George Ranch H.S.
GRHS Longhorn News 2-26-2023
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday GRHS Longhorns,
We are rolling in the 5th six weeks, which means Spring Break is right around the corner! Good choices and staying on top of your studies is critical if you will be taking advantage of exemptions at the end of the semester! The CHOICES you make today...will affect the perks you may or may not receive in May! It's totally up to you, so EVERYTHING you do matters! You got this!
Lots of WINNING happening at the Ranch! From Sports to Fine Arts to CTE Organizations.... our Longhorns are making it happen! Please join us in celebrating them and continuing to cheer them on!
Our Band Longhorns did GR-eat at the Solo and Ensemble Contest this weekend! As did our SKILLSUSA...they are headed BACK to State!
One more time...for the students that might have missed it in my last newsletter! We STILL have some students that are not following my expectations, parents please speak to your student, this is not optional. Spring has sprung, which means the weather is starting to warm up at least every other day! Gotta love Texas weather! This is also a time that dress code needs to be revisited. Make sure you are following it. I have included it below again.
- Current GRHS ID's on the second you walk through our doors.
- Shorts must have at least a 3 inch inseam which means I can EASILY see them well below the bottom of your t-shirt/sweatshirt.
- There should be NO visible mid-drift (skin) showing between your tops and your bottoms. Just wearing a jacket (that is wide open is not acceptable). Zip it up ALL DAY or wear a longer shirt please! Thanks!
ID Weekly Reminder
ID MUST be worn visibly on the top half of your body EVERY DAY! I announce this EVERY SINGLE MORNING. If you cannot find yours please scan the Blue/Yellow QR code in this newsletter, in the classrooms, or hanging in the front of the school service window to buy one. We will continue to do ID sweeps, and anyone without one will be charged $5 and given a new one. This is NOT optional, as it is part of dress code, but more importantly a safety measure so we can quickly see who belongs and who does not on campus.
Assistant Principal Support Team (ALPHA split by LAST NAME)
Assistant Principal contact info (by last name alpha split):
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-EK) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split EL-LA) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split LE-P) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Q-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Counselor Support Team:
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Francheska Arias - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- francheska.arias@lcisd.org
Marci Macha -George Ranch Registrar - mamacha@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - Campus Athletic Coordinator (boys athletic questions/concerns) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Alicia Dutch - Assistant Campus Coordinator (girls athletic questions/concerns)
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- Dress Code...still needs some attention!
- Join us March 4th to Visit the Mystical Land of NEW LANDIA with our Longhorn Players!
- Attendance Notes MUST be turned in within 5 days of when you return! (see link in newsletter)
- Summer Dual Credit Registration Closes March 10th! Don't wait, seats fill up fast!
- NHS provides Peer Tutoring Every Wednesday Morning in the Library!
Struggling to pass one of your EOC's? Additional Twice a Week After School STAAR Tutorial Opportunities are here and transportation is provided! See Flyer!
- Getting your permit? Please request your VOE using the link provided in this newsletter.
- AIRPODS, HEADPHONES, EARBUDS ONLY ALLOWED DURING LUNCH AND ADVISORY (NOT allowed to be worn during transition times in between classes) I need you to be able to hear me for safety reasons.
- Early Pick-Up Procedures and Contact Info
Join us March 4th to Visit the Mystical Land of NEW LANDIA!
GReat Performance by our GRHS ASA Club at the Pep Rally! The Energy was Electrifying!
Building Search 2nd place
Timothy Whithead, Aydan Fuller, Ximena Borrego, and Kylie Ritchards
Crime Scene 3rd place
John Garcia, K'love Delgado, and Jia-Li McLean
Forensic Science 1st place
Kathleen La, Maverick Flores, and Parsa Sholkrollahi
Prepared Speech 2nd place
Chimdima Nwana
Health Knowledge Bowl Quiz 1st place
Brandon Varon, Christaria Lee, Maella Koffi, and Marteen Subia
Medical Terminology
Maella Koffi 2nd place
Marteena Subia 3rd place
Opening and Closing Ceremony 1st place
Brandon Varon, Ximena Borrego, K'Love Delgado, Kathleen La, Maverick Flores, Liam Nunez, and Marteen Subia
Criminal Justice Boards - Superior State Qualified
Myles Williams
Alexander Chavez
K'Love Delgado
Jia-Li McLean
Kathleen La
Kylie Ritchards
John Garcia
Ximena Borrego
Liam Nunez
Maverick Flores
Health Boards - Superior State Qualified
Maria Salazar-Cornejo
Marteena Subia
Maella Koffi
GRHS Band students performed at the UIL Solo and Ensemble event this weekend at Dulles HS. 76 students earned first division ratings, with 19 students advancing to UIL State Solo & Ensemble Contest in May. Way to go Longhorns!
