September 2024
Golden Hills Mission:
Golden Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness, and change the world!
Principal's Message
Dear Golden Hills Families,
At Golden Hills we really are working towards a strong partnership with families. Family engagement refers to what families do at home and in the community to support their children’s learning. There is a lot of research that shows that when families are involved and engaged students do better. We would love this partnership with you.
Join Golden Hills Parent Teacher Group! Only 4-6 meetings a year to plan fun activities for our students and staff!
Our first event we will be planning and are hoping the Parent Teacher Group will help is a Color Run! Please join us at this meeting to help plan this new, fun event!
First Meeting will be on September 5th from 3-4! ( This is a new date from previously advertised).
Join our Golden Hills School Site Council. SSC is made up of parents, principal, teachers and other school school personnel. The primary responsibility is to identify common goals and assist the leadership team in establishing a plan to achieve the goals. We will address any questions you may have about Golden Hills.
First Meeting will be on September 5th from 3-4! ( This is a new date from previously advertised).
We blend the PTG and School Site Council meetings into one!
Our Student Advisory Club will be presenting and working with our Parent Teacher Group and School Site Council . The club has already met and is interviewing students to learn what they like most about Golden Hills and what they would like. This information will be shared by the students at the meeting on September 5th ! It is not too late for students to join!
Attendance matters for our students. Our goal is to have 95% or above of our students at school. We are currently at 95.52 %. Yay we are making our goal, let’s keep it that way! Please let us know if we can support your students' attendance in any way! We do not want any student to miss out on our fun activities planned based around attendance. Independent Study is available for all absences, please ask the office if your student needs to miss school!
Shady Creek Environmental Camp is September 24-September 27th for fifth grade students. We are still in need of male volunteers, it takes time to go through the process to be cleared, please reach out if you can join us! HELP!! We are one male volunteer short! Please reach out ASAP if you can help.
We have been working with students to learn our TEAM expectations:
Take Responsibility
Earn Respect
Act Safely
Make a Difference
Please help us by speaking with your students about what these would look like at school, including keeping hands to self and using kind school appropriate words. If your student is having any issues there is a link on our Golden Hills website to report issues: https://goldenhills.palermoschools.org/ This is a great place to make a report if they share with you something that you would like to have looked into. The report comes straight to me and I will look into it and communicate with you about the situation.
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime you have a question or concern,
Thank you,
Kristi Napoli
Golden Hills Principal
Counselor’s Message
Our school uses RULER as our social emotional learning curriculum.
RULER stands for:
R: Recognizing emotions in self and others
U: Understanding the causes and effects of emotions
L: Labeling emotions with the just right word
E: Expressing emotions with our bodies and words
R: Regulating our emotions to reach our goals
In August we learned about why we have emotions. What is happening in our brain when we have emotions. We also learned about what happens (thinking, physiology, expression, and behavior) when we have different feelings. We asked our students to think about how they are feeling and what is happening when they have those feelings.
I met with all of the students who are new to our district. All of the new students got to meet all of the other new students in their grade level and got to know each other a little better. I answered any of their questions regarding our school. This is a good opportunity to help all of our new students get connected.
I’ll be on campus Tuesday through Friday this school year. If you have any questions or need any support please feel free to contact me at (530)532-6000 ext 4006 email rwalker@palermok8.org
Rainbow Walker
School Counselor
Golden HiIlls Fundraiser:
Reading For Education is a year-long fundraiser. The school earns money when families and friends shop online at Reading For Education.com. Information will be sent home on September 9th.
What is Motivating Monday?
Motivating Monday is the last Monday of the month. At our whole school meeting at 8:35 in the EAGLES Nest we will be recognizing students for various reasons.
The first VIP day is September 23rd..
Our Positive EAGLE Award is for following TEAM expectations: families will receive an email that their student is receiving the award and they are invited to attend. The award winners are called up and given a certificate for following our TEAM expectations. They will wear a VIP pass for the day. They will get a treat (for themselves & a friend) , wear the VIP pass to be front in line and get to choose which lunch period and table they sit at.
Attendance Matters:
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Students can still fall behind if they miss just 1 or 2 days every few weeks.
If students are going to be absent they can do independent study.
