Franklin 411
Issue #9 - October 27, 2024
A Word From Mrs. Loor
Our weather assembly on Thursday with John Marshall was informative and students learned about many types of storms, weather instruments, weather forecasts and so much more! Some of the students got the chance to try their own hand at telling the 5-day forecast. Thanks to the PTO for bringing this fun and engaging assembly to Franklin!
We have a busy week ahead of us. On Monday, several parent volunteers will be helping out with our grade level Diwali presentations. For those who celebrate, I hope your Diwali brings health, wealth, and happiness. We will also celebrate Red Ribbon Week by wearing RED on Tuesday, October 29th and wearing pajamas on Friday.
We will have our Halloween Parade and parties on Thursday. If you have not filled out our form indicating if your child is staying or leaving for home for lunch and costume change, please remember to do so today. Please see below for detailed Halloween information.
Have a spooktacular week!
With Warmest Regards,
Mrs. Loor
Red Ribbon Week
Halloween at Franklin
Halloween is an exciting holiday for children and is always a special day at Franklin School. Please read this section carefully as it contains important information to ensure a successful and safe Halloween experience for our students.
On Thursday, October 31, 2024, we will modify our schedule to run as if it were a single session day. Lunch will be scheduled from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm.
Children may go home at lunchtime to eat lunch and change into their costumes at 12:30 pm and return to school by 1:30 pm. They do not need to go home if this doesn’t work for your family. For those children staying at school, lunch will be available in the cafeteria as normal. They will change into their costumes once they are done eating.
Please fill out the Google Form below by Monday, October 28th to let us know whether your child will be going home or staying at school during lunch. Everyone must complete this form.
All children who leave the school premises must return by 1:30 pm. When students return to school, they should go to their normal arrival doors and line up spots just as we do every morning. Teachers will pick up their students at 1:30. The parade will be scheduled for 1:45 pm. Parents who are organizing the class parties can coordinate with the classroom teacher to decide when to decorate the rooms.
As you plan your child’s Halloween costume, you must consider the district’s Zero Tolerance Policy. All weapons are banned from school. The ban includes fake guns, weapons, rubber knives, etc. If it is perceived as a weapon, do not include it in the costume. This reflects the district’s commitment to “The Zero Tolerance for Guns Act” from the Safe Schools Initiative. Please help your children select costumes of characters that are appropriate for the elementary school environment.
Please observe the safety rules when driving your child to and from school. Do not park in front of the school or park in the crosswalks. The front of the school will be coned off for drop-off only. For the safety of the children, we ask that you do not pull into driveways to make a u-turn.
Please keep in mind that Crossing Guards are not here at 12:30 or 1:30.
Parade and Class Pictures
The map linked here shows you our parade route. Please stand on the grass or on the road in order to view the parade. Blackburn Road will be coned off like we normally do for arrival and dismissal.
All classes will exit out of the library door starting with 1st grade. We will walk down the sidewalk on Blackburn Road, turn right onto Warwick Road and enter the school driveway. Classes will gather on the blacktop and the field for class pictures. 1st-2nd grade classes will gather on the field and 3rd-5th grade classes will be on the blacktop. Please see the picture below to see where to meet your classes.
Thank you for your cooperation.
From the Nurse's Office
A Note From Your School Nurse on Halloween Safety Trips!
- Make sure children can see.
- Make sure hats, wigs and scarves are secure and do not cover or slip over their eyes.
- Use not-toxic face paint or makeup instead of masks.
- Make sure costumes fit properly and are not a tripping hazard.
- Make sure children know how to cross the street safely.
Make sure children know not to eat any treats before you can inspect them.***If your child has food allergies, carry their epinephrine auto-injector*.
If you have any medical questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out to our school nurse, Ann Zanelli. Her email is azanelli@summit.k12.nj.us.
You can also visit the Summit Public Schools Virtual Health Office for additional information.
Turkey Trot
Our annual Turkey Trot is coming up on Wednesday, November 6th.
Please see this flyer from Mrs. Burr for information about the non-perishable items we are accepting for donation to GRACE's pantry. Students are encouraged to wear sneakers and layers. Students can even dress up as turkeys or wear turkey gear! The class with the most donations earns an EXTRA PE CLASS!
You can send in your food donations by Monday, November 4th or Wednesday, November 6th.
Important Dates
October 29: Red Ribbon Week
October 30: Read to the Dogs
October 31: Halloween Parade and Class Parties
November 4-6: Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 4: Single Session Dismissal @ 12:30
November 5: No School for Students
November 6: Single Session Dismissal @ 12:30; Turkey Trot
November 7-8: Schools are Closed
Franklin Attendance From
Please bookmark and use this year's form. It is labeled 2024-2025 so you know you're in the correct one.
Fly High, Falcons!
Location: 136 Blackburn Road, Summit, NJ, USA
Principal's Email: eloor@summit.k12.nj.us
School Phone: (908) 277-2613
Other Websites: