Mason Elementary
January 2025
Mason Equity Statement
We at Mason Elementary value belonging, joy and respect. Everyone will recognize strengths in themselves and others. They will show respect for individual differences, so that all students can feel understood and accepted. Equitable opportunities will help students learn and grow.
Principal's Corner
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
Congratulations to Mrs. Schwegler as she embarks on the next chapter of her career. We are sad to say goodbye, but we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Mrs. Schwegler’s last day as a Mason Mountain Lion will be Friday, January 31, 2025. Please join us in congratulating her and wishing her well.
As we say farewell to Mrs. Schwegler, we are thrilled to welcome Ms. Cortney Schillinger to the Mason family as our new administrative assistant. Cortney joins us from the High School, and we’re excited to have her on board!
This marking period, our school theme is “Diversity,” we will celebrate Black History Month and Women’s month. Students will complete projects and focus attention on the contributions of African Americans and women to the United States.
What an exciting time of year this is at Mason! This is when we see many students take giant leaps in their learning. Students who have struggled with being “tuned into” learning are starting to take off. Students who struggled with reading fluently are sounding like pros. Students who have fought with their math facts are finding that things are starting to click. This is a true testament to all the work done at school and at home since the start of the school year.
So, let’s keep the growth going with the coordinated efforts between home and school. Remember, you can/should read with your child each night. Students need to read with you for (1) a fluent model of what reading sounds like, (2) seeing that you value the practice needed to grow as a reader, (3) continued practice of strategies and skills learned at school, and (4) quality time for you and your child.
Our fifth-grade students will have a visit from East Middle School Counselors and Perry Innovation Center Upper School. Middle School counselors will give students an introduction to middle school course offerings and scheduling. Students will receive course offering and scheduling information to bring home please take the time to review the information with your child and return it to their homeroom teacher in a timely manner.
The end of the marking period was Friday, January 17, 2025, and report cards will be available for review via Jupiter on Monday, January 27th. Parents, after reviewing your child’s report card, if you have any concerns, please schedule a conference with your child’s teacher.
We will begin Human Growth and Development with our fourth and fifth grade students in March. The Birds & the Bees parent informational night will be held February 10th, 6:30pm at EMS room 105.
Students will go out for recess if the temperature is greater than 10 degrees. Students must have boots and snow pants to play in the snow.
In the Interest of Our Children,
Mrs. S. James
Welcome Ms. Schillinger to the Mason Office
Please help us Welcome Ms. Schillinger to our main office. She is. coming to us from Grand Blanc High School. Ms. Schillinger is bringing a wealth of knowledge to our building. She has three children who who are currently attending or have attended Grand Blanc Schools.
2 Hour Delayed Start Due to Weather
Family in Need
We have a Mason family of four that has been displaced due to an accident. Please consider helping this family as they move into a new home. They are in need of all essentials, bath towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, hygiene products, bleach, etc. Anything will be greatly appreciated and the family will be grateful to receive.
They are also in need of clothing:
Child #1 Boy - Med/Lg Men's shirts, Lg Men's sweatpants, shoe size men's 10.5
Child #2 Boy - Child's size 6/7 shirts, Child size 8 pants, child shoe size 1
Please bring or send donations to the Mason Office.
News from the Library
From the Desk of Mrs. Baker
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Mason during Spring Conferences.
Outdoor Recess
2nd Marking Period Report Cards
The last day of the 2nd marking period was Friday, January 17. Electronic report cards will be available on Monday, January 27. If you need a hard copy, please contact the office. We will print one for you.
Celebration of Learning
As part of our Spring Conferences, there will be a Family Celebration of Learning event. Your child will have an opportunity to “show off” all their accomplishments. So please join us for our Celebration of Learning Wednesday, March 12, 2025, from 4:30 -7:00 pm.
Traditional conferences will be held Tuesday, March 11th, and Thursday, March 13th. If your child’s teacher would like to have a conference with you, they will contact you. However, if your child’s teacher does not contact you with concerns, yet you would like a traditional conference, you may contact the teacher to secure a meeting time. The end of the 3rd marking period is Friday, March 28th therefore you will receive a progress report instead of a report card during conferences. We sincerely hope that our Celebration of Learning evening solidifies your understanding of your child’s growth and progress this school year.
Grand Blanc Birthday and Snack Policy
Surviving the Birds and the Bees
Kindergarten Information Night
Student Absences
Upcoming Important Dates
January Dates
January 28
- 4th Grade to FIM
February Dates
February 5
- East Middle to Visit 5th Grade
- Count Day
February 13
- Half Day for Students
- No School
- 3rd Grade to Whiting
Student Lunch Account Information
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students. If your student would like to purchase snacks, water, and/or extra entrees, please put money in their account using Meal Magic at
Early Childhood Expo
What Happens When Students Feels Sick?
About Mason Elementary
Location: 5544 East Cook Road, Grand Blanc, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-7840