SRS Newsletter
South River Elementary
Website: https://www.mpsd.org/o/srs
Location: 59 Hatch Street, Marshfield, MA 02050, USA
Phone: 781-834-5030
Twitter: @srsppal
5th Grade Field Trip Camp Windgate
Earning Toe Tokens is so Exciting!
Museum of Science Grade 4
Cashing in on their Baird Bucks
End of Year Calendars
Attention Third Grade Families
Your children have been doing a wonderful job learning how to play the recorder in music class this year! I have seen an incredible amount of progress in their abilities. Be it music reading, fine-motor coordination, or the tenacity to persevere through difficult challenges, these students are thriving. To celebrate their accomplishments we would like to invite you to their Recorder Concert on the morning of Monday, June 5 at 8:30am.
No special dress code is required of the third grade students. If you can attend, we will be happy to see you in the gym in June for the performance! If you cannot make it, I am sure that your child will be more than happy to repeat the performance solo at home.
Warm regards,
Mr. Larson
We all know that reading aloud to young children is an invaluable way to support their early reading development. But did you know that reading aloud AND engaging in a quick conversation can give a tremendous boost to their vocabulary, too? After reading aloud to your child try this quick technique:
1. Ask your child an open ended question about what you read.
2. Repeat back to them what they said.
3. Expand on their language just a bit.
4. Correct (if necessary).
Here's an example:
The weather is warming up! Have children dress in layers as the temperature can vary significantly this time of year.
ALLERGIES: Tree pollen allergies are peaking. Click on the link below for some helpful information. Always check with your pediatrician before giving any allergy medication to your child!
SUN: Sunscreen must be applied at home- before coming to school.
TICKS: The ticks are out! Please do a quick check after coming inside from any outdoor activities or before bedtime. Pay particular attention to the areas of the ankles, legs and head region.
WATER: Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle daily and encourage them to drink plenty throughout the day.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Julie Stiles
SRS School Nurse
Phone: 781-319-3959
Email: jstiles@mpsd.org
SRS 5K Race
Bookfair Volunteers Needed
Please join the Special Education Parent Advisory Council for an important presentation.
Empowering All Learners: MPSD Digital Learning & Assistive Technology
When: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Where: Seth Ventress Building, 76 South River Street, Marshfield
Presenter: Aimee McAlpine, MPSD Director of Professional & Online Learning
We'll take a look at MPSDs technology toolbox to explore the ways in which educators and students use digital learning tools to support and enhance student learning. Learn about practices and tools we use, and join in some hands-on exploration, to discover the ways we engage and empower students, K-12 with diverse needs, to efficiently and effectively use today's tools to successfully navigate the present while preparing them for their futures.
For planning purposes, please click here to RSVP if you plan to attend.