Jayhawk Weekly Communication
June 2, 2024
The last day of school is on Tuesday, June 4th!
Fare thee well, sir!
Special thanks goes out to Mr. William S. Lee for being the Julian Interim Principal for the 2023-24 school year! From dedicated Julian teacher, to Assistant Principal, to building leader...it has been a journey at District 97. And we hope that your next endeavour will be rewarding and fulfilling. We wish you all the best in your next chapter as an educator! Live long and prosper!
Always Jayhawk Strong!
Congratulations to the 8th Grade Class of 2024!
Adios and good luck, Julian's Class of 2024!
🎓We celebrated our 8th grade students last week. They had a fun (albeit soggy) time out at Six Flags Great America, enjoyed some great team celebrations, and topped it off with an amazing graduation ceremony (complete with a congratulatory message from Chicago Bulls guard, Ayo Dosunmu)!! S/O to all the 8th Grade Teachers and TAs for their committment and dedication. Thank you to Mr. Lee for being the graduation's Master of Ceremony and shout out to Nancy Dribin Ross-Dribin, Dr. De Leon, Dr. Shah, Ms. Butler and Ms. Fleming for joining in!! It takes a village to get our graduates across the finish line, so thank you to all the Julian staff, families and community partners for helping to make it happen!
We are Jayhawk proud of the Class of 2024. We know our graduates have bright futures ahead of them and we're so grateful to have had them all at District 97! And we wish nothing but the best, for each and every graduate, and their families!
Please pick up your child's meds tomorrow!
Message from the Julian Health Office:
If your student has prescribed daily medications or emergency medications that have been kept in the school's health office, please stop in to pick up the medication, on or before the last day of school. *Only over the counter emergency medications can be sent home with your student on the last day of school.*
We can not store prescription medications over the summer.
6th/7th Grade Families:
If you are planning on having daily or emergency medications for your student for the 2024-25 school year, the health office will need new and fully completed medication authorization forms and/OR new allergy, asthma and/or seizure action plans if applicable. Forms can be found on the Oak Park D97 Health Services page: https://www.op97.org/health-services.
Bec Rennick, CNA
Certified Nurse Assistant
Julian Middle School
708-524-7648 phone
708-524-3035 fax
Prescription Meds not picked up by 6/4 will be discarded!
Students must take their belongings home!
Instruments, art projects, clothing, meds, etc., must all go home.
Anything left behind in a student locker, in a classroom or in the Lost & Found will be discarded. Please have your child clean out their locker before the last day of school.
Has your Jayhawk student check the Lost & Found area now for any lost or forgotten belonging(s). Please note: we remove the items every week. Things that are labeled can be returned and other items are donated (if in good condition) or discarded.
Students will not be able to store items over the summer. For the first week of summer break, student lockers will be cleared out immediately. So please remind your student to start bringing home their belongings now, if they do not need them for classes.
Remind your child to bring ALL their belongings home tomorrow!
Community News
Village of Oak Park Juneteenth Events
- Juneteenth Community Cookout: Saturday, June 15th, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Village Hall South Lawn
- We also invite the entire community to join us for the Juneteenth Flag-raising Ceremony, on Wednesday, June 12th, from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM in the Village Hall Courtyard (entrance on Madison Street). The free event will include speakers, refreshments, and more.
Click on this link to check out the Juneteenth event page - https://www.oak-park.us/our-community/community-events/juneteenth-celebration
Current 6th and 7th graders:
The last day of school is on Tuesday, June 4th!
2024-25 Student Health Physicals
Schedule your child's physical today!
Health Physicals are required for registration and/or participation in 2024-25 sports activities. Children entering Kindergarten, 6th grade, 9th grade, joining a sports team (track, cross country, wrestling, basketball, volleyball or ultimate frisbee) or transferring schools need proof of a physical. So please set your appointment with your child's pediatrician today! Or check out the Children's Clinic's flyer to schedule an appointment.
