Fernan STEM Academy Weekly Update
Week of 12/4-12/8
No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Upcoming Events
Character Traits for November and December: Service and Compassion
12/4-12/15- Food Drive. See below for more information
12/5-Journey to the North Pole (see sign up information below--space is limited)
12/7-First Grade Reindeer Performance, 2 pm and 6pm
12/8- 5:00-7:30 Pictures with Santa and 5th Grade Parent Night Out (see below for details)
12/22-1/8-Holiday Break (There is no school on Friday, 12/22)
1/19- MLK Jr. Assembly for fifth graders
Link to Cd'A School District Family Calendar
Link to Cd'A School District Elementary Menus
Roger's Fundraiser: The fourth Tuesday of every month is a Fernan fundraiser (Post Falls-Sherman is being remodeled)! We can earn 20% of receipt sales. Vouchers are being sent home this week.
Our mentor/mentee program has begun! Many of our fourth and fifth grade students are mentoring our kindergarten through third grade students on skills such as sight words, math facts, reading, and more!
Does your child need a warm jacket? We have lots of donations! Contact Fernan!
Looking for some VOLUNTEERS at Fernan!
We would love to have a volunteer help us with laminating once a week.
We also are looking for a volunteer who helps once a week with our food backpack program. Please email sandy.doering@cdaschools.org if you would like more information, or are interested in either volunteer opportunity. Thank you!
Please fill out Coeur d'Alene's School District PARENT Survey!
Annual Journey to the North Pole, Dec. 5th
Email Srandklev@cdaschools.org if interested!
4th graders invent with the engineering design process.
Professor Critch introduces Invent Idaho.
1st graders research reindeer.
Change in our lunch menu: There will no longer be 'veggie tray' as a choice.
STEM Activity of the Week: Learn Hexagonal Symmetry with Snowflakes !
Helping at Fernan
Mon, school begins at 9:55
Tues-Fri, school begins at 8:55
Lunch Times:
Life Skills: 11:10-11:30
Kindergarten: 11:10-11:30
4th Grade: 11:25-11:40
5th Grade: 11:40-11:55
1st Grade: 11:50-12:05
2nd Grade: 12:05-12:20
2/3 & 3rd Grade: 12:20-12:35
Kinder dismissal, 3:25
1st-5th dismissal, 3:30
Fernan LOVES volunteers!
Fernan's Motto, Vision and Mission Statement
Motto: No goals are too high where falcons fly. We’re brilliant, kind and strong!
Vision: Our Fernan Falcons empower one another to be problem solvers who ask, imagine, plan, create and grow.Mission: We build the future by inspiring, engaging, and empowering students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers who work collaboratively to improve the world around them.
Fernan STEM Academy
Website: https://www.cdaschools.org/Fernan
Location: 520 North 21st Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 664-2659
Facebook: facebook.com/FernanSTEMAcademy