Florence Fox News
November 2022
Dear Florence Parents/Guardians:
Happy November! Our first quarter of the school year has really flown by and we are well into second quarter. Please note that progress reports will go home on November 10. This will give you an indication as to how your child is doing so far this quarter. There is still time to raise grades after this indicator.
Thank you to all of the families who attended parent teacher conferences. We enjoyed meeting with you and sharing your child's progress. We look forward to meeting again in March.
We hope to see everyone at Turkey Bingo on November 10. This is a PTO sponsored activity and they have been working so hard to make this an amazing night!
Mark your calendars- Winter Holiday Program: December 14 at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm.
Jodie Lenser
No School!
November 1: Teacher Planning Day
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break
Top Fox- October
Andrew S.
Aaliyah S.
Jay'Vianna P.B.
Sophia P.
Angel M.
Sophia K.
Zoe B.
Leah C.
Hanif M.
Aeris C.
Ethan S.
What to Wear Wednesdays
Please join us every Wednesday for "What to Wear Wednesday"!
Cyberbullying National Speaker
Want to learn more about cyberbullying and how to help your child? There is going to be an amazing national speaker coming to McMillan to tell you all of the good information!
Thursday, November 17
7:00 pm
McMillan Auditorium
Don and Millie's Night
Please show your support of our PTO and stop by Don and Millie's for dinner. 10% of the proceeds will go to our PTO.
Friday, November 4
Don and Millie's
4430 Farnam St.
5:00- 8:00 PM
Good Citizen's Assemblies
Our good citizen's are invited to the following assemblies:
11/2 Books & Bingo (October Good Citizens)
11/30 Dr. Oxygen Science Show (November Good Citizens)
Fox Shop
November Dates:
Please shop at our Fox Shop and support our Student Council!
Turkey BINGO
Please join us! It's going to be an amazing night!!!
November 10
5:30- 7:00 pm
Progress Reports
Progress Reports will be sent home on November 10. This will give you an indication as to how your child is doing so far in the second quarter.
Girl's Basketball Games
Please join us for the games:
5:00 PM
November 4 at Miller Park
November 8 at Rosehill
November 15 at Wakonda
November 30 at Florence
December 6 at Florence
November 12 at Florence
PTO Meeting
Please join us for our PTO meeting! We would love your input!
Monday, November 14
5:00 PM
Florence Elementary Library
Student Council
November 3
Red Wheel Fundraiser
Pick Up: November 10
Florence School Conference Room (Main Door, Lobby Area)
Family Reading Night
Please join us!!!
Thursday, December 1
5:30 PM
Movie Night!
Friday, December 2
6:00 pm- Doors open
6:30 pm- Movie starts
*Movie- TBA
Winter Program
Please mark your calendars!
Winter Program
December 14
10:00 am & 2:00 pm
Florence Elementary
Website: ops.org/florence
Location: 7902 N 36th St.
Phone: 531-299-1400
Twitter: @FlorenceOPS