MS Admin Weekly Update
This is the final update for the 2023-24 school year. I hope you all have an amazing break and engage in fun and meaningful activities that help you recharge! The next update will be at the end of July.
There are 7 items of note this week...
End of Year Review
The end of year goal reflection is key in the evaluation process. Please be sure to submit your end of year goals reflection form in Talent Ed. I know, things are busy and you are wrapping up the school year. I will follow up with you in July to finalize all TalentEd processes for the 2023-24 school year.
AVID Coordinator Schedule - Click the Link
Please check out the AVID Coordinator/Admin meetings on the attached link. This should help inform your calendar for when you as the building admin overseeing AVID needs to attend. Please be sure to add these to you calendar.
Announcing the 4J Principal Academy
Over the next three years, the Instruction Department is dedicated to ongoing growth opportunities for administrators with the purpose of fostering instructional leaders within every school building. This multifaceted objective hinges on a meticulously structured training program designed to ensure administrators gain expertise in five pivotal goal areas: Special Education best practices, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Research for Better Teaching (RBT), and school-based equity and inclusion best practices. By instilling proficiency in these areas, the Instruction Department aims to empower principals to effectively guide their teaching staff in skill development and cultivate a culture of continuous growth and improvement.
To ensure the successful realization of this initiative, all principals will actively participate in structured training modules tailored to each of the five key areas. These modules will offer comprehensive insights into best practices, instructional strategies, and the latest research findings, enabling principals to deepen their understanding and refine their instructional leadership skills. Additionally, principals will be expected to engage in ongoing training until they attain a predefined baseline of necessary knowledge in each goal area. This commitment underscores the Instruction Department's unwavering dedication to fostering continuous professional development among our building-based instructional leaders.
Recognizing the considerable dedication required for this initiative, principals will be compensated at the per diem rate for their work outside their regular work hours. This acknowledgment underscores the value placed on professional growth and the pivotal role that instructional leadership plays in driving positive outcomes for students. The ultimate objective of this learning journey for principals is to enhance their capacity to serve as effective instructional leaders within their respective buildings.
The Instruction Department anticipates that attaining the expected baseline of competence will take each principal approximately four to five years. This projection accounts for the varying levels of understanding that principals may possess across the five learning areas. Consequently, the training opportunities will be differentiated to accommodate the diverse needs and readiness levels of individual principals. This tailored approach aims to maximize the impact of the training program and ensure that all principals receive the necessary support and resources to thrive.
Moreover, the Instruction Department will continue to provide training opportunities for teachers throughout the district, with the expectation that all principals will actively participate in these sessions. It is crucial for principals to learn alongside their teachers within each building, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to continuous improvement and shared professional growth. By investing in the development of instructional leaders, the Instruction Department endeavors to create a culture of excellence, equity, and inclusivity in every school building, thereby elevating the overall quality of education and fostering positive outcomes for all students.
Additionally, principals are encouraged to work in cohorts during this learning journey. By collaborating within these cohorts, principals can learn from one another, share experiences, and accelerate their understanding and application of best instructional practices. This collaborative approach not only enriches the learning experience but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility among principals.
Furthermore, the Instruction Department believes that the enhanced knowledge and understanding of best instructional practices gained through this training program will increase the value of principals as they coach and evaluate teacher classroom performance. By equipping principals with a robust skill set and deep understanding of effective instructional strategies, the Instruction Department aims to elevate the quality of teaching and learning across the district, ultimately benefiting students and the broader educational community.
Research for Better Teaching - Planting a Seed
As we increase our focus on Instruction in buildings and in the classroom, we want to reinvest in the previous training that we engaged in as administrators several years ago. We haven't landed dates as of yet and will be sure to share once we do. In the meantime this is an excellent resource that you should start to familiarize yourself with. This specific training is so good with how to anchor a meeting with a teacher around instruction and how to identify claims, evidence and impact on student learning. This is really strong training and we will be leaning on these strategies in this upcoming year. Please sign up your admin team to take this training when we get the dates squared away.
Google Meet Transition
Most of you are aware that we will be transitioning from using Zoom as the default virtual meeting platform to using Google Meet. This transition has already begun. While your Zoom account will not be deleted, it will be reduced to a basic Zoom account which limits meetings to 40 minutes and participant count to 100. https://meet.google.com/ will take you to Google Meet. You can access the platform from the google.com home page, right hand corner 'waffle' icon Several links have been included below that will be helpful as you become familiar with Google Meet: Quicksheet on Google Meet Setup There is an abundance of self help resources out there, a few are referenced below:
Affinity Groups During FLEX Next School Year + Other Key MS Calendars
This has already been shared with you but I'm including it here again as an important reminder about affinity group times shifts and other Middle School specific calendar events, i.e. Early Release Wednesdays, Instructional Round hosting, etc.
See the first four tabs of this google sheet: These are still in draft form but a great starting point for future planning.
Secondary ELA Newsletter
Secondary ELA Newsletter Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eg5du_rFrlkflYxNAZ8XaOMd5ersQMrY/view?usp=drive_link
As we wrap up our final day with students, I want to simply say thank you for your dedication to serving your school communities! You did a wonderful job celebrating kids this week. Additionally, your steadfast leadership was integral in creating nurturing and affirming environments for kids all year long! Although I wasn't able to attend all promotions due to the schedule over the past couple of days, I'm sure every school was able to celebrate their 8th graders' accomplishments in unique ways. For the ceremonies I was able to attend, I observed numerous gestures and messages of appreciation from students and families to you and your staff. I hope everyone is able to take a moment this weekend and reflect on the positive impact you've made on kids' lives. Congratulations on another great school year!
Kennedy Promotion Ceremony
Laura addresses her school community one last time with some great tips for high school for her outgoing 8th graders!
Kelly Promotion Ceremony
The Kelly Band performs an upbeat and fun tune for the crowd!
ATA Promotion Ceremony
AJ shares a message of encouragement for her outgoing 8th graders!
Summer Office Hours in June - Thank you for the feedback via text. These are the middle schools' hours for June. Make sure to share these with your school communities.
June 17 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 18 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 19 Office CLOSED - Juneteenth Holiday
June 20 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 21 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 24 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 25 - 28 Office CLOSED for summer
CUSTODIAL Radio Collection For Preventative Maintenance -
This summer, Facilities is only requesting Custodial radios be collected for preventative maintenance. Other radios needing service may also be submitted, but these must be documented with a work order that includes ID number(s), and a description of the issue, just like always. For more info click here.
Google Meet Transition
Most of you are aware that we will be transitioning from using Zoom as the default virtual meeting platform to using Google Meet. This transition has already begun.
While your Zoom account will not be deleted, it will be reduced to a basic Zoom account which limits meetings to 40 minutes and participant count to 100.
https://meet.google.com/ will take you to Google Meet. You can access the platform from the google.com home page, right hand corner 'waffle' icon
Several links have been included below that will be helpful as you become familiar with Google Meet:
Quicksheet on Google Meet Setup
There is an abundance of self help resources out there, a few are referenced below:
SEAL Students - Please share with teachers
- We are excited to have over 600 students signed up for SEAL this year. Last year we asked classroom teachers to share any helpful insights about students for SEAL staff. This was a huge success and very appreciated by our SEAL staff. So once again we are asking you to share the spreadsheet with staff and ask if they could take a few minutes to share any helpful insights about their students for our SEAL staff. Below is a link to a spreadsheet with all students who are registered, it can be sorted by school and grade level to make it easier for teachers to find any of their students. If there are questions, please reach out to: Casandra Kamens| kamens@4j.lane.edu|541-790-7536.
June 17th Grading Day
Same as our last grading day - Certified staff may work from home on this day, however they need to inform you as the building principal of their plan to work in an alternate location and how they’ll be available to their team members, if needed. Staff that have not communicated a desire to work from an alternate location will be expected to work on site. This is a working day and professional awareness is critical. Please be aware of the perception of community members if you are engaged in activities in the community instead of being at work. Classified staff need to report to the building, or use appropriate leave or trade time.
Curriculum Updates
Linked below are the emails both in English and Spanish for all student results grades 5-7. Please make sure to copy the correct grade level when sending these emails out to all families/guardians who took the math acceleration tests. Remember the green and yellow highlighted sections are differentiated by determination of acceleration, so don't send both 🤪.
Results Emails for Families Grades 5-7
Confidential Score Reports
Please note that this year, we will not be sending out individual score reports district wide. If parents have specific questions regarding their child’s individual scores, the email asks that they reach out for more information.
It is our goal to work on continuing to streamline this process even more as our hope it to centralize it further for next year, so that you have one less thing on your plates to do each spring. Thank you for your intentionality and focus on this support for our student! If you have any further questions, please reach out to Virginia Seefeld.
Week at A Glance
June 17 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 18 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 19 Office CLOSED - Juneteenth Holiday
June 20 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
June 21 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
COSA Conference Seaside
June 24 Office open 9:00 a.m. - noon & 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
COSA Conference Seaside
June 25 - 28 Office CLOSED for summer
The final week of the school year is upon us and I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate all the hard work, dedication, and resilience that both you, your staff and students have shown throughout this year. It's been a journey filled with learning, growth, and countless memorable moments. Let's make this last week a special one for our students. Whether it's through fun activities, reflective conversations, or simply enjoying the time together, let's ensure we finish the year with a sense of accomplishment and joy.
Additionally, I want to acknowledge the recent updates about transitions for a couple of our colleagues. As you know, Courtney Leonard is stepping into the 4J secondary curriculum administrator position. I'm grateful we'll continue to have the opportunity to collaborate with Courtney and experience her strong leadership skills through the instruction department at the middle school level...ok and high schools too. : ) Thank you, Courtney, for all your contributions to our middle school admin team and for your ongoing leadership. Congratulations!
By Courtney accepting her new position, an opportunity opened up for someone to lead RMS. Congratulations to Mike Yocum on accepting the Interim Principal position at Roosevelt Middle School. Mike is a knowledgeable, thoughtful and empathetic leader. He has deep knowledge of where RMS has been and has the vision and skills to guide them into the future. I'm so excited for him to take this next step in his career. Congratulations, Mike!
Lastly, last week I listed 6 action items to complete. Much appreciation for your efforts in getting those tasks completed.
This week I'm countering last week's task list with 6 self care tips, adapted from the Berkeley Well-Being Institute. : )
I hope you can make a goal of trying at least one this weekend! (My personal goals for this weekend are Numbers 1 and 2).
Six tips for self-care this weekend (and beyond):
1. Get Outdoors
2.Listen to soothing music
3. Practice deep breathing
4. Cultivate positive emotions
5. Research unique self care activities and try out different strategies to tailor your self care needs (popular strategies that people rave about don't always work for everyone).
6. Build Self-Awareness
For more info about any of these strategies see This Article
There are 7 items of note this week...
June 17 Grading Day
Same as our last grading day - Certified staff may work from home on this day, however they need to inform you as the building principal of their plan to work in an alternate location and how they’ll be available to their team members, if needed. Staff that have not communicated a desire to work from an alternate location will be expected to work on site. This is a working day and professional awareness is critical. Please be aware of the perception of community members if you are engaged in activities in the community instead of being at work. Classified staff need to report to the building, or use appropriate leave or trade time.
Curriculum Updates
New curriculum materials will be arriving soon! Please ensure old materials are discarded, as outlined in Tammy’s previous email. Additionally, Tammy has sent an email with this form needed to be completed by Wednesday, June 5th, to ensure an easy and efficient delivery. If you haven’t completed it yet, please do so asap.
HS Science Sequencing One Pager FAQ - as the year comes to a close, if any continued questions come up regarding HS science course sequencing, please reference this document.
Chemical Management and Disposal:
Please be sure to check in with your science teams about chemical disposal procedures in the next couple of weeks. A reminder of Chemical Disposal Protocols was sent out earlier this week. If your team is in need of new waste disposal containers for the upcoming year, PLEASE have them fill out this Chemical Waste Storage Container Order FORM by Friday of next week (6/7). New containers will be ordered at the end of next week and will arrive over the summer.
Also a reminder to not send any chemicals through district mail.
Science Adoption set to begin Fall ‘24:
We are beyond excited to announce that, pending board approval, 4J is seeking to adopt standards-aligned, high quality Science instructional materials for grades 6-12. The goal of this adoption is to support teachers in facilitating strong Science instruction for all 4J students for years to come. If you have staff who are interested in joining the adoption team, please share this link to sign up and get more information. Secondary Science Adoption Team Application.
Social Studies:
4J High School Social Studies Course Seqeuence Guidance (Reference Page): Just bringing this document back to the top of your attention. It provides a detailed explanation of the required sequencing of social science courses in Eugene Public Schools 4J aligned to ODE requirements. The sequencing is a guidance intended to display required courses and standards alignment. As Eugene 4J has multiple sites and multiple programs, thus we understand there may be slight variations to sequencing. Furthermore, the courses listed below are basic required courses and do not include Honors or AP options.
For your school newsletters
SSD Reminder ~ End of Year To-Do List:
- ESY data collection: Must be completed by June 14th
Progress Reports: Must be submitted before June 18th
Finalize docs in Synergy: Must be completed by June 18th
For more information on expectations before the end of the school year and important dates on the SSD calendar click here.
2024 Facilities Special Waste Roundup!
It's time for 4J’s annual Special Waste Round-up! This is your chance to safely, efficiently and responsibly dispose of waste items that shouldn’t go into the landfill. We are asking for your help in sharing this info out to staff, and posting the attached flyer around your school. For more information on waste roundup click here.
Reminder: Safety Communication Protocol -
With the recent administrative changes, we want to take a moment to revisit our safety communication protocol as we head into the last two weeks of school. Below, you'll find the process to follow when reporting safety concerns within your building or workplace.
Clear and efficient communication of safety concerns is essential for promptly addressing issues and taking appropriate actions.
How to Communicate a Safety Concern in Your Building or Workplace Reporting Procedure: staff –> admin / supervisor –> level / dept. director –> 4J critical text group
Staff should share their safety concerns with their building administrator or supervisor.
The building administrator or supervisor will relay the necessary concerns to the level director or department director.
The level director or department director will notify the 4J Critical text group.
Urgent Matters:
If an immediate response is required and your admin/supervisor is not available, contact your level/department director.
If they are unavailable, call or text the 24/7 4J Safety phone at 541-780-4000.
Level/dept. director (or safety phone custodian if they receive the report firsthand) informs the 4J Critical text group.
Immediate Need for Emergency Services:
CALL 9-1-1 IMMEDIATELY to report any serious medical problem, any type of fire, any life-threatening situation, or to report serious crimes in progress. Stay calm and provide the call-taker with all relevant details when asked. Remain on the phone until released and follow any instructions provided. If emergency services are coming to your building, send someone out to the street or parking lot to meet emergency personnel and lead them to where they are needed.all/text 4J Safety Phone at 541-780-4000 as soon as possible. OR
If urgent emergency services are not required, call or text 4J Safety Phone at 541-780-4000 as soon as possible.
Follow-up notifications to admin/supervisor or level/department director.
Note: When sending a message to families or staff about a safety concern, add or forward a copy to 4j_critical@4j.lane.edu. This will ensure that the district-level staff who need to know about these issues are informed. Thank you for your attention to these protocols to help maintain a safe environment for all.
Monday 6/10
Regular Schedule
Tuesday 6/11
Regular Schedule
Wednesday 6/12 - Early Release- GLT/PLCs
Thursday 6/13
8th Grade Promotions:
Kennedy 1-2:00 pm
Kelly 6-7:00 pm
Madison 6-7:00 pm
Monroe 6-7:45 pm
Roosevelt 6-7:30 pm
Spencer Butte 6:15-7:15 pm
Friday 6/14 Last Day of School - Full Day
8th Grade Promotions:
Arts & Technology 1:30-3pm
Cal Young 6:00-7:15 pm
Monday 6/17
Teachers' Last Day/ Grading Day
Other newsletters
Hello Team,
The Golden Apple awards ceremony was a ton of fun! Shout out to Sun and Dana for MC'ing and AJ and team for hosting the event at ATA. Although it's so fun to acknowledge stellar staff during these ceremonies, it's also important to note that the awards are a reflection of the school communities and teams each person represents. Congratulations to all of our recipients, nominees and staff in general for all the critical work they/ you do!
As we are quickly approaching the end of the school year with just two weeks left with students, there are some important *ACTION ITEMS* I'm including this week that we need to get completed at the middle school level. I encourage you to divide them within your admin team to get them completed and please let me know if there is anything I can do to support. The action items are embedded below but to help you easily identify them, I've created the following list:
1. Accept your Wayfinder invitation (email) and Login to WAYFINDER to access your account for Monday's introduction PD.
2. a.Administer Climate Survey
b.Send this Survey to Affinity Group Advisors: Affinity Groups: Year-End Feedback 2024
3. a. Share this with all teachers: Efficient & Effective Classroom Management Strategies:
b. Fill out New ELA Curriculum form: this form
c. Math Acceleration: complete all columns with your student data into this spreadsheet
d. Science: PLEASE have them fill out this Chemical Waste Storage Container Order FORM
4. Have a rotation of teachers to cover sub shortages.
5. Begin drafting Leadership Plan
6. Share out the 3 identified items in your school newsletters
Overall, there are 10 items of note this week...
Wayfinder Admin Introduction
On Monday, all MS admin will come together to get an introduction to Wayfinder, a key resource for advisory next school year. You'll need your laptop and will also need to be able to access the program. For access be sure you've accepted the invitation already sent by Wayfinder via email. The trainer will be via zoom but we'll need to hold discussions about advisory and Sources of Strength so it's important for us to be together in person.
Where: Ed Center: Tower Room
When: 3:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m.
Who: All middle school admin (I understand if someone needs to stay back to cover issues at the building but please join when you can).
Zimbra invite already sent.
REMINDER: 4J Secondary School Climate Survey *Action Item*
This is a reminder to please complete the 4J Secondary School Climate Survey. It will be open until June 21. As you can see in the attached image only a few schools have completed this.
* English version: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4jclimatesecondary
* Spanish version: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4jambientesecundaria
Affinity Group Advisors Survey *Action Item*
As we head into June this is a reminder about Talent Ed, specifically the end of the year goals and evaluation meetings to have with your staff. If you have not already scheduled these meetings, it would be important to attend this sooner than later. Both your informal and formal observations for staff should be completed by now or be well underway. Attempting to begin these tasks within the 13 days remaining would be ineffective in providing timely feedback and a meaningful evaluation.
For every licensed employee on a summative cycle/year, you are to use information obtained through observations as well as any feedback or communication provided to them throughout the year when writing the summative evaluation. Keep in mind if you were unable to complete the assigned tasks related to the summative cycle/year for an employee, then there would be no information or basis to write an evaluation. In other words, if an employee has not received feedback in any form throughout the year, it would be considered unfair and inappropriate to identify deficiencies given the employee was never informed of needing improvement. In short, summative evaluations should not be a surprise to an employee and the evaluation should be a summary of the employee’s performance based on the 6 domains.
