CDW Weekly Wrap-Up
September 6, 2024
Information from Principal Santa
Welcome Back to CDW for the 2024-2025 School Year!
If your child is not going to attend school, please contact Mrs. McCarthy at 201-664-1475 ext. 2103 or McCarthy@nvnet.org.
In an effort to minimize the potential spread of illness at school, please keep your child home if he/she:
- has a fever. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.
- is nauseous or is vomiting.
- has diarrhea.
Dropping Off Forgotten Items
In the event that a student requires a forgotten essential (i.e., medication, eyeglasses, a dietary need, etc.), the parent should contact/report to the Main Office to arrange to have the item(s) delivered to the student. However, if your child(ren) forgets his/her Chromebook, we will provide a loaner for the day. Please only drop off items that are essential.
Although we want your child(ren) to be successful in school and to have what they need to succeed, we also want your child(ren) to learn independence. We will continually work with your child(ren) on organizational methods if necessary. Just reach out!
CDW Back-to-School Night
Back-to-School Night will be on Thursday, September 12, 2024. The night will begin at 7:00 PM with your child's Period 1 teacher and will end at 8:35 PM with your child's Period 8 teacher. Please see this video for specific information from Principal Santa.
Important information about the CDW Back-to-School Night:
- Your child(ren) will bring home a schedule for you to follow throughout the night.
- Since Language Arts (and Math on some days) is a double period, you will be able to visit the Lynch Gym during the second session to enjoy refreshments and/or purchase CDW Spirit Wear.
- The Cycle/PE teachers will be stationed in the Rossi Gym. See schedule below:
Grade 5 will report to the Rossi Gym for Period 1.
Grade 6 will report to the Rossi Gym for Period 2.
Grade 7 will report to the Rossi Gym for Period 3.
Grade 8 will report to the Rossi Gym for Period 4.
- Please do not park in the staff parking spots (designated by a number).
- Back-To-School Night is a parent/guardian-only event.
There will be a Grade 7 Sharpe Trip Information Meeting for parents at 6:30 PM in the Rossi Gym.
Grade 7 Sharpe T-Shirt Form Due Friday, September 13th
If your Grade 7 child(ren) is attending the Sharpe Reservation overnight trip, please complete this Sharpe T-shirt Google Form no later than Friday, September 13, 2024.
Chaperones are still needed for both nights! Please complete the Sharpe 2024 Chaperone Sign-Up Form as soon as possible if you can chaperone one or both nights.
Update Student Grade Level with Lunch Vendors
Please make sure that each lunch vendor has your child(ren)'s new grade level listed on the lunch's label. Therefore, we can ensure that your child(ren) will receive the purchased lunch at the correct school and in a timely manner.
PTO Monday Pizza
Visit www.otpto.org to order pizza for Monday lunches. If you're not a member of the PTO, please first join, log out and then log back in to order pizza. The sale will close on September 9th.
Pizza Mondays will begin on September 16th. HERE is the link to sign up to serve pizza during your child's lunch period. This link is not to order pizza, just serve it to the students.
Picture Day!
The CDW Picture Day will be on Friday, October 18th. All students will take an individual photo that day, whether a package is purchased or not. There will be retakes on Wednesday, October 30th.
*Grade 8 students: This will be the picture that is used for the 2025 Yearbook.
Fall Sports Tryout Dates
The first Girls Volleyball Tryout for Grades 7-8 will be on Monday, September 9th in the Rossi Gym at 3:00 PM.
The first Co-Ed Soccer Tryout for Grades 7 & 8 will be on Tuesday, September 10th on the CDW Field at 3:00 PM.
Any boys interested in volleyball, please see Mr. Ferrara in Room 208.
CDW Choir
Choir rehearsals with Ms. Osbahr will be held in Room 402 on Tuesdays from 3:00 PM-4:00 PM and/or Thursdays from 7:45 AM-8:20 AM. It is recommended to attend one rehearsal a week. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Osbahr in Room 211.
CDW Media Center
Mrs. Melillo would like to introduce the Media Center Website! We encourage you to take a tour and learn about all of the wonderful happenings going on in our CDW Media Center!
Old Tappan Broadcasting Network (OTBN)
Under Mr. Johnson's direction, the Grade 8 CDW students in the OTBN Club arrive to school early each morning to prepare for morning announcements. They go live around 8:25 AM. HERE is the direct link to the broadcasting network.
National Junior Honor Society Information for Current 7th Grade Students
Membership in the NJHS at Charles DeWolf Middle School is open to any seventh grade student who meets all the following membership requirements at the end of the third marking period in 2025:
Has a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.70 in academic (social studies, language arts, math, science and Spanish) subjects, with no grade below a B- in any subject (including cycle classes) for ALL marking periods of the 2024-2025 school year.
