February Weekly Update
Week of Monday February 10-14th, 2025
What's Happening This Week:
Dear MVE Families,
Report cards will be sent home with students on Thursday, February 13. Along with the report cards will be our “Report Card Guide for Families.” I have also attached a copy to this email so parents can become familiar with our standards-based reporting system.
Report cards document where a student is at any given time. I often share with educators and families about student progress: “Wherever each student is is a good place to be, but not a good place to stay.” This sentiment recognizes that all students learn in different ways and at different times. The most important thing is to have a growth mindset and set goals for continued learning. As a school we are prepared to support your child's growth every step of the way. If you have questions, please contact your student's teacher.
Paul Gutzler
MVE Principal
Clubs & AfterCare
This is the final week of winter Clubs. Early Spring Club registration will go out soon.
Tues. Feb 10th-
Ski Cubs, grades 1 & 2
Wed. Feb. 11th-
Time Travelers Club, grades 4 & 5
Thur. Feb. 12th-
Ski Cubs, grades Kinder
Fri. Feb. 13th-
Yoga Club, K & 1
Wrestling Club, K-3
Zentangle Club, 2-5th
Chess Club, 3-5th
Ice Skate Club, 3-6th
And a friendly reminder that we will continue to offer clubs and care on Fridays until 3:30 pm. No extended care on Fridays at this time. Questions can be directed to lcarlton@methow.org
From Bob Winters, Dean of Students
Hello Everyone,
Following up on last week’s note about creating and maintaining relationships with our kids in the lunchroom and outside at recess… Zipping up coats, helping secure mittens, tying shoes, getting children inside to use the bathroom, handing out band-aids, locating soccer balls, pushes on the swings, and finding icicle treasures: these are all important, daily tasks that offer opportunities for making important connections by way of our quick help, ready smiles and a chance for a little conversation. Helping to sort out differences and conflicts is another important way in which we get to know one another. During these emotionally charged times, we can be empathetic listeners, offer problem-solving strategies, and provide a calm, steady demeanor. All the while, this wide variety of interactions is being noticed by everyone else on the playground or in the lunchroom, which then makes the rounds via a complex web of comments and conversations. Our kids notice pretty much everything. They can certainly tell how much we care about them and how they are doing. But the most important contributor to the lunchroom and playground relationships? Symbolic actions and modeling - two dynamics deserving their own treatment in next week’s note.
Have a great week!
Bob Winters
From the Office
Attendance Reminder: Please either call the office at 509-996-2186 or email Stacey at scooley@methow.org if your student will be absent. You may also leave a message on the attendance line. Thank you
From The Bus Garage:
*Important Parking Information: In the interest of student safety, parking is allowed only in designated areas. These include the parking spots in front of the tennis courts and the area directly to the south of the courts. Please do not park in the bus lane in front of MVE.
Why does this matter? We have a 5 pm activity bus that picks up students in front of the main entrance to MVE. It is extremely important that this area is kept entirely clear. Cars parked in this area, even briefly, make it difficult for the bus to access the pick-up spot. Just as importantly in terms of student safety, cars parked in this area create blind spots, making it hard for drivers to see people, especially children, who are crossing to reach vehicles parked on the other side. Finally, there are fire hydrants located in this area and it is essential that we maintain access for emergency vehicles. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Upcoming Events:
4H Meeting: Monday, Feb. 10th at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary School lunchroom.
Keeping our Students Safe: This Tuesday, February 11th, as part of our regular Emergency Operation procedures, Winthrop Marshall, Ty Sheehan will be visiting Methow Valley Elementary. In addition to visiting with students in the cafeteria and at recess, Marshall Sheehan will be discussing our ongoing partnership with local law enforcement officials that includes our regularly scheduled safety drills.
February 13th: 4th Grade Schoolyard Science, on campus.
February 15th: Home AAU games in the Cub & Eagle gyms.
February 17th - 21st: No School, Mid-Winter Break.
Summer Resource Fair- Wednesday, March 4th from 3:30-4:30 pm in the MVE Cafeteria. Time to start thinking about warmer weather! Meet with local organizations hosting summer camps and other events. This is your chance to see it all in one place. Grab registration forms, and start planning your kids' summer of fun! Questions can be directed to lcarlton@methow.org
Email: pgutzler@methow.org
Website: www.methow.org
Phone: 509-996-2186