Clinton-Massie High School
November 30, 2024
November Students of the Month
Positive Behavior Recognitions - Momentum Awards
Caring - Ian Dunham (Kasten), Luke Myers (Sternsher)
Responsible - Saydi Hall (Caldwell), Kenzley Gale (Caldwell)
Willing to Learn - June Stockton (Seewer), Marshall Hunter (Seewer), Bret Gray (Seewer), Alyssa Sandlin (Seewer), McKenzie Chiaravalle (Seewer), Kyra Huston (Kasten)
Clinton-Massie HS National Honor Society Induction
Congratulations to our 2024 Clinton-Massie National Honor Society Inductees! We are happy to announce that 23 new members were inducted into the organization on Sunday, November 10. They are Jennifer Anderson, Malea Beam, Trenton Bennett, Georgia Black, Emma Crombie, Seth Dixon, Michael Dorgan, Ava Fisher, Taylor Green, Cassie Hargis, Marshal Hunter, Dakin Johnson, Sophia Jones, Hannah Kronenberger, Lauren McCreary, Danny Mefford, Daniel Norman, Shelby Robinson, Korrinne Thesken, Tristen Trampler, Samantha VanPelt, Cale Wilson, and Elliot Young.
National Honor Society Book Collection Drive
The National Honor Society recently hosted a book drive to collect books for the Clinton County Literacy Foundation. They collected 2,541 books for the drive, which was the most out of all the county schools. NHS would like to thank the Clinton-Massie Branch Library, Waynesville Library, the CM ELA department, and all others who contributed to the drive.
FAFSA is Now Open
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form is open, and you are able to start completing your application. FAFSA is a form that helps students pay for college by determining their eligibility for grants, scholarships, work study, and loans. If you're going to college in the fall (or even if you think you might), you need to complete the FAFSA (regardless of your parents'/guardians' income).
Before you can complete the FAFSA, both you and your parent will need to create an FSA ID. Use a non-school email when you sign up, as you will complete the FAFSA each year you are in college.
To complete your FAFSA, you will need the following:
Your social security number
Federal 2023 income tax returns, records of child support payments, and your current balance of cash, savings, and checking accounts
Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
Records of net worth of investments, businesses, and farms
Records of untaxed income (if applicable)
Here is a link to the Federal Student Aid's page that will help answer questions and tell you what to do. It has video links as well. Here is a link to the "Help" page, on which you can search by topic or read through the FAQs.
We know that this seems really overwhelming, but once you have your FSA ID set up and create an account, it typically takes about 30 minutes to complete. You'll want to get your FAFSA completed as soon as you're able.
If you need help, any college's financial aid office will be able to answer questions, and some colleges even host "FAFSA Workshops," at which you can go to the campus and an employee will help you complete the paperwork. Our partner school, Sinclair, offers virtual and in-person FAFSA help to families even if you're not a Sinclair student and do not plan to attend there.
Our CMHS Guidance Team (Beres & Sercu) can answer general questions about FAFSA, but they are not college employees/financial aid experts, we will typically direct you to the financial aid office at the college you plan to attend.
Senior Tailgate Party
The seniors enjoyed a senior tailgate before the last home football game on Friday, November 8. The event was catered by Roosters of Springboro. Senior class officers (Hailey Swiger, Maria Jones, Nora Fricke, and Emma Crombie) planned the festivities.
Clinton-Massie High School/Great Oaks FFA
FFA members wrote Christmas cards to residents at Cape May during their October meeting. Members hope that these cards will bring joy and cheer to their holiday season.
FFA officers visited Mrs. Green's 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes before Thanksgiving break to teach them about pumpkins. They also shared a book with them about all the different uses of pumpkins and ended their visit by making pumpkin-pie-in-a-bag!