Social Media Trend - ALERT
Students may NOT bring water guns to school
Attention all parents/guardians:
Recently, there has been an uptick in students bringing water guns to school. However, no "weapon" of any kind, whether real or play, are permitted on school grounds. And consequences for violating this policy will be enforced for the safety of all students, staff and families. Please discuss this policy with your child. And let them know that if they are planning to participate in water gun fights in the park or they are doing their own version of the social media trend (Senior Assassin), they must NOT bring the water guns to school. Administrators will collect them and parents/guardians will have to come to the school to retrieve them.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
School Office hours
As we prepare for the end of the year celebrations, field trips, graduation activities, etc., please be aware that the school office will close at 4:00 p.m. on the following days:
- Tuesday, June 4 (Last Day of School)
Students that do not own cell phones are allowed to use classroom phones, with the classroom teachers' permission, at the end of the school day to call home for rides. Or they can ask their coach or after-school club sponsor to use their classroom phone to reach a parent or guardian when the school office is closed. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at julianoffice@op97.org.
Register today for the 2024-2025 school year!!
If you have not already done so, please register now!
6th and 7th grade families:
Online registration for the 2024-25 school year in District 97 is now open for all students. Complete details about the process—including residency documents, timelines and other helpful resources—are available on the district web site: www.op97.org/registration.
Returning Students
Registration for returning District 97 students is now open. Complete details can be found at https://www.op97.org/hr/returning-student-registration.
New Students and Kindergarteners
Registration for kindergarten and new students opened Feb. 22. Please click the links below to learn more about the registration process for kindergarteners and new students.
In order to register your student, you must be the custodial parent/guardian and currently reside in Oak Park. Students who are registering for kindergarten for the 2024-25 school year must be at least 5 years old and must be born on or before Sept. 1, 2019.
We appreciate your partnership in preparing for a successful 2024-25 school year!
Safety Reminder
**Cuyler and Washington Blvd Intersection
If your child is in the habit of crossing the sidewalk from the school to the North side of Washington Blvd at Cuyler Ave, PLEASE remind them that this is not a sanctioned crosswalk. All Julian students who are walking or biking, to and from school, should cross the street at the light with a crossing guard. There is no official crosswalk at the Cuyler Ave and Washington Blvd intersection. Therefore, students should not cross themselves. Students should walk to the corner of Ridgeland Ave and then walk to the North side of Washington Blvd. Crossing guards are posted at the light, where students should cross the street. Please be sure to discuss this safety habit with your Julian student.
Food Delivery Policy Reminder
The Food Delivery policy is still in place:
In recent weeks, we have observed a number of students missing instructional time to come down to the first floor to meet delivery drivers at the front entrance or at the commons' doors. No child should be meeting a stranger at the door of the school or during their lunch/recess time outside. This is a major safety and security concern. Parents and Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. Also, sandwiches and salads are available for purchase from the lunchroom if a student forgets their lunch at home (it can be billed to their lunch account, they do not need cash to purchase a lunch in the lunchroom).
Julian Middle School will no longer accept food/beverage deliveries for students from outside food delivery services, and students are not permitted to order GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats, etc for lunches, snacks or beverages. Parents/Guardians are welcome to drop off forgotten lunches to their children. However, students are not permitted to place orders via their chromebooks or cellphones. We appreciate your cooperation and we thank you in advance for helping to remind your student of the safety & security protocols. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a Julian administrator.
Health Office
SAFE AND HEALTHY SCHOOLS: Information about Student Illness
District 97 remains committed to maintaining safe and healthy schools. We continue to work in partnership with the Oak Park Department of Public Health, following guidance set by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH).
When should a child remain home from school?
Staying home if you are ill is essential to keep infections—including the virus that causes COVID-19— out of schools and prevent spread to others. Please visit the District 97 Health Services page for more information about when to stay home. If you have specific questions, please contact your school nurse.
COVID-19 Guidelines for 2023-24
Following IDPH guidelines, individuals who test positive for COVID-19 must stay home for five days after the first day of symptoms or testing positive (Day 0). They may return to school on Day 6 if:
They are 24 hours fever free with no fever-reducing medication AND
No diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours AND
Improvement of other symptoms.
Masks are strongly recommended around others for five days (through Day 10). Per local guidance, anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 should also complete Oak Park Department of Public Health's Positive at Home COVID 19 Test form.
For more information, please visit: COVID-19 Guidelines for D97 Students and Staff
Reporting Absences
When calling the Julian attendance line at 708-665-3064 or leaving a message on the school office voicemail at 708-524-3040, please slowly state the following:
- Your Name
- Your Child’s First and Last Name
- Your Child’s Grade Level and Advisory Teacher
- Reason for the Absence
- Best phone number to reach you