Lastly, the end of the year goal meetings provides the opportunity to highlight this school year while identifying things to look forward to upon the start of the new school year in the fall.
Key points:
- Schedule end-of-year goal and evaluation meetings with staff soon.
- Complete informal and formal observations for licensed employees on a summative cycle/year.
- For summative evaluations, use information from observations and feedback provided throughout the year.
- Do not identify deficiencies in the summative evaluation if the employee was not informed or given opportunities for improvement.
- Summative evaluations should not be a surprise, based on ongoing communication and feedback.
- End-of-year goal meetings are an opportunity to reflect on the current year and look ahead to the next school year.
Curriculum Updates
*Multiple Action Items* (See Bold Text)
Middle School:
Resources for upcoming schedule change
Efficient & Effective Classroom Management Strategies: PLEASE SHARE THESE WITH STAFF. With the transition to the new Middle School schedule next year, our curriculum TOSAs have compiled a number of great resources for teachers to explore as they plan for the shorter periods.
In addition, we would like to shine a spotlight on Carmen Duato, who took the time to provide some of her own quality insights in a personalized video! Great job Carmen.
All 6-8 ELA teachers attended new curriculum training on May 22nd and 23rd in preparation for implementing Amplify ELA at the start of the school year. Teachers were excited to have access to materials before summer break. Tammy Steeves is planning work sessions with new grade-level literacy leaders who will facilitate collaboration and planning throughout the next school year. More details about this plan will be shared soon. Thank you to everyone who supported our ELA teachers by attending!
New curriculum materials will be arriving soon! Please ensure old materials are discarded, as outlined in Tammy’s previous email. Additionally, Tammy has sent an email with this form that needs to be completed by Wednesday, June 5th, to ensure an easy and efficient delivery.
Single Subject Acceleration Testing should be coming to an end. If you have not already done so, please complete all columns with your student data into this spreadsheet so that we can get the score reports out to you as soon as possible.
Please remember - For equity reasons, we are obligated to offer this opportunity to ALL students. Historically, we have had families challenge 4J for not having offered the testing opportunity at some schools. If you do not have students/families that want to test, please just enter that the opportunity was given and you had no takers into the spreadsheet. If you need help with parent communication on the opportunities for testing, please reach out to Virginia Seefeld.
Chemical Management and Disposal:
Please be sure to check in with your science teams about chemical disposal procedures in the next couple of weeks. A reminder of Chemical Disposal Protocols was sent out earlier this week. If your team is in need of new waste disposal containers for the upcoming year, PLEASE have them fill out this Chemical Waste Storage Container Order FORM by Friday of next week (6/7). New containers will be ordered at the end of next week and will arrive over the summer.
Also a reminder to not send any chemicals through district mail.
9th Grade Physics Planning meeting:
The last collaborative Physics Planning meeting will be June 5th at Bailey Hill from 8:15-11:45am. We’re hoping to minimize the need for summer planning for this new(ish) course starting next year.
Science Adoption set to begin:
We are beyond excited to announce that, pending board approval, 4J is seeking to adopt standards-aligned, high quality Science instructional materials for grades 6-12. The goal of this adoption is to support teachers in facilitating strong Science instruction for all 4J students for years to come. If you have staff who are interested in joining the adoption team, please share this link to sign up and get more information. Secondary Science Adoption Team Application
Covering Classes as a Result of Sub Shortages
See below in bold.
In the event there are no substitutes or any volunteers to cover, you can assign a staff member to help but you must be sure they are paid for this assignment. Additionally, draft a rotation of teachers you call upon to ensure the same teachers aren't always required to help with coverage. Administration may also cover a class if and as available, too.
Article 10.1.5 PREPARATION TIME: All unit members shall be provided at least one period of preparation time during their workday.
- Unit members shall not be assigned to supervise or instruct students during their preparation time.
- Middle and high school unit members shall be guaranteed a preparation period during the instructional day. The total amount of preparation time over the course of a full work week will total no less than three-hundred and twenty (320) minutes.
- Elementary unit members shall have at least three hundred and twenty (320) minutes of preparation per week, including one 60-minute block of uninterrupted preparation time. Administration will not schedule meetings during this hour of preparation time. No daily portion shall be smaller than twenty (20) continuous minutes. Every effort will be made to make the daily preparation time thirty (30) continuous minutes in length. These three hundred and twenty (320) minutes will include at least one hundred and twenty (120) minutes of preparation time during the student work day each week in blocks of not less than thirty (30) minutes, which time will generally be used for individual planning and/or collaboration at the member's discretion. Elementary SSD members will continue to have 210 minutes of preparation time per week outside the student day including one 60-minute block of uninterrupted preparation time in which no meetings will be scheduled, in addition to the case management time in Article I 3. 7.
- When an administrator initiates and assigns unit members to work during their preparation period, they are paid at their prorated per diem rate.
Leadership Plans
Your district allocation tabs have been populated with district minimum amounts for these teams. At the middle level, each school will receive $11,000 to support the district required teams. When you review your district allocation tab, you will see a sample distribution and team size that is based on one meeting a month. Please remember that these positions are not voted on by staff. You may structure and fund them as you see fit provided the work assigned aligns to the corresponding Stipend Levels. Additionally, when you create your building level positions, be sure to use the stipend calculator (Tab C on the Google Sheet). This was discussed at JCAC as the best and only way to ensure compensation is equitable. The stipend calculator MUST be used.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions about the district allocation tab.
Information to share in your school newsletters *Newsletter Action Items*
Please share with teachers and in your newsletters...
SPICE camp is a STEM program at the University of Oregon, serving middle school girl, trans, and nonbinary individuals. Our goal for the past 15 years is to provide STEM opportunities and enrichment to encourage continued interest in math and natural sciences during the time that interest often wanes. Our research shows that when provided a supportive, inclusive environment grounded in curiosity, motivation to pursue degrees in STEM fields increases.
Please share the attached flyer with any interested rising 6th, 7th, or 8th grader. Camps are 2 weeks in duration, 9-4pm weekdays only. No student is turned away due to financial situation.
We have opened a 3rd session of Discovery camp (rising 6th graders) but also have room in our Forensic and Maker camps.
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or collaboration ideas.
Thanks so much,
LGBTQIA+ Summer Camps & Opportunities
A message from Lisa Kinder-Wehr, program coordinator for Student Alliance Community (GSA)...
Happy (almost) Pride Month!!! Here are some upcoming summer camps & events to support LGBTQIA+ students, caregivers, and families In June! Please feel free to share with students, staff, and families!
Parent Cafe for supporting LGBTQIA+ youth, Saturday, June 1st! (flyer attached)
There will be food and childcare available, and the event is in person at the YMCA.
The Parent and Community Cafe is a strengths-based approach to celebrate the successes and support the growth edge of caregivers and parents all over Lane County. We welcome staff to attend as well. PCCs are always available in both English and Spanish. The June 1 event will be presented in English with Spanish interpretation.
Art Exploration Camp for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth
Transponder & Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
Venue: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
See the attached YMCA's flyer for their brand new summer camps:
- Join us for Happy Campers—a camp just for youth with Down syndrome!
- Q Camp at the Y is a vibrant, inclusive haven where LGBTQIA+ youth can make new friends . . .
- Night Crawlers for youth ntering 9th or 10th grade Night Camp. 6:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Last Day of School is a Full Day for Secondary Schools
Communications will adjust the district calendar to reflect the following for the last day of school for students, 6/14. Please be sure to include this information in your school newsletters.
Elementary: Half day
Middle: Full day
High: Full day
Week at a Glance
Hello Team,
I greatly appreciated everyone's efforts in preparing and presenting your AVID CCI updates yesterday(5/23), especially during this busy time of year. There is such amazing work happening in all of our schools. I share in Laura's sentiment from her follow-up message and am highlighting her remarks because they're true! Remember to access each others' resources to continue to develop within the "Grows" indicators and reach out to each other for clarity. We do our best work together!
Dear Middle School Leaders,
Thank you so much for sharing your afternoon and giving us a peek into the amazing AVID work going on at your sites. As I mentioned, there is a folder in our 4J shared drive where your presentations are stored, and you are all contributors to that folder, so you can add presentations or resources there if they haven't already been shared with me. In case you like digging through Shared Google drives, here's how you get there:
Shared 4J AVID Drive, 2023-2024 CCI Presentations, Middle School, and BOOM....you're in.
In case you like shortcuts, the file can also be accessed through this link. :)
Thanks again for your incredible work this year. I'm humbled and inspired by your commitment and efforts.
There are 5 items of note this week...
MS Track and Field!🏃
It was an exciting time for our track athletes who competed in the Oregon Middle School Meet of Champions (State)! Below are some highlights for our 4J athletes. You can find the full results of the meet here.
Jacob Loveless from Roosevelt took first place in the 800 meters and first place in the 1500 meter!
Henry Harner from Roosevelt placed first in the shotput and second in discus!
Liam Reavis from Roosevelt placed first in the high jump!
Amara Brooks from Spencer Butte took second place in the 100 meters!
Isabelle Cherry from Roosevelt took third place in the 200 meters!
Evangeline Johnson from Spencer Butte placed second in the 1500 meters!
AVID Path Training
Every year we send teams to Summer Institute to get trained up on AVID Strategies. We also know that some of our staff are unable to attend, or we hire late in the season after we have sent teachers to Summer Institute and they need training. Well, AVID provides PATH Training which is Summer Institute without the travel. Usually these PATH trainings are made available at a site regionally. Lucky us, we were able to land a PATH training by AVID Central in our very own district (thank you Laura Queirolo). This is a big deal. On August 22nd & 23rd, we are hosting AVID Path Training at NEHS for any staff that need to get trained up. Extended contract will be made available. This is excellent for any teacher, TOSA, or administrator that needs a different time and place for getting trained in AVID.
See descriptions here.
The following strands are available:
- Academic Language and Literacy: Asset-Based Instruction for All Classrooms
- Enhancing School Community for College and Career Readiness
- Foundations for Secondary Schoolwide Success
- CreatingEngaging and Rigorous Classrooms
- Transforming Literacy through Content Area Reading (Elementary)
- Transforming Literacy through Content Area Reading (Secondary)
Curriculum Update
Resources for upcoming schedule change ⏰:
Efficient & Effective Classroom Management Strategies: PLEASE SHARE THESE WITH STAFF. With the transition to the new Middle School schedule next year, our curriculum TOSAs have compiled a number of great resources for teachers to explore as they plan for the shorter periods.
In addition, we would like to shine a spotlight on Carmen Duato, who took the time to provide some of her own quality insights in a personalized video! Great job Carmen.
ELA 📕:
5/22/24 and 5/23/24: ALL MS ELA Thanks so much for those that had the chance to attend! It was lovely to experience the thoughtful questions and rich conversations.
Also, as we continue to build structures and resources around supporting the implementation and use of a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum aligned to our ODE mandates, we will be sharing more tools and a building site implementation playbook for admin as we go into summer and in early August.
Math 🧮:
Monday's Meeting with our Adoption team was a productive opportunity to review the final curriculum and dive into collaborative discussions calibrating on the rating of i-Ready. The last meeting of the year will be: Tuesday, June 4th from 4-6:30 pm at Bailey Hill Cafeteria - Final Ratings and Consensus for pilot materials (This is replacing our May 28th session. May 28th is canceled for 6-10).
Science 🪴:
As we continue to work to get back into alignment of the ODE curriculum adoption cycle, the the next adoption that 4j will launch will be Science, early next fall.I know many of our science teachers are eager to see what high quality instructional materials are out there that are better aligned to our new NGSS Oregon standards. Sarah Kirby-Ruggiero, our Secondary Science TOSA, will be sending out an interest form to teachers later this week - so that she can begin to gather initial interests and share some early information about what the 1 year adoption process will look like next year. Again, the Board approval to launch the the adoption will hopefully be in August, but we are doing the ground work so that the Science adoption team can hit the ground running once the adoption is formally launched n the fall. 👏🏼
4J Secondary School Climate Survey
The 4J Secondary School Climate Survey is now open and it will be until
I am attaching the QR codes and these are the links:
* English version: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4jclimatesecondary
* Spanish version: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4jambientesecundaria
Use of Zoom
Starting in the 2024/2025 school year we will no longer be using Zoom as a communications platform. We will start using Google Meet to hold virtual meetings. While not as robust as the Zoom platform, we are spending too much on a platform (Zoom) that gets little use.
Monday 05/27-
Memorial Day - No School
Tuesday 05/28-
Regular Schedule
Wednesday 05/29-GLTs/PLCs
1pm -6 pm District/EEA Bargaining- Auditorium
Thursday 05/30-
Golden Apple & Retirement Reception at ATA
Friday 05/31-
4-7 pm 4J Pride Fest at NEHS Football field
Our district championship track meet was so much fun! Thank you for your collaboration with coaches and for all the work you've put into making this track season a success! Track is just one of numerous programs you're supporting, on top of everything else going on as we wrap up this school year and plan for the next. I know the spring season is always a super busy time so thanks for all you're doing to support kids and staff!
There are 5 items of note this week...
Affinity Group Balances!
As the year comes to a close, it's important to review your affinity group balances and determine what you have left to spend as using your affinity balances before the year's end is essential!
If you need a hand in spending these funds don't hesitate to contact the appropriate district program coordinator for guidance and assistance. Let's make the most of these resources before the year's end! If there are funds available in one group that won't be spent (check with coordinator) you may need to shift those funds to other groups who have requests.
Asian, Pacific Islander Student Union Program Coordinator: Mia Lu (APISU)
Black Student Union Program Coordinator: Stefan Williams (BSU)
Gender Sexuality Alliance Affinity Group Program Coordinator: Lisa Kinser-Wehr (GSA)
Latine Student Union Program Coordinator: Josue Honorato (LSU)
Native American Student Union Affinity Group Program Coordinator: PJ Martinez (on leave, please contact Sean Himmelman)
Mind Body Divergent Alliance Program Coordinator: Jene Conrad (MBDA)
Jewish Student Union Program Coordinator: TBD (please contact Scout for assistance)
Sources of Strength MS Integration
We have collaborated with 4J Student Wellbeing on providing a district roll-out of launching (or re-launching) Sources of Strength next AY 24-25 in all Middle Schools in conjunction with implementing Wayfinder SEL. Wayfinder is an SEL curriculum that satisfies compliance with our ODE standards; subsequently, we also wanted to offer supplemental resources to provide a comprehensive approach to address the spectrum of high risk behaviors pertaining to suicide, problematic sexual behavior, and substance misuse and abuse. Most pertinently, Sources of Strength is an evidence based initiative to reduce suicide behaviors (refer to the pitch here that Ritu presented on for most current information).
Our goal is to work with each school in how to infuse it with your school culture in a way that is meaningful. Please nominate staff member(s) if you have not done so already. During our June 3rd meeting, we'll discuss more about Wayfinder and Sources connections:
- 4J Sources of Strength Nomination Form: https://forms.gle/MYhsNhyMCqfobT5y5
- Sources T4T: Tuesday 8/13/24 - Friday 8/16/24
- Grant Funded Staff Stipends allocated from a district fund will be available to participating staff members.
Curriculum Update
Resources for upcoming schedule change ⏰:
Efficient & Effective Classroom Management Strategies: PLEASE SHARE THESE WITH STAFF. With the transition to the new Middle School schedule next year, our curriculum TOSAs have compiled a number of great resources for teachers to explore as they plan for the shorter periods.
In addition, we would like to shine a spotlight on Carmen Duato, who took the time to provide some of her own quality insights in a personalized video! Great job Carmen.
ELA 📕:
5/22/24 and 5/23/24: ALL MS ELA Teachers are expected to participate in ELA Curriculum training (either AM/PM session, by grade level). We are excited to introduce the new curriculum and ask that you do everything in your power to have at least one administrator from each building attend at least one session this week! Thanks so much for those that had the chance to attend today! It was lovely to experience the thoughtful questions and rich conversations.
Also, as we continue to build structures and resources around supporting the implementation and use of a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum aligned to our ODE mandates, we will be sharing more tools and a building site implementation playbook for admin as we go into summer and in early August.
Math 🧮:
Monday's Meeting with our Adoption team was a productive opportunity to review the final curriculum and dive into collaborative discussions calibrating on the rating of i-Ready. The last meeting of the year will be: Tuesday, June 4th from 4-6:30 pm at Bailey Hill Cafeteria - Final Ratings and Consensus for pilot materials (This is replacing our May 28th session. May 28th is canceled for 6-10).
Science 🪴:
As we continue to work to get back into alignment of the ODE curriculum adoption cycle, the the next adoption that 4j will launch will be Science, early next fall.
I know many of our science teachers are eager to see what high quality instructional materials are out there that are better aligned to our new NGSS Oregon standards.
Sarah Kirby-Ruggiero, our Secondary Science TOSA, will be sending out an interest form to teachers later this week - so that she can begin to gather initial interests and share some early information about what the 1 year adoption process will look like next year. Again, the Board approval to launch the the adoption will hopefully be in August, but we are doing the ground work so that the Science adoption team can hit the ground running once the adoption is formally launched n the fall. 👏🏼
Week at a Glance
Monday 05/27-
Memorial Day - No School
Tuesday 05/28-
Wednesday 05/29-GLTs/PLCs
Thursday 05/30
Friday 05/31-
4-7 pm 4J Pride Fest at NEHS Football field
Hello team,
There are 6 items of note this week...
Connect with your PE Teachers *Action Item*
Last Thursday I joined Tina Fisher and all middle school PE teachers for a couple of hours to listen to needs and concerns about next school year with the addition of more teachers and students scheduled to ensure we are in compliance with HB5199. The main topics covered centered on safety, equipment, and facilities. I want our team to take a two-pronged approach in our response to support the PE team.
1. I'll connect with district leaders to prioritize field space repairs and service to ensure fields are safe for PE classes.
2. Principals schedule a time with your PE teachers at the building level to:
- Offer building resources to order any equipment needed (if you have a shortage and don't have discretionary funds, let me know).
- Walk your field spaces and discuss facility needs with your teachers. Identify any hazards or improvements needed that require an FIP and submit related FIPs.
- Discuss the plan with your teachers to ensure they understand how classes will be scheduled. (Especially if there is inclement weather or wildfire smoke that doesn't allow classes to take place outside). If multiple classes are needed in a single gym space on any given day, discuss the plan for that scenario.
- Ensure you're being mindful about class size. I understand there may be some bubble classes but in general, PE should be scheduled similar to all other core classes (max of 30 students whenever possible).
