ECACS September Newsletter
"Growing in Christ, making a difference."
Message from Senior Administration
September is a time of great excitement and anticipation for a school journey filled with new beginnings and endless opportunities. All stakeholders (staff, students, and parents) look forward to starting the new school year on solid footing. Families were busy in late August, setting aside time to pick out perhaps new clothing, shoes, backpacks, and school supplies. Students and staff are now in the proverbial "starter blocks" for the beginning of a fantastic school year! Some parents are anxious or worried about their little ones leaving for school, and some joyfully sing, "It's the most wonderful time of the year." Across the school division, teachers are also looking forward to new beginnings. Staff is busily preparing lessons and adding the final touches to the classroom space to make it a welcoming place where safety, trust, and learning excellence will flourish.
From a divisional perspective, many new and exciting activities and initiatives are also taking place. The new curriculum will be explored and further expanded upon as we make every effort to provide K-3 staff with time and training to analyze and implement the new learning outcomes within literacy, numeracy, and the k-6 Physical Education and Wellness. The Assurance Framework continues to guide and inform our best practices through analyzing provincial and school-based survey data. This vital data highlights the successes, challenges, and opportunities that ultimately shape and guide best teaching practices. As professionals, staff must develop and improve teaching methodologies to make every child's learning experience the best possible. We are also kicking off the second year of our four-year faith plan. This year's divisional theme is "Called by God to share." This theme is rich and meaningful in many ways as we plan to build the kingdom of God through our role-modeling, prayers, worship, and good works. Sharing God's love is a massive responsibility and blessing within Catholic education. We are honored to bring the sharing of God's grace, mercy, and unconditional love to the forefront of everything we do in our relationships with all stakeholders. ECACS staff across the entire division is delving into a common professional framework, "The Third Path" by Dr. David Tranter. This framework provides eight essential conditions that make meaningful and trustworthy relationships. Relationships are at the core of all personal and academic success. In learning about the eight conditions, we can assist students in achieving their full human development and recognize their true talents and potential.
As you can see, much is happening to launch this 2022-2023 school year in excellence and improvement. Not to be forgotten is that we value parents as their children's primary educators, and we look forward to the next ten months of walking with you in your child's academics and school life. On behalf of the entire school division, we extend a sincere THANK YOU for the chance to work and journey with your most treasured gifts, your children!
We also gently remind you to please pray for the continued success of Catholic Education in our communities. In a united voice, we ask God to bless this school year with stability, good health for all, and most importantly, that the Holy Spirit guide us throughout our interactions, actions, words, and prayer for this new school year! We sincerely look forward to a fantastic year of working with your child(ren), and "Welcome back to school!"
2022-2023 Registration
New students registering with our district can find the online registration forms on the district website. Click here.
Returning Students for 2022-2023 School Year
Students that will be returning to our schools for the 2022-2023 school year will have received an email from their schools informing them when their child's forms can be found on the PowerSchool Parent Portal to review. There will be two forms posted to the Parent Portal for parents to review, they are as follows:
- Demographic Update Form - this form contains your child's information that is contained in our Student Information Software. If any of the information is incorrect please correct the information and return the form to the school.
- FOIP/Technology/Field Trip - if the FOIP information needs to be updated please correct it and return it to the school, otherwise sign the forms and return to the school.
ECACS Implements New Curriculum
K-3 New Curriculum
Dear Parents and Guardians of ECCS:
East Central Catholic School Division (ECCS) is implementing the new provincial K-3 curriculum for the upcoming 2022-23 school year. Across Alberta, school authorities will be required to implement K – 3 English Language Arts and Mathematics, and K – 6 Physical Education and Wellness. In preparation for the coming school year, ECCS senior administration wishes to share some important information and updates about the new curriculum rollout with our parents. For further information, we recommend parents review The Alberta Guiding Framework for the Design and Development of Kindergarten to Grade 12 Provincial Curriculum documentation. Additionally, parents can reference the New Learn Alberta website to access curriculum documents that outline the direction for student learning and assessment practices for years to come.
During the initial curriculum implementation of the 2022-23 school year, schools will maintain the use of our current report cards, which will include the updated learning outcomes. Rest assured, ECCS will continue our endeavour of providing quality teaching, learning, and assessment practices that align with the new curriculum guidelines. ECCS teachers will receive ample year-long support and training to ensure that the new curriculum is achievable and aligned with best teaching and learning practices. ECCS is looking forward to collaborating with school leadership teams, overall staff, and educational consultants within The Learning Network to help support the application of the new curriculum outcomes. Together on a professional journey of exploration and implementation, ECCS teachers will have the confidence, time, and resources necessary to ensure a complete understanding of the knowledge, understanding, skills, procedures, and competencies for each curricular outcome.
