RTS Parents' Newsletter
11 October 2024
Head Teacher's Message
It has been a very busy and productive day here today for staff - departments have been working hard on refining the curriculum, finalising revision plans, analysing how students have been working so far this term, and planning, planning, planning for the months ahead.
FoRTS also held a pre-loved uniform sale in the Atrium today and it was great to see a steady stream of parents (and children) heading in to support this.
On that note I'd like to share with you a few words from Jason Hughes, Chair of Trustees: 'On behalf of the trustees, a big thank you to all the FoRTS volunteers for all of the work they do, and the money they raise for RTS students'.
The school works very closely with FoRTS and for a small team they raise an incredible amount of money for the school - every penny goes towards enriching all of your children's lives at school. Please do read their section below on other ways that you can help support them - or do get in contact with the FoRTS team if you have ideas about fundraising.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
~Ms K Dooley | Head Teacher
Friends of RTS (FoRTS)
PTA volunteering opportunities
If you would like to be part of the fundraising team please email fortssecretary@rts.richmond.sch.uk
We cannot function unless we have a pool of volunteers. All money raised goes to the full benefit of the RTS pupils through enhanced enrichment opportunities.
Pre-loved uniform
If you have any uniform donations please ask your child to drop them off at reception when they enter school.
Rugby Parking
Marshalling the school car park on rugby and event days is the biggest money maker for FoRTS. If you are interested in joining the marshalling team’s WhatsApp group please email Brad and Caroline on fortsparking@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Your FoRTS team,
Carmelle (Chair and Acting Secretary) and Jason & Somi (Treasurers)
General: forts@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Parking: fortsparking@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Excellence through Endeavour
Year 7 Boys had their very first football fixture this week against Twickenham School.
They won 4-1 and were dominant throughout the game. Congratulations to our goal scorers: Ronnie R., Albert D. and Theo B. (2).
Unfortunately we don't have a photograph but a big shout out to the Year 10 and Year 9 girls' netball teams who also went up against Twickenham School at netball. They won both matches. Well done to all girls who took part.
Spotlight On...
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)
This week in PSHE with Year 9, I had the pleasure of witnessing something special! Our students had the opportunity to work with Loudmouth Theatre, an educational company that specialises in relationship and safeguarding programmes. Loudmouth enhances our Relationships, Sex, and Health Education (RSHE) with dynamic, interactive drama performances and workshops tailored for secondary schools.
Their "Calling It Out" programme is particularly impactful, supporting schools in fostering a culture where sexual harassment and abuse are never tolerated. Through engaging, research-based drama, the programme brings these important issues to life, helping students deepen their understanding and consolidate their learning.
Students participated in interactive workshops that encouraged discussion, allowing them to share their views, build their knowledge, and learn where to seek support. It was a truly valuable experience for all involved!
RTS Sports Building Update
We are so excited to share a couple of sneak peaks of the new RTS Sports Building. Some staff took the opportunity to head over today and have a look in advance of the imminent handover. As you can see from the photos, we are very nearly there! The contractors are now working on the final touches to the building, and it looks very impressive. In due course, Mr Briggs, along with the Sports team, will be organising induction sessions for students.
We will soon begin working with the contractors to remove the temporary sports hall and complete the MUGA finish, which will include a multi-use surface and floodlights. Provisionally, we expect these works to commence over the October half-term, following a schedule that ensures no loss of space for students during unstructured times or PE/Games lessons. More information will follow.
The second floor multi-game use space - there are four badminton courts and the light today was incredible.
The ground floor activity/dance studio - again, wonderful light flooding in despite the building works' offices still in place.
Parent Zone
Are you interested in becoming a trustee?
Being a trustee can be a truly rewarding experience, and RTS has one parent trustee vacancy on the Trust Board.
The role is to contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children in the school. We encourage applicants from a range of different backgrounds, skill sets and experience .
Please read the letter that was sent out via Arbor on Monday 30 September detailing how you can nominate yourself. If you don’t receive emails from Arbor, please contact the clerk to arrange a paper copy (clerk@rts.richmond.sch.uk) or via the school office on 0208 891 2985). We look forward to hearing from you!
Deadline is Wednesday 16 October at noon.
Parenting Support - AfC
Please see details below of two groups that will be running this term for parents and carers of adolescents.
Triple P Teen: This group is for parents and carers of adolescents with mild to moderate challenging behaviour.
Topics include encouraging appropriate behaviour and managing problem behaviour
Saturday 9 and 16 November at The Star Centre, Surbiton, KT5 8SU 10am-2pm for two consecutive weeks
Talking Teens: A four week parent group for parents and carers of adolescents.
Topics covered include understanding your teenager, managing conflict and communicating.
Friday 8 November at The White House Family Hub, 45 The Avenue, Hampton, TW12 3RN
For more information and to register interest in any of the above courses, please contact Karen Williams.
Cycling to School
It is great to see so many students cycling to school so far this term. However, please ensure that with the dark mornings and nights approaching that your child's bike is roadworthy and safe with both front and rear bike lights fixed on and working, that they are wearing a helmet and, preferably, some form of hi-vis/reflective wear.
We strongly recommend that all students who cycle to school should use a good quality D-Lock to lock their bike to the bike racks. These particular locks do deter thieves, so we urge you to ensure that your child uses a D-Lock to secure their bike when/if they cycle to school.
Key messages from the Metropolitan Police
Get your bike security marked and registered at BikeRegister. Getting your bike security marked and registered is a visible deterrent to bike thieves. They know that if they are caught in possession of a registered bike, the rightful owner can be traced instantly and they will be arrested.
