District Monthly Update
November 2024, Waltham Public Schools
Superintendent's Message
Dear WPS Community,
November has been an exciting month filled with a wide range of school activities! From plays and musicals to multicultural events and athletic competitions, our schools have offered numerous opportunities for students to shine as leaders and spread joy across our community. I hope many of you were able to attend these events and share in the excitement.
During the November 20th School Committee meeting, I presented my goals for the year. You can review them here. At the end of the school year, I will provide updates on the progress and outcomes of these goals, which will also contribute to my evaluation by the School Committee.
As we approach the upcoming break, I want to extend warm wishes to those celebrating Thanksgiving. May your day be filled with cherished moments with family and friends.
Marisa Mendonsa
**There will be no late buses on Wed. November 27.**
November 26 - WHS PowderPuff Game @Leary Field 6PM
November 27 - 1/2 Day of School (WHS and Valor HS - 10:45am; Middle Schools - 11:15am; Elementary Schools - 11:45am)
November 28 & 29 - Schools Closed
November 28 - WHS Thanksgiving Day Football game against Arlington @Leary Field - 10am
December 4 - School Committee Meeting at 7PM
December 6 & 7 - WHS Choral Christmas Tree Sale at Kennedy Middle School - Friday 4PM - 7PM and Saturday 9AM-2PM
December 11 - Early Release Day - All Schools (WHS and Valor HS - 12PM; Middle Schools - 12:30PM; Elementary Schools - 1:00PM)
December 11 - McDevitt MS Winter Concert at 6PM
December 12 - Kennedy MS Winter Concert at 7PM
December 13 - McDevitt MS Multicultural Night 5:30PM-8:00PM
December 17 - WHS Show Choir Winter Concert at 7PM
The Waltham Public Schools has launched an equity audit in partnership with The Leadership Academy. The audit will focus on 3 areas: Instruction, Operations/Resources and Community Care and Engagement. The Equity Team held their first meeting last week and will be working with the Leadership Academy in designing the activities, including focus groups, that will be implemented during the audit. Once these activities have been designed, we will share these out to the greater community. For more information on the audits, please click the links below:
Children whose parent/legal guardian(s) are living in Waltham may enroll in Kindergarten with the Waltham Public Schools if they have reached 5 years of age on or before September 1, of the new school year. The communication for our 2025-26 Kindergarten Registration will be mailed out in January to families on our list of expected kindergarten students. If you do not receive this notice from our office, you are encouraged to contact us and confirm that your child is either on our list or needs to be added so that you will receive communications and mailings for Kindergarten registration.
Families wishing to participate in the Dual Language School lottery must notify the PIC at the time of registration. The Dual Language lottery will be held in May 2026 (date TBA) and to qualify you must submit your child's registration and all required documents prior to May 1st. We look forward to welcoming your child and working with your family throughout the registration process.
More information and future updates can be found on the Kindergarten Registration page: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/page/kindergarten-registration-information
The Pre-K Application for the current 2024-25 school year is still open to fill available spots at the Stanley Elementary School location. Parents are encouraged to apply for either the 3 year old morning or 4 year old afternoon program. Rolling admission to the morning program for children turning 3 after September 1st will be offered if space allows. Applications will be accepted through December 2025 or until all spots are filled.
The Pre-K Application for the 2025-26 school year is now accepting applications for NEW students. Children whose parents or legal guardians reside in Waltham and will turn 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible to apply. Rolling admission to the morning program for children turning 3 after September 1st will be offered if space allows. More information including the online applications for all Integrated Pre-K Programs can be found on the Pre-K Programs page: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/page/waltham-public-schools-pre-k-programs
Waltham High School Best Buddies Basketball Team, coached by Lori Cashingo and Russ Sorin finished the season with a record of 2 - 5 - 1.
Waltham Best Buddies Captains: Seniors: Angel Ruiz Gutierrez, Matthew McDonald and Donato Tempesta.
Bilingual Parent Advisory Council
Officers from the Bilingual Parent Advisory Council (BELPAC) share ideas for supporting families with teachers from the WHS Multilingual Department on November 5.
The BELPAC is a council of families of English
learners who advocate for students in the
district. Looking for more information?
Scan this QR code.
ELL and Multilingual Department
Elementary ESL Teachers as Students
On November 5th, ESL teachers from all seven elementary schools came together to learn about WIDA’s new Guideposts for Reading Instruction. We explored and planned for instruction that includes the five critical, research-based aspects or “guideposts” of reading instruction for multilingual learners.
Building on Students’ Cultural and Linguistic Assets
Developing Oral Language Comprehension
Developing Reading Comprehension and Academic Literacies
Expanding and Strengthening Vocabulary and Word Knowledge
Expanding Reading Instruction with Multilingual Learners
Fine and Performing Arts Department
The Fine & Performing Arts Department of Waltham Public Schools has launched a dedicated webpage to keep families informed about its events. Visit the page at Fine & Performing Arts Webpage to explore a calendar of performance events and the City Hall art show schedule. Updates will be added throughout the year, so check back often! We are also on social media. Follow us on instagram!
WHS National Honor Society
Waltham High National Honor Society and Red Cross Club hosted the second annual Blood Drive, made possible through the collaboration of the American Red Cross, the National Honor Society, and the Red Cross Club at the high school. We collected 35 pints of blood!
Photo: Ariana Bushey, 12th grader
McDevitt Middle School Teacher-Parent Coffee and Conversation
McDevitt Middle School hosted its first ever Teacher-Parent Coffee and Conversation on Monday November 25th. We were delighted to have 26 families joining the 6th grade teacher team in timely and relevant conversations about technology, time management, and the transition from 5th to 6th grade. We will be hosting an event for 7th grade families (December 12th) and 8th grade families (December 10th).
MacArthur School Multicultural Festival
MacArthur students and families enjoyed their annual Multicultural Festival on Thursday, November 14th after school. This community favorite continues to grow each year with more than 20 countries represented during the festival. Students attending receive a passport and gather flag stickers when moving around the festival to commemorate their travels. In addition to family presentations, MacArthur also welcomed Africano Waltham once again to perform during this community event. Thank you to all who attended, volunteered, for helping make this event so memorable, especially Mrs. Stephanie South, MacArthur Librarian, for her stewardship of this event since its inception.