Additionally, I'll also work with our PE/Health TOSA, Tina Fisher, on the requests and concerns. She is a great resource so feel free to reach out to Tina as needed as well.
Here are all concerns, needs, and other planning needs PE teachers expressed and recorded: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LFazOhxmJYnxNyaD8-LkY2noE44ilEl5DTsm6gFU9rc/edit?usp=sharing
Learning Meeting 5/20/2024
On Monday 5/20 we meet for our last Learning Meeting of the year. Greg, Rob Hess, Laura Queirolo and I will be leading you in two separate components of this meeting. the first part will be the SCIP Plan for next year and how the Leadership dollars are to be strategized and disseminated. The second part of the meeting Laura and Greg will review the relationship of the AVID Administrator and the AVID Coordinator as they are relevant to the AVID Site Team on each campus. Principals and assistant principals will need to attend this very important meeting. If you need an admin on campus as the day closes out I understand, but please be sure to make this information critically important to your admin team because the information will frame your work for next school year.
AVID Updates
AVID CCI Presentations
What: AVID CCI Presentation, 4-6pm
Where: South Eugene High School
Details: Coordinators and AVID Administrators will gather to present their 2023-2024 CCI results. Teachers will receive extended contracts for their time, and dinner will be provided.
AVID Path Training
Every year we send teams to Summer Institute to get trained up on AVID Strategies. We also know that some of our staff are unable to attend, or we hire late in the season after we have sent teachers to Summer Institute and they need training. Well, AVID provides PATH Training which is Summer Institute without the travel. Usually these PATH trainings are made available at a site regionally. Lucky us, we were able to land a PATH training by AVID Central in our very own district (thank you Laura Queirolo). This is a big deal. On August 22nd & 23rd, we are hosting AVID Path Training at NEHS for any staff that need to get trained up. Extended contract will be made available. This is excellent for any teacher, TOSA, or administrator that needs a different time and place for getting trained in AVID.
See descriptions here.
The following strands are available:
- Academic Language and Literacy: Asset-Based Instruction for All Classrooms
- Enhancing School Community for College and Career Readiness
- Foundations for Secondary Schoolwide Success
- CreatingEngaging and Rigorous Classrooms
- Transforming Literacy through Content Area Reading (Elementary)
- Transforming Literacy through Content Area Reading (Secondary)
Curriculum Update
HeART of Teaching Newsletter: Please share this with your staff! It’s important that they see what updates are happening in and around curriculum and instruction.
5/22/24 and 5/23/24: ALL MS ELA Teachers participate in ELA Curriculum training (either AM/PM session, by grade level). More from Tammy Steeves. We are excited to introduce the new curriculum and ask that you do everything in your power to have at least one administrator from each building attend at least one session this spring! Thanks so much!
6-10 Updated Schedule (as of May 7, 3:10 p.m.)
Tuesday, May 14th from 4-6pm, Zoom - Review scores from curriculum #3 and Publisher Presentation (not new)
Monday, May 20th from 8:00 am -4:00 pm at Bailey Hill Cafeteria - Review curriculum #4, re-review all curriculum, and submit final ratings (This is replacing May 16th AND May 22 sessions!)
Tuesday, June 4th from 4-6:30 pm at Bailey Hill Cafeteria - Final Ratings and Consensus for pilot materials (This is replacing our May 28th session. May 28th is canceled for 6-10).
Reminder to submit 90 day Superintendent Review packets for students on abbreviated school days -
Friendly reminder, for kids on a temporary abbreviated school day program, under SB 819 we are required to hold a Superintendent review for any student who hits the 90 day mark.
If you have any students who are approaching 90 days, please send in the packet when they are approaching day 80 and you anticipate they will get to 90 days. If you missed submitting a packet for a student who already hit 90 days, please send that to Debbie McKim ASAP. Packets should be submitted via district mail or dropped off at the Ed Center for Debbie.
Here are the links to the elementary and secondary versions of the Superintendent Review packets:
SB 819 Superintendent Review Packet Elementary
SB 819 Superintendent Review Packet Secondary
If we have noncompliance, then our superintendent could have his licensed sanctioned, so please help ensure you are monitoring these counts closely and submitting these packets before the 90 day mark hits...and of course, moving students back to full days as soon as possible.
Hello team,
Shout out to Corey and Gina for their SCIP presentation to the school board this past week! They received a lot of questions and were able to inform the board on so much of the great work happening at Madison!
I look forward to our final round of instructional rounds at Monroe on Monday morning. Thanks to all our gracious hosts this school year (Sun, AJ, Chris, Courtney). We'll pick up this practice in the fall, beginning with our schools who are on deck to host. :)
There are 7 items of note this week...
The month of May is Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
*Added 5/6* Team, thanks for this reminder during our instructional rounds.
The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. Check out resources offered by these institutions at this website for ideas to recognize and honor Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.
Mental Health Awareness Month
May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of mental well-being. Communications has reached out to school secretaries and we want you to have it on your radar as well.
Here are some links with more information:
Secondary Principal Nuts & Bolts Meeting (2-4 p.m., Monday, 5/6)
Secondary Principal Nuts & Bolts Meeting (Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting
- ELA adoption
- Math Single Subject Acceleration Updates and Q&A
- UDL next steps per Andratesha's recommendations
- Unified PE
-Middle School Advisory Planning for Next School Year
- Advisory Leads
- Advisory Resource
- Schools with Mixed Grades vs. Separate Grades
-Your Items...
MS Tech Survey *Action Item*
Please fill out this survey by 5/8 as the tech department needs to plan accordingly in preparation for next school year. So far 5 of 8 schools have replied, just 3 to go. Thanks!
Middle School Lunch Mentoring Program Next School Year
As we're looking forward to staffing for the fall, please designate which staff you'd like to have in the room during the weekly Mentoring Lunch. The School Counselor and Behavioral Support Assistant are both staff that have the relationships and skills to successfully support Mentoring. If neither of those staff are available, any staff member who is enthusiastic and supportive will do. Lunch Mentoring currently includes 86 community volunteers Mentoring 112 students each week, with schools reporting positive outcomes for the students we serve. Kate will continue to work at growing the volunteer base, and with your support in the schools we can surpass our pre-pandemic Mentoring numbers.
MS Career Planning Using Oregon CIS Next School Year
Effective Fall 2024
In order to reduce spending we will be using Naviance at the high school level ONLY for the college application process, letters of recommendations, and sending transcripts.
In all Middle and High schools we will be using Oregon Career Information Systems (CIS) for a much more comprehensive (and equitable) career and future planning (as well as college exploration) experience. This is a program that is created by the University of Oregon and is currently free through ODE and used in 80% of Oregon high schools.
Mandy Brookshear (our COSA) will be working with the counselors, college and career coordinators (at the high schools), and an administrator from each school to discuss consistent district wide implementation that will align with our Division 22 District Comprehensive School Counseling Program. You will be receiving invites from her shortly to learn about the program and identify who from your school should help guide the district wide conversation.
Secondary Grading Deadline Shifted to June 18th
With the addition of a Make-Up Day on June 14th, as a result of the winter storm, the Teacher Grading Day deadline has also shifted one day later to June 18th at 8:00 a.m.
SAVE THE DATE! August 13-16, 2024!
Secondary Sources of Strength: All Middle and High Schools are going to be launching (or re-launching) Sources of Strength next AY 24-25. Our Student Wellbeing team in collaboration with your Level Directors have been collectively focused on being intentional in how we offer a consistent, sustainable strategy to our district-wide roll-out which can be customizable for your school culture and play to your strengths. Thus we're collaborating with Lane County Public Health (LCPH) to offer a Sources of Strength T4T for our district.
There are various roles people play in making sources of strength amazing and successful at a school; we want to work with you around feasibility and clarity for identifying Regional Trainers, Adult Advisors, and Student Peer Leaders - which you can learn more about here.
Though the T4T is specifically targeting Regional Trainers, based on capacity, we would also like to offer interested Adult Advisors to attend the training so consider applying. We would ideally be selecting 1 regional trainer and 2 adult advisors per building to attend but would want to diversify the pool to any and all that this would be a good opportunity to loop in. The same person can wear multiple hats, especially if they're already involved in other mental health related initiatives (such as JED), but please bring in anybody who would be interested and able to serve in these roles within your schools (examples of those position options are listed in the nomination form). So, as we finalize all the logistics and gain clarity on some next steps, at this stage we hope you save the dates for Tuesday 8/13/24 - Friday 8/16/24 and fill out the nomination form here for consideration. Staff can self-apply and list the other nominees to consider with their administration approval and support to implement Sources at your school.
4J Sources Overview: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CDMFnjMReFlOi2FDbAO85s0aIVh5MwkQhfUrHLa36fY/edit?usp=sharing
4J Sources of Strength Form: https://forms.gle/MYhsNhyMCqfobT5y5
Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6 (M)-
8:30-12 Middle School Principal Instructional Rounds-Monroe MS
2 p.m.-4 p.m. Secondary Admin Nuts and Bolts (Zoom Link)
5/7 (T)
1 pm to End of Meet: 4J Sub District Track and Field Meets (NEHS and CHS)
6-8 4J Budget Committee
5/8 (W) Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
Regular Schedule
5/9 (H)
Regular Schedule
5/10 (F)
Regular Schedule
Hello Team,
As you may have seen in recent communication, Travis Sheaffer, NEHS assistant principal, will be the new principal at Kennedy Middle School. Please feel free to reach out to Travis to congratulate him and welcome him to our team! He will be an outstanding addition to the middle school level!
There are just 3 items of note this week...
Interested Trainers and Adult Advisors-Save the Date 8/13-8/16
A message from Rita Roy...
Secondary Sources of Strength: All Middle and High Schools are going to be launching (or re-launching) Sources of Strength next AY 24-25. Our Student Wellbeing team in collaboration with Level DireCtors have been collectively focused on being intentional in how we offer a consistent, sustainable strategy to our district-wide roll-out which can be customizable for your school culture and play to your strengths. Thus we're collaborating with Lane County Public Health (LCPH) to offer a Sources of Strength T4T for our district. There are various roles people play in making sources of strength amazing and successful at a school; we want to work with you around feasibility and clarity for identifying Regional Trainers, Adult Advisors, and Student Peer Leaders - which you can learn more about here.
So, as we finalize all the logistics and gain clarity on some next steps, at this stage we hope you save the dates for:
Tuesday 8/13/24 - Friday 8/16/24 and fill out the nomination form here for consideration. Staff can self-apply and list the other nominees to consider with their administration approval and support to implement Sources at your school.
4J Sources Pitch: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1CDMFnjMReFlOi2FDbAO85s0aIVh5MwkQhfUrHLa36fY/edit?usp=sharing
4J Sources of Strength Form: https://forms.gle/MYhsNhyMCqfobT5y5
Curriculum Updates
April 1, 2024 Professional Learning Survey Data: This summary of the feedback is both district wide, and also broken down by school. Please take the time to review your staff's responses.
4J April 1, 2024 Professional Learning Feedback and Product Submission Form (Responses)
“Annual” EWEB EV Challenge for Middle School Science is BACK! Thursday June 6th, Lane Events Center 9:30-1:30 pm
Social Studies:
Collaboration Meetings @ Bailey Hill from 8:30am-4:00pm
April 30 - 6th Grade
May 2 - 7th Grade
May 7 - 8th Grade
ELA: 5/22/24: ALL MS ELA Teachers participate in ELA Curriculum training (either AM/PM session, by grade level). More details to follow.
4/29 (M)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach)
8:30-11 Joint Leadership Planning Committee Work (District/EEA)
4/30 (T)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach)
1-3 pm District E & I Planning Team Meeting
6-8 pm District Budget Committee (Zoom Link)
5/1 (W) Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
7 p.m. Regular Board Meeting (Zoom Link)
5/2 (H)-(Sebastian MAY be out for Jury Duty)
11-12 pm IDEA For Building Administrators with Karen Apgar: (Zoom Link)
1p.m. - End: 3rd and Final Dual Track Meet of the Season (Sub Districts is Next on 5/7!)
5/3 (F)
Regular Schedule
DON'T FORGET, THE FOLLOWING WEEK of 5/6-5/10 is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Hello team,
I emailed a similar message about this already but I want to send an extra shout out and congrats to Laura Clark for her new position in Cottage Grove. Laura did a wonderful job of building a positive rapport with students and staff and supporting the Kennedy community throughout this school year in general. Lincoln Middle School is lucky to have her at the helm next school year and we wish her the best...at the end of this school year of course! : )
I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, in the Auditorium at 4:00pm to revisit and review your SCIP Plans as we work to wrap up the school year.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
There are just 3 items of note this week...
Upbeat Survey
Curriculum Event Updates
“Annual” EWEB EV Challenge for Middle School Science is BACK! Thursday June 6th, Lane Events Center 9:30-1:30 pm
9th Grade Physics Planning team * (Instructional Rounds with Springfield HS teachers - Optional: 4/23)
Meeting #3 - Full Day 5/1 (Location TBD)
Social Studies:
Collaboration Meetings @ Bailey Hill from 8:30am-4:00pm
April 30 - 6th Grade
May 2 - 7th Grade
May 7 - 8th Grade
May need a make-up day depending on conflicts
Read 180: - Tammy Steeves will be running reading assessments for identified at-risk 8th grade students in preparation for 9th grade English class placement. She will be sending out the schedule soon.
The last testing window for the Read 180 Growth Measure runs from May 1 - June 1. Please check in with your Read 180 teachers to ensure teachers complete this task.
Secondary ELA:
Current ELA Adoption Timeline:
4/17/24: School Board responds to MS ELA Curriculum Adoption Recommendation request.
4/17/24: HS Adoption Team selects HS Curriculum Adoption Recommendation
5/1/24: HS Curriculum Recommendation presented to the school board
5/15/24: School Board responds to HS ELA Curriculum Adoption Recommendation Request
5/22/24: ALL MS ELA Teachers participate in ELA Curriculum training (either AM/PM session, by grade level). More details to follow.
5/29/24: ALL HS 9-10 ELA Teachers participate in ELA Curriculum training all day. More details to follow.
4/22 (M)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach)
4-5:30 pm SCIP Review Ed Center (Tower Room)
4/23 (T)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach)
4/24 (W)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach), Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
4/25 (H)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach)
10-10:30 AVIDIZE @ SEHS
1p.m. - End: Second Dual Track Meet of the Season
2-3:30 4J Care Team Meets
4/26 (F)-Major Religious Holiday (Pesach: Ends 4/30)
Regular Schedule
Hello team,
There are just 4 items of note this week...
Adi's Act
A message from Ritu...
This is a valuable call to action from our state partners who offer guidance around Adi's Act. Please share this out with your school staff and other 4J partners that would behoove having this information. As a reminder you can find our 4J Suicide Prevention Plan here and our internal district documentation & guidelines on the Student Safety Navigation portal here.
Admin, please review the checklist addressed to you in the Call to Action and I'm more than happy to meet with your team to discuss the specifics. Fortunately, the exciting answer to questions from the checklist addressing Mental Health Staff is....me! So, feel free to have your teams reach out to me if they would need clarification or support. Communications, there is a section for families and students around sharing resources (this can be more fleshed out that I can work with you on).
This is timely communication since we were just talking about Sources of Strength implementation. I'm also hoping to put together a committee to review our Suicide Prevention Plan and Procedures so if there are folks that are interested, please ask them to email me at
Full URLs:
- Adi's Act Oregon: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/equity/pages/suicide-prevention,-intervention,-postvention-(adi's-act).aspx
- 4J Suicide Prevention Plan: https://www.4j.lane.edu/suicidepreventionplan
- Student Safety Navigation - Suicide Prevention: https://sites.google.com/4j.lane.edu/quicknavigationguide/suicide-prevention?authuser=0
- Mental Health Resources: https://www.4j.lane.edu/mentalhealth
Please don't hesitate to reach out for further clarification.
Rituparna Roy, LMSW (she/hers)
Special Projects Manager for Prevention Services, Student Wellbeing
Eugene School District 4J
200 North Monroe Street, Eugene, OR 97402
Collecting Information in Synergy_ Discipline Incidents
Almost certainly we are going to be audited by the federal Office of Civil Rights because we are not collecting victim information for our behavior incidents, which they require, even though ODE doesn't and it is not a required field in Synergy for us. Starting on Monday someone from the data department will be asking the people who entered incidents in Synergy this year to enter victim information if available. I wanted to let you know in advance.
From Curriculum...
Lane County Public Health is providing a free School Health PD on April 18, 2024 from 8:00am-4:00pm. Middle school & High school Health teachers have been notified and several will be attending. Subs are covered through LCPH. Here is a link to the flyer for more information LCPH School Health Summit 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Tina Fisher, Health & PE TOSA.
PE teachers will meet to begin planning for next year's increase in PE at all 8 middle as well as how to adjust lessons in lieu of the schedule change. There are 2 meetings currently planned:
Wednesday, April 17 from 2:45 - 3:34 via Zoom - This meeting will be mainly to brainstorm topics we need to address at our collaboration meeting.
Thursday, May 9 from 8:30am - 4:00pm at Bailey Hill - This meeting will be to collaborate on scope and sequence for 36 weeks of PE; collaborate on adjusting lessons for shorter classes; brainstorm ideas/procedures for sharing equipment and usage of gym space for multiple PE classes occurring simultaneously; discuss instructional materials and equipment needs; climbing wall check-in; discuss Unified PE; and anything else that comes up at the April 17 meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact Tina Fisher, PE & Health TOSA.
First Dual Track Meet 4/19!
Volunteer Appreciation Week
4/15 (M)
2-3:30 p.m. MS Principal Meeting regarding SpEd Model for 2024-25, Location: Tower Room @ Ed Center
4/16 (T)
1-3 District Equity and Inclusion Planning Team Mtg
4/17 (W)-Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
7 pm Regular School Board Meeting (Zoom Link)
4/18 (H)
8:30-12:30 Principal Instructional Rounds at ATA
1p.m. - End: First Dual Track Meet of the Season
1-4 JCAC
4/19 (F)
Regular Schedule
The first week back from break was bustling with activity, yet amidst it all, students were warmly welcomed and swiftly reconnected. It was a testament to your tireless efforts and dedication to a smooth transition back to teaching and learning.
On Friday, you received information about Cal Young's lockdown and the updates that everything was ok and students and staff were safe. I simply want to give a shout out to Chris, Matt, and the entire Cal Young team for their prompt response to the lockdown situation and for effectively communicating and implementing the standard response protocol. In moments of heightened emotions and stress, their unwavering support for the school community has been invaluable.
There are 9 items of note this week...