LCISD is looking for Great People to Join our Team Next Year! Join us this Saturday!
Revisiting for Spring...AGAIN...still had some non-believers this week! Please make sure you are complying!
EOC Tests are Graduation Requirements! Save the Dates!
Struggling to pass one of your EOC exams? We are here to help! This is a graduation requirement, so please plan on joining us for twice a week afternoon STAAR Tutorial opportunities hosted by GRHS teachers!
Juniors this is this week! We hope you took advantage of the FREE SAT prep through Khan Academy that has been in here for the past 3 weeks!!
Summer Dual Credit Offerings! Attention 10th and 11th grade students! Summer Dual Credit Registration is now open. Summer seats fill quickly, so register ASAP. Registration closes March 10th!!
See The PDF's Below for Dual Credit Checklist, Application, and Criteria!
DId you Know that NHS Provides Tutoring Every Wednesday Morning?
Parents, are you a member of the ABC? IF so, your Senior longhorn can apply for one of the 15 scholarship opportunities below!
Safety and Behavior Reminders
- Correct IDs on at all times when you enter our building.
- Your words matter...make sure what is coming out of your mouth is helpful, productive, and appropriate. You have all signed off on the student code of conduct in your beginning of year forms.
- Do not open exterior doors for ANYONE (even if you know them) - if it is locked, they must walk around and check in through the front office. There are signs posted on the door...follow them please.
- ATTENTION STUDENT DRIVERS - Please stay in your lane when entering and exiting the parking lots. Be patient, and wait your turn by alternating who pulls out next. Student driving and parking at the Ranch are just that...a privilege...not a right. There will be no more warnings, just the consequence of losing the right to drive/park at the Ranch.
- PARENTS DROPPING OFF/PICKING UP STUDENTS: Please make sure you are in a spot and NOT blocking any driveway areas so that people can get in and out of the parking lot. You cannot block any parking spaces, as this causes my staff to not be able to park, get in the building, and be on duty. Thanks!
Getting your permit? Please request your VOE using the button below!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you by clicking this button below to request! Please allow 48 hour (business day) turn around on all requests. You will be picking these up in the student service window, and we will let you know when it is ready!
ATTENTION CLASS OF ’23 PARENTS/GUARDIANS! We’re happy to announce that we’ve increased the size of our 2023 Legacy Yearbook--adding 8 additional pages--giving parents/guardians of our graduates the additional space in which to place a Senior Tribute Ad! If you’d like to purchase a Senior Tribute Ad for your graduate, or upgrade the size of an ad that you recently purchased directly from Mr. T. at the school, email Mr. T. at thomas.terrando@lcisd.org for additional ad sizes available.
ATTENTION ALL LONGHORNS: Due to HIGH DEMAND we’ve ordered an additional 100 books to sell to Longhorn students, parents and community members! To order your book, go directly to Balfour.com (we cannot sell books directly through GR) and place your order and pay securely. The book will be delivered to your student in May at The Ranch!
Here is the link: https://www.balfour.com/student-info?smi=131949
See the visual below for help!
Please email Nurse Warner to report your child has COVID or with any questions!
REMINDER! Airpods, Headphones, and Earbuds only allowed during YOUR advisory and YOUR lunch time (and ONLY if you have your ID on) If you choose to bring them to school, you are solely responsible for keeping up with them.
Student badges will serve as the student ID and SmartTag all in one card. With this ID our GRHS students are able to ride the bus, purchase breakfast/lunch, check out library books, able to use their personal devices (phones/airpods, etc) during lunch and advisory.
Refusing to wear your ID visibly on the top half of your body, is not an option, and will result in the consequences stated on the consequence chart below. Please make sure you are wearing your OWN ID.