Lego Party for the class with the highest percentage for attendance for the month September on September 23rd!!
Trimester 1: LASER show called Lasermania! Students who attend 90% or more school days from August to November 20th (absent less than 6 days, excused or unexcused) will be invited!
Ironman awards will be handed out to classes with the best overall attendance.
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions & Support
Did you know that Golden Hills has received the following PBIS awards?
2024: Platinum
2023: Platinum
2022 Gold Award
2021: Platinum Award
2019: SIlver Award
What is a PBIS award? Golden Hills received the awards for creating a school environment where all students succeed. We have a foundation of being proactive to provide support to prevent behaviors that disrupt the classroom/ playground. Using data to design and provide interventions for students who need the extra support to prevent problem behaviors.
Every Monday students have an opportunity to win our PBIS TEAM ticket raffle for them and a friend for a popsicle or hot chocolate. Students earn the TEAM tickets for following the TEAM expectations. Congratulations to the following students: Ximena S., Abby R., Nadia M.
Principal/Superintendent Awards
Congratulations to students who have earned a Principal/ Superintendent Award from the 2023-2024 School Year. These awards are for fifth grade students who received above 80% average in Math and Reading in the third trimester of fourth grade! We would like to honor your student at a special Award Ceremony on Friday, September 6th, at 9 am. Parents, guardians, and siblings of those being honored are invited to attend. All fifth grade students from Golden Hills Elementary School will also be attending. **Due to the size of the audience, we will be holding
All fifth grade students who are receiving this award received a letter home over a week ago. If you are unsure if your student is getting an award, please call the office.
Grandparents Day
Grandparents are invited to join their Golden Hills students on Friday, September 13th from 8:00-8:30 for breakfast in the Golden Hills cafeteria! Come visit your students' classroom and join your students for breakfast! A whole school song will be sung at 8:35 in the Eagles Nest!
Adult breakfast price is $4.00
Students eat free
Golden Hills Sports & Band:
Golden Hills Band : Golden Hills Band will be in the morning BEFORE school from 8-8:30. Exact date will be announced once we know the number of students who will be participating.
Band Instrument--Lottery Entry
If you are interested in signing your child up for band,there is a form in the GH office to complete. . The form is to enter the students name into a lottery drawing. Students who are in this drawing have the possibility of borrowing a school instrument to use at home and in band class. The recipients will be called by Mr. Grigoruk.
Cross Country: Golden Hills is having a cross country team! The team is open to fourth and fifth grade students. The practices will be held at Golden Hills. The meets will be off campus and students will need to have transportation. Mrs. Dailey is the coach and the first 20 students who turn in completed forms are on the team!
Fourth Grade Volleyball Try-Outs: Try-outs will be on September 5th at 2:45 in the Golden Hills Eagles Nest. A permission slip must be filled out to try-out. Students must be picked up at 3:45.
Fifth Grade Volleyball Try-Outs: Try-outs will be on September 4th at 2:45 in the Golden Hills Eagles Nest. A permission slip must be filled out to try-out. Students must be picked up at 3:45.
Friendly reminders & please remind your students:
We do not share food, students may have allergies and food needs to be eaten in the cafeteria for breakfast & lunch or at the snack tables for snack recess. Food is not allowed on the playground so students do not choke while playing.
We do not have supervision before 7:45 am, do not drop off students before then
Students should not bring items from home, Golden HIlls is not responsible for lost , broken or stolen items
Students need to check the lost & found! It is helpful if you write your students name on sweatshirts, lunch boxes, etc..
At pick up please ask your student to be close to the fence, listening for their name and looking for their car.
Important Dates:
September 2nd: No School, Labor Day
September 4th: Fifth Grade Volleyball Try-outs
September 5th: Fourth Grade Volleyball Try-Outs
September 5th: PTG & School Site Council meeting from 3-4pm
September 6th: Principal/Superintendent Awards at Helen Wilcox School at 9 am
September 13th: Grandparents Day from 8:00-8:30 am
September 13th: Progress Reports go home
September 19th Fall Fitness!
Sept 24th-28th: Shady Creek Fifth Grade Only
Sept 30th: -October 4th: October Intercession
October 10th: Picture Day