Math Single Subject Acceleration *See Action Item by April 12*
It is that time of year again to begin communicating with families regarding the upcoming Single Subject Acceleration Process through Middle School. Here are a few key resources for you to reference:
Single Subject Acceleration in Mathematics HUB staff facing only (which can also be found on the 4j Learning Hub, under middle school math)
Single-Subject Acceleration in Mathematics Process Overview which is a brief overview of the entire process with key dates for this spring
Spring - G5 - Invitation & Results Email this will be sent out to Elementary principals early next week so that they can send the invitation email out to 5th grade families
Spring - G6&7 - Invitation & Results Email Principals - PLEASE SEND OUT Invitation email by Friday APRIL 12th, 2024
Follow Up to Our Sources of Strength Admin Meeting
We recognize that you all have really important questions or hesitations that could impact your ability to implement Sources successfully. Please include those questions in this Implementation & Nomination survey so Student Wellbeing can compile and create a FAQ to share back with all of you. For a refresher here is the Sources presentation Ritu Roy & Mandy Brookshear provided. If you already submitted nominees on this form, you can edit your response to answer the question. If you need to check in directly, please contact Ritu at 541-393-7715 or roy_r@4j.lane.edu.
Advisory Feedback *Action Item*
Mandy brooks hear recently sent individual e-mails to all MS admin requesting feedback about advisory. Once she has your responses she'll reach out to each advisory lead at your school and will ask similar questions via phone or zoom to gather mores specific info. If you haven't done so already, be sure to reply to Mandy's email answering the following questions:
- Who at your school is leads advisory planning and lesson distribution?
- How do you feel like Advisory has gone this year?
- Did the pre-planned lessons at the beginning of the year help?
- What support would you like from the district regarding advisory for next year?
Walk and Roll To School Day 5/8
Walk and Roll to School Day is coming up on May 8th and you or another member of your school community can sign up here for event and planning support, prizes and promotional materials.
Participation could be as simple as informing students and families that May 8 is Spring Walk & Roll to School Day or it could include organized walking or biking groups. Let us know what you would like to do when you fill out the form. Creative ideas are welcome and any amount of participation is wonderful as it encourages students to be active, have fun, and come to school ready to learn. Thank you for signing up early, even if you don't have a complete plan, as it gives us time to order prizes and send them your way, as well as to provide help with planning, if needed.
Safe Routes Message for School Newsletter *Action Item*
To Share With Families, Students and Staff in April communications (English and Spanish versions below)
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike?
Join 4J Safe Routes to School and partners at either or both of these all-ages, free, learn to ride a bike events this spring. Helmets and bikes will be provided, or bring your own.
- Friday, April 19 from 4pm to 6pm at the Bob Keefer Center (250 S 32nd St., Springfield, OR)
- Click here for flyer
- Link to Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/4WvDEqd6A
- Saturday, May 4 from 1pm to 3pm at Meadow View School (1855 Legacy St., Eugene, OR)
- Click here for flyer
- Link to Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1KCfazgfl
Remember, these events are free and are for people of ALL AGES who do not yet know how to ride a bike!
4/1 UDL PD Survey Feedback:
We are still working on the detailed summary analysis of the survey data. This includes disaggregated data by site, so that you all will be able to see your staff’s overarching responses and submitted evidence. We’ll do our best to send it out early next week. Thanks for your patience.
Animals in District Facilities
Our risk management department has had an uptick of reports of staff having their pets on site. Here is the policy ING - regarding animals in District Facilities.
AAYLC Field Trip on Tuesday
Secondary Admin Nuts and Bolts Meeting on Monday
Here is the agenda for our Monday meeting:
Secondary Principal Nuts & Bolts Meeting (Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting
Laurie Lynch from No Place For Hate: Debrief and Next Steps (15 minutes)
Group dynamics and session debrief
Steps to Be a Designated NPFH School
Canvas Resources Reminder
Karen Apgar - 504’s
Ritu - Student Focus Groups
BLACKS - Dr. Brenda Sanders
EEF Grants Available $18,500 (Supplies)
Middle School
June 11-13 Major Religious Holiday- Promotion Ceremony date agreement (MS) (10 minutes)
Next Year: Expectations for Advisory/Flex?
End of Year Field Trip Ideas: Approval, liability, etc. (5 minutes) (Sky Camp, Bullwinkles, Camp Harlow?)
High School
Seal of Biliteracy - Lynette Williams
Proof of English
2-4 Secondary Admin Nuts and Bolts (Zoom Link)
3 pm Sebastian to commute to AVID PD
8:30-1:10 p.m. African American Youth Leadership Conference @ OSU
4pm-7 pm Secondary Expo via Zoom
Full Day Directors @ AVID PD in Bend, OR- I'll be available by email, text, and phone intermittently
4/10-Major Religious Holiday (Eid at-Fitr, End of Ramadan)
Full Day Directors AVID PD in Bend, OR- I'll be available by email, text, and phone intermittently
4/11-Major Religious Holiday (Eid at-Fitr, End of Ramadan)
4-7 Elementary Expo via Zoom
No School- Mid Term Grading Day
Thank you for your professionalism in navigating the staffing season that included challenging displacement conversations, meeting the staffing submission deadline and for making it to this point in the school year in general! Your leadership has been crucial in guiding our educational community through various challenges and achievements. As spring break arrives, take the time to rest, reflect, and spend quality time with loved ones. Use this break as an opportunity to rejuvenate for the remainder of the academic journey ahead. It's an honor to be part of this team, and your commitment to our students' growth and well-being is admirable. Enjoy your break!
There are 7 items of note this week...
Track and Field
Now that track is underway, here is a reminder about classified coaching release time during the season.
Please review this OSEA and 4J District MOA. Review the updated agreement, especially #2 A-G.
866 Athletes and Counting (Registration Closes on 4/3)
4/1 Professional Development Day (Image is linked)
From the Curriculum Team...
April 1 PD Schedule
Elementary Specialist Staff Info
Elementary Classroom Teacher & Instructional Coach Info
Lane County Public Health is putting on a Health PD on April 18. It is 8-4 and they will cover your sub cost. For more information view the attached flyer as well as the email information I received below.
If your health teachers are interested, have them please fill out their registration form. https://laneco.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1R0cHSm2cWeVFfU
After Hours Events and Campus Monitor Request -
Special Education Assistants with Less than 5 Hours-
Synergy login for Subs -
- A practice that subs follow in order to login to Synergy was recently brought to Steve M.'s attention. This access is used to see student info (although limited) and also used to take attendance. Currently, a common password is set for all and is active until staff change it.
A change that was put into production Wednesday March 13 after 5 PM for a Thursday morning go live.
The common password used by subs to login into Synergy will end.
Subs should continue to check in at the office when subbing and they will be provided with a printout as per normal process. This printout will contain a unique password valid for 1 day, specific to the teacher they are subbing for.
The Synergy team has already sent an emailing with this information to the secretaries last week.
Golden Apple Awards -
We are accepting nominations in four categories: teachers and licensed specialists, classified staff, administrators and supervisors, and volunteers. You can also nominate an individual for our new 4J Spotlight Award, recognizing an employee who is the epitome of service, kindness and teamwork, or for our lifetime achievement award.
Similar to the ACE Awards, the Golden Apple Award’s predecessor, anyone can nominate a 4J employee or volunteer so spread the word. The nomination and selection processes also are similar.
Submit a Nomination by Sunday, March 31. Questions? Email information@4j.lane.edu.
3/25-3/29 SPRING BREAK!
4/1 Professional Development Day-No School for Students
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:00 Transition Time
12:00-12:30 Lunch (on your own)
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
8:30-12 p.m. Counselor PD (SEHS Cafeteria)
3:45-4:45 p.m. Secondary AVID Coordinators Mtg (Zoom Link)
9-10 Sources of Strength Discussion for MS Principals w/Ritu Roy, Mandy Brookshear and Margaret Albright (Zoom Link TBD)
7 p.m. Regular School Board Meeting (Zoom Link)
9-10 4J Mental Health Care Team Meets
Regular Day
Hello Team,
I hope you're able to unplug from work this weekend and enjoy the glorious sunshine! One week until spring break!
There are 10 items of note this week...
Middle School CTE Electives- Fall of 2024 and beyond...
As you begin to do your staffing plans and think about potential open positions, be sure to consider current staff or teacher candidates with an interest in CTE electives. I recently met with Ed Mendelssohn, CTE administrator, and Justin Huntley, curriculum administrator of technology, as a follow up to our middle school principal discussion about middle school electives aligned to CTE pathways at the high school. Ed and Justin are going to join us during our next round of instructional rounds so we can collaborate on CTE elective ideas. We'll discuss alignment across middle schools and alignment to current and future high school programs. One idea is to build towards a middle school CTE wheel model that leads to multiple high school pathways. I'm looking forward to this discussion, more to come...
Staffing SPED EAs
As you are working on your staffing, keep in mind that Senate Bill 283 will go into effect on
July 1, 2024. One of the provisions of this bill is that any classified employee who provides significant special education support must be offered 5 hours per day of employment. Significant is defined as 75 percent or more of the employee’s student caseload consists of students who have an individualized education program. If you have any questions, we can discuss it further on
.Connected Lane County BIPOC Affinity Space (8th Grade and Up)
This week I attended the Connected Lane County Community Connection Event and spoke with our partners to discuss our AVID elective filed trips and to learn more about programs and opportunities for 4J students. Here is one they are promoting, please let your students know about this opportunity to connect with other BIPOC peers. The next meeting is during Spring break but they confirmed they are still going to hold space for the group and are encouraging students to come.
Discipline Matrix Input Still Needed!
So far there have only been 6 responses, all from Elementary. The 3 big issues were primarily brought up at the secondary level, so getting input from at least a handful of middle/ high schools would be really helpful. Please prioritize giving feedback.
Discipline Matrix Input Needed!
As the district updates the 4j Discipline Matrix and supporting documents, information is being gathered on needs and resources. Earlier this year, administrators surfaced concerns in several areas that require more input and information from schools. These areas include behaviors of concern in the areas of: 1) Major technology violations 2) Racial Harassment and 3) Skipping & tardies (engagement). In an effort to allow all schools the chance to contribute to updates in these areas, Equity & Inclusion teams (along with building administrators) are asked to look at needs and practices in their building. Your input can be as brief or as detailed as you wish. If you do not have input in all 3 areas, please choose at least one to weigh in on.
Please work with your Equity and Inclusion team to complete the tasks outlined here by the end of March: Directions for Equity & Inclusion team input
Resources from ODE for Women's History Month and Disability Awareness Month
In addition to the numerous resources you've already received, here are a couple of more from ODE:
March is Women’s History Month
Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. The National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA), which led the movement for March being declared National Women’s History Month, has announced the women’s history theme for 2024: Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. During 2024, the Alliance recognizes the example of women committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one in our common quest for freedom and opportunity.
Please explore these Women’s History resources:
Oregon Women's History Celebrations and Events
March is Disability Awareness Month
Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities and our partners work together to create a social media campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.
The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
This year's theme is "A World of Opportunities." More information about the national campaign is available online, including translated versions of this year's poster.
Disability Is Diversity
Embracing diversity means accepting disability as part of the human condition, a key identity feature that enriches our work spaces, learning spaces and communities. ODE recognizes the impact of ableism and other systems of oppression on students experiencing disabilities. You can learn more about ableism in schools, its impacts, and how to unlearn ableism to cultivate equity and belonging in every school.
Rest Breaks and Meal Periods Reminder
Click Image Below to see Bernadette's Reminder Email.
APRIL 1 Professional Development Day Plan
Staff will pre-register for each session. The links to the registration and zoom link sessions are forthcoming...
PD Day Schedule
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:00 Transition Time
12:00-12:30 Lunch (on your own)
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
Blue Campaign- Anti Human Trafficking Resources
The Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign provides resources and information about human trafficking and what we can all do to help fight it. These guides are directed at School Resource officers and Student Campus leaders, K-12 schools, and have a lot of identifiable information including tips for recognizing risk factors and potential victim behavior as well as how to report suspected trafficking. Here’s the general School Safety website, too.
4J Grow Your Own Program, Professional Development Application-(Repeat)
Our 4J Grow Your Own Program - Application is NOW OPEN!
The application window is from March 1, 2024 - April 5, 2024. To learn more about the Grow Your Own Program and 4J's commitment to providing pathways to licensure please visit the Grow Your Own webpage by clicking HERE. To apply for the Grow Your Own program click HERE .
If you have any questions you can reach out to:
Chemika Bolden
HR Administrator, Grow Your Own Program
From the Curriculum Dept....
MATH ADOPTION - Earlier this month the adoption team members were asked to share the following see presentation at an upcoming staff meeting. If that has not occurred yet, please help them find time to take 10-15 minutes to report out the adoption progress/updates sometime in April.
In addition, this caregiver survey was sent out to parents in the eNews that was sent out this morning. Please follow up by sending it again to your families in any upcoming site specific Newsletter you plan to share. THANKS!!
Health Classes and Upcoming Sex Ed Units: Freshman Health teachers will be teaching the Sexual Health Unit after Spring Break
Key HS Science Sequencing Documents: As we begin to plan for the rollout for the upcoming sequence shift, here are a number of resources that have been shared that are likely helpful to reference when talking with staff or families. In addition, scheduling admin - I;d
The updated sequence to reflect input from teachers.
The slide deck from yesterday’s meeting (with the updated sequence).
The one pager which broadly overviews the shift.
The google form if staff or families would like to provide additional questions/feedback.
The draft spring workgroup schedule (please note that dates are subject to change).
ELA updates
April 1 schedule
Elementary Specialist Staff Info
3/18 (M)
3-4 pm MS Admin Office Hour w/ Sebastian (Zoom Link)
3/19 (T)
4:00-6:00 pm Math Adoption Joint Session: Please see Meetings + Info document linked here for the required Zoom links.
3/20 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
3/21 (H)
8-11 am Math Adoption for 6th-10th @ Bailey Hill Cafeteria
2-3:30 4J Care Team Mtg (Zoom Link)
5:30-8 p.m. Eugene Education Foundation Annual Gala Dinner; UO Ford Alumni Center
3/22 (F)-
Regular Day
3/25-3/29 SPRING BREAK!
4/1 Professional Development Day
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:00 Transition Time
12:00-12:30 Lunch (on your own)
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
There are 7 items of note this week...
MS Wellness/Re-Center Room Orders: Previously Delayed, Stalled, Late ...but Finally Confirmed and En Route! : )
After some back and forth, I'm pleased to inform you that your school specialty items for your wellness rooms will be arriving soon. Although these items weren't available for most of this school year, the hope is that they'll be put to good use this spring and for years to come! :)
Please email Scout or have your secretary email Scout when ALL your items arrive.
Your patience was greatly appreciated as we worked to complete these orders for you.
Nuts and Bolts Meeting on Zoom 2-4 p.m. Monday (3/11)
We are officially going to be in a joint high school/ middle school meeting. We will branch off at the end to discuss separate topics.
Nuts/Bolts Meeting Agenda (Zoom Link)
Field Trips - Dalton
Science Pathway - Sarah and Adrienne
McKinney Vento Attendance - Jill Cuadros (20-30 Minutes)
Expulsions & Manifestation Determinations - Karen Apgar and Joel Lavin (30-45 minutes)
We are going to be bring Parent Squeare on board as our main mode of communicating with parents and your community. The district will be cancelling S'more going into next year. Your building secretaries have received a brief introduction and presentation and should be able to help support you with this transition.
To sign up, you just need to visit www.parentsquare.com/signin and register using your 4J email address. Here is the brief presentation to the school secretaries about ParentSquare as well as this video as a good training resource for school staff to understand the system. There's also a good online training for teachers to use the system here.
This year is a soft roll-out of the platform and more schools are using it as the year has progressed. Next year we will be using ParentSquare exclusively for school and district communications, as I understand it.
4J Grow Your Own Program, Professional Development Application
Our 4J Grow Your Own Program - Application is NOW OPEN!
The application window is from March 1, 2024 - April 5, 2024. To learn more about the Grow Your Own Program and 4J's commitment to providing pathways to licensure please visit the Grow Your Own webpage by clicking HERE. To apply for the Grow Your Own program click HERE .
If you have any questions you can reach out to:
Chemika Bolden
HR Administrator, Grow Your Own Program
Riverview Center for Growth - Two High Schools and Two Feeder Middle Schools have been selected to participate.
Based on the combined MV numbers between feeders middle schools and their regional high schools, the two middle schools selected are Kelly and Monroe. See the following message from Riverview Director, Joshua Melton.
We are excited to announce a new, pilot partnership with Riverview Center for Growth (formerly The Child Center) to provide additional support to our students experiencing houselessness. With the support of a grant from ODE, Riverview will provide students experiencing houselessness (Aged 13+) with a regular youth peer support specialist to meet with these students weekly at two high schools and one of their feeder middle schools. In addition, the student's families will receive peer support services in the community. Riverview will also provide parent education classes in Collaborative Problem Solving to these families to help develop skills to support their students. The pilot project will kick off in
and run throughJoshua A. Melton, Ph.D. (he/him)
Director of Research
Riverview Center for Growth, formerly The Child Center
3995 Marcola Road, Springfield, OR 97477
Fentanyl Aware
In partnership with Alexander Lavake and Lane County Public Health, 4J schools now have access to several important resources to support youth and family awareness on fentanyl, overdose risk, and prevention. With youth overdoses on the rise, this is a crucial point in time to support our community!
Fentanyl Aware Lane County can provide schools with several resources:
- A toolkit that provides administrators with sample parent newsletters, communications content, and social media posts (here is the toolkit — start with the READ ME document).
- Branded posters for buildings to raise awareness
- Direct staff training on youth risk, prevention strategies, and naloxone administration
- Student facing presentations aimed for Health or Advisory implementation
If you need quick resources, we recommend the following:
- A sample parent newsletter to schedule distribution
- An example awareness poster (delivered to your school soon!)
- An example social media image (part of the social media toolkit)
You can work with Ritu Roy to partner with Lane County Public Health. Please reach out to her for more information.
From the Curriculum Dept....
HS Science Sequencing The High School Science Sequence decision making process has come to an end, and now we will be moving into strategically planning of implementation. Sarah and I will be joining the principals meeting on Monday to discuss more with all of you!
We are also pulling ALL MS and HS Science Teachers for a ZOOM meeting next Thursday from 3:30-4pm to update them of the exact sequence shifts and answer any questions. Obviously this meeting is not absolutely required, but we are hopeful that as many team members as possible can attend, so that they get their questions answered and feel heard. I am very proud of how hard this team of science teachers worked to collaboratively reflect deeply on data, analyze all creative alternatives and narrow the decision down to the best sequence for all students.
In the meantime, here is the English recording from the Community Night Zoom Presentation. We will be sending much more thorough & translated communications out Next Thursday in our Family and Staff ENews.
April 2nd Professional Development here the broad overview of the PD schedule for Monday, April 2nd. More details regarding session offerings, and the opportunity for teachers to sign up for sessions ahead of time coming next week.
