From the Center for Christian Urban Educators
May 24, 2018
Information Sickness: How It Hurts Us and How to Escape It
It’s the Learning, Not the Lessons!
Use the three major steps outlined in this blog post to move away from focusing on the lessons being taught to what the students are learning. This article emphasizes academic standards and making the transition from textbooks to learning targets and enduring understandings.
A History in Which We Can All See Ourselves
TECH TALK: 3 Key Tips for Classroom Tech SUCCESS
TEACHERS: Recognizing and Alleviating Math Anxiety
TEACHERS: Strong Conferencing Practices Help Kindergarteners Learn to Advocate for Themselves
TEACHERS: How Implicit Bias Can Show Up in the Classroom
TEACHERS: What if Teachers Could Extinguish Shame?
TEACHERS: 9 Great Documentaries for High School Classrooms
TEACHERS: How to Finish the Year Strong
PARENTS: Parenting the Child Whose Sibling has ADHD
PARENTS: Should You Monitor Your Kid’s Social Media Use?
LEADERS: What is the Point of a Makerspace?
LEADERS: 7 Characteristics of Great Professional Development
LEADERS: Aiming for Discipline Rather Than Punishment
LEADERS: When Administrators Keep Teaching
The Book of Learning and Forgetting
The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed
STEAM and Project Based Learning: Educators and Students Get Future-Ready
Education Week - Wednesday, May 30, 2:00 PM EDT
Strategies for Building Proficient K-12 Writers
edWeb - Wednesday, May 30, 3:00 PM EDT
Stereotype Threat: Research Based Strategies for Helping Students Succeed
edWeb - Wednesday, May 30, 5:00 PM EDT
Using Student Learning Data to Foster a Growth Culture
edWeb - Monday, June 4, 3:00 PM EDT
Corwin - Monday, June 4, 6:30 PM EDT
Leading School Teams: Building Trust to Promote Student Learning
Corwin, Monday, June 11, 6:3- PM EDT
Making Project Based Learning More Than a Project
Education Week - Thursday, June 14, 2:00 PM EDT
Center for Christian Urban Educators
Email: hpotoka@ccuechicago.org
Website: ccuechicago.org
Location: Chicago, IL, United States
Phone: 312-310-5617
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCUE-Chicago-567881706592903/?fref=photo
Twitter: @HJPotoka