The Weekly Update #4
September 9th, 2024

September 13, 2024
The Herd is The Word
Administration News
If you have not applied for free or reduced lunch this year, please take the time to do so ASAP. Last year’s free or reduced-price status will expire on October 1 and you student will return to a full paid status unless they you complete a meal application or are approved for state funded meal benefits
How families apply for free or reduced-price meals:
Online applications are preferred. Families may create an account and apply at www.SchoolCafe.com/AustinISD.
New for this school year, we may now accept PDF applications in English or Spanish completed by families with a digital signature and returned to foodservicebusinesssupport@austinisd.org.
Families may also complete a paper application and return to your front office.
Families may apply for state funded benefits, such as SNAP, at www.yourtexasbenefits.com.
We encourage you to check out the Food Service Communications Toolkit (Non-CEP) ENG SP SY25 for more information and shareable resources.
Principals Coffee
If you missed the principals coffee this morning and would like to know more about the Gifted and Talented program please click HERE to review the slide deck.
Our next Principal's Coffee will be October 11th so please join us if you can!
Join the Fiesta
Join the Fiesta. You're invited to the Hispanic Heritage Talent Show. Please see the flyer for more information.
Library News
As we start the beginning of the school year, we have put together a wish list for the Baranoff library. If you would like to make a purchase for the library, please use the link below. We appreciate your support!
Congratulations to our summer readers, our Buffaloes read over 63,000 documented minutes this summer.
Our “Go For The Gold” Scholastic Book Fair is coming in September. If you are able to volunteer, we would love to have your help in the library, please use the link below to sign up.
Please check out our Scholastic Book Fair homepage, you can search and order books online, watch book trailers about the books sold at the fair, and you are able to set up an e-wallet for your student. A good suggestion is to purchase books early at the fair, restock orders are not always available for certain books. The Baranoff library receives a cash profit from the total sales from the book fair. All information including hours can be found by visiting the link below.
Here is the homepage where parents can access e-wallet and online shopping.
Counselor's Corner
Resources and Information
The Baranoff Counselor's Website is a great place to find informative family resources, a variety of videos, and activities for the whole family. To learn even more about our program check out the Baranoff Counseling Program.
Class Counseling Lessons
Ms. Tackett, Ms. Solis, and Ms. Thomas will be starting class counseling lessons in the next few weeks. Classes will receive a counseling lesson from a counselor every other week. The first topic we will cover with all grades is Self-Awareness.
“How was your day?” Do you get more than “fine” as an answer when you ask your children this question at the end of a school day. Listen to this episode of Lynn Lyons’ podcast Flusterclux to hear some ideas on how to get a better picture of their experience and feelings.
Coach Chat
Mark your calendars! Field day is coming Friday, November 22nd ! More details to come.
Please Remember: Tennis Shoes every day for safety.
Cards 4 Kids
ONIT Athlete is doing a FREE drawing contest called Cards 4 Kids where kids (18 and under) draw their favorite athlete on their favorite college football team. University of Texas football star and wide receiver Silas Bolden has agreed to be the athlete representing University of Texas and will be the athlete drawn in this contest for kids in Austin. The winning artwork will be transformed into an official ONIT Athlete trading card and Silas will sign a version of the winning design as a personal prize for the winning kid.
It is a really fun and exciting opportunity for kids to show off their artistic abilities, creativity, and support of their local team.
News from the PTA
Upcoming PTA Events:
Thu 9/19 6-8pm Buffalo Dads Kick Off Party (see below for details)
Thu 9/26 6-8pm Back to School Bash and first General PTA meeting of the school year at Baranoff cafeteria and gymnasium (DJ, glow stick dance party, kids crafts, and more fun!)
Sun 9/29 11am-12:30pm Women's Self Defense Class fundraiser at Kuk Sool Won Martial Arts. (Open to women ages 18+ tickets are $30 and all proceeds go to Baranoff.)
The Clothes Bin
Baranoff PTA and Clothes Bin® have partnered to collect and recycle or reuse old clothing, shoes, and textiles! Every pound goes to support our school so please consider donating these items in the green recycling bin in our back parking lot instead of throwing them away:
Clothing: pants, jeans, skirts, dresses, suits, shorts, shirts, tees, tanks
Footwear: shoes, boots, heels, sneakers, sandals, socks, tights
Undergarments: bras, underwear, slips, camisoles
Accessories: hats, belts, ties, scarves, headbands
Handbags: wallets, totes, luggage, backpacks, briefcases
Linens: towels, sheets, comforters, blankets, tablecloths
As you clean out the old and bring in the new, you can help the environment and Baranoff PTA too!
Secret Pals
Our support staff members keep the school running. Sign up here to shower them with gifts throughout the year: https://forms.gle/KAR3JQ8sWFSHpYWY6
After School and Other Opportunities
Future Silver Star Dance Clinic
Please see attachments below.
Shady Hollow Stingrays Fall Tryouts
Please see attached flyer.
LASA Dance Junior Clinic
Please see flyer below.