3/11 (M)
Principal's Nuts and Bolts Zoom Meeting (Zoom Link)
3/12 (T)
10-11 All Admin Zoom Mtg for Expo Process (Zoom Link)
1-2 PowerSchool/Educational Impact Follow Up Review (Zoom Link)
3/13 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
8am-10am Middle School Counselor PD (Mozart Room Facilitated by Mandy Brookshear)
7pm Regular Board Mtg (Zoom Link)
3/14 (H)
8:30-12:30 Round 2 of Principal Instructional Rounds @ Cal Young
1-4 JCAC
3/15 (F)-
Regular Day
Happy Classified Week! Take this opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the hard work and dedication of your classified staff. They are professionals who make contributions that are crucial to the success and well-being of our students, families and colleagues. Have fun this week showing them how valued and essential they are to your school community!
There are 12 items of note this week...
Sign Up Your School for the Scheduling Training ASAP-*Action Item*
An important message from Marta; please confirm that your school is signed up for Monday's training.
As you know, we have several upcoming scheduling trainings in the next two months. Our next trainings are this coming Monday, 3/4, (8am-4pm) and Tuesday - ScheduleBoard, 3/5 (8am-2:45am), here at the Ed Center in the Tower Room with scheduling expert Gary Pagano. This is a super resource for schedulers. Gary is an amazing Synergy scheduling trainer. We have invited all middle school registrars and AP's, however, there are 3 middle schools that do not have an AP or a registrar signed up at this point. We have 5 middle schools where the registrar and AP signed up, or just the registrar or just the AP signed.
Ideally, having both the AP and registrar attend the Monday training would be great, however, I understand that having two office staff out for a full day would be difficult. Tuesday's training is targeted to ScheduleBoard, new scheduling functionality, that high schools will be using, but totally optional for middle school teams to use so there are middle school teams that have opted out of Tuesday's trainings which is fine.
Marta would like to provide as much support to middle school scheduling teams as possible and attending these trainings is one way to achieve this.
Please Complete Brief PD Survey *Action Item*
Instruction department is working to develop a 5 year professional development plan across all levels district-wide. In order to create a comprehensive plan we need to know which areas of professional development that our buildings are focused on.
We appreciate your time in responding to this survey to help improve our work moving forward.
EIT: Inclusive Beliefs Survey Due 3/8 *Action Item*
Hello Team E&I - This is just a reminder that we would love for your team to complete the Inclusive Beliefs Survey ASAP. We are keeping it open for one more week since we have not had all teams complete it, so please make this a priority at your next meeting to get it done. This information is very helpful as we try and move forward with ways to help support your team and your buildings with resources and PD opportunities. As a reminder, you can fill this out as a team in your E&I meetings and your administrator(s) should be present to provide information as well. It would be great if each of you could fill out the survey, but it is definitely a survey that can be discussed amongst the team before you answer so that you all have a common understanding of the question and have been able to process as a team.
The survey will now close on March 8th and here is the link once more if needed: https://forms.gle/2RR6Enue4kVLMhSt7
Thank you all for you time and commitment to your schools and to the district. We look forward to our continued work together.
Update Your Staff About Summer Job Openings *Action Item*
Please share about summer jobs in your updates and in person with staff when you meet with staff. We know some staff aren't on top of regularly checking email so we think having principals announce to staff in some way could help (licensed and classified).
Here is what was in the district newsletter:
Apply Now for 4J Summer Jobs
Applications are open for summer job opportunities, such as supporting incoming kindergartners, students receiving special education, and other summer learning and enrichment programs.
Current classified and licensed employees can apply for these positions using a streamlined process. For K-8 programs, all you have to do to apply is complete and submit this online form. The application deadline is Saturday, March 9. Applications will receive an email response regarding their status by Friday, March 15. Detailed job descriptions and additional instructions can be found here.
Summer will be here before you know it. We appreciate your consideration in joining one of our programs to help students during the long break. Questions? Email seal@4j.lane.edu.
4J Grow Your Own Program, Professional Development Application *Action Item for your newsletters*
Our 4J Grow Your Own Program - Application is NOW OPEN!
The application window is from March 1, 2024 - April 5, 2024. To learn more about the Grow Your Own Program and 4J's commitment to providing pathways to licensure please visit the Grow Your Own webpage by clicking HERE. To apply for the Grow Your Own program click HERE .
If you have any questions you can reach out to:
Chemika Bolden
HR Administrator, Grow Your Own Program
CASLS Summer Leadership Institute Opportunity for K-12 Educators *Action Item for your newsletters*
- The University of Oregon Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) is holding a Leadership Institute for K-12 educators this summer July 23-25 on campus.
The leadership institute is called Building Inclusive Schools through Skillful Communication, and it is a two-and-a-half-day, hands-on leadership institute for K-12 educators across disciplines. The draft agenda (to be updated based on participants’ feedback) is here. Click here for additional information.
Track Coaches Being CPR Trained Tomorrow (3/2) and on 3/16
So far, here are the registered coaches. Many of our other coaches have current CPR certifications.
March 2nd:
Roxy Alexander-Monroe
Daniel Morphis-ATA
James Longoria-Monroe
Joni Claypool- ATA
March 16th:
Keri Cockram-CY
Courtney State-ATA
These Saturday classes run from 9 am to 1 pm (4 hours) and the class will be provided at no cost to the coaches.
Dates & times: March 2nd and/or March 16th, 2024
(from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
Location: Transportation Department training room
1938 W. 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402
A note about parking at the 4j Transportation Department:
Drive through the entrance gate off W 8th Ave, turn left and park in any available spot.
The entrance to the building is at the green 'visitor' door on the north side of the transportation building.
Classified Coaches MOA
Not a signed copy but approved by the board on 2/21/24.
Please review this OSEA and 4J District MOA. Review the updated agreement, especially #2 A-G.
Track Season Officially Begins Today- 3/11
Registrations typically continue to come in through the first few weeks of the season so the FamilyID online registrations will remain open through April 3. Coaches are ready and I hope you're able to step away this afternoon to encourage the students who show up for the first practice of the season!
Hayward Field: Our hope for Hayward this season for our district meet unfortunately won't become a reality. There are simply too many events scheduled at UO. However, there may be a chance for next season if we can get on their schedule now. Our backup plan will be WHS because they have a covered area, or a repeat of last season at CHS.
Track Registrations are picking up- 685 Athletes Registered and Counting!
AVID Spotlight 3/7 @ 10-12 pm - Come Check It Out!
AVID Spotlight was a huge success last year. Please put this on your calendar and come see your students shine! : )
Date: Thursday, March 7
Time: 10:00-12:00
Place: 4J Ed Center, Auditorium
Buses have been reserved.
Field Trip has been approved for each school.
Laura will email AVID elective teachers with all details.
From the Curriculum Department ...
NATIVES Updates: To learn more about upcoming events and key information regarding our NATIVES progam, please check out thier newsletters: NATIVES News: March 2024 Smore’s Newletter and NATIVES News: Community Talk Circle.
MS ELA Adoption: Please check out the most recent adoption newsletter that provided an update with the final steps in our adoption process, and the results of the ranking/recommendation from the pilot team.
Also, Tammy Steeves has also started the process of reviewing reading intervention materials alongside the Sped team. More info to come soon.
HS Science Sequencing Community Meeting Thank you to those who attended last night’s community zoom. It was really wonderful to see so many eager parents, excited to learn more about science in 4j.
We will be working on editing and transcribing the recording, and I will share it in next week’s Weekly Updates.
Math Adoption: Our first Math Adoption Newsletter is out!!! This includes a place for questions/feedback, as well as several great resources.
In addition, we are almost ready to share the mini slidedeck for your adoption team members to share at an upcoming meeting - we will send it as soon as it is available.
HB 2056 (Access to Linguistic Inclusion): Access to Linguistic Inclusion revises the definition of “Language Arts” to include reading, writing and other communications in any language, including English. Expands the opportunities that schools and districts may offer to students, such as course credit options for multilingual students. It does not, however, impose new requirements as to which courses schools must teach or offer. The most important thing to remember is that students should be able to show proficiency in the grade level standards.
As 4J pulls a team together to begin to create a plan, aligned to HS 2056, we will share more details soon!
No Place for Hate Committee Training: 3/18 and 3/19 *Repeat*
This full-day workshop provides a common language to discuss bias and bullying on campus, increases the understanding of the impact of bias, stereotypes, prejudice, and bullying on their school, and assesses attitudes and norms contributing to it. The training will work with student leaders who represent the diversity, interests, and untapped leadership of the school, as well as the NPFH Coordinator, who will provide institutional and adult support and insight for this student-driven initiative to start creating an action plan that features goals and activities to be designated a No Place for Hate School!
Date and Time:
March 18: Roosevelt, Spencer Butte, ATA, Kennedy.
March 19: Kelly, Madison, Monroe, Cal Young.
We kindly request your assistance in identifying 30 students from your NPFH (or affinity) groups who would benefit from this training. Your nomination of students will contribute significantly to the success of the training and the positive impact it can have on our school community.
Please utilize the program coordinators if you need assistance identifying students.
Please enter the names of your selected students into this spreadsheet by 03/1/1/2024, ensuring they represent the diversity and inclusivity we strive for. (As this event was rescheduled some schools already have students listed, if you are one of these schools please confirm those students will still be attending)
Advisors: We ask that you attend these sessions with your students and we will provide a sub for you. Please put Instruction/Other and NPFH ADL in the notes when requesting a sub.
Administrators: Please identify a location in your school that will fit up to 30 students and has a projector available.
Our goal is for all Middle and High Schools in the 4J district to be designated as NPFH schools this year! Please contact Scout with any questions as she will be the point of contact for all logistical questions.
Discipline Matrix Input Needed: *Action Item Due by end of March* *Repeat*
As the district updates the 4j Discipline Matrix and supporting documents, information is being gathered on needs and resources. Earlier this year, administrators surfaced concerns in several areas that require more input and information from schools. These areas include behaviors of concern in the areas of: 1) Major technology violations 2) Racial Harassment and 3) Skipping & tardies (engagement). In an effort to allow all schools the chance to contribute to updates in these areas, Equity & Inclusion teams (along with building administrators) are asked to look at needs and practices in their building. Your input can be as brief or as detailed as you wish. If you do not have input in all 3 areas, please choose at least one to weigh in on.
Please work with your Equity and Inclusion team to complete the tasks outlined here by the end of March: Directions for E/I team input
Classified Appreciation Week!!!
3/4 (M)
Regular Day
3/5 (T)
3:45-4:45 Secondary AVID Coordinator's Meeting (Zoom Link)
3-3:45 Summer SEAL Process (Zoom Link)
3/6 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs (or Time for Vector)
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
8am-10am Middle School Counselor PD (Mozart Room Facilitated by Mandy Brookshear)
7pm Regular Board Mtg (Zoom Link)
3/7 (H)
10-12 pm AVID Spotlight @ the Ed Center Auditorium
3/8 (F)-
Regular Day
There are 6 items of note this week...
Discipline Matrix Input Needed: *Action Item Due by end of March*
As the district updates the 4j Discipline Matrix and supporting documents, information is being gathered on needs and resources. Earlier this year, administrators surfaced concerns in several areas that require more input and information from schools. These areas include behaviors of concern in the areas of: 1) Major technology violations 2) Racial Harassment and 3) Skipping & tardies (engagement). In an effort to allow all schools the chance to contribute to updates in these areas, Equity & Inclusion teams (along with building administrators) are asked to look at needs and practices in their building. Your input can be as brief or as detailed as you wish. If you do not have input in all 3 areas, please choose at least one to weigh in on.
Please work with your Equity and Inclusion team to complete the tasks outlined here by the end of March: Directions for E/I team input
No Place for Hate Committee Training:
This full-day workshop provides a common language to discuss bias and bullying on campus, increases the understanding of the impact of bias, stereotypes, prejudice, and bullying on their school, and assesses attitudes and norms contributing to it. The training will work with student leaders who represent the diversity, interests, and untapped leadership of the school, as well as the NPFH Coordinator, who will provide institutional and adult support and insight for this student-driven initiative to start creating an action plan that features goals and activities to be designated a No Place for Hate School!
Date and Time:
March 18: Roosevelt, Spencer Butte, ATA, Kennedy.
March 19: Kelly, Madison, Monroe, Cal Young.
We kindly request your assistance in identifying 30 students from your NPFH (or affinity) groups who would benefit from this training. Your nomination of students will contribute significantly to the success of the training and the positive impact it can have on our school community.
Please utilize the program coordinators if you need assistance identifying students.
Please enter the names of your selected students into this spreadsheet by 03/1/1/2024, ensuring they represent the diversity and inclusivity we strive for. (As this event was rescheduled some schools already have students listed, if you are one of these schools please confirm those students will still be attending)
Advisors: We ask that you attend these sessions with your students and we will provide a sub for you. Please put Instruction/Other and NPFH ADL in the notes when requesting a sub.
Administrators: Please identify a location in your school that will fit up to 30 students and has a projector available.
Our goal is for all Middle and High Schools in the 4J district to be designated as NPFH schools this year! Please contact Scout with any questions as she will be the point of contact for all logistical questions.
CPR Training Opportunities for MS Track Coaches
These Saturday classes run from 9 am to 1 pm (4 hours) and the class will be provided at no cost to the coaches.
Dates & times: March 2nd and/or March 16th, 2024
(from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM)
Location: Transportation Department training room
1938 W. 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402
A note about parking at the 4j Transportation Department:
Drive through the entrance gate off W 8th Ave, turn left and park in any available spot.
The entrance to the building is at the green 'visitor' door on the north side of the transportation building.
The trainer will need a list of names of coaches or staff that plan to attend by Tuesday, February 27th and I've already received 4 responses directly from coaches.
4J Charter School Students Can Participate in Track At Their Neighborhood School
Short version.
Legislation in 2017 and 2018 mandates that students attending charter schools be allowed to participate in interscholastic activities in the district in which they reside. The Oregon State Board of Education (OSBE) has adopted administrative rules (OAR 581-026-0005, -0700, -0710) clarifying what is considered an interscholastic activity. Based on the rules, interscholastic activities for students in grades nine through twelve are those that are governed and sanctioned by the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA). For K-8 students, interscholastic activities include before- and after-school activities including “athletics, music, speech and other similar or related activities.” See House Bill 4036 (2018) (HB 4036) and OAR 581-026-0005(3).
From the Curriculum Team...
If you haven’t already, please share our monthly Curriculum Newsletter with your staff!
MS ELA Adoption: As you know, our adoption team spent Thursday afternoon 2/22, reviewing the pilot feedback and scoring, as to rank the 2 instructional material suites. We are excited to now be transitioning to reviewing the last 2 and ½ years of our ELA adoption process in preparation to make a recommendation to the board in early April. Tammy has also started the process of reviewing reading intervention materials alongside the Sped team. There will be more info about this work soon.
February 2024 Secondary Literacy Newsletter
Math Adoption
Next week we will be sending out an all district Math Adoption Newletter. Along with this, we will be sending your adoption team members a 5 minute slide deck with updates that we ask you find time in March for them to present at a staff meeting. This will provide the opportunity for non adoption teachers to ask questions about the process thus far.
HS Science Sequencing Community Meeting Reschedule
Here are the details:
When: Monday, February 26th from 5:30-6:30pm
Where: On Zoom (link to Join Virtually):
Optional Office Hours Instead of In-Person Meeting (Monday 2/26, 3-4 p.m.)
Being that we've already had a couple of in-person learning meetings related to instructional rounds and SCIPs already this month, I'm going to cancel the in-person learning meeting scheduled on Monday. Instead I'm offering office hours from 3-4 p.m. Feel free to drop in ask questions about schedules, budget, or any other topics trending in schools.
2/26 (M)
3 p.m -4 pm. Optional Office Hour w/Sebastian (Zoom Link)
5:30-6:30 p.m. HS Science Sequencing Meeting (Zoom Link)
2/27 (T)
3-3:45 Summer SEAL Process (Zoom Link)
2/28 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs (or Time for Vector)
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
2/29 (H)
8-11:30 AVID Site Leaders and Admin PD:All Means All: Leadership Moves to Strengthen Tier I Instruction with AVID (Ed Center)
11-11:45 SEAL Referral Process (Zoom Link)
3/1 (F)-
Regular Day
Following Week:
3/4-3/9 Classified Appreciation Week
3/7 AVID Spotlight 10-12 pm @ the Ed Center
Hey Team,
There are 8 items of note this week...
Safe Routes EEF Grant Approved!
The 4J Safe Routes to School Program received a grant from the Eugene Education Foundation for bike locks, helmets and replacements for bikes stolen from school for students. Any member of your staff can fill out the following form to make a request on behalf of students you work with: https://forms.gle/vr3FVgnxWEWEMFAw6
1. Registration should now be sent to families and will remain open through 3/15.
2. Will we have our district championship at Hayward field? I'm hopeful. We haven't received a "No" but UO is hosting HS OSAA meets on 5/16 and 5/17 and they need the track on 5/15 for HS student access. I'm awaiting to hear if 5/13, or 5/14 will work for UO and am also awaiting the cost. All coaches said they're willing to move our meet to a different date to secure Hayward so we'll see. The good news is that UO said they're willing to work with us so I think we're headed in the right direction to make this happen.
3. Kelloggs has offered to donate uniforms by accepting our donor's choose request. We are in the last phases of finalizing this purchase.
4. Hiring: be sure you've created requisitions for all coaches and assistant coaches. Based on participation numbers last year, each team will get at least 3 assistant coaches and likely 4 (85 athletes) or 5 (105 athletes) based on number participants.
5. Coaches meeting: We met on 2/9 and all coaches agreed to hold common practices on M-W and meets and practice on Thursdays depending on the week. All coaches agreed to give up their planning time on W instead of holding practices on Friday. I let them know they may have some time after the season for planning for the new schedule but that they would not receive the 8 hours given to teachers who aren't coaching. Here are the general group agreements:
Meet schedule - Thursdays
3 dual meets
April 18th, 25th, May 2nd
Begins at 3:30 PM
Finalize schedule before spring break
Sub-districts: Tuesday, May 7th
Districts: May 15th - May 17th (TBA, depends on venue)
Meet of champions: Thursday, May 23rd
Dismissal time:
Notify transportation after final schedule is released
Busses hold 54 passengers
Busses with storage underneath preferred
Starts March 11th
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 3:50 - 5:15 ish
Thursdays until meets start
Wednesday: 3:00 - 4:30 ish
From the Curriculum Team...
Please share our monthly Curriculum Newsletter with your staff!
ELA Adoption
February 2024 Read 180 Newsletter - Congratulations to Misty Bisby at Madison Middle School whose students showed the highest gains amongst Read 180 students across the district!