Demonstrates outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, character, and citizenship.
Accumulates no more than six unexcused tardies. Tardies will only be considered excused if a doctor's note is submitted to the School Nurse.
Accumulates no detentions related to behavior in violation of the CDW Code of Conduct.
Performs eight hours of documented community service from a recognized nonprofit, community, or education organization from 8/1/2024-5/2/2025. Please note that there will be no extension of this date. Students should provide documentation on the organization’s letterhead when submitting their applications in April.
Completes at least three marking periods of the 7th grade year at CDW (unless a student moves into district & has been inducted as a member in another district).
By the end of April, 2025, eligible students will be identified and invited to apply for admission to the NJHS by email. An email will also be sent to parents of eligible students. The induction ceremony will be held on May 20, 2025 (subject to change).
Grade 6 Design Thinking
The 6th Grade Design Thinking class was making personal technology timelines to understand differences in generational technology access compared to their teacher, Mrs. Melillo.
Chromebook Insurance
We highly suggest that you purchase insurance for your child(ren)'s school-issued Chromebook! Please refer to the information below, or you may purchase directly from smartechins.com/oldtappan.
Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up at CDW
- Drop-off is on Interschool Drive.
- For the safety of all students, we ask that you stay in your vehicle at drop-off and dismissal.
- Please do not use the upper faculty parking lot for drop-off/pick-up/or exiting of school grounds during school hours. CDW faculty and BOE-approved bus companies are the only vehicles permitted in the upper lot.
- Please do not park in any staff parking spots when dropping off or picking up students.
- Please do not exit your vehicle and leave your vehicle unattended on Interschool Drive.
- There will be adult supervision starting at 8:00 AM, and the doors will open at 8:20 AM. If there is inclement weather, students will be ushered into the school gymnasiums at 8:00 AM.
- The students in Grades 5 & 6 will line up on the blacktop in the back of the school near the basketball courts.
- The students in Grades 7 & 8 will line up on the blacktop by the 7th and 8th Grade Wing Exterior Door.
- Once you pull up to the cones on Interschool Drive, please have your child(ren) exit the vehicle. This allows many students to be dropped off at the same time and allows the line to move quickly.
- Please arrange a meeting area with your child(ren) so that you can locate them efficiently.
- Please do not park and/or exit your vehicle regardless of your child(ren) being at TBD or CDW.
- Please do not block designated emergency lanes that connect TBD and CDW.
- Please use BOTH LANES on Interschool Drive for Pick-Up. A staff member will be available to cross your child(ren).
General Traffic Rules Regarding Parking
- Never park in a "No Parking, Fire Lane." These lanes are designated with yellow paint in diagonal lines on the pavement along with the words, "No Parking Fire Lane."
- Never park along a curb that is painted yellow and leave your vehicle unattended.
- Do not double park (park your vehicle beside another vehicle that is in a designated parking space).
Please see a picture of the drop-off line below. The car on the right has already dropped their child(ren) off, and they are driving through to the exit. The cars on the left are waiting to drop students off. Students should exit his/her vehicle once the car enters Interschool Drive and walk directly to the sidewalk.
Visitor Parking
If you need to visit the school, please only park in a spot labeled "Visitor." All numbered spots are assigned to staff members. If the Visitor parking spaces are occupied, please park on a side street and walk up to the school.
CDW Student Handbook
Please review the CDW Student Handbook found under, "For Students" on our school website for important information about CDW such as, but not limited to:
- Attendance
- Cell Phone Use
- Dress Code
- Field Trips
- Homework
- Chromebook Use
- Sports
- And more!
Lunch at CDW
Students should either bring their lunch from home each day, or parents may order through one of the approved vendors for delivery to CDW. If you order lunch from an approved vendor for delivery, please make sure the vendor knows your child's first and last name and grade level. This will help to ensure your child receives his/her lunch on time. At times, we understand that a parent/guardian may need to drop off lunch at school. All lunches need to be placed on the table with the green tablecloth in the vestibule.
5th/6th Grade Lunch ~ 11:27 AM-12:01 PM
7th/8th Grade Lunch ~ 12:10 PM-12:44 PM
You can find the Lunch Vendors on the Old Tappan School District Website.
CDW Staff Flowchart
It is important to remember that our school is full of staff members who are here to help you and your child(ren) all year long. In some cases, you may not be sure whom to contact for specific information. For questions about your child(ren)'s classes, please utilize the teacher as a primary resource before implementing the flow chart.
