A Community School
Finish 2024 Strong!
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As we close out the 2024 year, take time to make this a great month. Reflect on what has gone well this past year and what you would like to change. This is a great family activity that you can do with your child. Think about what goals you have for 2025 and make a plan for how you will achieve those goals.
During December we will reach the half-way point in the 2nd quarter. Make sure to check in Schoology to see your child's progress.
OMES December Attendance Fun
To help students finish the 2024 year strong, we will have a month of attendance fun.
- Friday, December 6th and 13th- Purple Friday- wear Raven's gear or purple to school
Spirit Week December 16th -20th
- Monday, December 16th- School Spirit Day- students wear OMES gear or the school color red to school
- Tuesday, December 17th- Holiday Spirit Day- students wear holiday gear or holiday colors to school
- Wednesday, December 18th- Hat Day- students wear your favorite hat to school and keep it on all day
- Thursday, December 19th- Class Family Reunion Day- students wear your class family color to school and participate in their grade level Family Reunion
- Friday, December 20th- Pajama Day- students wear your favorite pajamas to school and participate in Mystery Reader
December Important Dates
- Thursday, December 5- PTO Family Winter Dance from 5:00-7:00- see below for more details
- Tuesday, December 10- Vocal Music Concert for Kindergarten (starts at 5:30) and First Grade (starts at 6:30)- see below for more details
- Tuesday, December 10 - Thursday, December 12- PTO Holiday Shop- see below for more details and the schedule
- Friday, December 20- Half Day for Students, schools, and offices. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. NO Caliday afternoon care.
- Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1- Schools Closed for Winter Break **schools reopen on Thursday, January 2nd
January Important Dates
- Wednesday, January 1- Schools Closed for Winter Break
- Thursday, January 2- School Reopens
- Monday, January 20- Schools Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Friday, January 24- Half Day for Students. OMES will dismiss at 12:45 p.m. **last day of quarter 2**
- Wednesday, January 29- Schools Closed for Lunar New Year
Save the Date- OMES Math Night at Grocery Outlet!
Owings Mills Elementary School Math Night
When: Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
Time: 5:30-7:00 pm
Where: Grocery Outlet in Owings Mills
11120 Reisterstown Road Owings Mills, MD 21117
Keep an eye out for an RSVP that will be coming home with your child soon for this exciting event!
Music Concert Save the Dates!
Join us for an evening of music as OMES presents in concert:
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
5:45 pm- Kindergarten Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 1st Grade Vocal Concert
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
5:45 pm- 2nd grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 3rd Grade Vocal Concert
Tuesday, May 20, 2025
5:45 pm- 4th Grade Vocal Concert
6:45 pm- 5th Grade Instrumental Concert
More information and an RSVP slip will be sent home closer to each of the concert dates. We hope to see you there!
OMES Music Teachers
Ms. Mountcastle, vocal music (k-2nd, 4th, 5th), emountcastle@bcps.org
Mrs. Scheetz, instrumental and vocal music (3rd), cscheetz2@bcps.org
Car Rider Line Safety Rules
Please make sure that if you are dropping off or picking up your child at OMES that you follow the following car rider line safety rules:
- Pull all the way down.
- Stay in the car rider line. Do not cut out of the line early.
- Stay in your car. Staff will help get your child in or out of the car.
- Do not double park. Stay in your car in the car rider line.
- To exit follow the cars through the parking lot. Please do not make a U-turn or cut out of the line early.
- Exit onto Reisterstown Road making a right hand turn. No left turns out of the parking lot.
Bus Etiquette
Owings Mills Elementary School Bus Rider Families,
We have had an increase in incidents happening on buses in the month of October. Please see below for an important reminder of bus expectations as well as consequences that can result from students not following these expectations.
Bus behavior expectations are important and are outlined in the BCPS handbook. When students follow these expectations, it helps to ensure a safe environment on the school bus for all students.
Please review these with your students so they will understand that the school bus is an extension of the classroom and the behavioral expectations in the classroom also apply to school buses.
- Follow driver instructions the first time.
- Stay seated in your assigned seat at all times.
- Keep aisle, windows, and emergency exits clear.
- Use an inside voice at all times (Level 1-2).
- Keep body parts/objects to yourself.
- Treat others with respect at all times.