East Central Alberta Catholic School Division will work with teachers to identify key resources to help with the implementation of the upcoming new curriculum. In closing, ECCS is extremely blessed to have your child registered in our schools. We continue our daily efforts to serve our student population with a Christ-like servant heart and the new 2022-2023 curriculum is an exciting opportunity in which we can provide new ways to grow, journey, teach, learn, and explore together.
School of Hope and Lakeland College Dual Credit Programming
East Central Catholic School Division and Lakeland College are excited to announce in light of the recent Alberta Education Funding Manual update dual-credit programming for students who enroll through the School of Hope distance education program. This free dual-credit distance education programming offering is possible through an ongoing partnership between Lakeland College and ECACS.
Please review the attached Dual Credit brochure, program overview video, dual-credit registration page and associated frequently asked questions. For further information please feel free to reach out to our Dual Credit team members to address any additional questions or concerns.
Registration for the 2022-2023 school year for Dual Credit will open on April 4, 2022.
The last day to accept registrations for Dual Credit is October 14, 2022.
Vice Principal - Michel Despins
School Of Hope - East Central Alberta Catholic Schools
Phone: 780-853-2188
Dean Of Health, Wellness & Human Services - Janice Aughey
Lakeland College
Phone: 780-853-8460
ECACS Warmly Welcomes New Members of the Administration Team
Together we live our faith and engage in lifelong learning. "Growing in Christ, Making a Difference."
Called by God
We are all Called by God to serve the needs of students, families and communities.
The Third Path Launches at ECACS
As a Catholic School Division, we are blessed and called in the vocation to teach, love, support, and role model to others the love and redemption offered through our Lord, Jesus Christ. With this tremendous responsibility comes an incredible opportunity to both reach and connect with all of our students in a relationship that is loving and compassionate. ECACS staff will be taking part in a four-year professional development opportunity called The Third Path, and this framework is written by Dr. David Tranter. The Third Path is a well-written resource that is rich in current research and provides strategies to assist educational staff in building the richest and most meaningful relationships possible. In their work, the authors eloquently state;
“Arguably, if one feels loved, they feel meaningful, and if they love others, they feel that they have meaning in their lives. If love gives life meaning, and if educators want their students to find school truly meaningful, then it stands to reason that love, even within the classroom context, has a potentially powerful role to play.” (Tranter, page 160).
ECACS believes that we best serve our stakeholders by providing school communities that place prominence in creating positive, authentic relationships in all of our schools by “living” consistent Catholic values and norms. The Catholic faith within our schools recognizes, celebrates, and enhances every student's unique abilities and gifts. The Third Path research includes 8 Conditions that focus on a relationship-based approach to student well-being and achievement. The eight conditions are Safety, Regulation, Belonging, Positivity, Engagement, Identity, Mastery, and Meaning. This coming school year, our entire staff will learn about the first two conditions of Safety and Regulation. Every year thereafter, we will study two more conditions of this framework. The educational strategies that will be implemented are based on research and will significantly improve academic results, deeply enrich faith formation, and provide school communities with a strong foundation for supporting mental and physical health and well-being. Simply put, this Professional Development opportunity will further fortify, enhance, and enrich the relationships that bind us together in finding purpose and meaning in life.
ECACS's Mission and Ministry Day
Important Dates
ALL Schools:
August 30 - First Day of School for StudentsSeptember 5 - Labour Day - Schools Closed
September 30 - National Truth and Reconciliation Day - Schools Closed
October 7 - Article 8.6.1 PD Day/ PD Day - No School for Students
October 10 - Thanksgiving Day - Schools Closed
North Schools (STJ, SOH, HHS, BSS, BSO, STA):
November 7 - Day in lieu - No School for Staff or Students
November 8 - ATA Day/PD Day - No School for Students
November 9 - PD Day - No School for Students
November 10 - Day in lieu - No School for Staff or Students
November 11 - Remembrance Day - Schools Closed
South Schools (CK & TH):
November 9 - PD Day - No school for Students
November 10 - Day in lieu - No School for Staff or Students
November 11 - Remembrance Day - Schools Closed
2022-2023 School Calendars
School Bus Safety
East Central Catholic Schools is located in east-central Alberta and serves approximately 2400 students, with schools in the communities of Castor, Stettler, Provost, Wainwright and Vermilion, our Division office is located in Wainwright, Alberta. Our schools deliver K-12 Alberta curriculum, Outreach, and province-wide Home-Based Learning programs in the context of our Catholic faith.