Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ February 22, 2021
Early Release Day February 26th
We have an early release day this Friday, February 26th. The correct time for early release this Friday is 12:30. (Please disregard the original time on the PTO calendar). We have made the corrections on the website and will be sending a reminder. In addition, we will be providing lunch service this Friday. Thank you.
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
Please take a few moments to take the 5Essentials Survey. The results are very important to future planning for OGS!
Here is the link:
Remember to select Oak Grove School in Libertyville.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held virtually on Thursday, March 4th, from 1:00 - 8:00 PM. Oak Grove will once again use the "Meet the Teacher" videoconferencing system.
On Tuesday, February 23rd, you will receive an email with a link and directions to sign-up for your conference(s).
Families may begin booking conferences on Thursday, February 25th at 8:00 AM which is one week prior to conferences.
Conference sign-ups will close the following Thursday, March 4th, at 8:00 AM
If you have any questions please contact Dave Huber or Ryan Murray.
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
As a friendly reminder, when students come back from spring break we will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR).
Eagles @ Home students in grades 3 through 8 will be coming into the building for the week of March 29th - April 1st. The students will need working headphones or earbuds to complete the reading portion of the assessment. Please make sure their devices come to school charged and ready to go. To access practice tests that model the technical format of the assessment, click here: https://il.mypearsonsupport.com/practice-tests/ Later this week, OGS@Home families will receive a video providing specific details about drop off, the school day and the testing sessions.
While the grades 3-8 Eagles@Home are in the building, the K-8 Eagles @ School will have a week of remote learning.
April 5th, K-8 Eagles@School will be in the building and K-8 Eagles@Home will resume their remote learning experience.
Beginning April 6th, Eagles@School in grades 3-8 will start their IAR assessments. The students will need working headphones or earbuds to complete the reading portion of the assessment. Please make sure their devices come to school charged and ready to go. To access practice tests that model the technical format of the assessment, click here: https://il.mypearsonsupport.com/practice-tests/
Lastly, we encourage all students to get a good night's sleep prior to their testing dates, eat a nutritious breakfast, and to get to school on time! Thank you for your support at home.
PTO News
Meet the d68 Board of Education candidates! Check out this brief introduction provided by the candidates and learn more at the PTO sponsored virtual Meet the Candidate Night on Thursday, March 11th 7pm-9pm.
All questions for the candidates need to be submitted prior to the event. Please submit your questions using this LINK. We will be collecting questions until March 3rd.
Save the date for Oak Grove’s first ever virtual scavenger hunt on Saturday, March 13th atMonday Mental Health Minute
The Mental Health team at Oak Grove, consisting of two School Social Workers, two School Psychologists, and the Social Emotional Learning Coordinator, will be providing you information on several social emotional topics throughout the 2020-21 school year. Twice a month, we will provide you with a brief overview of a topic as well as at least one resource for additional information. Please feel free to reach out Ryan Murray, SEL Coordinator, if you have questions or need help finding more information.
With seasonal depression, isolation from family and friends, the emotional, mental and psychological impact of Covid-19, many people struggle to find healthy ways to cope with these feelings of depression and isolation during these unprecedented times. If you find yourself in this position, it is strongly recommended talking with someone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
- If you or a friend needs help, you can talk with a social worker, psychologist, teacher or a trusted adult.
- Start being aware of which situations are likely to trigger those feelings.
- Make a plan for what you will do instead of engaging in self-injurious behaviors.
Additional Resources
Honor Society PPE Collection Drive
Starting February 24th through March 19th, the Oak Grove Honor Society will be holding a Personal Protective Equipment Drive at Oak Grove School to support PADS Lake County. PADS Lake County is a community-based organization that provides trauma-informed support, resources, and shelter to individuals and families experiencing a housing crisis. By donating protective equipment to PADS, we are keeping their homeless clients safe from getting COVID-19 and other viruses. You can donate any amount of protective equipment from the list below:
1) Disposable Masks (Sealed or in a plastic bag)
2) Hand sanitizer (Any size)
3) Latex-free disposable gloves
4) Disinfectant wipes
Students should drop off the Personal Protective Equipment in a plastic bag to their homeroom teacher. The class or remote class that donates the most Protective Equipment wins Oak Grove pride and an announcement shoutout! Thank you so much for helping PADS Lake County!
Written by: Prem Acharya, Oak Grove Honor Society Member
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120