- No inappropriate use of technology devices.
- No photos, videos, or laser pointers allowed.
- No profanity or rude behavior.
- No tobacco products or illegal substances.
- No eating/drinking and keep the bus clean.
Violations of the rules above may result in the following consequences:
- Warning
- Parent phone call
- Assigned seat on the bus
- Bus suspension
- Bus expulsion
BCPS Bus Locator App for Families
BCPS is pleased to announce the countywide implementation of BusWhere, a location-tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. Via the BusWhere app, subscribers may receive notifications as the bus approaches a designated bus stop or if there are significant delays.
For more information, check out the BusWhere information sheet- BusWhere information.pdf. If you have additional questions please get in touch with the BCPS Office of Transportation at 443-809-4321 or utilize the BusWhere Assistance Request Form- https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=3cPDSRs_g0GOdLONSDpa_bVjgy6GIuVGmGJmus4Mp_NUNllMSjRYWExBNVlQSEUwRFZFNlcyWExBRyQlQCN0PWcu
Attendance Matters- OMES SOARS to 94
Data from November
Attendance Rate for all students- 91.71%
PreK- 88.29%
Kindergarten- 90.84%
1st grade- 91.42%
2nd grade- 91.76%
3rd grade- 93.30%
4th grade- 91.84%
5th grade- 94.43%
OMES Attendance Incentive
Our attendance rate for the month of November was 91.71%. The grade with the best attendance rate was 5th grade! Each classroom will receive various board and card games for indoor recess.
Families thank you for being such a big part of ensuring that your students are in school each day. Please keep it up!
Touchdown! Will your child SOAR to 94?
We will continue our attendance incentive that we started in November. Each class is working to score a touchdown. Classes with 100% attendance will move 10 yards down the football field. Classes with 94% or better attendance will move 5 yards down the football field.
For the first 2 touchdowns a class scores, you will earn a small prize. If your class scores a third touchdown during the quarter, your class will earn a pizza party!!! Ask your child if their class has scored a touchdown!
Congratulations to the following classes that have already scored a touchdown in quarter 2!
Ms. Diener
Ms. Gibson
Ms. Dewel
Create a Parent FOCUS Account
Creating a parent FOCUS account is a great way to stay connected to what your child is doing in school. You can monitor your child's grades and attendance throughout the year. Click the link to create your account- https://baltimore.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/
Create a Parent Schoology Account
Creating a parent Schoology account is a great way to see what your child is doing in school. Follow the directions to create your account today!
English- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology.pdf
Spanish- Creating a Parent Account in Schoology- Spanish.pdf
Curriculum Resources
Math Matters!
In December, students will be finishing up Unit 3 and diving into Unit 4!
Over winter break, explore the Bridges Math Apps for engaging and enjoyable ways to practice math skills at home!
Check them out here: https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/apps
Click this link for grade level specific math newsletters- December
ELA News
This month, all grades will be working on Module 4. Check out your child's specific grade level newsletter to explore what topics they will be reading about, what skills they will be learning, and what will inspire their writing. Have conversations with them related to the topics they are learning in reading to build background and make connections to their lives. Be sure to check Schoology weekly to support your child's learning!
Also, ask your child about Amira! If they bring their device home each night, consider watching your child read with Amira to see the benefits. Encourage your students to read each night!
Click this link for grade level specific ELA newsletters- December
CCBC Family Literacy ESOL Program
CCBC is offering ESOL Family Literacy Classes. These classes help in gaining English language skills. The classes start in January and go through March. One of the classes is offered at OMES on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm - 9:15 pm. You must register for the class. The closest location to register is on Thursday, December 5th at 5 pm at CCBC Owings Mills on the 6th floor. CCBC is located with the Owings Mills Public Library which is located at 10300 Grand Central Ave in Owings Mills. See flyer for more information.
English- ESOL Family Literacy Flyer Winter 25.pdf
Spanish- ESOL Family Literacy Flyer Winter 25- Spanish.pdf
Russian- ESOL Family Literacy Flyer Winter- Russian.pdf
Caliday at OMES (before and after school program)
Caliday Before and After School Care wishes everyone a safe, fun, and relaxing Holiday Season! We know how much our Caliday children enjoy this special time with family and friends, but for any family in search of care for the 2024-2025 school year, we are still accepting enrollments!