February 2024 Secondary Literacy Newsletter
NewsELA February 2024 Newsletter - A valuable supplemental tool for teachers to enhance their students' background knowledge, supporting one of the key shifts in ELA standards.
Math Adoption
The next K-10 Adoption meeting is - Thursday, February 22, 4-6pm - @ the Auditorium. Our Adoption Newsletter will be coming out soon so teachers can better see the progress we’ve made thus far, and what’s coming next.
HS Science Sequencing Community Meeting Reschedule
Here are the details: When: Monday, February 26th from 5:30-6:30pm
Where: On Zoom (link to Join Virtually):
4J Ignite PD Tomorrow (2/17)
Over 100 K-12 Educators have RSVP'd! Even if you won't be available to make the PD tomorrow, each administrator will receive a signed copy of Jimmy Casas book, Culturize: Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes.
Updated email from Chemika...
Dear exemplary educators,
The 4J Grow Your Own - Optional Professional Development, 4J IGNITE Equity & Linguistic Access for All Students has been rescheduled for February 17, 2024.
Come join us in connection, building community and growing as practitioners!
Due to rescheduling, we are now providing an extended duty stipend of $150.00 for attending the event.
A light breakfast and a catered lunch will be provided.
A copy of the book Culturize, Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes. by author & keynote speaker Jimmy Casas- (book signing on site).
Other swag and takeaways will be given to each person!
Counselor Update
Mandy's update sent to all counselors...
Good Day!
Here is this week's information.
All Counselors
City Club of Eugene is Launching a Youth Lines for Life even Friday, February 23, 2024, at noon. It is at the 5th street market. Press Release is attached.
Oregon Community Programs has some new Parenting classes (all classes listed between now and end of the school year). They are called "Parenting through Change." Fliers are attached.
Mark your calendars for a free training on April 18th, more details to come!
Summer School will be hiring counselors coming up, start thinking about it.
Courageous Kids- Grief/Bereavement for kids and parents.
Groups Starting in March (flier attached).
Info about summer camps also attached. (If you would like to volunteer with Courageous kids definitely consider reaching out to Amy-Rose)
Middle School Counselors
There is a middle School dungeon and dragons group (attached) starting next week. Through the Oregon Healing Collective.
Elementary Counselors
Remember next Wednesday morning meeting. Source committee only, all others are doing lesson development.
Counseling Openings
Center for Transformative Healing still has 2 openings (is near downtown on olive).
Restorative Counseling. has 2 openings.
Direction Services still has 10 openings. (they are located near gateway in Springfield).
Griffin and Associated Practioners has 10 openings (only during school hours).
Stronger Oregon has 80 openings.
New Oregon Health Collective (6-8) Middle School Group
Hello All,
We are spreading the word about a NEW Oregon Healing Collective middle school group launching this month! A flyer is attached. Here is a link to our website groups page.
From the facilitator
"My name is Daniell Zeigler, and I am a therapist intern at Oregon Healing Collective. On February 22, 2024, I plan to lead an 8-week Dungeons and Dragons-based therapy group for kids in grades 6 to 8. This group will allow players to experience an imaginary world that will teach them numerous skills.
Some skills include:
- Self-regulation, for when there are difficult situations.- Collaboration, to work with their fellow players to solve challenging puzzles.
- Other Interpersonal skills like communication, perspective taking, and empathy so you and fellow players can reach a common goal successfully.With the help of Care to Grow's Critical Core campaign modules, this group will take you on an immersive and thrilling adventure that will foster imagination and fun for your kiddos. If you would like to have your child experience a unique group therapy experience and have a hunger for adventure. Join us for a place where healing and self-discovery go hand in hand.
Interested in joining this group? Please email the facilitator at daniell@oregonhealingcollective.com or call (541) YOU-HEAL /968-4325"
Please help us spread the word!
Thank you!
-Maryanne Mueller, OHC
MS Schedule Update *Repeat*
Here is the video I created as a result of our last MS schedule committee meeting to ensure a consistent message was shared. Please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks for all the updates shared with me on the general feedback and outcomes of your stand up staff meetings. I'm here to support in any way possible. We'll debrief further on Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the auditorium.
Staffing Allocation and Plans *Repeat*
Although staffing allocations will be delivered to principals later than usual, the good news is that you will receive all of your allocations. This will include general allocations based on enrollment for licensed and classified staff, SSD, ELD, and SIA. In the past, it would take weeks to receive all the information based on when departments completed their analysis so hopefully having all your allocations at once will improve your overall staffing plan process and experience.
Allocations to be delivered on Friday, March 8th.
Building staffing plans will be due on Wednesday, March 20th.
Shout out to our principals for an amazing half day of Instructional Rounds yesterday (2/8). I appreciate our team's collaboration, contributions and commitment to continually improve instruction together. Thanks to the RMS team for being gracious hosts. We'll continue to keep instructional rounds as a fundamental practice moving forward. I'll reach out to the principals who expressed interest in hosting future instructional rounds.
There are 7 items of note this week...
SCIP Meeting on Monday, 2/11 @ 4p.m. *Action Item*
As we prepare for our upcoming meeting on Monday at 4 PM in the district auditorium, I want to emphasize the importance of your attendance, especially for all Principals. Your presence is vital for effective communication and collaboration.
Larry has kindly requested that each of you complete the linked SCIP outline update before the meeting. This outline will serve as a framework for our discussions and will help streamline our efforts toward continuous improvement. The Plan Do Study Act planning document is also linked.
Additionally, you will find the Ticket Out the Door on the second page of the document. Larry has provided clear instructions for its completion: please share any changes made to your original SCIP plan. Utilize the Plan-Do-Study-Act diagram provided to outline the steps taken toward continuous improvement.
During the meeting, we will dedicate time to sharing with peers and completing the Study and Act sections of the Ticket Out the Door. To maximize our time together, please reflect on and complete the PLAN and DO sections before arriving at the district office.
You can either complete it by filling out as a PDF or printing and hand-filling in the document. Please bring a physical copy of your Ticket Out the Door with the Plan and Do sections filled out. (We can make copies on request if needed)
Thank you for your attention to these matters, and we look forward to our productive session on Monday.
Ophelia's Place Update
Team, Thanks for continuing to partner with OP to ensure our students are receiving much needed services that OP has to offer. We are upholding our end of the contract and Yuki and OP really appreciates the efforts of each school leader and team. I met with her today and she especially appreciated the understanding and kind words our team shared as they are transitioning to new team members. Check out these highlights and requests for next steps from Yuki. Let's keep this partnership going strong!
A message from Yuki Roberts...
Here is what I would like to highlight from what we’ve (OP) accomplished so far this year:
- South region has completed both requested parent nights! Roosevelt and Spencer Butte co-hosted parent nights in the fall and both were wildly successful.
- Sheldon region has also scheduled co-hosted parent nights in March and have fliers to advertise to parents.
- ATA currently has a parent night scheduled for the end of the month (2/22) and I would love for this to be offered to Kennedy parents as well as a “Churchill region” collaboration. They, too, have a flier to help advertise this service.
- Madison also currently has a parent night scheduled for early March and, would love to offer this event to Kelly parents and plan on Kelly hosting a parent night and extending the invite to Madison parents.
In regards to presentations this year, Kelly has blown it out of the water – they have been so on top of getting things scheduled and Spencer Butte has been equally as responsive. I would love to finish out in person presentations at these two schools in the spring for consistency sake and offer pre-recorded presentations to ATA, Cal Young, Monroe and Roosevelt as they’ve yet to have presentations facilitated to their students this year. Because Kennedy and Madison have had some in person presentations I would like to offer them any additional in person time I have in the spring, but will also need to have pre-recorded presentations be the back up in case I do not have the capacity. I’m going to start reaching out to folks in the next week to get a sense of their preferred day and time for girls group in the spring so that I hopefully once I have intern schedules I can immediately begin planning and scheduling so I know exactly what my capacity will be so I can communicate it out to our partners.
I’ve also included the link to the Google Doc if you’d like to share with out with folks as well 😊
Discipline for Students with an IEP or 504 Plan
It is important to track disciplinary removals--in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion proceedings--for all students, but especially for our students who have disabilities. For these students, if we reach the 10th day of removal during a school year, we are legally required to hold a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) meeting to determine if the disciplinary infraction was caused by, or substantially related to, their disability or to our failure to implement the IEP or 504 Plan. Once this MDR is completed, a new MDR must occur for each additional instance of suspension or disciplinary removal for the remainder of the school year, regardless of outcome of the previous MDR.
There is no re-setting of the 10-day removal "clock" after an MDR is held. Once that 10th day is reached, every additional disciplinary removal requires an MDR before proceeding.
The 10-day removal clock re-starts the next school year.
If you have questions, please contact SSD Administrator Karen Apgar at apgar_k@4j.lane.edu or x7820.
MS Schedule Update
Here is the video I created as a result of our last MS schedule committee meeting to ensure a consistent message was shared. Please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks for all the updates shared with me on the general feedback and outcomes of your stand up staff meetings. I'm here to support in any way possible. We'll debrief further on Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the auditorium.
Track and Field Update
1. Registration is open for each school and two schools are already in the double digits. Be sure to get the links out to your school community and confirm with your coordinator the links have been shared.
2. Coaches meeting: here is the agenda covered on 2/9 at 4 p.m. I'll share updates to all the items on the agenda next week.
3. Will we have our district championship at Hayward field? Maybe? still awaiting confirmation from UO.
4. Kelloggs has offered to donate uniforms by accepting our donor's choose request. 3 schools indicated wanting new uniforms so we'll put a request in for both singlets and matching shorts.
5. Hiring: be sure you've created requisitions for all coaches and assistant coaches. Based on participation numbers last year, each team will get at least 3 assistant coaches and likely 4 (85 athletes) or 5 (105 athletes) based on number participants.
2/17 Optional PD Opportunity for Our Admin Team Offered by 4J GYO *Repeat*
Email from Chemika...
Dear exemplary educators,
** The Grow Your Own - Professional Development has a rescheduled date of February 17, 2024
My name is Chemika Bolden and I'm the HR Administrator for the Grow Your Own Program. The GYO program mission is striving to diversify the 4J educator workforce through collaborative partnerships with institutions of higher education that are continuously improving efforts to support GYO participants. On behalf of the Eugene School District 4J, Grow Your Own Program you have been invited to attend an OPTIONAL professional development opportunity; 4J IGNITE- Equity & Linguistic Access for All Students.
- If you rsvp'd for the previous date please rsvp for this date so I can have an accurate accounting, I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your flexibility due to the hazardous conditions that prompted the initial cancelation.
- If you are able to attend please RSVP. To do so complete this form *LINK*
Staffing Allocations Coming on Friday, March 8th *Repeat*
Although staffing allocations will be delivered to principals later than usual, the good news is that you will receive all of your allocations. This will include general allocations based on enrollment for licensed and classified staff, SSD, ELD, and SIA. In the past, it would take weeks to receive all the information based on when departments completed their analysis so hopefully having all your allocations at once will improve your overall staffing plan process and experience.
Allocations to be delivered on Friday, March 8th.
Building staffing plans will be due on Wednesday, March 20th.
2/12 (M)
3-4 MS Principal Schedule Debrief (ED Center Auditorium)
4-5:30 K-12 SCIP Updates and Action Plans- All Building Admin (ED Center Auditorium)
2/13 (T)
Regular Day
2/14 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs (or Time for Vector)
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
2/15 (H)
Regular Day
2/16 (F)-
Regular Day
There are 11 items of note this week...
Happy Black History Month!
Highlighting this resource Justin Huntley Shared in the February EdTech Newsletter...it's a great one! Click the image below to access the resource...
Staffing Allocations Coming on Friday, March 8th
Although staffing allocations will be delivered to principals later than usual, the good news is that you will receive all of your allocations. This will include general allocations based on enrollment for licensed and classified staff, SSD, ELD, and SIA. In the past, it would take weeks to receive all the information based on when departments completed their analysis so hopefully having all your allocations at once will improve your overall staffing plan process and experience.
Allocations to be delivered on Friday, March 8th.
Building staffing plans will be due on Wednesday, March 20th.
MS Track Update
1. Registration: I haven't had you all share the links with your school communities yet because I need to confirm that our Family ID accounts are active and I won't know for certain until tomorrow 2/3. Next year we are shifting to a different online system for registration but Family ID should still be active until summer. Once I get confirmation, I'll send you and secretaries the final approval to share with families.
2. Coaches: The coaches meeting is Friday, 2/9 where we will confirm all the season logistics including practice and meet schedules. This year we are going to attempt to align all practices happening on the same days across all schools for clear expectations for both coaches and students. Randy is working with you all to ensure requisitions are submitted for vacancies.
3. Will we have our district championship at Hayward field? Maybe? still awaiting confirmation from UO.
4. Kelloggs has offered to donate uniforms by accepting our donor's choose request. 3 schools indicated wanting new uniforms so we'll put a request in for both singlets and matching shorts.
5. Similar to the XC season, Scout created a flyer for our Track and Field season,. Feel free to post in your building and newsletters. The link to the flyer pdf (click image) is below.
Prevention Services Presentations for Family Education Events
Did you know Ritu Roy and Kerry Frazee can help organize educational parent events for your school/region? Please reach out to Ritu Roy and cc Kerry Frazee and I if you're interested in hosting an event for families. (some of these presentations align with some school's SCIP goals).
The following presentations are available:
- Suicide Prevention
- Healthy Relationships (Title IX related content)
- Digital Media: There is the possibility of a Digital Media presentation if interested- (some additional coordination with UO would be required so this is not on demand yet but can be coordinated).
- Opioid Prevention: Ritu can also coordinate a presentation by the county on opioid prevention and intervention with Narcan.
South Region middle schools have scheduled the Suicide Prevention events. See flyers below and notify your school community as these events are open to all 4J families.
4J Parent Education Events in the South Region- Share with Your Families
2/17 Optional PD Opportunity for Our Admin Team Offered by 4J GYO
Email from Chemika...
Dear exemplary educators,
** The Grow Your Own - Professional Development has a rescheduled date of February 17, 2024
- If you rsvp'd for the previous date please rsvp for this date so I can have an accurate accounting, I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your flexibility due to the hazardous conditions that prompted the initial cancelation.
- If you are able to attend please RSVP. To do so complete this form *LINK*
National School Counselor Week
National School Counseling Week 2024 is next week February 5th-9th
Here is a link to the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) downloads for the week.
Climbing Wall Info
*ACTION ITEM* Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Deployment
Please be sure to reference the email that Steve on January 31. Where you will find the comprehensive guidelines for setting up MFA on our Rapid Identity portal as well as on your mobile device. Access to your email will be contingent upon the completion of these initial steps.
Highlighting an email sent this week by Tom and Rob about SAEBRS...
Dear Principals,
Our district will be administering the SAEBRS (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) universal screening tool in two windows throughout the 2023–2024 school year. SAEBRS is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening students to identify areas of potential school-wide growth. This universal screening tool is built to align academic and socio-emotional learning opportunities and interventions to increase well-being and developmental competencies. The initial screening window is between January 3rd, 2023 – February 29th, 2024. SAEBRS is administered by teachers or counselors in grades k–12 and takes approximately 2–3 minutes to complete each student assessment. MySAEBRS is the student version of the same assessment given to students in grades 2-12.
This survey is a valuable tool for schools to identify patterns and opportunities to teach lagging skills, and areas of growth to support social, academic, and emotional outcomes. We will be administering SAEBRS two times in the following windows January 3rd, 2023 – February 29th, 2024 and May 1st - May 31st, 2024. This data should be utilized to inform an understanding of school-wide social and cultural aspects that inform interventions that are not singularly student focused.
Please click on or copy and paste the following link for a google doc that includes additional details around communication with stakeholders, our rollout plan, and a helpful FAQ for using this tool.
Thanks so much,
If you have questions about the roll out of SAEBRS, please feel free to contact:
Rob Hess: hess_r@4j.lane.edu
Tom Horn: horn_t@4j.lane.edu
From Curriculum
Culture and Climate Teams
"The Tier 1/Culture & Climate Team Leaders meeting will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 6 on Zoom from 5:15-6:30. Extended contract will be provided. If you haven't already identified a team leader, please do so on this spreadsheet (LINK HERE). If you don't have a team leader, please consider attending (or sending an AP) in their place."
4J TAG Updates
Visit www.4JTAG.net for updated TAG info, resources for teachers, students and parents, differentiation ideas for math and reading, solid research articles, interactive websites, and more.
According to the Oregon Department of Education, the top concern of TAG parents interviewed is 👉🏽their child’s social-emotional development, mental health, and sense of well-being.
Below you will find helpful resources for both Teacher & Parent Learning as it pertains to supporting TAG students, but focusing on SEL issues specifically: (Teachers, please share with parents as appropriate).
Futher Questions - reach out to Jocyln Mendelssohn mendelssohn_j@4j.lane.edu
ELA Adoption:
MS/HS Pilot #2 is now complete! Next meeting is on 2/7/24 - HS/MS ELA Pilot Focus Groups 4-5:30
Math Adoption:
Our next secondary meeting will be Thursday February 8th 8-11 am @ Bailey. (MS Principals will be at RMS for instructional rounds)
2/5 (M)
*Canceled: 3-5 pm All Admin mtg -Ed Center Auditorium Canceled*
3 p.m. Sebastian to Medford for AVID Leadership Academy
2/6 (T)
3:45-4:45 p.m. Secondary AVID Coordinators Mtg (Zoom Link)
8-4 Sebastian in Medford for AVID Leadership Academy
2/7 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs (or Time for Vector)
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
4-5:30 pm HS/MS ELA Pilot Focus Groups
7pm Regular School Board Meeting in person or (Zoom Link)
8-4 pm Sebastian in Medford for AVID Leadership Academy
2/8 (H)
8:30-12:30 Principal Instructional Rounds @ RMS (Track Town Pizza for Lunch)
8-11 Math Adoption Meeting: Our next secondary meeting
1-4 pm JCAC
4:15 pm MS Schedule Committee @ RMS
2/9 (F)-
4-5 pm MS Track Coaches mtg- Send Head coach and/or Assistant Coach
There are 9 items of note this week...
February 1 Grading Day
February 2 Transition Day
Grading Deadlines
Equity and Inclusion Team Leader Meeting
Tuesday afternoon there was a Zoom meeting with your building Equity and Inclusion Team Leader(s) (and admin). Here is the Meeting Agenda that was shared. An action item for each of you is to complete the Inclusive Practices Survey, in addition to your Equity & Inclusion Facilitator(s) and Team Members by March 1.
