BIRCH Friday News!
November 15th
Please join the Birch community on Friday, November 22nd in the cafeteria for a wonderful Pancake breakfast. The school main doors will open at 6:55, and breakfast will be served from 7-7:45AM in the cafeteria. The breakfast is FREE, but we ask everyone to donate a non-perishable food item for Broomfield FISH, our community food bank. We will have pancakes, GF pancakes, syrup and water. Adults, please bring your own coffee ;-)
PLEASE CHECK THE LOST AND FOUND FOR ANY MISSING CLOTHING while you are down by the cafeteria. We will donate all remaining items.
KINDNESS is a gift we all can give! A smile, a kind word, or a helping hand can brighten someone’s day and make the world a better place. Remember, small acts of kindness have big impacts!
SKATE CITY NIGHT-Monday, November 18th 5-7pm
Showcase Information for First Grade Families:
You are invited! Please mark your calendar for our upcoming First Grade Specials Showcase Friday, November 22nd from 8:55-9:45am. This is a unique opportunity to travel with your child through each of our three specials (Art, Music, and P.E.) to see what your student has been learning! Hope to see you there!
Birch Specials Team,
Sharyl Hazzard (Art), Amy Self (Music), and Jenean Armstrong (P.E.)
PTO Special Presentation
Birch staff, in collaboration with a district specialist, will share a short presentation at the November 19th PTO meeting. The purpose of the presentation is to share district and school-wide positive climate efforts, and help families gain a better understanding of language and supports to aid students with navigating conflicts. We'd love for you to join us!
Original Works Delivery
Original Works orders are HERE! They are in Friday Folders and backpacks today. This is a wonderful company that takes your child's art and prints it onto professionally made products. This fundraiser supports Art here at Birch and makes great gifts and keepsakes for you and your family. If you missed out on this order, late orders are available until November 22! Please email Mrs. Hazzard at sharyl.hazzard@bvsd.org with any questions or if you need your child’s artwork code. Thank you for supporting Art at Birch and your child's creativity!
Have your kids outgrown some of their books? Would you like to pass them on to the Birch community? Birch is doing a Book Swap! Bring in your gently loved books throughout the month of November. Mrs. A will organize them and have them out for students to select from at Friendsgiving Breakfast on November 22nd. With your donations, everyone can start Thanksgiving break with new-to-you books to read!
ACTION ITEM - Volunteering/Visitors:
ACTION ITEM - Volunteering/Visitors:
- HERE are the steps to start the process
- It takes about two weeks to process, receive, and notify schools of checks, so please plan accordingly
- Helpful Steps to Complete the CBI Background check
- Please bring your ID
- The office will print you a visitor's badge
- Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult
- Please send an email to mary.e.obrien@bvsd.org informing the school of the visit, and authorizing the visitor to eat lunch with your student.
- Ensure the visitor will have their ID with them, as they will be admitted through the Raptor system.
Friday, Nov. 1 through Wednesday, January 8
The Boulder Valley School District begins accepting applications for open enrollment on Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 through Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025. Due to the lottery process, families have equal possibilities of getting their school of choice, as long as it is during the window. Lottery results will be sent on or about Jan. 10.
FRIDAY-November 15th 10am-11am
MONDAY-December 9th 10am-11am
The 2024 Holiday Sale will run November 4th thru mid-December. 25% off all merchandise with delivery guaranteed before the holidays!
- Skate City Night-Monday, November 18th (5pm-7pm)
- PTO Meeting-Tuesday, November 19th @ 6pm
- 1ST Grade Showcase-Friday, November 22nd (8:55am-9:45am)
- Fall Conference Exchange Days NO SCHOOL-Monday & Tuesday November 25th and 26th
- NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break-Wednesday-Friday, November 27th-29th
Birch Elementary
Counselor-Emily Tweten
Office Manager-Kristy Shanks
Registrar-Mary O'Brien
Health Assistant-Carol Bristow
Website: https://bie.bvsd.org/
Location: 1035 Birch Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-8800