Old Coors Elementary Pre K-4
Week of March 18

Welcome to November, MAS Families!
This year is moving at a rapid pace, and I’m so proud of the work our students and staff accomplish together each day. Please take a moment to review this month’s entire newsletter, which includes important reminders, requests, and updates; November dates to be aware of; and contact information for each child's teachers and co-teachers.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (CHEQ) Surveys - Kindergarten ONLY
We need all kindergarten families to complete the CHEQ survey provided during last month’s Parent-Teacher Conferences. It is very important that we achieve a 100 percent completion rate from kindergarten parents. If you have questions or need another copy of the survey, please contact your child's first-period teacher. All teacher contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter. Thank you in advance for this!
2. Nutrition Expectations
Please remember that MAS does not allow students to bring large bags of chips to school. Below is a reminder of our nutrition expectations, originally shared with families at the start of the 2024-2025 school year:
We would like to inform you of an immediate update to our student nutrition expectations. Moving forward, students will no longer be permitted to bring bags of chips larger than a snack size (maximum capacity of 1.5 ounces) or chips in a Ziploc bag or equivalent with maximum dimensions of 6-1/2" x 3-1/4".
This change is intended to promote the consumption of school-provided meals, which meet State of New Mexico nutrition guidelines, and to reduce classroom disruptions caused by students sharing and consuming large quantities of chips during the morning program and lunch service.
If a student brings a bag of chips larger than the specified size, it will be collected by MAS staff and held for retrieval at the end of the day.
We appreciate your understanding and support in encouraging healthy habits and minimizing distractions in our school environment.
3. Dress Code
Students must follow the MAS Uniform Policy at all times. A few common violations at the elementary level include:
- Students wearing plain red collared shirts that do not have the MAS logo.
- Students wearing non-MAS sweaters.
- Students wearing pants that are not solid black.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us maintain a positive and structured learning environment.
Mr. Chris Jones, MS, M.Ed.
Elementary School Leader
MAS Old Coors Campus
Our attendance goal is 95 percent, which means we need an average of 9.5 out of 10 students present each day. As I announced in October’s newsletter, every grade level from PreK to 4th grade will compete for the Traveling Attendance Trophy and the chance to win an in-school pizza party. Here’s how it works:
- The grade level with the highest attendance for the month will win the Traveling Attendance Trophy and hold it until another grade earns it by having a higher attendance percentage.
- The grade level that holds the trophy the most during the trimester will win an end-of-trimester pizza party celebration!
- Our average daily attendance goal is 95 percent, so please ensure your child is at school on time every day. Good attendance supports students’ success and gives them a chance to win the trophy.
Congratulations to Old Coors’. 2nd grade for having the highest attendance percentage for October 2024 with an average daily attendance of 95.45 percent! You have earned yourself an entry into our end of the semester pizza party contest drawing! Keep up the great work!
Please note the following important dates in November:
Tues., Nov. 5: School is closed in Observance of Voting Day
Wed., Nov. 6: Istation Reading Assessment for Kindergarten
Thurs., Nov. 7: Istation Reading Assessment for 1st Grade
Fri., Nov. 8: Istation Reading Assessment for 2nd Grade
Mon., Nov. 11: School is Closed in Observance of Veteran’s Day
Wed., Nov. 13: STAR Reading Assessment for Grades 3 & 4
Thurs., Nov. 14: Math Quiz for Grades 3 & 4
Wed., Nov. 23: November Food Pantry (date is tentative for now)
Fri., Nov. 22: Istation Math Assessment for Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grades
Mon., Nov. 25 – Fri., Nov. 29: School is Closed for Thanksgiving Break
For the month of November, we are celebrating two students in each elementary grade level who have demonstrated the most growth in the core areas of math and reading! We celebrate these students with great pride and excitement because education is a marathon, not a sprint.
At MAS, we strive to every student receives a high-quality education, is prepared for the next grade level and graduation, and is on track to earn a post-secondary degree.