New ELD Family Communication Process
The ELD Program has updated our ELD Family Communication Process. This fall, district administrators approved making ELD Report Cards obsolete, and improving the ELD Family Communication Process. Below is the new ELD Family Communication Process:
All students with L flags in Synergy, both waived and served, will receive the ELPA Summative between January 9- April 12, 2024. The ELD Office will process ELPA data and family resources, and get them to schools during May. ELD teachers will schedule to meet with all families, throughout June, in a variety of formats: in-person, over Zoom, the telephone, or through email. During conferences, ELD teachers will discuss students’ ELPA scores, longitudinal English language development, and social-emotional health. Teachers will also work to strengthen partnerships between multilingual families and their school communities. Finally, ELD teachers will empower families with strategies to better support and advocate for their students.
Please any questions you may have directly to Lily Gold.
Submitting your goals into TalentED
Using Guaranteed Viable Curriculum (GVC)
As we continue to adopt curricula and align course sequencing (i..e. 6-12 Science courses), there is a need to ensure teachers are using adopted materials. I'm including the Academic Freedom article of the contract (12.5) below so you're aware that it's only related to teaching controversial material and expressing personal opinions, not whether or not adopted material should be taught. As we continue to adopt material and align courses using GVC, work with your staff to use the adopted curricula. Please be sure to review the articles below...
From the CBA:
12.5 ACADEMIC FREEDOM: The District and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purpose of the District, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect unit members from any censorship or restraint that might interfere with their obligation to pursue truth in the performance of their teaching functions. Accordingly, they agree as follows:
12.5.1 Controversial Material: Unit members shall be guaranteed full freedom in classroom presentations and discussions and may introduce politically, religiously, or otherwise controversial material, provided only that said material is relevant to the course content and is not disruptive to the educational process.
12.5.2 Personal Opinion: In performing their teaching function, unit members shall be guaranteed full freedom in expressing their personal opinions on all matters relevant to the course content provided when they do they shall indicate that they are speaking personally and not on behalf of the school, its administration, or the District.
District Rights:: 5.1.17 Selection of textbooks, teaching aids and materials;, 15.1.13 The determination of the processes, techniques, methods and means of teaching and the subjects to be taught;
From Curriculum
Secondary HEART of TEACHING: Please share our monthly Curriculum Newsletter with your staff!
ELA Adoption: Here is our ELA ADOPTION NEWSLETTER! Our MS ELA Adoption Team is coming to the end of their 2nd pilot. Please make sure to check in with your teachers to see how their 2nd pilot is wrapping up.
Also - Read 180: Goals and Growth Measures - Interim Growth Measure Assessment to measure reading growth is due at the end of January 2024.
All Admin Hungerford Law Training Reminder 2/2
Here's the email Brooke sent to all administrators in December for the training happening this Friday...
Hello Administrative Team
I am writing to share an update regarding the Hungerford trainings from this past August that we had to postpone. These trainings will allow us to come together with Brian Hungerford and cover a variety of topics. We have been able to confirm that these will take place over two days, the details are below:
Non-Building Administrators, Managers, Supervisors and Professionals = Tuesday January 2
Building Administrators = Friday February 2
More details to come regarding the topics covered and the locations. Please mark your calendar for full days of training on these dates - according to your position.
Brooke Wagner D.Ed.
Human Resources Director
Eugene 4J School District
200 North Monroe
Eugene, OR 97402
1/29 (M)
12:30 p.m. Sebastian presents MS schedule alternatives to decision makers
2 p.m Principal's Nuts and Bolt Meeting (Zoom Link)
1/30 (T)
4p.m.-5p.m. Middle School Admin input on SEAL (opportunity #1- See Casandra's email) Zoom Link
1/31 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs (or Time for Vector)
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
2/1 (H)
9-10 Middle School Admin input on SEAL (opportunity #2- See Casandra's email) Zoom Link
2/2 (F)-
9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Hungerford Law Training - Ed Center Auditorium, all building administrators
Wow! What an intense and unexpected week of extreme winter weather! I want to personally thank you for the ongoing communication via text, email and phone calls over the past week. It was helpful for me to have a pulse on how middle school admin and staff were impacted by the storm so I could share info with district leaders. It's clear our community will continue to navigate various challenges as a result of power outages and other storm related damages. I hope we're all able to begin to return to some semblance of normality sooner than later.
Today many of you had a chance to hold community circles or informal check ins with staff. It's powerful to connect with staff in a meaningful way, especially given recent circumstances. A couple of prompts used were; "Sharing your ice storm story" or "Examples of community kindness I witnessed...".
Related to the latter prompt, one example of kindness I observed was a 17 year old neighbor (with his parents support and approval) used his family's SUV with studded tires to make grocery store runs for anyone in need within the entire neighborhood. Most people in our neighborhood weren't able to even get out of their driveways so it was great to know all our neighbors, especially the elderly, had access to deliveries and supplies as a result of one family's support and confidence in their teenager's winter driving skills! :)
There are 8 items of note this week.
Please Document Vector Training Dates
Here is a K-12 Google Sheet to share the dates your building identifies for completing Vector Training - Please document the time you select on the Middle School Tab.
Semester 1 Calendar Remaining As-Is
We are not adding days to the first semester as a result of the closures this week. We have 8 days left with students this semester. We know teachers will do their best to effectively plan the remaining semester 1 time with students.
Admin on Extreme Weather Days
There were some lessons learned and additional needs identified this week. Our facilities team were amazing and did everything in their power to ensure buildings were safe. The majority of emergency staff were able to make it into work to assess buildings, however, there were some people who simply weren't able to safely report. The facilities team was spread thin as they attempted to assess more than 30 schools. For future reference, in the event of extreme weather, Principals will be asked to report to their buildings IF they can do so safely and if the lead custodians aren't able to report. The purpose of reporting to the building would be to determine if there are any major needs (leaks, structural damage, broken water lines, exterior hazards, etc.) that you would then simply report (and not attempt to fix) to facilities so they could prioritize the needs. If it's not safe to report to your building, even when requested, you would simply notify me and not take the risk. We would work to find someone else to cover the need.
Principal Instructional Rounds
8:30-12:30 Principal Instructional Rounds will now be on February 8th @ RMS (Scout sent this Lunch Order-Google Form Here). Please fill out the form at your earliest convenience.
NPFH Trainings Postponed
Unfortunately, the recent inclement weather conditions have impacted our schedule and led to a loss of instructional time this week. We have decided to postpone the scheduled NPFH training to a later date.
We understand the importance of minimizing disruptions during this crucial time for students, and we are actively working to identify alternative dates in the next few months. Our goal is to choose dates that will have the least impact on students missing class time.
We will keep you updated on the rescheduled dates as soon as they are finalized.
AVID Coordinators Meeting
Upbeat Survey Window Opens On Monday (1/22)-Repeat
This year building administrators will have the opportunity to complete an upbeat survey. The survey will be open from 1/22/24 - 2/2/24. We are hoping to get 100% participation so we can gather feedback and useful information for improving practices. Keep an eye out for the Upbeat email on 1/22/24.
From Curriculum...
Secondary HEART of TEACHING: It’s a little later this month, but better late than never! Please share our monthly Curriculum Newsletter with your staff!
Tier 1 Climate/ Culture Teams:
Tier 1 team leader meeting on Feb 6th. Invites will go to the team leaders previously identified. If nobody has been identified, the invite will go to an administrator, who can then forward it to appropriate staff.
The updated Administrator checklist for Climate/ Culture teams (with updated deadlines) is HERE
Updated Matrix documents
To access the 4j discipline matrix and supporting documents (including the flowchart), go into the 4j Discipline Matrix shared drive. If you do not have access to that drive, email your level director, Erin Gaston, Scout Gerdes, Melissa Barbour or Shasta Quigley. To access (or share) the documents themselves, use these links:
1/22 (M)
4-6 AVID Coordinator's Mtg @ SEHS-cafeteria
6-8 Budget Committee
1/23 (T)
Regular Day
1/24 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
1/25 (H)
Regular Day
1/26 (F)-
Regular Day
Hello Team,
I hope everyone has a safe weekend in the forecasted ice/snow! Today (1/12) I had the pleasure of attending the MLK assembly at NEHS and I was so inspired by the staff, speakers, guests and students. The keynote speaker highlighted the fact that we all have Dr. King's dream living in us. We get to contribute to the realization of his dream through our words, actions, and standing up to injustice no matter how big or small. Thank you all for continuing to champion equity for the students you serve! Have a wonderful long MLK Jr. day weekend!
There are 11 items of note this week...
From Curriculum
Hello Principals! As you know, our HS Science Course Sequencing workgroup is continuing to work through the High Quality Decision Making Process to narrow down the creative options/alternatives for a new course sequence that is aligned to the following identified values:
Values guiding our decision making:
Clarity of science sequence for students and families
Ensure equitable access and choice
Prepare ALL learners for today’s world by providing relevant, 3-Dimensional learning (NGSS CCC’s, skills, and content)
Coherent and consistent courses that build on prior learning
Joyful, curious learning for students and teachers
We are asking all science teachers (6-12) to join us on zoom on Wednesday to ensure the messaging is shared consistently, and as an opportunity for learning, questions and input. Thank you for supporting your science teachers in attending.
In addition, we will be hosting a Science Course Sequencing Community Town Hall Meeting at the Auditorium on Thursday 1/18 from 5:30 - 6:30pm. Parents/Guardians will have an opportunity to hear more about the options for students, learn more about the process, and ask questions. Feel free to join us in support.
Please reference communications below for more information:
Email to Science Teachers & Principals
HS Course Sequencing Family Communication #1 (Survey and Town Hall)
ELA Adoption:
Here is our ELA ADOPTION NEWSLETTER! Our HS ELA Adoption Team has decided to proceed forward with exploring a 3rd pilot (with HMH). They will be beginning their HMH pilot in Febuary. Please make sure to check in with your teachers to see how their 2nd pilot is wrapping up and if there’s anything they need in support of transitioning to the last pilot. For more info about the 3rd Pilot, click here.
Also - Read 180: Goals and Growth Measures - Interim Growth Measure Assessment to measure reading growth is due at the end of January 2024.
Math Adoption Meeting: Our Meeting yesterday was all around Visioning. It was a powerful discussion with brillant minds. Our next meeting will be January 25th, 2024 (4-6pm on zoom).
MS Schedule Update
In case you're curious about where we're at in the process, I've been scheduled to present our two schedule alternative moved forward by the committee to decision makers next Tuesday. I don't have an eta on when the decision will be made yet, but Tuesday is when I'll be sharing all the information and options the committee discussed. I'll do my best to keep the updates coming.
No Place For Hate Training
We will have trainers coming and your help in identifying and ensuring students get trained is highly important and greatly appreciated! Here's the message advisors and admin received last Friday...
Hello NPFH advisors and administrators!
I hope this email finds you well. We are excited to inform you that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) will be hosting a one-day session for 30 of the No Place for Hate middle school students in your school.
No Place for Hate Committee Training: This full-day workshop provides a common language to discuss bias and bullying on campus, increases the understanding of the impact of bias, stereotypes, prejudice, and bullying on their school, and assesses attitudes and norms contributing to it. The training will work with student leaders who represent the diversity, interests, and untapped leadership of the school, as well as the NPFH Coordinator, who will provide institutional and adult support and insight for this student-driven initiative to start creating an action plan that features goals and activities to be designated a No Place for Hate School!
Date and Time:
January 25: Roosevelt, Spencer Butte, ATA, Kennedy.
January 26: Kelly, Madison, Monroe, Cal Young.
We kindly request your assistance in identifying 30 students from your NPFH (or affinity) groups who would benefit from this training. Your nomination of students will contribute significantly to the success of the training and the positive impact it can have on our school community.
Please utilize the program coordinators if you need assistance identifying students.
Please enter the names of your selected students into this spreadsheet by 1/18/2024, ensuring they represent the diversity and inclusivity we strive for.
Advisors: We ask that you attend these sessions with your students and we will provide a sub for you. Please put Instruction/Other and NPFH ADL in the notes when requesting a sub.
Administrators: Please identify a location that will fit up to 30 students and has a projector available.
Our goal is for all Middle and High Schools in the 4J district to be designated as NPFH schools this year! Please contact me with any questions as I will be the point of contact for all logistical questions.
Love Food Not Waste (Changes Are Coming...)
Tana Shepard, Maggie Cline, instruction and nutrition services are partnering to support efforts to make the Love Food Not Waste program more effective in reducing waste. Tana and Maggie will be out in buildings to assess how the process is going and to note immediate fine tuning to existing implementation. Eventually, we'll shift to durables (trays, bowls, and silverware) to further reduce waste. Your guidance and support will be needed when these shifts are communicated to custodians and staff. More information will be shared but in the meantime I've included an image of.the waste stations that are coming.
Track and Field
1) Track season will officially begin when schools hold their first practices on Monday, March 11th
2) This year we will do the online registration similar to the XC online process last fall. I'm working on getting the link to each school's registration page ready. I'm still awaiting one more school pay link. I will send the registration link to you and secretaries next week. You can then share the links with families so they have a long runway to complete forms, physicals (as needed) and overall registration well in advance of the start of the season.
Upbeat Survey for Admin
This year building administrators will have the opportunity to complete an upbeat survey. The survey will be open from 1/22/24 - 2/2/24. We are hoping to get 100% participation so we can gather feedback and useful information for improving practices. Keep an eye out for the Upbeat email on 1/22/24.
Vector Training
Given the required Vector training, each school will need to identify two early release Wednesdays prior to March 31st for the completion of the training. Use the middle school tab on the following google sheet to record when you'll schedule time for teachers to complete the 78 minutes of training: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iymPRKWMmu2JFVeg0niQXkIT1AvZxcaNzdgRYY8iWQQ/edit?usp=sharing
Dear Team,
Eugene School District 4J, would like to take a moment to recognize the timing of the auto-generated message that was sent by Vector. It was not the intent of the district to have that auto-generated message go out prior to principals sharing the following communication.
We want to take a moment to express our gratitude for your commitment in successfully completing Wave One of our Vector trainings. These safety sessions play a vital role in educating our staff about safety protocols, contributing to the establishment of a safe working and learning environment. District-wide, our completion rate was above 90%, setting a new district record. Thank you for your outstanding achievement!
It is important to emphasize that safety is a collective responsibility and your dedication to completing these trainings highlights your commitment to ensuring the safety of our district. Unlike previous years, there have been numerous changes in legal requirements from PACE, OSHA, and Oregon legislation, resulting in additional mandated trainings.
Wave Two (January 8th - March 31st) includes the following training modules:
Time (in minutes)
Legal Requirement for
Suicide Prevention
Senate Bill 52
Fire Extinguishers
Public Service Announcement - Sex Abuse Prevention
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Cybersecurity Awareness for Employees: Security Awareness Essentials
Total Time:
Thank you for all you do!
No Licensed Meetings During The Week of 1/29-2/2
The Semester 1 grading day is on 2/1 followed by a transition day on 2/2. No licensed meetings can be held during this week (1/29-2/2). You can schedule meetings for classified staff.
· EEA and 4J agreed to the following contract language, “Other meetings will not be scheduled during the weeks in which grading, conference, and progress report days are designated on the adopted school year calendar.”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications Guidelines - Eugene School District 4J
From the Hadley Herald: Full 4J Guidance and Linked Resources for AI can be found HERE.
In Eugene School District 4J, we are open to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications for enhancing the educational experiences of both students and staff.
The integration of AI applications in our district is seen as a promising avenue to bolster student learning. Similar to various internet resources, AI tools provide our students with additional support in understanding concepts, generating ideas for projects, and maintaining engagement in their educational journey.
For our staff, AI tools present an opportunity to streamline routine and repetitive tasks. Embracing these technologies aligns with the principles highlighted in the "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning" report by the U.S. Department of Education. By automating tasks such as the distribution of learning materials or managing records, teachers can dedicate more time to direct instruction and building stronger relationships with students.
As AI tools become more prevalent in the tools used by our students and staff, it is imperative to recognize their limitations. While AI is advancing rapidly, the information it generates may not always be precise or accurate. AI-generated content also can contain bias, therefore, it is essential for both students and staff to apply critical thinking skills when evaluating AI-generated material.
Training for teachers and students in the effective and responsible use of AI tools is crucial. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of both the capabilities and boundaries of these technologies. As the role of AI in education continues to evolve, Eugene School District 4J is committed to developing and providing resources to promote its ethical and productive use.
At Eugene School District 4J, we acknowledge the importance of protecting the privacy and security of our students as they engage with AI applications. The deployment of AI tools in our district will adhere to the existing frameworks and protocols established to safeguard student data and ensure a safe learning environment. At this time, most AI applications and websites, per their privacy policy or terms of use, do not allow users under the age of 18 to use them. There are, however, a few that state users over the age of 13 may use their product. Currently, there is not an AI application endorsed by 4J for student use. It’s important to look over the privacy policy and to submit a ticket for approval when students will be logging into any platform. More information on this process can be found here.
Changes in Attendance Law.
Please review the following information from the state regarding changes in attendance law and outcomes. It is essential that each building change the language in the attendance letters so that they do not mention a Class C violation to parents for their student not attending. Thank you for doing this.
Re: Guidance and Support for Aligning with Senate Bill 817 and Improving Attendance
Dear Partners,
In the 2021 Regular Session, the Oregon Legislature amended ORS 339.990 and public schools and districts and/or courts are no longer allowed to cite a parent with a Class C violation as part of a school district process in response to their child’s irregular school attendance.
This change was legally effective on September 25, 2021.
In consultation with the OSBA and COSA, ODE is releasing this guidance that shares promising practices across the state, resources, and contains a brief FAQ.
Master Schedule Training Opportunities
Below you will learn about three Master Schedule Building workshops that are key in developing a schedule that is efficient, reduces student conflicts, and prioritizes your SCIP goals. Please make sure you are sending a team to the correct trainings:
1) Comprehensive Schedule Building Workshop - Willamette ESD February 8
2) Pearson Master Schedule Building Workshop - Eugene 4J February 22-23
3) Gary Pagano - Synergy Master Schedule Training (Synergy) Your scheduler must attend*** Date TBD
Pearson Master Schedule Building Workshop
We are lucky to have the Pearson Master Schedule Builders Workshop as our own personal workshop. Usually, we would have to travel and be a part of a set cohort. However, this year we were able to ask them to come to 4J and do a personal workshop for us. That being said it is important that we send a healthy contingent of schedule building teams to work together to learn and build the master schedule.
The date for the Master Schedule building workshop will be Feb 22-23.
Please mark your schedulers out of the building for these days.
We have enough slots to send teams of 3 from each building. We have 25 slots available so please forward the names to me of who will be attending from your site.
Additionally we are hosting an additional 1.5 days with Gary Pagano and we are currentkly finalizing those dates. This particular training will include synergy specific information and a new session on Schedule Board.
***IMPORTANT*** It is important that we focus our schedules on the students with the greatest needs first and we have defined them to be students who receive special services (SSD) and our English Language Learners. Please make sure that the schedule meets those needs first.
