Normandy Park School
Week of May 13th
Monday, May 13th is a B day.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
May is a busy and exciting month! We look to finish the year as strong as we started!
Last week, 3rd graders completed NJSLA testing for ELA and Math. This week, 4th and 5th graders will complete NJSLA testing for Math. I am extremely proud of the effort and focus of all our students!
I would like to sincerely wish all NPS mothers (and grandmothers), a happy and heartfelt Mother's Day. I hope that you and your family had time to relax and celebrate this past weekend. Please know that you are greatly valued and appreciated for all that you do!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!
Chris Miller (christopher.miller@msdk12.net)
Normandy Park School Color Run 2024
We all had so much fun at the Normandy Park Color Run last year we're doing it again this year!!!
Support your student by sponsoring them in the Color Run to help raise funds to cover our Cultural Arts Programming, Scholastic Book Fairs, support the STEAM Fair, Kids of Character Program, Birthday Books, and so much more!
This Friday, NPS HSA will host its' annual Color Run at 1:45pm!
Every dollar donated goes 100% to supporting programs at NPS! Forms were sent home last week. To donate online, click here.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Dear NPS HSA and Families,
On behalf of NPS teachers and staff, I want to express our deepest gratitude for hosting such an incredible Teacher Appreciation Week! Your thoughtfulness, generosity, and enthusiasm truly made our teachers & staff feel valued and appreciated.
From the delicious treats and heartfelt messages to the fun around-the-world themes, every detail demonstrated your deep appreciation for the dedication and hard work of our teachers and staff.
Thank you once again for making last week so special. Your generosity and spirit of collaboration are truly inspiring!
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter passed a bill to make the first 10 days of May to be Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Week. In 1992, a bill signed earlier by President George H.W. Bush extended the week to the span the month of May. During May, we celebrate the contributions, influence, and achievements of Asian Americans and Pacific Island Americans.
We will begin each morning by highlighting the accomplishments and impact of influential Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.
Highlight the accomplishments of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout our country's history. Visit the following websites for information to help foster discussions and highlight accomplishments of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders throughout our nation's history:
May is Jewish American Heritage Month
Each May, we celebrate Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM). This is a time to recognize the many ways Jewish Americans have enriched American life and culture. The month was federally recognized in 2006, thanks to a proclamation by President George W. Bush.
Each morning this month, we will highlight the accomplishments and impact of influential Jewish Americans throughout our nations history.
Visit the following websites for information to help foster discussions and highlight Jewish American contributions and culture:
NPS Student Art on Display at the Surreal Creamery
“Oh the places you go, the people you see, we are one big community!”
The 2nd and 3rd grade students of Normandy Park have their artwork on display until June 9th at the Surreal Creamery 5 Washington St. Each class was assigned a theme of drawing the people of Morristown or the Places of Morristown. Normandy Park’s Art Teacher, Mrs. Summa, together with the School Counselor, Ms. Cohen worked with each group to come up with who the helpers are in the community and all the wonderful places that Morristown has to offer.
A reception was held on May 9th and New Jersey native artist Tricia Goginsky was on hand to demonstrate visual thinking skills and tricks that artists can use to create artwork that tells a story.
Tricia Goginsky used a well known fairy tale to talk about how artists come up with ideas and develop original work. She earned a Bachelor degree in Art Education from Kean University and a Masters in Studio Art from NYU. While pursuing her masters degree, she studied for four months in Venice, Italy and had the opportunity to show work in Brescia, Venice, and in New York. Her artwork is also on display for all to enjoy.
Rising 6th Graders- FREE Sports Physicals
Attention 5th graders-
If you are interested in playing sports at Frelinghuysen, FREE sports physicals will be offered on May 30 at Morristown High.
Find out how to register HERE
To find out more about Frelinghuysen Athletics, visit FMS Athletics or email FMS Athletic Director, Jessica McGinn jessica.mcginn@msdk12.net
Spring Concert
Save the Date- Thursday, May 30th
Please join us as we celebrate our young musicians. Each grade level will perform at the assigned time (listed below).
- 9:30am for Primary Unit (K/1)
- 10:30am for Intermediate Unit (2/3)
- 12:45pm for Senior Unit (4/5)
Field Day 2024
Save the Date- Friday, May 31st
Primary and Intermediate : 9:30-11:30
Senior: 1:15-3pm
Bring a towel and water bottle with your name on it and wear sunscreen.
Field Day- Family Volunteers Needed!
May 31st
MSD Summer Music Academy
Registration for MSD Summer Music Academy is now OPEN!
We invite you to join us this summer for what promises to be yet another fun and comprehensive 4-week musical experience, offering daily small group lessons with world-class specialists, large and small ensemble rehearsals, and additional classes like guitar, piano, music tech, and jazz lab!
This exciting opportunity is open to students grades 4-12, from any school, in any school district! No prior experience needed!
Camp dates: June 24 - July 19th, 8am - 12pm
Take your skills to the next level! Join the MSD Summer Music Academy today!
Please email ariel.ocasio@msdk12.net if you have any further questions
Create a profile on our NPS HSA Membership Toolkit to enable your participation in the school directory (grade/teacher), sign up to receive the Home and School Association's weekly newsletter, submit club forms, volunteer and more!
Home and School Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week
Color Run
Color Run will be held on May 17th!
Volunteers Needed
We are looking parent volunteers to help out with the Color Run. To sign up, please click here!