Join Caliday at OMES for a convenient and fun before and after care experience! Spaces are filling up fast, so reserve your space now. Begin the process online at //www.caliday.org/getstarted or by calling 410-377-0227! See flyer for more details.
Students Need Headphones with a Microphone!
Please make you to send in a pair of headphones with a microphone for your child to use at school with their computer. Our independent reading program, AMIRA, requires students to be able to listen to their device and speak into their device. Using headphones with a microphone allows AMIRA to accurately evaluate and help your child with reading. See the flyer for more information about AMIRA.
Cafeteria Corner
If students bring in money to purchase snacks and change is due to the student, it will be added to their lunch account. Please contact Marvin Young, cafeteria manager, at myoung11@bcps.org or by calling the main office at 443-809-1710.
PTO Corner
Holiday Bop
Join us on Thursday, December 5th from 5:00-7:00 for Holiday Bop! Come with your family and show off your best dance moves. There will be a live DJ and light refreshments. OMES Spirit Wear will be on sale (cash and credit card accepted). Parents must accompany children. Sign up using the following link- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094CA9A722AAF4C61-53520904-holiday For more information see the flyer.
Holiday Shop
The Holiday Shop is coming!!! The annual Holiday Shop is designed to allow children to shop independently at their school- in a safe and familiar environment. However, we need your help to make it happen. We need volunteers to help students shop for family and friends. Sign up here to volunteer- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094CA9A722AAF4C61-53245709-holiday. See flyer for additional information. As a reminder in order to volunteer you must have completed the volunteer application and online training. For volunteer questions please reach out to Rachel Mills at rmills@bcps.org. Volunteer information is also below.
PTO Membership Drive Contest
The class with the highest number of PTO members was Ms. Krivak! The class has earned an ice cream celebration!
Congratulations to Mrs. Smith who won the staff membership contest!
You can still join the PTO. Scan the QR code on the flyer (English- PTO- membership drive.pdf Spanish- PTO- membership drive Spanish.pdf or join by clicking this link- https://omespto.cheddarup.com
OMES Community School Corner
Parent Workshops
OMES is looking to host some parent workshops. Please complete the survey to let us know the best day and time of day to hold parent workshops.
OMES Club Updates
Owls First Game Club
The Owls First Game Club came to an end in November. Students in fourth and fifth grade had a blast playing different games with Mr. John, a volunteer from St. Thomas Church. A huge shoutout to all the Owings Mills High School students that volunteered to help make this program a huge success.
Owls First Math Club
The Owls First Math Club came to an end in November. Students in third grade were able to strengthen their computational skills from the volunteers from St. Thomas Church. A huge shoutout to all the St. Paul's for Girls students that volunteered to help make this program success.
We look forward to the Owls First Clubs that will happen this spring.
Kindness Club
In Kindness Club, students were able to help many students at our school receive hats, mittens, and scarves to keep them warm during the winter months. We are collecting hats, mittens, and scarves until Friday, December 6th. Also, students helped distribute Thanksgiving meals to 70 families. During our November meetings we stocked and inventoried the various food items that are available at our monthly food distributions. We also started a special winter break surprise for staff in the building.
1st Grade Dance Club
We are excited that our Dance Club started last month. Students in first grade have been planning, rehearsing, and producing a variety of dance performances that they will perform at the Spring Concert on March 18th.
Nurse's Corner
OMES Food Distribution
Time: 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Where: Community School Cottage (pull to the end of the parking lot to the Community School Cottage)
**Don't forget your reusable bags**
Numbers will be passed out starting at 3:30. One number per family. You may not get a number for someone else. There is no line or saving space in line for others.
Library Corner
The Owings Mills Branch of the Baltimore County Public Library is open every day of the week. The library is free for adults and children. Book check out is as easy as having your child say their full name and the school they attend. The Owings Mills Branch is located near the metro center behind Costco and the AMC movies. It's a great place to relax and read with your family! Be sure to check them out when school is closed for winter break.
Visit their website at https://www.bcpl.info/
Location: County Campus Metro Center at Owings Mills
10302 Grand Central Avenue
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
See the schedule below for when your child should return library books.