Every GRHS student has been gifted an ID, protective plastic cover, and lanyard. It is imperative that our Longhorns adhere to this expectation, as this is part of the daily dress code for staff and students. If you need another badge or lose this one there is a $5 replacement cost. This is NOT optional, it is part of dress code. You can pay by cash or it will be charged to your student library account, for EACH replacement you need. Please note that a hold will be placed on your semester grades, transcripts, and final exemptions if this fine is not cleared.
If you are needing to PURCHASE ANOTHER student ID, please use the QR code (above) to request one. You can either pay $5 cash when you pick it up, or we will charge your school library account if you do not have cash. Emails will be sent in Skyward to parent and student emails each time you are charged.
Early Pick Up Procedures - Clear Bag Policy - Consequence Chart
Please use the link below to email the GRHS Attendance Office! Attendance Notes MUST be turned in within 5 days of when you return!
2022-2023 Instructional Calendar and Bell Schedule
Questions and Documents that you will need to have ready when you start the ONLINE process:
- Copy of Drivers License UPLOADED (NO PERMITS allowed)
- CURRENT Insurance Card UPLOADED (with GRHS student LISTED AS DRIVER)
- Vehicle Make, Model, Year, Color, and License Plate Number
- 1st color zone selection, 2nd color zone selection.
- Parking Pass Payment Receipt UPLOADED
- Rules and Regulations Acknowledgment read and signed
If you have additional questions please contact Mrs. Mendez via email bmendez@lcisd.org
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to support! We are available (via email) during business hours and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-EK) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split EL-LA) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split LE-P) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Marqueshah Coy - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Q-Z) mcoy@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - Campus Athletic Coordinator (BOYS athletic questions/concerns) ncavallo@lcisd.org
Alicia Dutch - Assistant Campus Coordinator (GIRLS athletic questions/concerns)
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are ready and available to support you. The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance as soon as possible. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou) stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Alicia Henley-Stegent Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) alicia.stegent@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Francheska Arias - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- francheska.arias@lcisd.org
Marci Macha -George Ranch Registrar - mamacha@lcisd.org
Seniors....get ready!
Linked below is our new GRHS CCMR Newsletter. A ONE STOP SHOP for all things College and Career!
The newsletter highlights:
- Important upcoming dates and events
- Setting up a meeting with Mrs. Arias
- College application resources
- SAT/ACT/TSI Testing Info
- SchooLinks resources
- and much more!
Be sure to check it out and keep the link handy! GRHS CCMR Newsletter
GPA Rank Update Timeline from our GR Registrar!
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS
GRHS Student News - E22
In honor of Black History Month, Ms. Flores ASL 3 Class researched Notable Black Deaf Individuals, created flyers, and used FlipGrid to sign the information for each person. We encourage all our Longhorns and GR Staff members to stop by the cafeteria and scan the QR codes to learn with us!
What a GReat Lunch Time Career Fair This Week!
What a GReat day we had at our Career Lunch Fair. Big shout out to our students for representing their CTE programs and thank you to all of our reps who came out and provided our Longhorns more information about post-secondary opportunities. #CulinaryInstituteLenotre Paul Mitchell Houston Pima Medical Institute Texas State Technical College U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Navy U.S. Army Houston Community College District Wharton County Junior College Tulsa Welding School
RosenbergPD has been training Mrs. Urbina’s Law students on felony stops! Today SKILLSUSA students competed today at TSTC! #CTEROCKS #WeAreGR
Great vet science contest at the Jersey village CDEs! More work to do as we get ready for our next contest!
They got that "Competition Season" Vibe!
The GR softball program moved to 2-0 in district play with a win over Austin tonight!
JV came away with a 15-0 win over Austin with Emily Narvais and Maggie Shannon pitching. Kennedy Jolley led offensively with 2 RBI's. Cadi Bodnar led in scored runs. JV play Randle at home in a non-district game on Friday at 4 pm.
