The STEM Weekly Stream
Edition 7
Daily Arrival to STEM
STEM Student Support Personal
Below are list of individuals to support our students in various aspects, including mental health and wellness, college and career readiness, social workers, guidance counselors, art therapists and drug and alcohol education/counseling.
Please reach out to STEM Guidance Team for any more information:
Brittney Hudson bhudson@chesteruplandsd.org
Sharay Barnes Sbarnes@chesteruplandsd.org
Jane Hawkins jhawkins@chesteruplandsd.org
Brittney Hudson, Gr. 9 and Gr. 10 Counselor
Sharay Barnes, Gr. 11 and Gr. 12 Counselor
Jane Hawkins, Social Worker
Edward Franklin, College and Career Readiness Counselor
Amanda Sommerville, Art Therapist (Grant funded)
Cosmi Konzelman, Substance Abuse Counselor (Grant funded)
Cassandra Mosley, Family Engagement Specialist (Grant funded)
Michelle Galdames Henry, EU Counseling Intern (Grant funded)
Afiya Dolloway, EU Counseling Intern (Grant funded)
Danielle Morgan, EU Intern Supervisor, (Grant funded)
Julanne Labrum, Socio-Emotional Learning Coach
Drug and Alcohol Education/Counselor at STEM
"Meet Cosmi Konzelman our new Drug & Alcohol Counselor available every Thursday at STEM Academy. She is a Licensed Social Worker and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional with 10 years of experience in the social work and mental health field. Her program focuses on supporting students who have experienced trauma and are struggling with substance use to help teach them safe coping skills and how to live a healthier more productive life. Referrals will be sent through MTSS, so please reach out to the Guidance Counselors if you feel this would benefit your students. Feel free to email Ms. Konzelman with any questions regarding her program at ckonzelman@chesteruplandsd.org"
STEM Upcoming Events
November 5th No Students Staff In-Service
Seat Time and Denial of Credit
Seat Time and Denial of Credit
To obtain academic credit for a course, students must be in attendance and have their attendance recorded at least 90% of the time that a class is scheduled. Failure to attend at least 90% of the scheduled classes of any one credit course or half-credit course may result in a denial of credit for that course. Please reach out to the Guidance Office at STEM AcademyHigh School for further information
Updated Attendance/Lateness
Student attendance will be a major area of focus at STEM and throughout CUSD this year. In order for our students to achieve at the highest level, they need to be on time and in all their classes each day. We need all students and families to be aware of these guidelines and work together to ensure we have a great year.
1st Period begins promptly at 7:30a.m. Students are allowed to begin entering the building at 7:10a.m. and are encouraged to go to the Cafeteria to get breakfast.
All students must enter the school building no later than 7:35 a.m.
Students will be marked tardy if they are not in class by 7:45 a.m.
Students will not be admitted into their classroom after 7:45 without a late note signed by the Front Office.
Students will not be allowed inside the building after 8:00 a.m. without a parent or guardian to sign them in.
Students will be reminded of these rules in all classes. We appreciate the support of families helping to improve student attendance this year!
Cell Phone Usage
According to teachers, parents, and even students themselves, it is clear that the biggest distraction to learning is their phones. We cannot expect teaching and learning to occur when phones are in the hands of students during their classes. Therefore, students will not be permitted to have cell phones in the classroom this year.
· Students will be required to put their phones away during the school day
· Students will be permitted to access their phones at lunch and return the phones to their bag before returning to class
· Headphones/earbuds/Airpods may not be worn in school
Students who choose not to adhere to these rules will be subject to escalating consequences.
This will be an adjustment for our students, but certainly a positive one. We appreciate the support of our Families to make this happen!