Record details of your bike. Frame number (normally found underneath the bike between the pedals or where the back wheel slots in), BikeRegister number, other distinguishing features, and take a photo.
Use locks of gold 'Sold Secure' standard. Also, use two different types of lock, with at least one being a high quality D-Lock. It takes thieves a few seconds to cut through poor quality locks - make it as difficult for them as possible - two different locks may require two different tools to break.
Lock the frame and both wheels to a purpose built cycle parking stand - not a railing.
Make the locks and bike hard to manoeuvre. Secure your bike as close to the stand as possible. Try not to leave any slack chain or lock on the ground, this gives a thief a base to work on.
If you have concerns in relation to a student at RTS or indeed with regards to your own child, you may want to contact Single Point of Access (SPA) which acts as a central information hub for all professional agencies in Kingston and Richmond.
Richmond and Kingston SPA
The SPA phone lines are now open as follows:
Monday-Thursday 08.00-17.15 and Friday 08.00-17.00 - the phone number during these times is 020 8547 5008
Out of hours: 020 8770 5000
Hounslow Early Help Assessment
Telephone number: 020 8583 6600
Out of hours: 020 8583 2222
Email: earlyhelp@hounslow.gov.uk
Speak to a counsellor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Telephone number: 0808 800 5000, or text 88858
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Signvideo using British Sign Language (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)
Terms Dates 2024-2025
Full-term dates and Inset day information is available on the school's website:
Autumn Term: Tuesday 03 September - Friday 25 October 2024
Parent Calendar Summary
Please find the Parent Calendar Summary for 2024-2025. Please check this regularly as some dates and times may be adjusted throughout the year.
Local News - Please note RTS does not endorse items included as Local News
RISE Open Day - Saturday 26 October
RISE (Richmond upon Thames Inclusive Sport and Exercise) Open Day on Saturday 26th October at Hampton Sport & Fitness Centre.
There will be basketball, hockey, dance, football and other activities too. The full timetable of the event will be on the website www.richmond.gov.uk/rise before the event. Participants can attend throughout the day, no booking required.
Details on our weekly RISE activities can be found on our website www.richmond.gov.uk/rise
Dramacube - Half Term
Something Creepy & Kooky for Half Term!
Addams Family inspired Musical Theatre workshops for 5-7 and 8-12 year olds.
These spooktacular performing arts sessions will be running on the following dates during October Half Term.
30th Oct - Cecil Hepworth Playhouse - Walton on Thames
31st Oct - Hampton Hill Theatre - Hampton Hill
1st Nov - Peter & Paul Centre - Teddington
£25 per child. Sibling discounts available.
Book a place at https://www.dramacube.co.uk/october-half-term-workshops/
The Tween Tribe
The Tween Tribe is an award winning kids club exclusively for tweens & young teens
Our mission is to get tweens off screens & safely exploring the real world.
With no fixed address we run adventure dates in London, departing from KINGSTON, TWICKENHAM & WATERLOO stations.
Please see the flyer for a discount code!
Netball Coach UK camps are open to children in School years 3-10 and are suitable for experienced and aspiring ballers, as well as those new to the game. Expert coaching, skills development and guest coaching from former England Player Lindsay Keable.*
WEEK 1: 24th & 25th October
WEEK 2: 28th, 29th* & 30th October
At Grey Court School, TW10 7HN
9.00am-12 noon
For school years 3-10 (split age groups)
Book at www.netballcoachuk.com/camps
Barracuda's Half-Term Camps
Whilst the school term is in full swing, the October half term will be here before we know it! With less than 4 weeks till we open your local half term camp, we’re getting really excited about all the autumn-themed fun in store.
We’re pleased to offer your school community an extra £20 off when booking a minimum of 2 days. What’s more, we still have discounted rates available, so they can get double savings with this code!
Our camps are a great way to keep children growing in the school holidays. With 6 sessions each day and a choice for every one, they’ll be sure to have an enjoyable and enriching experience with us this half term.
Please include your exclusive discount flyer (attached and below) in your newsletter/parent communications so they can benefit from additional savings.
London Welsh are looking for players to join their U12 team
London Scottish are looking for junior players - U12, U13 and U14.
Teddington Rugby Club are having a recruitment drive for our U15/Year 10 boy’s team.
Girls U13 Hampton and Richmond Youth football team
The Girls U13 Hampton and Richmond Youth football team are currently looking for U13 girls to join our existing squad (school year 8). All ability levels welcome.
Contact details are in the flyer - the manager is a parent of an RTS alumni.
Barnes FC
Barnes FC is the FA founding member and the sixth oldest football club in England, established in 1862. The club founded by Ebenezer Cobb Morley (founder of the FA rules) in 1862 and was run from 1926 to 1972 by Leslie Kilsby, from Stanton Road Barnes and two years ago the old club was revived.
As a not-for-profit organization, committed to providing healthy activities for adults and youth, we are actively seeking support from local schools.
Currently we are looking for children aged 12 and 13 for our U15 team and girls 16+ for our ladies team . Next year we hope to have more teams .
We train Wednesdays at 6.00pm -8pm at Barn Elms Sports Centre , (top) of Queen Elizabeth Walk, Barnes, SW13 ODG (youth teams) (with home matches on a Saturday) and the adult women team train and play at Quintin Hogg Riverside pitches in Chiswick on a Thursday evening (with home matches on a Sunday).
If you are interested, please contact:
Julie Burgess
Secretary, Barnes Football Club