Varsity: Four hits from Ella Kolenko paved the way to victory over Fort Bend Austin 11-1 on Tuesday. Kolenko singled in the first, singled in the second, singled in the third, and doubled in the fifth. GR notched four runs in the third inning. Kamaryn Radford, Kolenko, and Karrlauhn Deas all contributed in the big inning with RBIs. Zaria Turner was the winning pitcher for GR. The pitcher lasted five innings, allowing four hits and one run while striking out two and walking one. Varsity collected 14 hits. Kolenko, Abigail Bergeron, Kathleen Dolan, and Radford each collected multiple hits for George Ranch George Ranch Longhorns Varsity. Kolenko led George Ranch George Ranch Longhorns Varsity with four hits in four at bats. Mairah Garner coming up big with a double.
George Ranch Varsity Softball wrapped up another full weekend of tournament ball with the Battle of the Best tournament in West Columbia. Three big wins for the weekend to help prepare for another full week ahead. Great defensive work from Davani Espinosa at first base, Kamaryn Radford with a huge layout in right field and Karrlauhn Deas with a big save in center. Along with a great double play from Ella Kolenko, Blaine Bielitz and Abigail Dominguez. Great at bats all around with big wins in the box from Mariah Garner, Kate Dolan, Kam Radford and Ella Kolenko. District play continues on Tuesday against Travis at Travis and Friday against Ridge Point at The Ranch.
JV took home a big W on Friday after playing a non-district game vs. Randle JV. Great work on the mound from Emily Narvais and Maggie Shannon with stellar behind the plate work from Carlee Long. Great at bats from the full line up to secure the win! JV continues district play on Tuesday with their game at Travis.
A huge shout out to our GR softball assistant coaches. Coach Nigrelli and Coach Kirby are stepping up and helping to continue cultivating a successful program. We work the best with the best support and people in our corner.
The Longhorns JV Baseball Team took on the Kempner Cougars Thursday Night. The Horns won the contest 19-3. Offensively, Matthew Sharp had 3 hits and 3 RBI’s, while Ian Bailey picked up the win on the mound. The Horns will play Friday Night at home against Santa Fe as the LCISD JV Tournament continues
The Longhorns JV Baseball Team took on the Kempner Cougars Thursday Night. The Horns won the contest 19-3. Offensively, Matthew Sharp had 3 hits and 3 RBI’s, while Ian Bailey picked up the win on the mound. The Horns will play Friday Night at home against Santa Fe as the LCISD JV Tournament continues.
On the second day of the LCISD JV Baseball Tournament, the Longhorns took on the Santa Fe Indians. The Horns won the contest 5-4. Michael Sharp and Hunter Walters both had Triples and RBI’s. Herman Hernandez started the game and threw 5 1/3rds with 4 strikeouts. Logan Myers came on with a 4 pitch save to close it out. The Horns will head into the final day of the tournament with games against Katy Taylor and Ridge Point.
The Longhorns opens there Saturday with a game against Katy Taylor. The Horns lost the contest 4-3 after a late rally. Colten Yanta pitched 4 innings and had no earned runs.
Boys Track!
On Thursday night, the Freshmen and JV boy’s track and field teams participated in the George Ranch Sub Varsity track and field meet. With it being the first meet of the year, the young men showed great potential. For the freshmen, Kaizer Ifeanyi placed 3rd in the 200, while Joshua Deleon placed 1st in the 800m run, while Ethan Spaulding placed 2nd in both the 800 and 1600m runs. In the 3200m run Nathan Scott placed 1st, while Maddox Minter placed 2nd. In the hurdles, Charles Weaver placed 2nd in the 110s, but got redemption in the 300s by taking 1st. In fact, the 300s saw the Longhorns with a clean sweep with Josiah Johnson taking 3rd and Ezekiel Adebayo taking 2nd. In the relays, the freshmen Longhorns placed 3rd in the 4x1, 3rd in the 4x2, and 2nd in the 4x4. Amongst a field of 8 schools, the freshmen team placed first overall.
For the JV boys, Jaden Sheldon won the 100m dash, Joshua Araya placed 2nd in the 400m dash, and Justice Omorayi placed 3rd in the 800m run. In the 1600m run Michael Simone placed 3rd. The hurdles saw great performances coming from Ahmad Kalimullah who placed 1st in both the 110s and 300s, while Aidan Creech placed 2nd in the 110s and 3rd in the 300s. In the pole vault Carson Lee and Ben Nicholie took 2nd and 3rd respectively; while Kurvion McNeil place 2nd in the high jump. To close the meet the 4x400m relay placed 3rd, allowing the JV boys to finish second amongst the field of 8 schools.
