Grant Line Buzz
September 6 - September 13 , 2024
A note from Mrs. Satkoski....
****PARENTS - If your child is a car rider you MUST use the car rider line. Please DO NOT park in the bus lane OR Grant Line Road - that is not safe and not protocol.
September 12 is an asynchronous learning day. Students will not attend school in person, but will have assignments on their chrome books in google classroom to complete for attendance. Teachers will be available via email from 8 am - 11 am. Parent-Teacher Conferences will then be from 12 pm - 7 pm. Please make sure to keep chrome books safe and charge them prior to returning to school. Chargers need to be returned with the chrome book.
September 13 will be a teacher PD day and students will not attend school.
Assistant Opening
We have a prime time assistant opening at Grant Line. The hours would be 8:15 - 2:45. Please apply online at www.nafcs.org. We'd love to have you join our team!
Background Check - Google Form
If you'd like to volunteer for a field trip or to help in a classroom, please fill out this form. This is much easier than the paper form!
School Commitment for the Week
Our school commitments for the week focus on recess.
1. Hands and feet to self.
2. Use kind words.
3. Stay in recess area where an adult can see you.
4. Include others.
Cafeteria News
Counselor's Corner
Upcoming Events
August 6 - September 24 - Life Skills with Our Place - 4th Grade Classes (each class is one day per week)
September 12 - Asynchronous Learning Day/Parent-Teacher Conferences
September 13 - No School; Teacher Professional Development Day
September 14 - PTO Ice Cream Social
September 16 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 pm in Library
September 17 - Parenting Class w/Mrs. McCory - 6:00 - 7:00 in library
September 27 - End of Quarter 1; Grant Line Spiritwear Day! Wear your best GLE colors or clothes.
September 28 - October 13 - No School - Fall Break
October 14 - Beginning of Quarter 2
October 18 - Grant Line Trick or Treat Night sponsored by PTO
October 25 - Fall Colors Spirit Day. Wear your best orange and black gear!
November 1 - Fall Parties
November 8 - Football Spirit Day. Wear your favorite football shirt or colors!
PTO News
GLE Club Dates
Community News
Use this link to sign up for the camp! After you sign up, please let your teacher know of any dismissal changes.
Grant Line - https://forms.gle/oEApydKCVPbhanvw9