Wolves Newsletter
Welcome to Park Brook Elementary

Friday, October 11, 2024
A note from the principal
Dear Park Brook Parents and Guardians,
Students in grades three through five use planners each night to communicate between school and home. In addition, the planners have a place to set goals and write dreams each student has for the future. The dreams are not strictly for education and post-secondary education, but also about hobbies, travel, volunteer, and so on; we want the students to dream big.
I want college to be an option for my students, however, I want them to have options for their dreams, whether that be college, the military, Peace Corps, trade school, or entering the workforce in a career of their choice. In my opinion, college is a choice for some, but not a definition of success.
I grew up in San Diego and was graduated from Mission Bay High School. Never would I have imagined when in high school that my life journey would bring me to Minnesota, which I have called home for over thirty years, and so thankful that my journey brought me here. I think of each of my students, and I do not know where their journey will take them, but we want to prepare each and every one of them for their everchanging dreams, not just for the next grade, but life.
I want each student to make significant academic progress and be prepared for their dreams, which includes their career, education, hobbies, travel, volunteering and being a part of the community where their dreams take them in life.
In the rush of day-to-day living that we all get caught in, I encourage you to have conversations, perhaps around the table when you eat, about their dreams for careers, where they want to travel to, an activity they would like to try, and so on.
We set goals with academics and fitness, not to limit to these areas, but rather to open the world for them.
Mr. Scott W. Taylor
Pajama Day - October 31
Pajama Day is a tradition at Park Brook Elementary on October 31.
Mr. Taylor, just as many staff and families, will welcome trick-or-treaters to his front door on Halloween. Many students will dress up for Halloween, and spend time thinking about their costume.
At Park Brook, during the school day, it is pajama day with everyone, if they choose, dressed up in their pajamas for the day.
Students are not permitted to wear Halloween masks, face paint, spray-in hair color, or costumes during the school day.
Girls on the Run will NOT meet on this day as many students want to get home, understandably, to participate in Halloween activities.
Election Day - Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 is Election Day. Park Brook is not a polling place, however, many schools in our district welcome voters on this day. We have found that it is best to not hold school, but a staff workshop on this day so we do not need to monitor additional people in the building. Using this day as a staff workshop day does not change the number of school days for students, we just adjust where in the calendar we place the staff workshop day.
Veteran's Day
Veterans Day is Monday, November 11, 2024. This year we will hold an assembly to recognize and honor United States Veterans. We would like to have parents, grandparents or other relatives of students to recognize. If you are a U.S. Veteran or have a family member who is a veteran, we can recognize and honor you or them with their picture, interviewing during an assembly, or a short video to share with the students. Please call Scott Taylor at 763-561-6870 or email him at taylors@district279.org.
More information below.
Park Brook Night at McDonald's
Thank you to McDonald's in Brooklyn Park for their generous $862 donation to Park Brook.
McDonald's - 7685 West Broadway - Brooklyn Park, MN
Park Brook will be using the funds from this fundraiser, thanks to the generosity of McDonald's in Brooklyn Park, to support our before school, after school and weekend programming.
mySAEBRS - Parent/Guardian Opt-Out Form
The purpose of this communication is to inform you that students in grades 2-12 will take the mySAEBRS assessment this fall and again this spring. The mySAEBRS assessment, which stands for Minnesota Student Academic Behavioral Rating Scales, is student self-evaluation. It provides valuable insights into areas such as social skills, emotional well-being, and behavioral strengths and challenges.
This assessment helps us gain a more comprehensive understanding of your child's needs, allowing us to better support their growth and development. For more information about assessment items and questions asked click here.
If you would like to opt your child out of this assessment, please complete the Parent/Guardian Refusal for Student Participation in Districtwide Assessments/Testing linked on https://www.district279.org/academics/assessments.