Physical Education Corner
The students have been practicing kicking and soccer skills, underhand throwing, frisbee throwing, and rolling skills. Students in grades 4 and 5 are practicing fitness tests for our new fitness program BCPS MOVE! Students will participate in a jump rope unit then ball skills/basketball skills right after Thanksgiving!
Important Notes:
- Please check your child's P.E. day(s), the students will need safe tennis shoes/sneakers for safe play in P.E. class. Boots are not safe for active play. Students can bring an extra pair of tennis shoes to keep in their locker.
- All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to the gym.
Thank you for your support of the OMES Physical Education program!
Mrs. Cohen and Mr. Reyda
Partner Spotlight
United Church
On Monday, November 4th United Church donated lots of boxes of food that will be distributed at our monthly food distributions. Mary Wolf, member of United Church and Student Support Network Lead Volunteer, organized the event. Members donated specific foods at their church service on November 3rd. Several volunteers delivered the donated food to the school.
Weis Markets Reisterstown #295
Weis Markets Reisterstown located at 10 Village Center Rd dondated 60 bags of Thanksgiving food that were distributed at our monthly food distribution in November. Each bag contained canned corn, canned green beans, cranberry sauce, stuffing, gravy, macaroni and cheese, and cookies.
Thank you to both partners. Your contributions help to make our school's monthly food distributions a success and help to feed many families in the Owings Mills community.
December Virtue of the Month
Each month our school will focus on a virtue throughout the month. Students will learn about the virtue during their class morning meetings. One day during the month students will participate in the monthly Family Reunion that will also focus on the virtue.
The virtue for December is acceptance. Acceptance means the act of taking or receiving something offered, approval.
Talk with your child about how he/she can exhibit acceptance in school, at home, with the environment, and in the community. This link provides different resources to incorporate thankfulness at home-December virtue.pdf. Parents may email any pictures of their child showing acceptance to Rachel Mills, Community School Facilitator, at rmills@bcps.org.
The following students were nominated for Student Ambassador for the month of November
Ms. Cimildora- Zane L.
Ms. Danilin- Adia L.
Ms. Knicely- Aaliyah B.
Ms. Krivak- Micaiah W.
Ms. Pirkl- Yahweh S.
Ms. Ridgley- Jeri H.
Ms. Taylor- Kamryn W.
Ms. Collier- Ahri C.
Ms. McCallister- Daniella R.
Ms. Saylor- Christopher B.
Ms. Simmonds- Omi M.
Ms. Smith- Heisel E.
Ms. Bodoin- Yeshua S.
Ms. Farmer- Eddy L.
Mr. Nave- Axel C.
Ms. Price- Ilyam E.
Ms. Robinson- Eliud M.
Ms. Smeltzer- Cristina R.
Ms. Miller- Dany E.
Ms. Diener- Emmanuel A.
Ms. Powell- Mason A.
Mr. Krivak- Marco P.
Ms. Clark- Jaicyn G.
Ms. DeBord- Lungile N.
Ms. Dewel- Freddie A.
Ms. Dixon- Daniil B.
Mr. Fowler- Luis O.
Ms. Gibson- Christian J.
Ms. Anthony- Steven V.
Mr. Lipo- Jordan B.
Ms. Berry- Valeria A.
November School Wide Student Ambassador
Christian shows thankfulness every day in my classroom. He is always one of the first students I hear saying "thank you" after someone has helped him. He is also appreciative of the learning opportunities being provided in an Advanced Academics class because he takes his work and learning seriously. In addition, Christian shows thankfulness by being polite to all staff members and students. It is truly a pleasure teaching Christian! Way to go Christian!
November School Wide Student Ambassador
Jeri is not only very helpful in the classroom, but she also is very grateful for things that are given to her no matter how small it may be. Jeri uses her manners and thanks her friends and teachers when they do things for her. When given a compliment she is grateful for the one we received but will encourage her classmates to continue to work for more. I am very thankful to have Jeri in my class. Way to go Jeri!
Counselor's Corner
Our OMES 5th grade students are selecting electives for middle school in their homeroom classes. Our 5th graders can select from the following list of electives: art, dance, chorus, theatre, world music, band, strings, effective learning for college and career and/or foundations of communications. Please check with your 5th grader to see which elective courses they selected for 6th grade.