Afterschool Clubs
NPS Family Night
HSA Toolkit
May 2024
Standardized testing begins this month so what better way to kick it off this month’s Counselor Corner than with some tips on dealing with Test Anxiety
Prior to testing:
Reassure your child that you know they will do the best they can. Remember children will feed into your anxiety and vice versa. So if you’re anxious about how they will do on their tests, they will be too.
Remind them that if they get stuck on a problem to move on to the next one and come back to the one they were stuck on later. It’s better to keep moving forward and feel like you have successfully answered questions than to stay stuck and get frustrated.
Take a brief walk together as often as you can and be mindful of the world around you. Talk about the trees and flowers that are blooming. Try spotting all the birds and bugs. Try to identify some of the spring smells in the air.
Sleep and testing:
On the nights of testing make sure your child has plenty of rest. A good night’s rest is crucial to good cognitive function.
Establish a calming night time routine.
Avoid drinks with sugar in them prior to bedtime.
Play relaxing music.
If your child watches a movie in the afternoon or evening make sure it is funny or silly, nothing sad, scary or violent, as this might keep them up at night. This applies to computer games as well.
Turn off all electronics an hour before bed and remove all electronic devices from the bedroom so there are no temptations to turn them on.
The morning of the test:
Try to wake your child up gently and calmly.
Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast. Pack a healthy snack as well.
Put a positive sticky note in their lunch box or on one of their notebooks. Older children might find this corny but those notes are always appreciated.
Practice some deep breathing techniques prior to leaving the house.
Flower/candle: Pretend to be holding a flower and taking a deep breath in through your nose as if smelling the flower. Then imagine you are blowing out your birthday candles and blow them all out. Do this 4-5 times.
Crazy 8 breaths: draw a giant figure 8. Using your pointer finger, start at the middle and take a breathe in as you trace the top half of the 8. Breathe out slowly through your mouth as you trace the bottom half.
Tummy breaths: place your hand over your belly. As you inhale, feel your belly expand, keep lips slightly parted as you exhale through your mouth.
There are many relaxation apps available including Calm, and Headspace. As always, I encourage you to check them out first before sharing them with your child.
There are many wonderful books dealing with the topic of worry and anxiety. Here are a few of them:
The local libraries, including Normandy Park’s own library has some of these and others as well.
If you have any concerns about your child being anxious or any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, pediatrician or me.
Stay awesome!
The Morris Educational Foundation (MEF) works year-long in collaboration with the Morris School District community to bring resources to all students and all schools. Together, we help everyone Imagine the Possibilities - and make it a reality.
This includes funding for annual Cultural Arts programming, classroom grants as well as literacy programs and resources to name a few. We rely on our donors to make this all possible and during this season of giving, we ask for you to consider a gift at bit.ly/MEFgift to help us continue our impact for the ‘23-24 school year.
Click here to learn more about the MEF's impact. The Morris School District is an amazing place, and the MEF is proud to be its partner for over 30 years. We hope you will join us this school year to Imagine the Possibilities!
Breakfast and Lunch
Click here for Breakfast and Lunch Menus.
For additional information on MSD Breakfast and Lunch, please click here to visit the district's website.
Students can bring and/or purchase lunch. Free and reduced meals are provided to families who qualify for support.
Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch qualify for free/reduced breakfast as well. Applications are available through PaySchools. Click the link to create your PaySchool account (ENG or ESP) Once you create your account, the Free & Reduced Application will be available complete online. Please note that you do not have to print out the application if you complete it online; it will be electronically sent to the Board Office once completed. You may also complete an application using a computer in the main office of your child's school or request a paper application.
If you do not qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch, please follow these procedures for purchasing school breakfast or lunch:
- Backpack an envelope with your child's name on it, marked "Food Services.
- Include your child's name in the memo line of your check.
- You may prepay for multiple breakfasts or lunches with one check or lump sum of money, which will then be deposited onto your child's food services account.
- Payment may also be made online ( (ENG or ESP); a small fee will be charged with each transaction. This is a secure and convenient way to make payments and keep your account up to date.
- Payment may be made in cash or check (payable to "Morris School District"
***Meal Prices for School Year 2023-2024***
Elementary Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Price Breakfast
Reduced Price Lunch
Checks are made payable to "Morris School District".
Dismissal Changes
Daily Attendance Procedures
If you know that you child will be tardy or absent from school, it is requested that you notify the nurse in advance. This can be done by phone at 973-889-7960 x 6152. Voicemail is operational 24 hours daily.
You may also contact her office by email at: francesca.ecker@msdk12.net
Students who arrive tardy (after 8:55am) must report immediately to the Health Office upon arrival to school for a late pass
Look Ahead:
Click here to view Morris School District (MSD) 2023-2024 School calendar.
- May 17th- Color Run
- May 30th- Concert for K-5 (during the school day)
- May 31st- Field Day (Rain Date- June 3rd)
- June 7th- 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony
- June 10th- 5th Grade Fun Day
- June 12th to 14th- Early Dismissal
- June 14th- Last Day of School
NJSLA State Testing for Grades 3-5 will begin at the end of April. The tentative schedule is as follows (*if there are changes in the schedule, they will be communicated/posted as soon as they are made):
Remaining Dates for NJSLA State Testing:
- May 14th to May 16th: 4th and 5th Grade
Science (5th Grade Only)
- May 20th and 21st