Thursday, September 19,5:30-6:30pm. An Oprah's Book Club Selection, The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin is a heartbreaking and tender journey from shame to redemption, despite a system that makes it almost impossible for us to move beyond the worst thing we have ever done. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register:https://laralovehardin2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
Community Resources
Here is the September/October schedule for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
Previous Newlstters
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool