ICES Newsletter
September 20, 2024
Dates to Remember
Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27 - College Go Week (More info below)
Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4 - Exercise for Education Spirit Week (More info below)
Wednesday, October 2 (2:30-6:30) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 3 (3:30-6:30) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 4 - Exercise for Education Walk-a-Thon @ ICHS Track
Monday, October 7 - Friday, October 11 - FALL BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
Sunday, October 20 (7:00 p.m.) - Indian Creek Education Foundation Meeting @ ICLC
Monday, October 28 - Friday, November 1 - Red Ribbon Week (More info below)
Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 8 - Book Fair Week (During school hours)
Thursday, November 7 - School Picture Make-up Day
Thursday, November 7 (4:30-6:30) - Grandparent's Night
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 - THANKSGIVING BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
College Go Week (Monday, September 23 - Friday, September 27)
Exercise for Education Update
This year our annual Exercise for Education (E4E) theme is space— "Exercising is OUT OF THIS WORLD!" This is our sole fundraising event for the 24-25 school year, acting as a great non-traditional fundraiser that will benefit and support ICES programs, student activities and staff needs! Proceeds make the dances, ice cream socials, student appreciation days, field days, and all of our other activities possible.
We have raised a total of $1,444.10 so far. Keep those donations coming!
2nd Grade - $924.85 (Mrs. Vansickel's class is in the lead.)
1st Grade - $301.00 (Ms. Waltz's class is in the lead.)
Kindergarten - $218.25 (Ms. Smith's class is in the lead.)
Top Fundraisers: Eliza W., Tyler M., Dominic M.
Exercise for Education Sprit Week (Monday, September 30 - Friday, October 4)
Red Ribbon Week (Friday, October 28 - Friday, November 1)
Order School Pictures
Infinite Campus vs. ParentSquare
Indian Creek Education Foundation
Attendance Information
2021-2022 - 96.18%
2022-2023 - 95.45%
2023-2024 - 95.85%
How Sick is too Sick?
As we navigate a season marked by various illnesses, it is crucial that we work together to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment for our students. With several illnesses circulating within our school community, your cooperation in keeping sick children at home becomes even more significant.
Here is an information sheet designed to serve as a general guide for parents, outlining when it's advisable to keep your child at home. By following these recommendations, we can work together to minimize the spread of germs.
Background Checks
In an effort to keep our schools safe, all volunteers must have a background check completed and on file with the school. To volunteer in the classroom, chaperone field trips or attend classroom parties, you must have a background check completed.
Important: A new background check must be done every school year.
ICES September Breakfast Menu
ICES October Breakfast Menu
ICES September Lunch Menu
ICES October Lunch Menu
Car Rider Form
If you will be picking up your child from school on a regular basis, please fill out the form below for a car tag.
ICES/ICIS Student Handbook
Indian Creek Youth Softball Camp
ICHS Fieldhouse, 803 W Indian Creek Dr, Trafalgar, IN 46181, USA map
- When: Monday September, 23rd Through Wednesday, September 25th - 6:00pm - 8:00pm
- Where: Indian Creek HS Fieldhouse
- Ages: Kindergarten - 8th Grade
- Cost: $40 (Includes Camp T-Shirt) Payments can be made online using the link attached to this communication
- What To Wear: Softball Pants, Socks & Shirt (No Shorts); Molded Cleats Or Tennis Shoes (No Metal Cleats)
- What To Bring: Softball Equipment & Drink
Registration Link : https://forms.gle/J8CEAvGJWxtky9cC7
Payment Link: https://public.eventlink.com/registrations?id=bb799bb2-e710-4591-cd86-08dccc402327
Free Breakfast
Food Pantry - Volunteers Needed
The Braves Food Pantry is up and running and in need of volunteers! By partnering with Gleaners Food Bank, we are able to distribute food three times per month, twice at the Indian Creek Learning Center and once at the ICHS parking lot. Volunteering with the Braves Pantry is a great way to give back to our local community. Please register to volunteer in September using the link below. Thank you!
Sept. Volunteer Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040F4EA8AC28A5FC1-50511115-braves
Oct. Volunteer Link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040F4EA8AC28A5FC1-50511177-braves#/
Now Hiring Substitute Bus Drivers
No Pets
Please be aware that dogs are not allowed on school grounds, playgrounds, or sports fields at any time throughout the calendar year except for service animals, per school policy, Indiana and Federal law.
This policy is for our students and staff members' health and safety.
After school hours and athletic events and practices, when students are absent, dog owners may walk their pets on a leash along the school property borders, such as the walking trail and on sidewalks/school roads. Please clean up and properly dispose of pet waste.