Updates from the QCSD BOE
March 2024 Newsletter

Superintendent's Report
Dear Quakertown Community,
As we welcome the arrival of spring, I am reminded of the significance this season holds for our school district. It serves as a sign of our progress and growth throughout the academic year, marking milestones and achievements along the way, as we approach the last marking period of the school year.
March 28 marked a special anniversary for me as it has been one year since I was entrusted with the privilege of leading the Quakertown Community School District. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the School Board, staff, students, families and community partners for their unwavering support and collaboration throughout this past year. It has been an honor to serve alongside each and every one of you.
As we continue to strive towards our ambitious vision of supporting every student, every day, I am inspired by the dedication and commitment of our community. Parents and guardians play a crucial role as trusted partners in our students' lives, and their involvement is essential to our collective success. Together, we navigate challenges and celebrate achievements, always keeping the well-being of our children at the forefront of our decisions and actions.
In addition to our core academic programs, I am thrilled to see our students actively participating in a wide range of clubs, activities and athletics. This level of engagement is a testament to the vibrant and diverse opportunities available within our district. I extend my sincere thanks to all those who contribute their time and compassion to enriching the lives of our students.
As we embrace the beauty and renewal of spring, I wish you and your families a season filled with joy, growth and abundance.
Yours in Education,
Dr. Matthew Friedman
Superintendent of Schools
Quakertown Community School District
Facebook: @MatthewFriedman
Instagram: @Dr_friedman
X (Twitter): @MfriedmanPGH
Facebook: @QCSDSchools
Instagram: @QCSD_Schools
X (Twitter): @QCSD_Schools
Message from the Board of School Directors President
Dear Quakertown School Community,
As part of our role as the Board of School Directors, we work hard to ensure all capital funds are allocated to appropriate and necessary projects for the best outcomes for our students and the district. As the place where students spend most of their childhood, our schools play a crucial role in helping shape the cognitive and social development of students which in turn impacts our community and shapes its future.
We also recognize that our facilities are an important part of the student experience. Research has shown that creating a healthy learning environment through improved facilities can directly impact student learning. It is our goal to ensure school buildings are maintained through routine inspections and other servicing so we can create an ideal and healthy learning environment for our students to have academic success. We make careful assessments to determine when facilities need improvement and take proactive measures through repairs and maintenance to meet the needs of our students and school community.
These behind-the-scenes efforts and our focus on district management ensure that every decision is made with thoughtful and careful consideration. Through strategic thinking and planning, we can best drive the district towards greater achievements and opportunities for all students.
To maintain that goal and our efforts of improved transparency, below is a list of capital projects that will be completed this summer.
- Mill and overlay blacktop at Alumni Stadium. This is needed due to safety concerns and to install the infrastructure for a security project.
- Relocate track throwing events at Sixth Grade Center to inside the current track. This is needed due to the current throwing events being typically under water in the floodplain.
- Replace split rail fence at Strayer Middle School. A fence that separates the ponds and railroads from the school property was installed in 2005 and has since deteriorated.
- Modifications to existing sound attenuation equipment at the High School. It was brought to our attention that the acoustics are not the quality they should be. A study was conducted to confirm this.
- Replace playground at Richland Elementary. Due to flooding, we will relocate one of the playgrounds and combine it with the other one. This project includes all new equipment, drainage, chip and a border.
- Replace Facilities Building fuel pumps. Replace the current fuel station from 1971 with new pumps.
- Replace kitchen equipment district wide. Replace troubled kitchen equipment with new.
- Replace Sixth Grade Center roof. The roof is out of warranty and has started to fail. The project will be completed this summer.
For more information on these projects, please visit BoardDocs.
Thank you for your continued support in our goal of improving students' school experience.
Todd Hippauf
School Board President
Meeting Highlights
In March’s board meeting, Mr. Spear highlighted the CTE programs and presented Upper Bucks County Technical School Report. Additionally, a legislative report was discussed that School Directors should be aware of recent case law impacting interpretations of agency meetings under the Sunshine Law. Lastly, Board President Hippauf congratulated Richland Elementary for being named a Lighthouse School through the Leader in Me program. Richland is the third school in all of Pennsylvania to be recognized with this achievement.
Watch the Full Meeting
Student Recognitions
During this meeting, students from each elementary school were honored in front of the board for showcasing excellent leadership skills throughout the month of March. Those celebrated included Trumbauersville Students of the Month, Richland Leaders of the Month, Quakertown Elementary's QE PRIDE students, Pfaff Proud students, and Neidig Leaders of the Month.
Report from the Student Representatives
Student representatives, Aislin Magalengo, Sophia Wang and Jaelyn Taylor engaged in conversation with board members about academics, extracurriculars and upcoming events for students. Below are some highlights:
- Ed Hidalgo assembly (2/28) introduced students to the RIASEC initiative
- Career Pathways Speaker, Kevin Norvaisas
- Pathways PFEW Business opportunity over the summer
- New Multi-Purpose Field
- Start of spring sports
- Spaghetti dinner for QMPO (3/16)
- Fishing Club–lure building event
- Mandarin Club–story exchange to build community in the school
Meet your board of School Directors
Todd Hippauf, President, Tenure since 2021, Region 1
Glenn Iosue, Vice President, Tenure since 2021, Region 2
Ron Jackson, Member, Tenure since 2014, Region 1
Jon Kern, Member, Tenure since 2015, Region 2
Joe Lyons, Member, Tenure since 2023, Region 3
David O'Donnell, Member, Tenure since 2023, Region 1
Brian Reimers, Member, Tenure since 2019, Region 3
Charles Shermer, Member, Tenure since 2021, Region 3
Chris Spear, Member, Tenure since 2019, Region 2
The Board recognizes that communication to and from them is important. You may contact all members of the Board, and Superintendent Dr. Matthew Friedman, by emailing board@qcsd.org. Before bringing your matter to the attention of the Board of Directors, however, please be sure you have provided your local team with an opportunity to help: your child’s teacher(s), the building principal and staff. Thank you.
