Primary School
January 17, 2025
Primary Families,
Students LOVED getting outside for recess in the 30 degree weather! I hope everyone stays safe and warm for the cold snap arriving this weekend. A reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 20th due to a staff development day.
Today is the end of the 1st semester. At Primary, students had Art with Ms. Schreyer the first half of the year, but today marks her last day of the school year at Primary. Thank you to Ms. Schreyer for all she taught our students about Art. Starting on Tuesday, we will welcome back Mrs. Leasure who will be teaching Music. The specialist rotation will now be Physical Education, Music, and Media Center/STEM/Computer Science.
Conferences are coming the end of the month. Please remember to sign up for conferences using the directions outlined below.
Important dates for your calendar:
- Monday, January 20th - No School, Staff Development
- January 28, 30, 31 - Conferences & Book Fair
- Thursday, January 30th - Early Dismissal (students home 2.5 hours earlier)
- Friday, January 31 - No School for Elementary (Conferences)
Have a great weekend and stay warm!
Amy Grice, Principal
Chisago Lakes Primary School
Sign Up for Conference Times - Kindergarten and First Grade Only
Conferences for K/1 are scheduled for:
- Tuesday, January 28th: 4pm-8pm
- Thursday, January 30th: 4pm-8pm
- Friday, January 31st: 8am-12pm
Families are now able to schedule their conference times. Both in-person and virtual options are available, please select the one you prefer. Note: Friday from 11-12 are virtual options only. Thursday will be an early release day with students being dismissed from school at 1:00. The building will open after early release at 1:35 pm. Follow these steps to sign up for your conference times:
Click on the teacher you wish to conference with
Select an open time on the teachers schedule and click Sign Up
Complete the form/required information
Click Sign Up For Your Conference (at the bottom of the form)
Sign-ups will close on Wednesday, January 22nd at 10:00 pm
When you have successfully completed the sign-up process, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. Families are allowed to schedule one conference per students with the teacher.
**If you have more than one student at Primary, use the “Register for Multiple Conferences” process. You will be able to see multiple teacher’s schedules to make scheduling easier for your family. NOTE: Preschool conferences will be in April.
Need Help? Have Questions?
-If you need help signing up for a conference, click on the “Help” link
-If you don’t have internet access, contact your student’s teacher to set up a conference.
Book Fair News
The in-person Primary School Scholastic Book Fair begins Monday, January 30. Learn more about it by visiting our Book Fair Homepage. All purchases support our school and media center. Here are a few things you can do before the Fair opens:
1. Set up an eWallet account for your child to shop before school from 8:55-9:10 am on:
Monday, January 27 - all grades
Tuesday, January 28 - First grade only
Wednesday, January 29 - Kindergarten only
When you set up an account, you can set a spending limit; you’ll only be charged for what’s purchased. Learn more here. All sales support our school.
2. Shop online by clicking on the Shop Now button on the Book Fair Homepage. Primary School will receive 25% from all online purchases in Scholastic dollars between Tuesday, January 23 to Monday, Feburary 5.
3. Check your child's backpack for a parent letter and flyer.
Give Kids a Smile
Free dental care is available for children on February 7 and February 8 at various dental clinics. Please see below for more information.
Early Release Information - Thursday, January 30th
Just a reminder that Thursday, January 30th is an EARLY RELEASE.
- Curbside Pick-Up will start at 12:50 pm
- Buses will leave Primary at approximately 1:10 pm. Plan on students arriving home 2.5 hours earlier than usual.
There will be no Kids Club after school on Thursday.
If a student is leaving school in a manner other than what is their normal procedure, please let the office (651-213-2200 or email Amy O. at aodland@isd2144.org) and the classroom teacher know by 11:00 am on Thursday, January 30th.
There will be no school on Friday, Jan 31st for elementary students due to conferences.
PTO News
Conferences are Coming Up!
If you can't get the above QR code to scan you can click the links listed below.
Do you enjoy baking or shopping? We need a few sides, desserts and drinks to go along with the meals we are providing the teachers.
Don't have time to shop? We will shop for you! Sign up below:
Yearbooks will be sold online only; no in-school purchasing. All yearbooks will be delivered to the address you provide Jostens at time of checkout.
DEADLINE February 28th to order your 24-25 yearbook!
Little Wildcats Preschool, Preschool + Parents, ECFE
Upcoming Dates
- Jan 20th - No School: Staff Development
- Thurs Jan 30th & Fri Jan 31st - No Little Wildcats Preschool or ECFE
- Thurs Jan 30th & Fri Jan 31st - Early Childhood Screening (By Appt Only)
- Mon Feb 17th - No School: Staff Development
- Mon Mar 3rd - Little Wildcats Preschool and ECFE Registration Opens @8am
- Mon Mar 10th - Fri Mar 14th - No School: Spring Break
- Thurs Mar 27th - Early Childhood Screening (By Appt Only)
- Mon Mar 31st - No School: Staff Development
Trips and Classes
Active and Confident!
Join us to help your son or daughter learn to be active and confident! In the gymnastics room at the Wildcat Community Center, Active and Confident class encourages parents to participate and learn various skills.
Active and Confident 2-3 Year Olds
Mixed Ages ECFE Class (Birth to 5)
Welcoming children birth to 5 years old. Come and engage in purposeful and interactive play with your children in this class of movers and shakers. Parents and children stay together for the entire class. During the first half, parents and children will enjoying regular classroom activities along with movement areas, art, and story time. Parents and children will participate in an interactive circle time with singing and movement. During snack time, parents will engage in deeper parent discussion while children continue to play in the classroom with staff.
Registration will stay open as new families are always welcome to join!
No Sibling Care available during this session
Community Education
Starting Soon!
Basketball Clinic
This class will help your child develop as a basketball player. Fundamentals will be taught with skills time followed by fun games. All equipment provided.
Primary School - Starts Tues, Feb 11
Lakeside Elementary - Starts Wed, Feb 12
Taylors Falls - Starts Thurs, Feb 13
Nature Club
Embark on a captivating journey into nature with our certified naturalist-led after-school program! Students will get involved in the wonders of the natural world, discovering the secrets of tree identification, the art of seed harvesting and preservation.
This curriculum evolves with the changing seasons, ensuring fresh experiences and discoveries with each passing month
Be sure to dress in weather-appropriate clothing and footwear, as we'll venture outdoors to fully immerse ourselves in the beauty and splendor of nature.
Start Dates:
Taylors Falls: Mondays, Feb. 3
Lakeside: Tuesdays, Feb. 11
Primary School: Thursdays, Feb. 13
Dont Forget to Follow Us!
Chisago Lakes Early Childhood Parents for more fun and interesting ideas you can share with your child. It's also a fun place to connect with other families in the community with young children!
Chisago Lakes Community Education to see what fun and interesting things we have going on down at the WCC to make sure you don't miss out on anything!
We are now on INSTAGRAM!
Drumroll please... We are officially part of the Instagram family! Follow us for all things community education, fun activities, and valuable resources. Let's grow together! @clcommunityed
Community Opportunities
Chisago Lakes Primary School
All the best,
Amy Grice, Principal
Email: agrice@isd2144.org
Website: https://www.isd2144.org/Primary
Location: 11009 284th St, Chisago City, MN 55013
Phone: (651) 213-2200