The Elk Run Monday Mailer
August 19th, 2024

The Monthly Mailer September 1, 2024
What's New?
Herd Huddle
We are excited to be adding weekly assemblies to our Elk Run schedule. These will take place in the morning at 8:45 for our Kindergarten - 3rd grade students and in the afternoon at 3:00 for our 4-5th grade students.
At Herd Huddle we will be celebrating our students and teachers! Look forward to grade level cheers, awarding Principal's Pride certificates, teacher and staff recognitions, teaching a school-wide focus area, attendance, and other fun things that will come up as the year goes on.
Herd Huddle is going to build school spirit and be a ton of fun! Wear your Elk Run shirt on Herd Huddle days! Every Tuesday!
See the Event Section for dates for Herd Huddle.
Mobile Food Pantry
The Mobile Food Pantry will be at Elk Run on September 3 from 3:20 until about 4:00 (or when all the food has been distributed). We invite all families in need to take advantage of this service.
*Note: This is NOT an opportunity for families to donate food.
From the Office
Office Corner
Tardy students must enter at the amphitheater until 9:00 am
Please pack a change of clothes for your child, no matter the age. Accidents happen! Spilling at lunch, stepping in mud, falling down, ripping pants, and bathroom accidents are things that can happen to any child at any time. It is wise to have a change of clothes available in their backpack for such times.
Please program the Elk Run phone number into your phone so you know if we are calling you. 385-646-4786. If you change your phone number please let us know so we can get ahold of you in case of emergency.
Drop off and Pick Up
Parents, it is clearly marked that the parking lot with the 3500 South entrance is a faculty only parking lot. There is no student loading or unloading at this space and there is no patron parking. It is only a matter of time until someone is hit by a car in this lot. It is NOT for general use. Please follow procedures for drop off and pick up.
How Can I Help at Home?
6th Grade
In 6th grade Science we are going to be looking at the moon and the phases of the moon. Here is a website for students to track the changes of the moon. They could even look up their birthday to see what the moon looked like the night they were born.
Hello Elk Run Community,
I am Ms. Becca Baldridge, the new BTS drama teacher at Elk Run. I am so excited to be at Elk Run this year and to be working with our community!
In drama class, students will be working on their Actor's Toolkit, which includes the body, voice, imagination, and teamwork. Here is a link to my website with resources for students and families to practice using their Actor's Toolkit at home.
4th Grade
Learn Geography with Seterra!
First Grade Reading Goal
Our first grade teachers have a goal to have ALL first graders reading at least 15 words by Halloween. Watch for information from your child's teacher about how to help them at home so they can achieve this important goal.
Kindergarten Letter Name and Sound Club
Our kindergarten teachers are determined that ALL of our kindergarten students will know all their letter names and sounds BEFORE Halloween! This is something that is absolutely possible; we believe in our students and their ability to learn their letters and sounds.
We know that as they learn their letter names and sounds they will be better readers and that they will be reading earlier. Please watch for information from your child's kindergarten teacher about the letter names and sounds they are working on in class.
Labor Day, No School
Monday, Sep 2, 2024, 08:00 AM
Herd Huddle Grades 4-6
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 03:00 PM
Mobile Food Pantry at Elk Run
Tuesday, Sep 3, 2024, 03:15 PM
Scheduler is Open to sign up for SEP Conferences
Monday, Sep 9, 2024, 07:00 AM
Herd Huddle Grades K-3
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 08:45 AM
SEP conferences
SEP conferences are from 4-7 PM. Please sign up and plan to attend with your child.
Monday, Sep 16, 2024, 04:00 PM
Herd Huddle Grades 4-6
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024, 03:00 PM
SEP Conferences
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024, 04:00 PM
Planning Day
School is out at 1:15
Thursday, Sep 19, 2024, 01:15 PM
No School!
No school for students or teachers, compensatory day for SEP conferences
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 08:15 AM
Kindergarten ONLY Literacy Night 6-7 PM
This event will focus on specific Kindergarten needs. Families are invited but there will not be activities for older students.