PK Blues News
MARCH 2025
Hello Paul Kane Families,
February was full of PK love! Our annual Hearts on the Wall Students Union event was a huge success! We recognized Black History Month, and also wrapped up February activities with our Week of Kindness. Students had the opportunity to participate in lunch hour events and activities supported by our Student Services department.
March is a busy time at PK, as we are in registration season. Please note, registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens next Monday, March 3rd. Details about how to register can be found in the registration section of this newsletter.
We will also be hosting our annual Open House next week on Thursday, March 6th. Grade 9 students and families will join us to find out why PK is a great place to belong!
We encourage families to take advantage of our scheduled parent/student/teacher conferences being held the evenings of March 19th and 20th. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your child’s progress in their semester 2 courses thus far.
Parent Student Teacher Conferences can be booked on our website using the following link:
pkhs.spschools.org/parents. Appointments bookings will be open March 1th - 17th
Spring Break will be here soon!
Your Paul Kane Administration
Erin Steele, Colleen Anderson, Catherine Lajoie and Kris Horb
The returning student registration form will be accessible on March 3, 2025.
Click here for instructions for Part A of the registration process.
Part B of registration includes the selection of courses. Students will receive a course selection sheet in their classrooms the week of March 10-14, 2025. Students will participate in our registration workshop the week of March 17-21, 2025 to have their course requests added to PowerSchool.
Please note, students must complete Part A of their registration in order to move to Part B. Any students who do not participate in spring registration between March 3-21 will not be guaranteed registration at Paul Kane for the 2025-26 school year and will be entered into a lottery for any remaining spots.
Please do not delay registering your child for the 2025-26 school year. All details for registration and course selection can be found on our website under the registration tab or in our 2025-26 Guidebook Bold, Brave, Blue!
Parent Student Teacher (PST) Conferences serve as a way to communicate with all concerned in a student’s progress. PST Conferences for this semester will take place over two separate days.
The dates are as follows:
Wednesday, March 19 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Wednesday, March 20 3:00 – 6:00 pm
Our booking site opens March 1st. Click here to book your appointment.
We will be having a Grad parent meeting on March 11th in the Paul Kane Theatre.
Grad theme day(Adam Sandler Day) is March 12th.
The Grad Bake sale will be happening on April 14th - 17th.
PKSU - Paul Kane Students Union
In recognition of St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock shakes will be available for students to buy on March 15th.
The 2025-2026 Bus Pass: Application is now available on our District Transportation website. Bus routes and stop locations are set based on applications received before June 1, 2025.
Please do not wait to apply.
To check credits, diploma marks and to order transcripts your child needs to register on myPass. You can find your child’s Alberta Student Numbers (ASN) on PowerSchool.
TIPS for SUCCESS in Semester 2:
Take ownership for your success - ask questions, set goals for yourself, find a study technique that works for you, and surround yourself with others who prioritize learning.
Access Blues' Block - it's one hour every week for you to get feedback, extra help and practice in any subject you like.
Come to Student Services for a tutor list - if you need more than Blues Block can offer, come see us for a tutor list.
Reach out for support early if you are struggling. Don't leave it too late. The earlier you come to talk about it, the easier it is to solve.
Have an awesome semester!
Your Student Services Team
Please encourage students to start applying for scholarships. All applications are available on our website Scholarships and Awards and the deadline for most is May 1, 2025.
St. Albert Public Summer School registration opens March 10, 2025. Please refer to the district summer school website for the most up to date information regarding courses and registration.
YEARBOOK 2024-2025
Don’t forget to order one of these great keepsakes. Sign on to your PowerSchool Parent account and click on the Student Fees “Additional Items” section. Click on the Yearbook 2024-2025 Icon to add it to your cart. You need to pay for the yearbook before exiting the screen in order for your order to be processed.
1-31 Arden Youth Gallery Art Display
04 Metis Jigging Lessons (6:30 pm – Yoga Room)
06 Local medicines teaching / smudge Block 2 (lasting memories Room)
06 Paul Kane Open House - 5:30pm-8pm
07 No School: Staff PD Day
10 Current Paul Kane Gr. 10/11 class visits with registration info
11 PK Grad: Parent Meeting (6:30pm Theatre)
11 Metis Jigging Lessons (6:30 pm – Yoga Room)
12 Iftar (7-9pm Central Gathering/gym)
15 PKSU – St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock shakes
17-21 Current Gr 10/11 Course Selections
18 Metis Jigging Lessons (6:30 pm – Yoga Room)
19 Parent Student Teacher Conferences (5-8 pm)
19 Personalized Registration Service (5-8 pm)
20 Parent Student Teacher Conferences (3-6 pm)
20 Personalized Registration Service (3-6 pm)
21 PK Newsletter (for April)
24-28 No School: Spring Break
31 No School: Teacher Lieu Day for PST Conferences
Your child's attendance record can be viewed on PowerSchool (updated by noon daily).
If you need to report an absence please call the school 780-459-4405 and choose Option 1.
Paul Kane High School
Email: pk@spschools.org
Website: pkhs.spschools.org
Location: 12 Cunningham Road, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: (780) 459-4405
Facebook: facebook.com/PaulKaneHighSchool
Twitter: @PaulKaneHS