Committee Reports
Click the button below to watch each committee meeting.
- UFLI Foundation: UFLI is an Elementary RELA curriculum resource that should work better as a resource or most of the students. The old system did not always meet the needs of students. UFLI is currently being used in 6th grade (and 5th Grade?) and seems to be working well.
- It is backed by significant research.
- The administration expects it to help improve K-2 data, and do it faster.
- It costs less than the old system.
- Elementary Sections: Discussed (very early) kindergarten enrollments for next year and encouraged parents who will have a kindergarten student to enroll them as soon as possible.
- Neidig: 24; Pfaff: 45; QE: 22; Richland: 26; Trumbauersville: 28
- The information about kindergarten registration is on social media and on the homepage of the district website.
- Dr. Hoffman explained that there are several classes in a few different schools that the administration will be watching because their predicted class sizes are approaching sizes that could make it hard to create additional sections in those schools because there is not enough space in the building. There are a few possible options, but most of them involve some students possibly not getting to go to their home school because most the buildings are already at, or near capacity. That would not be ideal, and they will be watching those classes, and maybe a few others throughout the summer.
- School Start Times/Three Tier Busing: The administration is recommending that we return to a 3 tier bus system. Last year we moved to a 2 (2.5) tier system with the promise that it would save money and help us with the bus driver shortage. None of that happened, except it maybe helped with the bus driver shortage. We ask the administration to give us a quick comparison between moving to a 3-tier bus system and staying with the 2-tier bus system. This might effect school start times.
- Plus/Gifted Programming: Years of data shows that students are not performing well as they move through the advanced classes in the years following their PLUS program.
- Yellow Alerts: Asked the administration to get rid of the practice of using Yellow days. They will use various methods and coverages to make sure kids can safely be in school.
Policy Committee: (3.4.24) Click here to view the minutes
- Policies recommended for 2nd reading and approval:
- Policy 146 - Student Services Policy 200 - Enrollment
- Policy 202 - Eligibility of Nonresident Students
- Policy 217 - Graduation
- Policy 254 - Educational Opportunity for Military Children
- Policy 610 - Purchases Subject to Bid/Quote
- Policy 611 - Purchases Budgeted
- Policy 810.1 - School Bus Drivers and School Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers
- Policy 810.2 - Transportation - Video/Audio Recording
- Policy 810.3 - School Vehicle Drivers
- Policy 830 - Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification
- Policy 816 - Social Media
- Policy 830.1 - Data Governance - Storage/Security
- Policy 905 - Citizen Advisory Committees
- Policies for Retirement:
- For Informational Purposes Only:
- 200-AR-0 - Enrollment of Students
- 200-AR-1 - Student Classifications for Enrollment
- 202-AR-0 - Nonstudent Residents
- 202-AR-1 - Violation of Nonstudent Residents
- 217-AR-0 - Graduation Commencement
- 810-AR-0 - Side Stop Signal Arm Enforcement System
- 830-AR-0 - Security of Computerized Personal Information/Breach Notification
- 830.1-AR-0 - Data Storage and Security
Finance Committee: (3.14.24)
- UBCTS 2024-2025 Budget Presentation
- Treasurer's Reports for June 2023 - January 2024
- BBD, LLP Local Audit Proposal - 3 year agreement: The Administration is asking the committee to move the proposal for local audit services from BBD, LLP for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2024, 2025 & 2026 forward for board approval. This proposal has an increase of $1,000 for the 2023-2024 year and $750 for each subsequent year.
- Active Volunteer Service Tax Rebate Program (Act 172) Update
- Community Eligibility Program (CEP) Update - K-6 Students
- 2024-2025 Preliminary Budget Presentation
Facilities Committee: (3.14.24)
- Capital Project Bids:
SMS Fence Replacement Project...$118,552.00
Executive Content...$54,137.00
HS Alumni Field Paving Repairs...$162,415.50
- Please note that the alumni paving project was not approved as a capital project but is needed due to safety reasons.
- Bid Summary
- Approved Capital Improvements
- Multi- Purpose Field Update: Administration has been working with D'Huy Engineering and the general contractor to get daily updates on the final stages of the Multi-Purpose Field project.
- Neidig Pavilion: Prior to the building renovation, Neidig had a pavilion which was used during recess for shade and for outdoor learning space. Administration is asking to approve the proposal from Pioneer Buildings to replace the structure.
- 6GC Roof: The roof at 6GC has developed several leaks over the past year and contractors continue to chase the leaks. Administration is asking to explore options for an emergency roof replacement for the 23/24 summer.
Communications Committee: (3.19.24)
- Website: New district website to go live in April.
- Board Newsletter: Continue to send out this board newsletter monthly to keep the community up to date.
- District Newsletter: The next district newsletter is set to come out at the end of March.
- Media Relations/Press Releases: Continue to share press releases to local and state media. Work to acquire relationships with media and build media list.
- Update on the Student Internship Program: Students are now working directly with our public relations firm and will have two meetings a month as a chance for them to ask questions and learn directly from professionals in the field.