Wildcat Weekly
This Week
We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
December is a busy month! We have fall picture retakes (12/3); the PTO Dominos Fundraiser, performances by our Band, Orchestra, and Choir; quarterly assessments; and Wilkerson Winter Wonderland.
The PTO will need many volunteers for the Wilkerson Wonderland event on December 19. Please consider volunteering. It is going to be a fun day for our students.
Volunteer for Winter Wonderland HERE
Theme Thursday: Favorite Holiday Shirt
PTO Dominos Fundraiser
Wilkerson Wildcat Parents & Families!
I am excited to announce that today we are starting the Domino’s Pizza Fundraiser. The money raised will go towards additional Chrome Carts.
Here is a video that will explain everything you need to know about the program! The remaining eight videos should be watched throughout the course of the two weeks: The Slice the Price Card: Fundraising Made Easy - Day 1
Let’s begin by checking out your school’s dashboard: https://dash.dominos.cards/45589
Scroll down to the section “Register to Pick Your Prize” or click here https://register.dominos.cards/45589. Once you register, your child will be able to pick their prize and share their very own store link! Once the fundraiser is complete, they will receive the prize they selected from the highest level they qualify for.
After registering, share your child’s link via email, text, and social media! When a customer clicks on your link it will take them directly to your child’s store to purchase a card and we will send the card directly to them. Using your personalized link will ensure your child is given credit for the purchase.
Also, once you register you will have two chances to earn a $50 Amazon card! The registered student with the most cards sold by 12/8 at 11:59 p.m. EST will win a $50 Amazon gift card (when our group sells at least 100 cards online).
For questions, please call the hotline number: 866-252-6103
Thank you for participating and supporting our school!
Wilkerson Intermediate PTO
Winter Wonderland Volunteers Needed!
Dear Wildcat Families,
The end of the first semester is right around the corner!
Our PTO is busy fundraising and organizing school events.
We are excited to announce that today we are starting the Slice the Price Domino’s Pizza Fundraiser! The money raised will go toward purchasing additional Chrome Carts. It’s so easy: you buy a $20 card, and every time you order a large pizza, you get one for free!
Here is a video that explains everything you need to know about the program!
We need your help to make Wilkerson’s Winter Wonderland a fun and enjoyable day for our children. Please click on the link below to sign up to volunteer and be part of this iconic holiday celebration!
Stay on the lookout for our front-row seat auction for Choir, Band, and Orchestra concerts! The auction will open on December 4th at 9:00 AM and close on December 9th at 9:00 PM. We will have bundles of 4 seats and 2 seats available for bidding. The link will be shared on December 3rd.
Winter Wonderland
Picture Retakes: Tuesday,December 3
Attendance Matters!
We miss the students when they are not here!
Our current attendance rate is: around 96.0%. It is important that your child is in class each day unless they are ill. Please be sure to call the school or email teachers if they will be absent. Students are responsible for completing missed assignments.
2024-2025 Wilkerson Yearbooks are on sale now!
Order your yearbook now! link below (or QR code) https://yearbookforever.com/school-store/IP2TNe26mW2792uoQh9quCG4
Wildcat Weekly video
Did you know that youth can download apps that hide photos, videos, and more? Talk with your child and know what apps they are using.
¿Sabías que los jóvenes pueden descargar aplicaciones que ocultan fotos, videos y más? Hable con su hijo y sepa qué aplicaciones está usando.
Gifted and Talented Testing
Referral Requests for Gifted and Talented Testing
Referral requests are now open for the Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Although the testing will not take place until late January, referral requests are accepted at this time. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher. Referrals will be accepted October 1- December 19, 2024. You may request a referral form from the front office or the Assistant Principal. You can also find the referral form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage.
News from Community In Schools
Lunch Visitors
In order to have lunch with your child, you must complete the form linked in the button below.
Lunch Visitor Information
- You will be seated at a table at the entrance of the Fine Arts hallway to eat lunch with your child.
- Only your child will be allowed to eat with you at the table.
- Only those who are listed as parents/guardians or emergency contacts can visit during lunch.
- If there is a friend, relative, or mentor who is not on the contact list wants have lunch with your child, you will need to contact the school to give permission. Our front office number is 832-592-8900.
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Compact
Student Dress Code
The Wilkerson Student Dress Code is shown below. Please review the dress code so that you are aware of the guidelines.
Pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that include any of the following are prohibited:
Depict lewd, violent, suggestive, offensive, vulgar or obscene graphics or words
Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, weapons, or any other prohibited items
Halter tops, racer back shirts, muscle shirts, and spaghetti-strap tops are not permitted unless covered by another shirt at all times. Shirts must fit under the arm so as not to expose undergarments or torso.
Midriff shirts, or shirts exposing the midsection of the body are not permitted.
Pants/shorts may not be worn lower than undergarments.
Shorts, dresses, and skirts must reach fingertip length when the student rests their arms at their side (mid thigh). This is expected even when leggings/tights are worn underneath.
Shorts/tights should be worn under dresses.
Pajamas/sleepwear of any kind is not permitted.
Hats/Hoods are not to be worn inside the school.
Closed-toed shoes with backs must be worn in PE. Tennis shoes are recommended. Flip flops may not be worn during PE.
Hair and Hairstyles that pose a distraction to the learning environment are not permitted.
Heavy make-up/cosmetics that pose a distraction to the learning environment are not permitted.
Marking on skin with markers, pens, highlighters etc… is not permitted.
Additionally, any clothing or grooming that in the principal’s judgment may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interfere with normal school operations will be prohibited.