CMHS Students attend the SBAAC Leadership Conference
Seven Clinton-Massie High School students were selected to attend the Annual SBAAC Student/Athlete Leadership Conference. This year, it was hosted at Goshen High School on Thursday, Nov. 14th at 9:00 am. At this conference the students worked to get to know other leaders from the SBAAC partner schools and participated in activities to build their leadership and communication skills. The goal is that these leaders will bring these experiences back to our community to share with their teams and peers.
CMHS LCYC at Blanchester for "Youth Helping Youth" Day
The Clinton-Massie High School Leadership Clinton Youth Collaborative Team met at Putman Elementary in Blanchester for "Youth Helping Youth" day. Students paired up with second- and fourth-graders for their lessons for the day. (Cassie Hargis, Malea Beam, Shelby Robinson, Lauren McCreary)
Digital Technology Engineering & Design - Rocket Fin Design
The Digital Technology in Engineering & Design students recently completed their Aerodynamic Rocket Fin Design Project. Students designed rocket fins that were precision cut on the laser cutter. The rockets were recently launched at the Falcon Football Stadium
Students achieving the highest altitudes with their fin designs were:
Noah Harmon with 240 feet
Olivia Smith with 260 feet
Jenny Anderson with 266 feet
Colton Zeiher with 308 feet
and Sam Massie with the highest altitude of 315 feet
Students achieving the highest level of flight stability with their fin designs were:
Jenny Anderson
Olivia Smith
Noah Harmon
Luke Myers
Ryan Anderson.
Congratulations to all the students on their terrific design work and successful rocket launches!
Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Operation Christmas
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) were privileged to be able to take part in Operation Christmas Child again this year. Our group donated 25 boxes filled with Christmas gifts that will be distributed around the world to children who are in great need. We are thankful that we are blessed with the means to do this and hope that it makes a difference in the life of the 25 children who receive them! (Submitted by Advisor Scott Rolf)
Jostens Senior Graduation Information
Clinton-Massie Local Schools - Rated 4.5 Stars
PE Waiver
If you are planning to apply for the PE Waiver, please see the attached form. You must complete this application and return it to Mr. Carey within 10 calendar days following the first official date for coaching and instruction. (OHSAA)
Update Final Forms
Please visit our school website to update your student's final forms account. If you are having difficulty with this update, please contact our office for assistance.
Falcon Pack Sign-Up
Our goal is to provide students with additional food on weekends throughout the school year. When students are fed with proper nutrition it will help them meet developmental milestones, be more attentive and retain learned information. To sign-up your student for our weekend Falcon Pack program please click here.
Packs are sent home on Fridays in students back packs.
**Please complete a new form for each of your students in need of food assistance.
Upcoming Dates:
December 2nd - School Resumes
December 4-5--EOC make-up testing
December 5th - Band Holiday Concert - 7pm
December 9th--Bill Davis from Laurel Oaks to visit with Sophomores.
December 13th - District Holiday Music Concerts - HS 9:45 am
December 17th - Choir Holiday Concert - 7pm
Semester Exam Week
December 17th (3,4,5)
December 18th (1,2)
December 19th (6,7)
December 20th (Make-ups)
CMHS Awareness Project
Don't be afraid to utilize the resources provided by our new Clinton-Massie Awareness Project! The new program is designed to bring awareness to the resources that we offer here at Clinton-Massie. You can access a free shower, washer and dryer, hygiene products, food pantries, and more through our new website that you can find here. We are here to help all of those in need, no shame!
Contact: @cmhs_awarenessproject
ProgressBook Log-In Information
Student/Parent/Guardian Concerns
Clinton-Massie High School
Email: aaron.seewer@cmfalcons.org
Website: cmfalcons.org
Location: 2556 Lebanon Road, Clarksville, OH, USA
Phone: 937-289-2109 ext: 2410
Twitter: @cmhsprincipal
AJ Avery
Assistant Principal
Email: aj.avery@cmfalcons.org
Website: cmfalcons.org
Location: 2556 Lebanon Road, Clarksville, OH, USA
Phone: 937-289-2109 ext: 2414
9-12 Public Education in Southwest Ohio