LMA September Newsletter

You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great
– Alex Simon Manorek
Administrators' Message
Welcome Back to the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome back to another school year, as we complete the month of September at The Mill! We hope this newsletter finds you well, and that routines have been established with a smooth start of the school year! LMA has lots of great changes, and new staff to welcome as we start the school year. This summer we really spent time reflecting on the needs of the student population, and in an effort to continue improving the school climate, have made adjustments to our school schedule, and the way our therapeutic group sessions are implemented.
We are also excited to announce LMA now has a full time Guidance Counselor providing support and assistance to all LMA students in multiple areas. In addition to expanding with Guidance, LMA is now offering a new course called WIN (What I Need) to help support students academically outside of their core classes. Lastly, all students will work with an academic advocate monthly to complete a Student Success Plan, a living document in which each student will complete and work on throughout the year that encompasses academic and therapeutic supports both inside and outside the classroom. While there is a lot of excitement, and change; LMA will continue to keep the academic and therapeutic needs at the forefront of each LMA student.
We hope everyone has had a great start to the school year, and we look forward to working with all of you this school year! As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Reed, Danielle & John
LMA School Calendar for 2024-2025 Academic Year
October 2024 Important Dates
October 7-11 - Week of Respect
October 14 - No School (Staff Professional Development)
October 21 - Field Trip - Grounds for Sculpture
October 28 - Field Trip - Gravity Vault
Staff Spotlight
LMA welcomes Ms. Floroff, our New Guidance Counselor
LMA is happy to announce the addition of Ms. Floroff, our new school Guidance Counselor at LMA. Below is getting to know Ms. Floroff on our personal level. We are excited for her to help support our older students in so many academic and SEL ways!
Prior to coming to LMA, I've been a mental health therapist for about 15 years. I've worked at residential facilities, an outpatient clinic, various school districts, and I've worked with children and families in their homes. I really enjoy helping students to achieve their goals, as well as work with students and their families to have successes!
Some fun facts about me:
- I've been on 4 different cruises, one of which was a 10 day cruise. It made 6 different stops. My favorite was St. Maarten.
- I love to complete escape rooms.
- My favorite food is sushi, but I like trying different types of food.
- As a kid, my favorite show was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- My dream vacation is Bora Bora.
LMA Student of the Month - September 2024
Jabari F.
LMA is proud to announce our September Student of the Month as 12th grade student, Jabari. He is no stranger to LMA, and received the most amount of staff votes for progress, growth and responsibility in the month of September. Coming back to The Mill after summer break, Jabari has been focused on his senior year, and transitioning out of high school. We hope Jabari can continue this great progress, and best support him for his future plans!
Classroom Spotlights
Ms. Schneider Blends 'Zones of Regulation' with Music
Students started the school year infusing SEL into music. Using “The Zones of Regulation”, students discussed the various feelings in each zone and completed playlists for each zone, including one song to return to the calmer “green zone”. Throughout the year during our daily music appreciation time, students will hear a randomly selected song from a peer’s playlist and we will discuss what zone they think it reflects and why they feel that way.
Additionally, students have been working on musical rhythms, time signatures, and sight reading rhythms as a foundation for their music theory skills.
Ms. Miller's Social Studies classes are off to a great start!
Social Studies students spent time learning classroom routines and expectations before diving into course specific content. Middle School Social Studies started learning about Early Humans and how cave art was used to tell stories. Students created their own cave art paintings depicting “A Day at LMA.” World History students have been focusing on geography skills including identifying continents, oceans, and analyzing the importance of different landforms. Students created “Geography Landform Cubes” to hang around the classroom. US I History students have been learning about the early European explorers and the impact they made on Europe and the Americas. US II History students began studying the Industrial Revolution and how the boom in advanced inventions and technology influenced the 20th Century. Economics students have been studying the term Economics and how it impacts their everyday lives.
Updates from Mr. Peter's PE & Health Classes
Students have been working hard In Physical Education to start the year at Lamberts Mill Academy. We began the school year with the Fitness Unit where students participated in multiple fitness activities. Exercises include yoga, pilates, cardiovascular training, strength training, and stretching. Students were introduced to all the new and exciting machines and equipment that were purchased over the summer. Students loved the variety and challenges faced during the activity and all enjoyed themselves.
For Health we have started Unit 1: Health and Wellness and are discussing topics such as the health triangle, health risks and behaviors, and promoting health and wellness. Students will be creating comic strips in class focusing on strategies for avoiding risk behaviors spoken about in class.
Clinical Corner
5 ways to have a positive school year!
Follow school/classroom norms
Be kind and respectful to staff and peers
When you are having difficulties ask to speak to a trusted adult/staff member
Make attendance a priority
Celebrate achievements big or small
LMA 'The Mill' Merch
Show your LMA Pride!
The coveted LMA T-Shirt is still available for direct sale. Newly designed graphics on front and back, and a stylish army green color; this fresh, new LMA shirt looks like it would have been prominently displayed in the window of any Lord & Taylor department store!
If you would like to buy your own The Mill T-shirt, you can order directly from the Custom Ink below.
Learning Activities around LMA
Caring Contact Revisits LMA on 9/24
Problem Solving in Computer Science to make a boat float and hold pennies!
Geography Landform Cubes created in World History
Group Therapy
Students Outside of the Classroom / Alumni
LMA Graduate Tyshawn H.
LMA Graduate, Tyshawn, class of 2021 has been busy working security at the Prudential Center in Newark. This job has been really special for Tyshawn, since he has the opportunity to work alongside former LMA Safety and Security Monitor, Mr. Bromell. The two of them had a special bond while Tyshawn attended LMA as a student, and now they continue to strengthen their relationship as they provide the Prudential Center with a safe and secure environment.
Upcoming Community Events
Community Resources
School in the Community
Field trips to various locations
Monthly Community Meetings celebrating student awards.
About Us
Contact Information:
Phone: (908)-233-7581
Address: 1571 Lamberts Mill Road, Westfield, NJ, 07090
Website: https://ucesc.org/schools/lamberts_mill_academy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ucesc_lma/?hl=en
Lamberts Mill Academy is a school within the Union County Educational Services Commission. We are an out of district public school for students with psychiatric disabilities. We continue to partner with RWJ Trinitas Regional Medical Center to provide clinical services for our students. Our school community prides itself on our relationships with all stakeholders: students, staff, parents, families and community partnerships. Being a public school, we adhere to all NJDOE assessment and curriculum mandates. Our professional learning community strives to increase student achievement and improve classroom instruction to provide students with the most effective educational, social and emotional learning environment possible.