4 in a row! Congratulations to our girls Varsity on their Fourth Consecutive Team win of the season!!! We are GR!!! We are grateful for you hard work athletes and coaches!
On Saturday, February 25, your lady longhorns traveled to Paetow High School to compete in the KISD Bubba Fife Relays. Your lady longhorns showed up and fought hard from beginning to end. Their grit, hard work, and talent earned them 1st place at a very competitive meet composed of 15 teams to make this their FOURTH consecutive win. We had lots of PRs and several school records were broken.
3200 Meter Run: Sophia Nguyen - 1st place and broke her own school record with a time of 10:52.59, Madison Haldiman - 2nd place
Sprint Medley Relay: Andrea Gutierrez, Emorie Proctor, Layla McWalters, and Sarah Ojinnaka - 6th place
4x100 Meter Relay: Chiemela Azuike, Samantha Smith, Adebola Iyiola, and Kalen Goodman - 4th place
4x800 Meter Relay: Ava Curtis, Cassandra Alvarez, Kianna Stamps, and Layla McWalters - 6th place
100 Meter Hurdles: Amber Affam - 6th place
100 Meter Dash: Journie Franklin - 4th place
4x200 Meter Relay: Chiemela Azuike, Journie Franklin, Samantha Smith, and Yfem Stephens - 3rd place
300 Meter Hurdles: Kalen Goodman - 1st place and broke the school record with a time of 43.77 seconds.
1600 Meter Run: Sophia Nguyen - 1st place, Madison Haldiman - 3rd place and hit a PR of 5:15.95.
4x100 Meter Relay: Adebola Iyiola, Journie Franklin, Kalen Goodman, Yfem Stephens - 2nd place with a time 0f 3:51.64!!!
Triple Jump: Raina Thomas - 1st place, Adebola Iyiola - 4th place
High Jump: Raina Thomas - 1st place
Pole Vault: Meredith Morrey - 4th place and hit a PR of 11'0.
Junior Varsity
The JV Longhorn Tennis Team competed at the Alief Tournament on 2/21. We brought home gold medals in both girls doubles divisions. In A Girls Doubles, Lily Sams and Victoria Chaveleh defeated players from Cy Park, Cy Lakes, and Ridge Point. While Hala Khan and Edie Oestreich took down players from Hastings, Humble, Lamar, Travis, and Sam Rayburn in the B Girls Doubles division. Sophomore, Avery Pond earned the silver medal in the B Girls Singles division. She beat players from Needville, Hastings, Humble, and Nimitz. In A Boys Doubles, Ben Nicholie and Jonathan Mai earned second place defeating players from Angleton, Brazoswood, Hastings, and Ridge Point before falling short to Jesuit in the finals 7-9. Sophomore, Hannah Pham competed in the A Girls Singles division and won third place overall. Hannah beat players from Jersey Village, Dulles, and Ridge Point. In A Mixed Doubles, Noah Ingelmo and Scotlyn Thiel earned third place taking down players from Santa Fe, Kempner, and Nimitz. The team had a strong showing this week and looks forward to competing in Wharton next Tuesday 2/28.
The Varsity Longhorn Tennis Team competed at the Clear Brook Tournament on 2/24. In B Girls Singles, Solana Argao made it to the semifinals of the tournament by defeating players from Cy Falls, Cinco Ranch, and Clear Creek. Charlize Wilson and Santiago Allub qualified for the quarterfinals of the A Mixed Doubles division by beating Ridge Point, but then fell a little short against a talented team from Clear Brook. Juniors, Sebastian Johnson and Clay Watson also made it to the quarterfinal round of the A Boys Doubles division. They defeated a solid team from Dawson before losing to Kingwood. Michael Pearson earned 2nd place in the A Boys Singles consolation draw. While Hayden Gazaway competed in the B Boys Singles division and also earned 2nd place in the consolation draw. The team looks forward to play in the Katy Tournament next Friday 3/3.
Boys Varsity Soccer defeated Ridge Point in a shootout Friday night. Gregor Jones came up big with several massive saves throughout the game and shootout. We’re back in action Wednesday night at Bush HS.