Stayton Elementary School
February Cheetah Newsletter
A collaborative school that strives for excellence by providing a positive and nurturing environment that allows our diverse student population to develop self worth and reach their highest potential
Principal's Message
Well, we are off to an amazing start to the new year. We have hit the ground running and gearing up for the kids' heart challenge. Students will participate in the challenge on February 5th and 6th this month. The following classrooms will do their challenge on the 5th: Mrs. Macedo, Mrs. Hill, Ms. McKibbon, Mrs. Daniels/Kuenzi, Mrs. Schaffer, Mr. Carl, Mrs. Purnell, Mrs. Erwin, and Ms. Laugle. The following classrooms will do their challenge on the 6th: Mrs. Kostic, Mrs. Flemming, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Carter, Ms. Rorman, Mrs. Alderson/Henderson, Mrs. Holm, Mrs. Ables, and Mrs. Robbins/Olson. Fundraising for the Heart Challenge ends on February 7th. Feel free to wear red on your day. Our students enjoy participating in this challenge.
Some important dates to look forward to this month are Valentine’s Day on February 14th. Please look to individual classroom communications to find out what is happening in your child’s classroom that day. Our next dress-up day is on the 7th. Students are encouraged to wear fancy attire. There is no school on the 17th, as we will celebrate Presidents’ Day. On the 21st, we encourage your child to represent their favorite college by wearing their favorite gear.
We are bringing back family movie night on the 28th. We will be showing “Minions: The Rise of Gru.” Students can come to school that day dressed up as minions. Doors will open at 5:45 p.m., and the movie will start at 6:00 p.m. We will also have a snack bar open where popcorn, candy, and sodas can be purchased. There is no cost to attend the movie. Bring your favorite blankets, pillows, and chairs to make your experience as comfortable as possible.
We believe in the importance of student voice at our school! We're excited to announce a new initiative where we'll be gathering input from every single student here at SES. To make this happen, we'll be partnering with a group of high school students with strong communication skills. These students will be leading small group discussions with our students, asking thoughtful and age-appropriate questions. Stayton High School Vice Principal Joe Traeger will coordinate this effort and bring over some talented high schoolers. We're looking forward to this valuable partnership and hearing directly from our amazing students!
Stayton Elementary will be hosting our school board meeting this month on the 20th. We will be doing a short spotlight at the beginning of the meeting. I encourage you to attend and hear about all the fabulous things happening in our school. The meeting will be here in the cafeteria starting at 6 pm. We look forward to seeing you there.
Mrs. Moore
AVID Corner
Kindergarten: Monthly Planner/Reading Binder/ Daily Schedule
The ability to plan and stick to a schedule is crucial for success. Kindergarten teachers start introducing this to students by using a daily schedule and a monthly reading tracker. Each teacher shares the plan for the day with students in the morning so they can be prepared and know what to expect. Students quickly learn how to read the schedule and are able to prepare for the next activity and know what to expect throughout the day. Doing this sets students up for success and introduces them to the concept of planning out one's day. The monthly reading tracker allows students to see the big picture of their hard work. They log how long they read each day and are able to see the accumulation of minutes at the end of the month. This provides students with a sense of pride while helping them build daily habits.
1st Grade: Essential Question
First graders are learning so much throughout the day. To help them focus on what that moment’s lesson is, they have been breaking down essential questions for each lesson. By doing so, they point out keywords that popped out to them. As a class, we talk about what the question is actually asking us. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to answer that question.
2nd Grade: Critical Reading Process
Unknown math problems are tricky! 2nd grade has been using the critical reading process to better understand unknown numbers and word problems in math. Students have been following the 3-read protocol, paying attention to different aspects of the problem during each read and marking the text to show their thinking. This process helps students understand the question, which helps them set up an equation that matches the problem.
3rd Grade: Academic Language and Discussion Structures
Third grade is focusing on using academic language and discussion structures. As we work on our nonfiction writing unit, the students will be working on having meaningful discussions with their peers about what they are learning.
RULER (Recognize, Understand, Label, Express, Regulate)
RULER is an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) that we have started to implement here at Stayton Elementary. It is designed to help students recognize the emotions they are feeling. To understand that we all feel lots of emotions. To teach students to identify where their emotions fall on our mood meter and how to shift from an undesired emotion to a desired one. Last month we introduced the meta-moment and how it might be used.
This month I want to talk more about leveraging your best self which is step 3 of the meta-moment. When teaching students about their best self, we ask them to think about what their best self looks like. How do they act when they are embodying the characteristics of their “best self”? How does your “best self” walk into the school, talk to their teacher and other classmates? How might this version of their “best self” handle a conflict with a peer? It is important for students to have a clear image of what their best self looks like so they can draw in this image when taking a meta-moment. I would encourage you to spend some time talking with your child about what their best self looks like here at school.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
To help our students stay focused on learning and have fun at school, we kindly ask that cell phones and smartwatches be left at home whenever possible.
We understand that sometimes parents may need to reach their child before or after school. If this is the case, students may bring a cell phone to school. Please make sure the phone is turned off and kept in their backpack during school hours. Smartwatches are okay for tracking time, but please avoid using them for texting or calling during school hours.
If we notice a phone or smartwatch being used for calls or texts during school hours, we'll keep it safe in the teacher's desk or the school office. Parents can then pick them up before or after school.
Immunization Exclusion Day is Wednesday, February 19th
School immunization exclusion day is a policy implemented to ensure that children attending school are protected against preventable diseases. On February 19th, 2025 children who have not received the required vaccinations or have incomplete immunization records may be excluded from school until their immunization status is brought up to date. This policy aims to create a safer learning environment for all students by minimizing the risk of outbreaks of serious illnesses. Please make sure that your students are up-to-date on their vaccines.
School Crosswalks and Driving
Here's a summary of the Oregon law ORS 811.028 regarding "Failure to Stop and Remain Stopped for a Pedestrian" for parents of elementary school students:
Key Points:
- Drivers MUST stop for pedestrians:
- In crosswalks.
- Even if the crosswalk is in a lane next to the one the driver is in.
- When turning, even if the pedestrian is in a lane next to the one the driver is turning into.
- Pedestrians have the right-of-way: Drivers must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
- "Crossing the roadway" includes: Any part of the pedestrian entering the roadway, including wheelchairs, canes, etc.
- Important Exceptions:
- Drivers don't have to stop if there's a safety island between them and the pedestrian.
- Drivers don't have to stop if an overpass or underpass is available.
How to Teach Your Child:
- Use Crosswalks: Always use designated crosswalks to cross the street.
- Look Both Ways: Look both ways before crossing, even in a crosswalk.
- Make Eye Contact: Make sure drivers see you before crossing.
- Be Visible: Wear bright clothing, especially at night.
- Be Patient: Wait for a safe gap in traffic.
- Never Run: Running can make it harder for drivers to see you.
This information is for general knowledge and should not be considered legal advice.
FREE Family Movie Night!
Important Dates for February
12th - 3rd graders music trip to Willamette U.
12th - PTC Meeting 3:30pm
14th - Happy Valentine's Day
17th - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
19th - Immunization Exclusion Day
21st - College Wear Day
28th - Minion Dress Up Day
28th - Family Movie Night 6:00pm
About Us
875 North 3rd Ave.
Stayton, OR 97383
email: ses.webmaster.k12.or.us
website: nsantiam.k12.or.us/domain/10
Mission Statement:
Providing opportunities for personal growth through shared learning experiences and meaningful interactions for our diverse student population