Congratulations to our student spotlights this month! They embody the mission of MAS and exemplify the perseverance needed for success in school and beyond.
· Julian Padilla, Reading Mastery
· Francisco Golding, Language Mastery
· Giovanni Coria, Istation Math
· Carla Campos and Leylani Zamarron, Istation Reading
First Grade
· Greyson Garica, Istation Math
· Kaliyah Garcia, Istation Reading
Second Grade
· Yoan Ramos, Istation Math
· Leonidas Sanchez, Istation Reading
Third Grade
· Lily Brown, Math IA 1
· Adrian Mendez, Reading Interim Assessment 1
Fourth Grade
· Genesys Arellanes, Math IA 1
· Ximena Peralta, Reading Interim Assessment 2
Congratulations to all of our students who demonstrated high growth in math and reading. We are so very proud of all of you!
Do you need to contact your child's teacher?
PreK Teacher: Antonia Weller, antonia.weller@mascharterschool.com
PreK EA: Luis Sanchez, luis.sanchez@mascharterschool.com
PreK Teacher: Gloria Farmer, gloria.farmer@mascharterschool.com
PreK Teacher: Janet Aguilar, janet.aguilar@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten Math Teacher: Stephanie Martinez, stephanie.martinez@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten Math Special Education Teacher: Ivory Leopoldo,
Kindergarten PE Teacher: Sondi Munoz, sondi.munoz@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten PE EA: Jason Ponce, jason.ponce@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Lynn Medina, lynn.medina@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Flor Caingcoy, flor.caingcoy@mascharterschool.com
Kindergarten Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Alaina Hughes,
Kindergarten Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Ivory Leopoldo, ivory.leopoldo@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Math Teacher: Mark Jasper De Chavez, markjasper.dechavez@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Math Special Education Teacher: Dianna Spilca, dianna.spilca@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade PE Teacher: Bonnie Sumner, bonnie.sumner@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade PE EA Alex Cordova, alex.cordova@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher - Lara Claire Zamora, laraclaire.zamora@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Jennifer Aguas, jennifer.aguas@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Lordelyn Piquero, lordelyn.piquero@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Maritess Medina, maritess.medina@mascharterschool.com
1st Grade Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Stephanie Lopez, stephanie.lopez@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Math Teacher: Sarah Vander Wal, sarah.vanderwal@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Math Special Education Teacher: Monda Elhabash, mona.elhabash@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade PE Teacher: Trent Dewyer, trent.dewyer@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade PE EA: Manny Villarreal, manny.villarreal@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Hannah Hansen, hannah.hansen@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Kami Hight, kami.hight@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading and Language Mastery Teacher: Kimberly Deleon, kim.deleon@mascharterschool.com
2nd Grade Reading and Language Mastery Special Education Teacher: Zach Houchens, zach.houchens@mascharterschool.com
Istation Intervention Teacher: Kim Gottshall, kim.gottshall@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Math Teacher: Alicia Esquibel, alicia.esquibel@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Math Special Education Teacher: Danielle Armijo, danielle.armijo@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade PE Teacher: Manny Jaramillo, manny.jaramillo@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade PE EA: Evan Nava, evan.nava@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep Teacher: Maria Melgar, maria.melgar@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep Special Education Teacher: Eleazardy Deniega, eleazardy.deniega@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep Special Education Teacher: Ashley Castillo, ashley.castillo@mascharterschool.com
3rd Grade Test Prep Special Education Teacher Joel Gallegos, joel.gallegos@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math Teacher: Silvia Barela, silvia.barela@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Math Special Education Teacher: Analie Abella, analie.abella@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade PE Teacher: Daryl Aimes, daryl.aimes@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Teacher: AJ Moya, aljeer.moya@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Test Prep Special Education Teacher: Maude Adan Klein, maude.klein@mascharterschool.com
4th Grade Science Teacher: Joseph Vineles, joseph.vineles@mascharterschool.com