Custom Pens Made From Water Bottles
RPET Promo Pens and Eco Friendly Advertising Pens
Seeking Promo Pens Made From Renewable Resources?
We're not going to be long winded with this intro. We've got them all, and ship them all over the continental USA. We're talking about RPET pens made from recycled water bottles, customized pens made from corn plastic, logo imprinted writing instruments made from wheat straw, recycled denim, post industrial plastic, recycled U.S. currency, newspapers, bamboo, and more!
Custom Water Bottle Pens B2P
If you click the pic, it will take you to all of the wonderful options that we offer for what is most likely the most popular custom water bottle pen, the B2P. These customized recycled water bottle pens are available with a band imprint (see the ice cream cone on the sample?) or with a clip imprint, which is a great place to put your company name. To us, if you are ordering imprinted water bottle pens, it's kind of cool that these resemble the water bottles from which they were made.
JUNKYARD Pens are Made From...Whatever we can make them from!
Colors can vary with these customized recycled materials pens because they are made from denim, rubber, recycled money, and more interesting items. Click the picture to view pricing and order YOUR company's junkyard pens!
Corn Plastic Recycled Pens
If you click the picture to view the pricing and pictures of these corn derived plastic promo pens, you will see that they indeed have a bright yellow and green corn theme. We also have some more subdued recycled pens that use bamboo for the pen barrels and corn for the clips, which you can view by scrolling down.
Bamboo advertising pens with corn PLA plastic trim
These marketing pens have barrels that are made from bamboo, which is considered a renewable resource because it grows so fast. See the clip and tip? Those parts are made from corn plastic or PLA.
Pens Made From Recycled CORK
These pens are made from recycled cork and are made to look like pencils, which is weird, but if you love pencils, you might...as well...have your pens look like them too?
Double Sided Two Color Cardboard Promo Biodegradable Pens
YES that was a very long title, but these custom two color pens are made from either biodegradable or recycled materials and will look great with your logo or company name printed on the cardboard barrel.
These PLA corn plastic recycled pens are refillable
How many low cost pens do you know of that are refillable? Recyclable and biodegradable is great, but to have a promo pen that your client can keep refilling is the best! Click the picture to read more, view pricing, or purchase!
Eco MASTER Corn Starch Clicker Promo Pens
We know we're getting redundant with the corn plastic promo pens, but this one is another hot seller. We promise we will offer another material in the next pic. Click the orange pen to view all the colors, pricing, and order.
Custom Recycled Wheat Pens From Eco Friendly Wheat Straw
If you click the picture of the wheat straw pens with the black trim, it will open up the catalog where you can view close to 60 options for your customized wheat straw promo pens.