CDW Health Screenings Information
Via the Genesis Summer Packet, you will find the information for the Health Office Screenings that will be completed during the 2024-2025 school year. Annually, the School Nurses of the Old Tappan
Schools perform health screenings, based on the following schedule that complies with State
Department of Education Guidelines:
- Students in grades PreK through 8 will be screened for height, weight and blood pressure.
- Students in grades PreK, K, 2, 4, 6, and 8 will be screened for vision.
- Students in grades PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, and 7 will be screened for hearing.
- Students in grades 5 and 7 will be screened for scoliosis.
If you do not wish to have your child participate in the screenings, you must send a signed letter requesting Mrs. McCarthy, the school nurse, to not conduct the screenings for your child(ren) by September 27, 2024.
Grade 7 Sharpe Trip Information: Chaperones Needed!
As you know our seventh graders will be experiencing our Outdoor Education trip at Sharpe Reservation in Fishkill, NY. This year’s trip will be from Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - Friday, October 11, 2024.
If you can chaperone one or both nights, please complete this Google Form. If you have any questions before then, please email Ms. Santa at santaj@nvnet.org.
CDW Sports
Interscholastic sports for students are offered throughout the school year. Competition is among the neighboring schools of the Northern Valley Athletic Association. Announcements about tryouts, practices, and games are posted and distributed during the respective seasons. Students must present a physical form prior to the start of the season and maintain basic academic requirements. Student-athletes who earn a D or lower in any subject area may be placed on an academic intervention plan and have their playing time restricted. The general schedule for the interscholastic sports program is as follows:
Sport, Season
Soccer, Fall
B/G Volleyball, Fall
B/G Basketball, Winter
Baseball/Softball, Spring
Track, Spring
Intramurals: Fall/Winter/Spring
Please see the necessary forms listed below or in your document tab under "CDW Sports and Athletics" of the Genesis Parent Portal. Please review and/or submit all forms using the following due dates.
- PPE Health History
- Annual Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination Form
- PPE Medical Eligibility Form
- Athletes with Disabilities Form: Supplement to the Athlete History
- Health History Update Questionnaire
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Brochure
- Sudden Cardiac Death Pamphlet Parent/Guardian Sign-Off Form
- Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet
- Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet and Parent/Guardian Sign-Off Form
- Accessible Text-Only Version Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet
- Concussion Fact Sheet and Acknowledgement Form (Aug. 2023)
- Sports-Related Eye Injuries Fact Sheet for Parents/Guardians
Fall Sport:
Submit before August 30, 2024
Winter Sport:
Submit before October 11, 2024
Spring Sport:
Submit before February 21, 2025
*All forms must be submitted to the school nurse, and coaches will verify that all medical documents are on record.
**Feel free to visit the CDW Athletics page on our website for more information.
PTO Updates and Reminders
PTO Membership is Open!
The schools truly value the partnership we have with the Old Tappan PTO! Please join the PTO and support their organization. Visit OTPTO.org, click "For Sale," and then "Membership."
The PTO Meetings for the 2024-2025 school year are listed below. All meetings are held in the CDW Media Center at 7:30 PM. Babysitting will be offered.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Tuesday, May 27, 2025
CDW Clothing Drive, Car Wash, and Bake Sale!
Start cleaning out your closets because the CDW Class of 2025 will be hosting a Clothing Drive, on Saturday, September 28th from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM.
Below is a list of items that can be collected:
- Clothing (Men’s, Women’s, Children’s – All types)
- Shoes
- Handbags / Backpacks
- Stuffed Animals and Small Plastic Toys (no puzzles, board games, Legos, or toys w/pieces)
- Linens (including Towels, Curtains, and Table Linens, but NO Blankets and/or Comforters)
The Grade 8 Car Wash and Bake Sale will be held on the same day, with a rain date for all events on Sunday, September 29th from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM.
September 9th~ The BOE Meeting is at 7:00 PM in the Board Conference Room.
Thursday, September 12th~ 7th Grade Parent Sharpe Reservation Information Meeting, 6:30 PM
Back to School Night 7:00 PM (More information will be shared soon!)
Tuesday, September 17th~ Grade 8 PTO Meeting for Parents/Guardians in the CDW Media Center at 7:00 PM
Saturday, September 28th~ The Grade 8 Clothing Drive, Car Wash, and Bake Sale from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
Sunday, September 29th~ The Grade 8 Clothing Drive, Car Wash, and Bake Sale RAINDATE
2024-2025 School Calendar
Charles DeWolf Middle School
Email: santaj@nvnet.org
Website: https://cdw.oldtappanschools.org/
Location: 275 Old Tappan Road, Old Tappan, NJ, USA
Phone: 201-664-1475
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OldTappanSchoolDistrict