Pleasant Valley Weekly News

Dear PV Families,
We are almost at the finish line! A heartfelt thank you to our parents for volunteering for our end-of-year parties and celebrations throughout the week. Here are some important upcoming events:
Field Day on Monday
Retirement Party for Denise Wagner, celebrating her 44 years of teaching, from 4:30-6:00 PM here at PV on Tuesday
End-of-Year Assembly on Wednesday
Promotion Ceremony on the last day of school (Grade 5 students encouraged to wear their best--similar to picture day).
Our Preschool celebrated their last day of school on Thursday this week with a special send-off for Mrs. Leslie Pendargast, who is retiring after 28 years in education, including 16 years in the South Windsor School District. We are so grateful for her service and wish her the best. See below for photos of the preschool presentation for her.
Last night, we successfully voted in a new PTO board. A very big thank you to our outgoing team: President Erica Augustyn, Vice President Nicole Kulpa, and Treasurer Tina Pereira. You have done so much for our students, raising thousands of dollars and providing a myriad of activities throughout the year.
The new members of the PTO team are:
President: Poorva Bhargava
Vice President/Treasurer: Sudhaa Ramakrishnan & Lesley Bentil
Secretary: Mari Vimalsanthukumar (continuing)
Congratulations to the incoming team and all the subcommittee members who have and continue serve alongside them for the next school year.
Esther & Jenna
Siblings at 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony
If you wish to have your younger child to come to the ceremony, we ask that you notify both the teacher AND the office in advance by calling 860-610-0291.
Please plan to keep your younger child at home in the morning and bring them directly to the ceremony.
Following the ceremony, parents and siblings should exit the building and make their way over to Entrance A1 (the main entrance by the flagpole) and sign the younger sibling in at the office. The younger students will all be marked Excused Tardy for the day.
*Note that siblings will miss lunch and should plan on a hearty breakfast or snack prior to arriving at school
Field Day change!
Please note that due to inclement weather, field day will now be held on Monday, June 10th
THURSDAY, JUNE 13 will be a HALF DAY (last day of school)
Important message from the health office
As this school year comes to a close, this is a friendly reminder that any student with medication at school will need to be picked up from the health office no later than the last day of school, Thursday June 13th. Medication that is not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded.
In planning for next year, we have enclosed an authorization to administer medication form for your student for the 2024-2025 school year. This is necessary for any student who will require medication during school hours. The state of Connecticut requires medications to be renewed by an authorized prescriber (i.e. physician, dentist, optometrist, APRN, PA) every year for each medication.
Attention 5th grade parents:
The following is an updated link for the 24-25 Physician’s Statement For Athletic Participation. This form needs to be completed by your child’s physician and turned into the nurse before the start of next year if your student plans to try out for any sports at Timothy Edwards School. The link listed in our previous email was outdated, sorry for any confusion on this matter.
Bus transportation for next school year
A completed transportation form is required for all SWPS students, except for Role Model POP children. This electronic form can be found by logging into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, located in the "Forms" section. If you have any difficulty in accessing your account, please contact the school's main office for assistance.
Bus stops are determined by this form therefore, it is extremely important this form is completed no later than June 30th to allow for the timely creation of the 2024-2025 bus routes. Please know this form can be updated and/or changed at any time however, no changes will be processed between the moratorium dates of 8/21/24 to 9/04/24. Please allow five (5) days to process any changes.