Peek at Our Week - February 3, 2025
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Principal's Message
Dear PK8 Families,
This week represents the 1/2 way point of the 3rd quarter. In other words, we only have 1 1/2 quarters left to master our standards for this school year! In our continuing effort to provide families with strategies to support students with homework, here are some tips to help students slow down and do their best work. These strategies were written by Kate Kelly.
- Set aside a specific amount of time for homework every weekday. You can even use a homework contract to create a schedule. Having a set time for homework can help your child get used to the idea of homework. It also takes away the incentive to speed through work so they can go play. The rule of thumb for grade school is 10 minutes of homework per grade every night. So if your child is in third grade, your child should spend about 30 minutes a day on homework. If kids finish early, they can read, write a letter to their grandparents, or play educational games online.
- Use a timer. You can use a computer, a phone app, a stopwatch, or even an egg timer. Divide your child’s homework into timed segments. Set the timer to go off at the end of each homework task and reset the timer for each one. Encourage your child to work without stopping until the timer goes off. Having a visual and audible reminder gives your child a sense of how much time homework tasks should take. It also reminds them that they have a set amount of time, which could help with focus.
- Help your child get in the right mindset to do work. If kids are tired or stressed out from the day’s events, they may rush through their homework just to be done with it. When your child seems fatigued or restless, consider letting the homework wait a little while. Let your child run around outside or play quietly for a set time to decompress. When it’s time to tackle homework, your child will have more energy to give it their best effort.
- Step in if your child needs to slow down. If you notice your child rushing, don’t wait until they’re done to step in. Try to slow your child down in the moment. Check in during homework time by asking questions like, “Are you doing your best work?” or “Will the teacher be able to read that?” It’s easier for both of you if you have your child correct problems before they finish — rather than asking them to redo work later. It can also help your child develop good habits going forward.
- Encourage kids to look over their work. Remind your child to check their work for careless errors and sloppiness before your child considers it done. You can even create a checklist with your child: Did your child follow the directions? Are the words spelled correctly? Did your child use capitals when appropriate? Can your child read their writing? Getting kids in the habit of checking their work helps them set standards for good work. And that can help them feel a sense of pride in what they’re about to turn in.
- Help kids break down projects. In fourth and fifth grade, homework starts to require more time management and organizational skills. Instead of a single worksheet that’s due the next day, kids get more and bigger assignments. And the assignments may have due dates that are further away. Help your child figure out how to leave enough time to get challenging projects done over a longer period of time. Create a study calendar that breaks down the project into small daily tasks. This helps kids see that they can get the project done in time if they work on it little by little, at a steady pace.
- Get kids the help they need. Some kids leave homework questions blank or rush through it because they’re frustrated by the work itself. They may have learning differences that affect their reading, writing, or math skills. If you think that could be the case with your child, you may want to meet with their teacher. Share your observations and ask the teacher what they’ve noticed. Together you can decide what the next step should be. The sooner they get the help they need, the sooner they can focus on learning.
- Remind kids of their strengths. Kids who haven’t had a lot of success in school may not be confident about their ability to do homework well. So they may rush through it, thinking it’s not worth the effort. Remind your child of their strengths. Talk about a time your child worked hard at something — big or small — and succeeded. This could help boost your child’s confidence. And that could help your child approach homework with a more positive outlook.
PK-8 Upcoming Events
3rd Quarter Midterm
Tuesday, February 4th
K-6 Midterm Reports will be sent home in Tuesday Express
7th/8th Grade Midterm Reports will be emailed home
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball
Tuesday, February 4th, at 4:00
7th and 8th grade away games at Olathe Middle School
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball
Thursday, February 6th, at 4:00
7th and 8th grade home games vs Delta Middle School
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball
Saturday, February 8th, Time TBD
7A Tournament at Paonia K8
8A Tournament at Centennial Middle School
Regional Math Counts Competition
Saturday, February 8th
7th Grade Parent Meeting
Wednesday, February 12th, 3:30-4:00
Optional Parent Meeting to find out more information about the 7th Grade Overnight Trip to Outdoor Wilderness Lab on April 9-11.
7th/8th Grade Girls Basketball
Thursday, February 13th, at 4:00
7th and 8th grade away games at Cedaredge Middle School
6th-8th Grade Valentine's Dance
Friday, February 14th, 3:45-6:00
A Peek at Our Weekly Activities
6th Grade Honor Roll
7th Grade Honor Roll
8th Grade Honor Roll
STUCO Cleans Up the Front Yard
3rd Grade Grammar Lesson
1st Grade Celebrates 100th Day of School
1st Grade Celebrates 100th Day of School
1st Grade Celebrates 100th Day of School
The PK8 DI Team Organized a Basketball Camp for 2nd/3rd Grade
Middle School Valentine's Day Dance
6th-8th Grade Parents, please use the link below to sign-up for sending in snacks for the Halloween Dance. We were short on food/drinks at the last dance, so the students would appreciate more snacks this time. Thank you!
8th Grade Opiod Awareness Presentation
The DCSD Student Advisory Council is presenting an Opiod Awareness lesson to all 8th grade students. The PK8 presentation is on February 4th. If you prefer your student not attend, please come by the office to fill out an opt-out form.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, February 24th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. There are still a few open dates in December. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link: