Central Elementary
June 2024

Mid-June 2024
Principal's Message
Hello Central School Community! Thank you for a wonderful 23-24 school year. I have seen such great gains in all aspects of our students' lives this year. A huge shoutout to our faculty and staff for their unyielding effort in making Central School an incredible place for Wall Township's children. Thank you to the community and to CAPE for your continued support in planning events, organizing field trips, and enriching our students' educational experience throughout the school year.
As always, at the end of the year, I like to send out a survey to continue to grow and improve the experience for your child. You can find that survey below this message. If you have the time, please consider taking the survey so that I can continue to meet your children's needs.
Thank you for everything Central School Community. Looking forward to an even more successful 24-25 school year!
Please Note: This Newsletter contains important information, please read carefully.
Elementary Summer Assignments 2024
Dear WTPS Elementary Parents and Guardians,
As we are wrapping up the 2023-2024 school year, our students are looking forward to a well deserved break! Summer is a great time to recharge and reset! While we’re doing that, we want to be mindful of the “Summer Slide.” Summer learning loss is a real thing, but it can be significantly minimized with meaningful and consistent activities to keep those brains sharp.
If you didn’t have a chance to attend last night’s parent presentation, “Let’s Avoid the Summer Slide,” please take a moment to click through the presentation as it contains many links with resources to help your child become a Summer Climber and avoid becoming a Summer Slider! Don’t miss the incentive slide, which explains how to earn raffle tickets to win individual and class rewards!
Although nothing is mandatory, these opportunities provide a chance for our students to engage their brains and minimize summer regression. Parents are encouraged to assist their children when needed.
Have a great summer!
Mrs. Erin Embon
Director of Curriculum PK-5
Congratulations to Ms. Tormey on her retirement! We will miss her as she begins her next journey! Ms. Tormey has served as an educator for more than 40 years. Her dedication to her students and meeting their needs has been par none. We are sad to see her go, but excited to see how she grows in this new chapter. Thank you, Ms. Tormey, for all of the amazing things you have done for Central school, and for all the lives you have impacted over your momentous career. Good luck!
Central Elementary School boasts a strong PTO organization called CAPE (Central Association of Parents and Educators). If you are looking for ways to get involved with your school, this is a great place to start. Please click below for links to CAPE's website and Facebook pages.
📅 Save the Date
Orchestra/Band Information: 3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders
Play an instrument!
See flyer for QR codes to register for classes or sign up for rentals.
📰 District News
Congratulations to our 2023-2024 WTPS retirees!
Thank you for serving our students, schools, families, and community!
🏫 Student Spotlight
Spring Concert: 6/5
Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs Visits Kindergarteners!
Students of the Month
A heartwarming moment as two kindergarteners in Miss Ricelli's class share a secret handshake.
End of Year Parties
🧠 7 Mindsets
Thank you for a wonderful year!
The Wall Township Wellness Department and I would like to thank our parents, guardians, and community caretakers whose support contributed to the success of The 7 Mindsets program. Year one of implementation surpassed expectations as our community joined together to celebrate each mindset in ways that honor the spirit of the program. To best capture the essence of the mindset experience, we invite you to view the presentation linked HERE and posted on our District website.
Next year, we will embrace our second year of implementation with continued instruction on each mindset, school-wide activities for children to apply positive habits of mind, Wellness in the Works parent newsletters, and monthly showcases to the community at Board of Education meetings. We will dive deeper into the program with some new instructional initiatives including Wellness Webinars for students grades 3-8 to facilitate grade-level discussions in real-time, 9th-grade transitional curriculum aligned to the mindsets, student leadership opportunities a.k.a. Mindset Mentors, and additional curricular connections embedded in classroom instruction.
Before we break for the summer, I would like to offer access to the 7 Mindsets audiobook HERE if you missed the opportunity to read it last year.
With warm regards,
Tiffany A. Steiner
Director of Intervention Programs and Student Wellness
🍽️ Food Services
❗ Important Information
Jackets in Gym 🧥
Mr. Knight, Mr. Farrell, & Mr. LaFerlita would like to remind all that they should bring their jackets to gym until Thanksgiving. Maximizing outside time is a priority before the cold winter months.
Daily Transportation Changes 🗃️
We know that changes happen. We also know that they can happen last minute. However, please know that we dismiss over 500 students a day in many different ways. We can accommodate changes as they come, but do ask that calls to the office for transportation changes come in no later than 2:45pm. Please help us ensure the safety and secure dismissal of all our students.
Parking Lot Advisories 🚦
Please be advised that during arrival and dismissal the south parking lot (across from the church) is not accessible to parent pick up or drop off. Our buses must have a safe area to depart from and we cannot have additional traffic in this area. Please refrain from entering this parking lot during arrival and dismissal times. Please utilize the private transportation line for that purpose.
Private Transportation 🚗
Private Transportation operates at peak efficiency after a few weeks of school have passed. When parents/cars are recognized as regulars, the line moves much quicker. Thank you for your patience as we get acquainted with your vehicle/pickup person. Please note that the Private Transportation line moves much faster when the driver remains in the vehicle. If your child is capable of opening/closing their car door, sitting in their seat, and buckling in, please encourage them to do so. In this way, we can keep the line moving!
Transportation 🚌
Please remember to check the transportation status sheet on the website to know if there are any buses running late. In the event of a change that takes place close to arrival or dismissal, I will send out a notification.
Technology 💻
Our first through fifth grade students are so fortunate to have 1:1 Chromebooks at school. These devices are assigned to every child and will advance with the learner each year. Since students will have these devices for five years, we are encouraging our students to take care of their technology! In case a Chrome book is intentionally damaged, families will have to pay for repairs.
From time to time, teachers, mainly 4th and 5th grade, may assign homework assignments that require device access. In case your child needs a Chrome book at home, please contact our School Family Liaison Counselor Ms. Crepeau (screpeau@wallpublicschools.org/732-556-2556) or myself (emonafis@wallpublicschools.org).
Our Technology teacher will ensure that your child gets a device to borrow for the 2023-2024 school year. The borrowed device must be returned by May 31st.
Dress Code 👗
Shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes must have a back or support strap - NO FLIP FLOPS!
The length of shorts, skirts, or dresses must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
Athletic uniforms (padding, helmets, footwear) and bathing trunks are inappropriate attire. Boxer shorts, spandex shorts, or cutoffs are not permissible. All garments must be hemmed. Team jerseys are OK.
Students may not wear tube, tank, halter, spaghetti-straps, or see-through tops. Off-the-shoulder tops and backless dresses may not be worn to school. Sleeveless tops will be permitted as long as the top of the shoulder is covered. Midriffs must always be covered.
Clothing with large holes and tears in it may not be worn to school.
Headgear may not be worn indoors. Hats will be confiscated.
Words or pictures that are not appropriate for the school environment may not appear on clothing.
Chains, choker studs, or any other similar adornments are prohibited.
Students are to refrain from wearing sunglasses or tinted glasses of any type in school without a written doctor’s recommendation on file with the school nurse.
Central Elementary School: 732-556-2540