Welcome Back Westview Families!
A School Year of Awesomeness
I hope everyone is doing well and as best they can with the recent weather. Due to the power outages for many families and the school facilities, class list information will be delayed. A message will be sent at a later date. Stay safe everyone!
Welcome Back to a New Year
We are excited to welcome your children back to school for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. We will have fun, learn, and work hard to be our best self. Together with your support and help, amazing learning and growth will happen.
Important Dates
19 - Westview Open House, 3:30-5:00
19 - PTA Ice Cream Social, 3:30-5:00
20 - First Day of School, grades 1-4
22 - First Day of School, Kindergarten
30 - Avon Lake Pride Day - wear maroon and gold to school
Open House is Monday, August 19th, 3:30-5:00. Students and families are invited to visit the classroom, meet your teacher, drop off supplies, catch up with friends, and tour the school.
PTA is providing an ice cream treat for all students and family members that evening, so while checking out the classroom and school, enjoy a cool refreshment. PTA will also be sharing information about their great organization that evening.
Office Contact Information
Contact Number - 440-933-8131
Secretary's Email - anita.jantz@alcsoh.org
Student Attendance Information
If your child will not be at school, call the attendance line at 440-933-8292 to provide us with the name of your child and reason for the absence. Attached below is the district attendance policy.
Attendance for Every Student, Every Day!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Who to contact if your child is unable to come to school: Mrs. Jantz at 440-933-8131 or the Westview Attendance Line at 440-930-8292.
Meet Our New Staff
Welcome to our new staff members and we are excited to have them work with our students, families, and Westview team!
1st Grade - Amy Okuma
2nd Grade - Jenni Stryczny
3rd Grade - Natalie Pennell
4th Grade - Jill Lisy
Music - Makaela Marasigan
Music - Michelle Swislocki
Paraprofessional - Malgorzata Tomczyk
Librarian - TBD
Lunch Supervisor - TBD
Westview Spirit Days
Birthday Celebration Information
Celebrating a student birthday is a fun and important event for young children. We support that excitement and enthusiasm at school without food or treats. Please take a moment to read the birthday policy so all students and parents are knowledgeable of what can be sent to school to celebrate a student birthday.
Student School Supplies
School Hours
8:35 - Students may enter the building
8:50 - School begins
3:20 - School ends
24-25 Student Lunch Prices
Grades 9-12 $3.50
Grades 5-8 $3.25
Grades K-4 $3.00
Student Arrival and Dismissal
Car Riders - Car rider drop off is in the front loop of the main drive 8:35-8:50. Students should stay in their car until the bell rings at 8:35 and enter the main entrance.
Walker and Bike Riders - All walkers and bike riders will enter the building through the main entrance 8:35-8:50.
Bus Riders - All bus riders will enter the building through the doors near the bus loop which is the southern drive.
Car Riders - Car riders will be dismissed from the northeast doors (back of building) at 3:20. Westview utilizes a number system for students getting picked up by car. Complete the Google Form linked HERE to get a number. The number can be picked up during Open House or sent home with your child.
Walkers - Students that live east of Westview will be dismissed from the middle doors opposite the main hallway restrooms. Students that live west of Westview will be dismissed from the bus doors near the southern loop. The only exception is all Kindergarten students walking home will exit the bus loop doors near the Kindergarten classrooms.
Bike Riders - All bike riders will exit the middle doors opposite the main hallway restrooms to access the bike rack.
Westview is a Title 1 School
Westview Elementary School is considered a Title 1 school by the state of Ohio. Therefore, we receive some money from the state of Ohio, to help some of our students achieve to their best abilities. We utilize the funds to hire tutors and purchase materials to support student understanding and achievement. Below is a general description of the Title 1 provision.
Title I ("Title One"), a provision of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act passed in 1965, is a program created by the United States Department of Education to distribute funding to schools and school districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families. Funding is distributed first to state educational agencies (SEAs) which then allocate funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) which in turn dispense funds to public schools in need. Title I also helps children from families that have migrated to the United States and youth from intervention programs who are neglected or at risk of abuse. The act appropriates money for educational purposes for the next five fiscal years until it is reauthorized.
In addition, Title I appropriates money to the education system for prevention of dropouts and the improvement of schools. These appropriations are carried out for five fiscal years until reauthorization. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, to be an eligible Title I school, at least 40% of a school's students must be from low-income families who qualify under the United States Census's definition of low-income, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Innovation Supplies Needed
The Innovation special at Westview is looking for empty cereal boxes, paper towel and toilet paper rolls, and dry and clean bottles with or without caps. Other items that can be donated for Innovation are yarn, straws, popsicle sticks, and other crafting items. Items can be dropped off in the bin in the vestibule 9:00-3:00 and students may bring items throughout the school year.
Text Message Alerts
To receive text message alerts that are sent out from Westview, please follow the directions on the document below.