Girls on the Run
All - School BBQ - Thursday, September 26
Picture Re-Take Day - Wednesday, October 16
All students who were absent on picture day will have their pictures taken. Re-takes will only be taken IF a parent/guardian has contacted the school and requested a re-take.
You should have received an email from the photographer - Kemmetmueller with a link to your child's picture gallery. Please make sure you have checked their pictures before Wednesday to see if you want your child to have retakes. If you want your child to have retakes, an adult at home needs to inform an adult at school. You can also select your child's yearbook picture at that time, and order any pictures that you want.
If you cannot locate your child's picture gallery please email Kemmetmueller directly at info@k-photography.com or call them at 952-473-2142
Please complete this survey so we can plan refreshments and activities for students.
Students attending will plant seeds for the new greenhouse. A greenhouse (indoor greenhouse) was purchased because of input at a PTO meeting last year.
Students can only come with a parent or guardian.
Will you be at the PTO meting on October 22 at 6:00 p.m.
Resilinator - Grade 1 - 5 - Saturday, October 26 - 1:30 p.m.
The Resilinator is an outdoor obstacle course sponsored by the YMCA of the North. Thanks to a generous donation, there is no cost for Park Brook students; normally the cost is $39 for an individual to participate.
Registration forms need to be turned in by Wednesday, October 16. We may be able to accept registration forms after that date, but no guarantees.
A $5 commitment fee is required for this event.
Registration form is available here, and also will be distributed at school.
A few pictures from past Resilinator fun!
Students Connecting Through International Service
The student selected based upon student essays is McKayla.
Students wrote essays, if they wanted to, about why they were the best candidate. Staff read and ranked the essays without any names on the essays. Mr. Taylor did not read the essays until after the student was selected.
Double Dutch
The Double Dutch Team at Park Brook is sponsored by the American Heart Association. Registration forms will be sent home soon with practices beginning in mid-November. Students on the team must practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 - 4:15 p.m.
The Double Dutch Team travels to kick-off fund raisers for the American Heart Association throughout the Twin Cities. The students learn to Double Dutch and do amazing jump rope tricks to create an impressive assembly.
Fall Mile Run - September 28
The Mile Run at Park Brook may be a fun event, however, we do not refer to it as a fun run as every student is timed. This is one of the fitness tests at Park Brook. We will recognize students for top scores, just as we do with academics. At the same time, growth is our purpose, so students will be recognized for reducing their time following the Spring Mile Run, just as we recognize growth in academics.
Students placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the Mile Run in grades 1 - 5.
The Wolf Way
- W - We will respect ourselves and others.
- O - Own our actions.
- L - Listen and Learn.
- F - Follow Directions.
Wolf Way Award Recipients for the month of September 2024.
School Calendar
Coming Events
- Wednesday, October 16 - Picture Re-Take Day
- Wednesday, October 16 - Last day to register for the Resilinator
- Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18 - No School - MEA Weekend
- Tuesday, October 22 - PTO Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, October 26 - Resilinator
- Thursday, October 31 - Pajama Day
- Thursday, October 31 - Girls on the Run is not meeting on this day
- Tuesday, November 5 - Election Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - Staff Workshop Day
- Sunday, November 10 - Girls on the Run 5K
- Tuesday, November 19 - PTO Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday, November 21 - Turkey BINGO
- Wednesday, November 27; Thursday, November 28; Friday, November 29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Tuesday, December 17 - PTO Meeting, 6:00 p.m.
- Friday, December 20 - Concert/Sing-Along
- WINTER BREAK - No school/Office Closed - Saturday, December 21 - Sunday, January 5 (Students return to school on Monday, January 6)
Twin Cities 5K - Saturday, October 5, 2024
Mr. Taylor and Josiah interviewed on KARE 11 at the Twin Cities 5K.
Twin Cities in Motion provides the bus for staff and students to the Twin Cities 5K, and provides registration for staff to participate with students. (There is no registration fee for those 18 and under.)
Useful Links
parkbrook@district279.org (email)
phone: 763-561-6870