Monday Morning Memo
St. Mary of the Assumption School
January 21, 2020
Contact Information
Location: 4610 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, USA
Phone: 3016274170
Note from the Principal
Thursday is our Glow Run Boosterthon! We are so close to our goal, so as an added challenge, any student who gets a pledge of any amount TODAY ONLY (1/21) will get to wear pajamas to school tomorrow!
Don't forget, the class that raises the most money overall gets to SLIME THE PRINCIPAL!
Catholic Schools Week begins next week. We will be sending home a pizza order form for Family Pizza next Tuesday (also attached). I hope to see many of you at our Open House on Sunday.
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Lewis
Glow Run Boosterthon Thursday!
Returning Family Enrollment Ends January 31st!
Buy Your Gala Tickets!
New Items
Golden Apple Nominations
On May 7, 2020, the Archdiocese of Washington Catholic Schools will host the twelfth annual Golden Apple Awards for excellence in teaching. Parents and students are invited to annually nominate a teacher for the Golden Apple Award. A selection committee will then choose 10 winners from the entire ADW with the approval of the Secretary for Catholic Schools.
A dinner in honor of the winners will be on May 7, 2020 where each of the 10 teachers will be presented a golden apple, a Certificate of Achievement, and a check for $5,000.Our wonderful Mrs. Ruckstuhl is a former winner!
The nomination form is attached. To qualify, teachers must be:
1. A practicing Catholic
2. A full time teacher
3. Completed a minimum of three consecutive full years in their current
Archdiocesan parish based or independent elementary or secondary
school in the Archdiocese of Washington.
4. The teacher must be state-certified to teach in MD, VA or DC and
certified to teach religion by the ADW.
If you have any questions about a teacher's eligibility, please let me know.
Upcoming Dates
January 22nd: Report Cards
January 23rd: Glow Run Boosterthon
January 26-31st: Catholic Schools Week (See flier for details)
Sunday: Catholic Schools Mass 9:30am; Open House 11am-1pm
Monday: Dress Down Day
Tuesday: Sports Themed Attire; 8:45-11am Classroom Visits; 11-1pm Family Pizza
Wednesday: Character Attire; Canned Food Drive; 7:30-8:30am Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
Thursday: Pajama/Lounge Wear Attire
Friday: Dress to Impress Attire; 10:10am Mass; 12:30 Dismissal
Raffle Basket Items Needed!
o Pre-K: Disney: anything Disney, big or small
o Kindergarten: Baking: specialty spices, bakeware, etc.
o 1st grade: Fitness: fitness bags, yoga equipment, small weights, resistance bands, water bottles,
o 2nd grade: Harry Potter: anything and everything Harry Potter from the books to mugs. If it has anything Harry Potter associated with it, we want it!
o 3rd grade: Dad Basket: specialty grilling items, Man Cave items, beer mugs, etc.
o 4th grade: Maryland: We are proud of our State and like to show it. If you see something that screams Maryland, grab it! Anything with our flag to crabs and Old Bay!!
o 5th grade: Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate: mugs, specialty coffee, a tea kettle, an espresso frother, any type of chocolate.
o 6th grade: Sports Fan: items for Ravens, Redskins, Nationals, Orioles, Capitals, Mystics, Wizards....or any of the actual balls/equipment from any sport
o 7th grade: Date Night: restaurant gift cards, movie passes, spa certificates, candles
o 8th grade: Lottery Tickets: scratch offs or cash