All OMES students in grades Prek-5th grade will be receiving a guidance lesson about personal safety and decision-making this December which comes from the BCPS Personal Safety Program Prek-5: Making Healthy Decisions. Please reach out to the OMES school counselors with any questions about the December guidance lesson.
Mrs. Losin (Am PreK, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades)- alosin@bcps.org
Mr. Skinner (PM PreK, kindergarten, 1st, 2nd grades)- zskinner@bcps.org
BCPS Online Learning Program Application for 2025-2026 School Year
The BCPS Online Learning Program (OLP) provides a fulltime online educational environment for students in Grades 4-12. The program offers a full day of synchronous instruction taught by certified BCPS teachers. The OLP offers courses that fulfill Baltimore County Public Schools’ requirements for promotion and graduation. Any student that is eligible to attend a Baltimore County Public School may apply. Students must be entering Grades 4-12 for the year of application. The application window opens at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024, and closes at 1 p.m. on Friday, December 13, 2024. The application will be available online at www.bcps.org – search “online learning program.” Families are encouraged to access the brochure for more information.
BCPS Online Learning Program- ENGLISH
BCPS Online Learning Program- SPANISH
Stay Connected- Talking Points
1. Download the Talking Points App
2. Click on Settings
3. Click Personal Information
4. Select the language you would like
Volunteer Training
If you would like to volunteer or attend a field trip, you must complete the BCPS Volunteer Training.
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application- https://cdnsm5-ss3.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_9046799/File/Updated%20Documents/Application%20for%20Volunteer%20Services%20ADA.pdf or get a paper copy from the school.
Step 2: Complete the Online Volunteer Orientation- https://bcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/register/0c626573
Step 3: All Volunteer Applications and Certificate from the online training must be given to Rachel Mills or emailed to rmills@bcps.org.
For more information- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/b_c_p_s_volunteers
Community Resources
Spanish Financial Literacy Classes
The Baltimore County Public Library is hosting two Spanish Financial Literacy Classes in December. See flyer for more details- Baltimore County Public Library Financial Literacy Classes- Spanish.pdf
Food Assistance Resources
The Baltimore County Department of Social Services offers programs and services designed to help residents in financial need who meet income-eligibility requirements, as well as resources to provide food assistance for Baltimore County families, including:
- Senior Food Assistance- Seniors experiencing food access needs may call 410-887-2594 or email aginginfo@baltimorecountymd.gov
- Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) Food and Nutrition Services—Learn more about the food assistance programs offered through BCPS.
- SNAP Emergency Allotments—The Maryland Department of Human Services has been approved to issue SNAP emergency allotments to all current SNAP households. Learn more about SNAP to see if you qualify for monthly benefits to help purchase food.
- Pet Food Assistance—Learn how to receive pet food assistance from the Baltimore Humane Society or make donations to their Bmore Kind Pet Food Bank.
The Food Pantry Locator is available here.
Community Crisis Center- www.communitycrisiscenterinc.org
725 Main Street Reisterstown
Drive thru distributions: Monday 5:00-7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Serving zip codes: 21048, 21071, 21074, 21155, 21117, 21136, 21784 You will be required to provide ID and proof of address
BCPS Parent University- https://www.bcps.org/cos/communications/FACE/parent_university
Resource website from Towson University for teachers and families of Multilingual Learners- https://wp.towson.edu/tesol/
Need a car seat?
MileOne Autogroup has a community car seat program where they give car seats out to families each month. Visit the Owings Mills Toyota to pick up a car seat. For more information check out their flyer- English- MileOne Cares- information about car seats.pdf
Spanish- MileOne Cares- information about car seats Spanish.pdf
Community Events
The following events will occur during the month of December at United Church which is located at 705 Main Street in Reisterstown. These materials are neither sponsored by nor endorsed by the Board of Education of Baltimore County, the Superintendent or this school or office.
Community Tree Lighting
Friday, December 13, 2024 from 6:30-7:30
Enjoy live holiday music, hot chocolate, Christmas treats, and a visit from the Chick-Fil-A cow.
Christmas at United
Tuesday, December 24 at 5pm and 7pm
There will be a hot chocolate car, Christmas music, stories of hope. This is event is fun for the whole family.