1/15 (M)
No School MLK Jr. Day
1/16 (T)
Regular Day
1/17 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
For Science teacher Wednesday mtg: zoom
7 pm Regular School Board Mtg (Zoom Link)
1/18 (H)
8:30-12:30 Principal Instructional Rounds @ RMS (Scout sent this Lunch Order-Google Form Here)
5:30-6:30 HS Science Course Sequencing Community Town Hall Meeting at the Ed Center Auditorium (Parent/Guardians)
1/19 (F)-
Regular Day
Thank you to the leaders who navigated the secures on Thursday morning and for everyone's leadership in reassuring students and families our schools are safe. Overall, I hope the first week back with students and staff went well! I look forward to seeing you Monday afternoon. Have a great weekend.
There are 4 items of note this week...
Initial MS Track Season Updates
1) Please look over your Track coaching list and verify that these coaches will continue for the 2024 spring season. Sonja Casarez needs you to email her at HR_coaches@4j.lane.edu to confirm that you have connected with the coach and they are planning to continue and/or notify her of any resignations. Please have coaches email their resignations to the coaching email as well.
She needs to hear from you by Friday, January 12th.
2) This year we will do the online registration similar to the XC online process. I'm working on getting the link to each school's registration soon.
3) We met this week to begin planning the season. We should have dates for the dual meets, sub districts and district championship to everyone soon.
4) If you ever have a coach resign from their regular day position (Teaching, EA, etc.), please ensure they indicate whether or not they also resign from their coaching position. We need a formal resignation from coaches before posting their position, even it it's the next season.
Building Admin Meeting 1/8 @ 3:45 p.m. (Ed Center Auditorium)
The District will provide each unit member with a written student discipline procedure at the beginning of each school year.
This procedure will specify the rights, duties, and responsibilities of unit members in the student discipline procedure.
We will be addressing this with a teacher facing version of the behavior matrix flow chart and some work that will need to happen for each of our schools. Our January 8th is a K-12 admin meeting prior to breaking out into the Tower Room as a secondary 6-12 team.
*NEW* 2023-2024 Matrix Updated 1.1.24 - Here is the direct link to the updated document which is located in the 4J Discipline Matrix Shared Drive.
Process for Extended Contract for MTSS/Data Teams
The process for supporting MTSS Intervention work this year is as follows:
1) Upon completion of the meeting, team members complete this form:https://forms.gle/aNhTktnNocVgwK3F8
2) At the beginning of each month, Rob Hess will review the entries submitted during the previous month and send a copy to each principal.
3) Principal verifies the entries.
4) Rob submits the spreadsheet to finance with the proper account codes once a month.
In this way, we have a district-wide record of our Intervention work, who is doing that work (classified/licensed), what they are doing, and we can track the grant spending more accurately. We also eliminate unnecessary paperwork.
From Curriculum
Heart of Teaching - Curriculum Monthly Newsletter has been updated for December. Check it out!! Adrienne will also send it out to teachers on Monday as well.
HS Science Sequencing: As our workgroup is working through the High Quality Decision Making Processing, we are now starting to analyze the creative alternative. We will be meeting next on 1/10. We have four 8th grade teachers (one from each region) who are also respresting middle schools.
ELA Pilot: We will be doing instructional observations for HS pilot teachers last week. We have some great data to share at the upcoming all Principals meeting hopefully on 1/8.
Math Adoption Meeting: Next Meeting is on January 11th, and will be about Visioning.
Discipline Matrix Learning: Shasta and Melissa will be leading additional learning for us as we all come together on 1/8 (at our next Secondary Admin meeting) to learn more, calibrate across sites and collaborate.
Action Plan/ PBIS Funds
In lieu of the PBIS Action Plan that has been used for the past several years, there is a simplified action plan that asks teams to identify their current focus (including any SCIP-related items) and efforts related to school climate, SEL and behavior supports. The hope is that you can use any data you have already identified and actions that your Equity/ Inclusion and other teams will be taking this year. A small budget is allocated to schools who complete this action plan.
➜ Please do the following in order to access this $500
1. Pull together your Climate or PBIS team to review your plans for this year. Bring your SCIP goals and any relevant data or pd plans. The goals is for you to easily be able to pull together items that you have already planned or identified. If your school does not have a dedicated Climate or PBIS team, your Equity & Inclusion team can do this!
2. Complete the Climate Team Action Plan
3. Submit it by sharing via google OR emailing to quigley_s@4j.lane.edu
1/8 (M)
Regular Day
1/9 (T)
Regular Day
1/10 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
1/11 (H)
1-4 p.m. JCAC
1/12 (F)-
Regular Day
The holiday season always causes me to reflect on what I'm grateful for both personally and professionally. Personally I'm so grateful for my family. Our 3 sons are growing too fast and are now 1, 6 and 9 years old. Little Jalen recently turned one and it seems like I was just notifying everyone about his expected delivery date; time flies! On a professional level I'm so grateful to work on such a stellar middle school level team of administrators. Each school's admin team has worked through unique situations and challenges. You've also facilitated numerous practices and outcomes to be celebrated. Thank you for all you do to support students and your school communities. I hope you can truly unplug, enjoy loved ones and take some time to reflect on what you're grateful for during the winter break.
There are 6 items of note this week...
January 2nd PD- Main Link to Sessions
Share this link with teachers to access the PD zoom links. I want you to have the link so it's readily accessible to share just in case teachers can't track down the email sent on 12/15 that also included the link:
Reminder: Principals and Assistant Principals will join a UDL Leadership session facilitated by Andratesha at 9:30 a.m.
Adolescent Mental Health PD for Classified Staff on 1/2
Classified Staff and Administrators,
Though many of you may already be heading off on your Winter Break, I wanted to share an exciting update.
We hope that you'll be able to attend the session on January 2nd. We now have a registration link for you to complete so we can know how many of you we can expect at the session, and I can order enough coffee for a January morning.
Adolescent Mental Health PD Registration Link
Here are the vital facts for January 2.
Date: January 2, 2024
Time: 8:00-11:30
Location: The training will be at Sheldon High School. We will be in the small theater.
Coffee and some food will be provided.
Classified employees, please let your administrators know you plan to attend.
In addition, we are now offering a second repeat session of the same PD on February 1, the Semester 1 Grading Day. If you're not able to attend on January 2nd, you have the option of attending on February 1 as well. The ESD session on February 1 has space limitations of 65 participants. I want to prioritize nutrition service and transportation employees for session 2, but all are welcome. The material will be the same at the January 2 and February 1 sessions.
Suppose you are missing this now that you are on break; that is ok. If you miss this email during your break, please plan to attend anyway. See you in 2024!
From Curriculum
Heart of Teaching - Curriculum Monthly Newsletter was updated for December. If you haven’t already - check it out!!
Secondary PD schedule for January 2nd
HS Science Sequencing: As our workgroup is working through the High Quality Decision Making Processing, we are now starting to analyze the creative alternative. We will be meeting next on 1/10. We have four 8th grade teachers (one from each region) who are also respresting middle schools.
ELA Pilot: We will be doing instructional observations for HS pilot teachers last week. We have some great data to share at the upcoming all Principals meeting hopefully on 1/8.
Math Adoption Meeting: Next Meeting is on January 11th, and will be about Visioning.
Discipline Matrix Learning: Shasta and Melissa will be leading additional learning for us as we all come together on 1/8 (at our next Secondary Admin meeting) to learn more, calibrate across sites and collaborate.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
The District will provide each unit member with a written student discipline procedure at the beginning of each school year.
This procedure will specifY the rights, duties, and responsibilities of unit members in the student discipline procedure.
We will be addressing this with a teacher facing version of the behavior matrix flow chart and some work that will need to happen for each of our schools. Our January 8th secondary principal meeting, when we will review all of this, will be with elementary administrators so that we can start to address this as a K-12 system.
BLACKS Program (Black Leaders Activating Cultural Knowledge)
UPDATE: This program has now been expanded to all 4 regions so NEHS, Kelly and Madison will also have access to resources and supports Dr. Sanders will offer.
I would like to introduce you to Dr. Brenda Sanders. Dr. Sanders who has signed a contract with the Eugene School District to provides services to our Black students who may need more support. For this school year she will only be working in the Churchill, Sheldon, and South Regions. Dr. Sanders is the founder of the BLACKS organization which works directly with our Black students who are experiencing the greatest hardship on campus. Her main focus is 8th to 9th grade transition. While her program focuses on Black students, the program will not ignore or turn away any other student in need of these services. Dr. Sanders will be reaching out to the 6 middle schools in the 3 regions indicated to set up a time to introduce herself and explain her program. Dr. Sanders will be working with each middle school to identify students in need and work to do outreach and support each of our students in need. I foresee our admin and counselors working closely with Dr. Sanders and perhaps your data team to best identify students in need.
Click Image to Access Love Food Not Waste Resources
12/18-1/1 Winter Break
1/1 (M)
Happy New Year!!!
1/2 (T)
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:15 Lunch (on your own)
12:15-12:30 Transition Time
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
1/3 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
1/4 (H)
4:15-5:45 MS Schedule Committee Meeting (via zoom)
1/5 (F)-
Regular Day
Hello Team,
There are 8 items of note this week...
SCIP Timeline - Principal's Meeting
Principals will be gathering on Monday at 2:00pm at the Ed Center to check in about our SCIP Plans. We will share a few minutes with each principal reviewing their SCIP plan to the group and how things are going. Any current data or feedback on progress is the intent. We want to keep the plans fresh and in front of us in an effort to learn from each other about what we are doing and how its going. We will also solicit feedback as we adjust our work to meet the needs to kids.
This meeting is intended for the building principal. Assistant Principals will join us as we assemble at the All Admin meeting at 3:30 p.m.
As we continue to work together this year on our SCIP plans and start laying plans for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, I would like to start framing our thinking about how we can align our work based on importance of aligned curriculum, professional development, the work you need to do with your staff, coupled with the district vision for implementing and supporting AVID, UDL, Leadership Plans, & MTSS. As we have these conversations for the rest of this year, lets be thinking about what our desired outcomes would be if we solidified a 3-5 year plan. A plan that keeps our attention and focus on what matters for kids to be successful and prevents us from deviating.
With respect to our SCIP plans, we will be meeting several more times this year to discuss our SCIP Plans: 12/11, 2/12, 4/22, & 6/20
Our goal this year is to have a fully established SCIP plan by the end of the school year so that you and your staff are aware of the SCIP goals prior to the summer break. Hopefully, this streamlines your Fall efforts with the Leadership plan.
BLACKS Program (Black Leaders Activating Cultural Knowledge)
I would like to introduce you to Dr. Brenda Sanders. Dr. Sanders who has signed a contract with the Eugene School District to provides services to our Black students who may need more support. For this school year she will only be working in the Churchill, Sheldon, and South Regions. Dr. Sanders is the founder of the BLACKS organization which works directly with our Black students who are experiencing the greatest hardship on campus. Her main focus is 8th to 9th grade transition. While her program focuses on Black students, the program will not ignore or turn away any other student in need of these services. Dr. Sanders will be reaching out to the 6 middle schools in the 3 regions indicated to set up a time to introduce herself and explain her program. Dr. Sanders will be working with each middle school to identify students in need and work to do outreach and support each of our students in need. I foresee our admin and counselors working closely with Dr. Sanders and perhaps your data team to best identify students in need.
Laptop Solution for Student Logins
Tech has been working behind the scenes on a way to address the issue of students not logging out of their laptops. Our TSSs are concerned that multiple students are logged into a laptop, opening up the opportunity to cause harm to others. There is a new script created that wipes out the Chrome settings on each login. Thus letting kids login so teachers can monitor using Apple Classroom. I need to gather feedback from principals to see if this will work for all or cause unforeseen issues. Here is a video of the test script in action and how it would work for students.
MS Master Calendar Correction for 5/15/24
There was a discrepancy between the center column and the May calendar in the right column for 5/15/24. This day is an affinity group Wednesday. It's been revised on the master calendar. Please use the link to update any calendars you've printed to ensure May 15 is accurately scheduled.
Bus Safety Video Due Soon
Art Hart needs our help. I am writing to you to see if we can't provide a response to help him with his reporting needs. He needs each school to complete the ODE mandatory bus safety training. So far he has only heard back from five schools across the district that have complied. One of them is a middle school. We do have a few weeks left to get it done, but realistically everyone leaves this Friday.
Please make sure it is in your plans to get this activity checked off your list. Thank you for all of your hard work.
Holiday Celebration Do's and Don'ts
General Rule: The guarantee of religious freedom to all means that public schools may not promote, endorse, or be hostile to any religion.
Holiday Displays and Decorations •
Do: Diversify religious references in decorations
Do: Balance religious and secular references
Do: Have a clear policy affirming school’s practice of non-promotion and mutual respect for differing religious beliefs (see OSBA policies IGAC and IGAC-AR)
Do: Intend and state a secular, historical, cultural and preferably educational, purpose
Don’t: Limit decorations to symbols of only one religion
Don’t: Require active participation by students
Holiday Distributions
Do: Establish procedure for reviewing all items to be distributed
Do: Offer opportunities to distribute outside of school day or during recess Student Religious Speech
Do: Regulate student religious-themed speech to the extent that it appears that the school is endorsing a particular religion
Don’t: Purposefully restrict student speech
Holiday Concert
Do: Promote different cultures, religions, and ethnic traditions at holiday concerts
Do: Represent more than one religion
Do: Emphasize cultural/historic aspects of holiday rather than religious aspects
Do: Allow a student to opt out if they do not wish to participate or attend a presentation
Don’t: Concentrate too heavily on a particular religion
Don’t: Let religion dominate
Don’t: Practice religious ceremonies and rites
Religious Venues for Holiday Celebrations or Concerts
Do: Allow a student to opt out if they do not wish to participate in a concert held at a religious venue
Do: Perform musical pieces that reflect diverse cultural, ethnic and religious traditions
Don’t: Limit outside performances to religious venues only
Don’t: Limit outside performances to one type of religious venue
Religion-Related Curriculum
Do: Educate children that people have different values
Do: Focus on the academic/cultural significance of religious events (e.g. change in technology, agriculture, law; different interpretations of historical events)
Do: Offer alternative activities
Do: Balance religious references in curriculum
Don’t: Force participation in curriculum contrary to student’s religious beliefs
Don’t: Endorse or disapprove a particular religion
Don’t: Ask students about individual practices, but let them volunteer when educationally relevant
Planning for the 8th to 9th Transition
From Mandy Brookshear - The 9th counselors and transition coordinators will be meeting with 8th grade counselors next week to begin talking about their transition timelines and forecasting. We will be having 8th grade students tour their high school this year!
January 2nd Professional Development Schedule
After we tune into teachers portion of the PD, principals will login to Andratesha's UDL session for building leaders. This session will be from 9:30-11:30 as indicated below.
Building principals will have the opportunity to run 1.5 hours of building directed PD in the afternoon.
Here is the general PD Draft Outline:
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:15 Lunch (on your own)
12:15-12:30 Transition Time
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
Staffing Needs
As we prepare for next school year we will be taking a close look at FTE available to schools. Please let me know if you have specific staffing needs. The budget and the expected number for Average Daily Membership drives the staffing ratio and how you establish and create positions within your allocated FTE. Keep in mind that we will need to be creative in how we utilize our allocated FTE to meet our needs. Please make sure your staffing is addressing the students in your SCIP plan.
12/11 (M)
2-3 Secondary Principal SCIP Review
3:30 All Admin in Ed Center Auditorium
12/12 (T)
4:15-5:45 Middle School Schedule Team
12/13 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
7 pm Regular School Board Meeting In person or Zoom Link
12/14 (H)
1-4 JCAC
12/15 (F)-
Regular Day
12/18-1/1 Winter Break
8-9:30 Synchronous PD
9:30-11:45 Asynchronous PD UDL Planning Assignment
9:30-11 Principal and Assistant Principal Only PD w/ Andratesha (Synchronous)
11:45-12:15 Lunch (on your own)
12:15-12:30 Transition Time
12:30-2 Building PD
2-4 Teacher Planning Time
I recently met with our Upbeat rep, Dana Brown, to review trends at the middle school level. We are trending in a positive direction within our district with significant growth at our level from last school year! This is a direct result of all your intentional and strategic improvement efforts in creating positive school cultures. I so appreciate our team's collaboration and open lines of communication we maintain. Our collective team efforts have not only fostered innovation but have also created a supportive atmosphere where everyone is heard and valued. It's this unity and shared vision that make working together such a rewarding experience. Thank you all for your dedication, hard work, and the positive energy you bring to our collective efforts!
There are 10 items of note this week...
SCIP Progress Report Session - 12/11
Director Connect
Beginning next week and ongoing, I'll be reaching out to principals to do some classroom walkthroughs and to check in about your SCIP progress. I've received some positive feedback from members of our middle school admin team who have had the opportunity to do some collaborative walkthroughs. Visiting each other's schools is something I'd like us to continue to focus on. Moving forward I'll share a plan on expanding our walkthroughs to continue our overall team collaboration and growth.
One of the best sessions I attended at the AVID National Conference last week was called, Moving the Needle: The Best PD is Next Door. I'll share resources and more info later but the gist of the session was the benefit of being open with instructional practices and systems and utilizing structured WICOR walkthroughs as a fundamental practice to improve instruction.
PD Opportunity 1/13/24, RSVP ASAP
A message from Grow Your Own Program:
Dear exemplary educators,
My name is Chemika Bolden and I'm the HR Administrator for the Grow Your Own Program. The GYO program mission is striving to diversify the 4J educator workforce through collaborative partnerships with institutions of higher education that are continuously improving efforts to support GYO participants. On behalf of the Eugene School District 4J, Grow Your Own Program you have been selected to attend an OPTIONAL professional development opportunity; 4J IGNITE- Equity & Linguistic Access for All Students.Performance by Alex Dang
Keynote Speaker: Jimmy Casas
*LINK* Jimmy served twenty-two years as a school leader. He is a best selling author, speaker, leadership coach, and a state and national award winning principal. Under Jimmy’s leadership, Bettendorf High School was named one of the best high schools in the country three times by Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. Jimmy was named the 2012 Iowa Principal of the Year and was runner-up NASSP 2013 National Principal of the Year. In 2014, Jimmy was invited to the White House to speak on the Future Ready Pledge. Finally, in 2015, he received the Bammy Award for the National Principal of the Year. If you are able to attend you are required to RSVP ASAP.
- To RSVP complete this form *LINK*
- Complete the form ONLY IF YOU WILL ATTEND
- Program agenda -attached to email-
- IMPORTANT: Due to limited availability do not forward this form to anyone else.
School Choice *ACTION ITEM* Due 12/15
The 2024 school choice season is coming soon, January 1-31 for 4J residents.
Here is the overview of what is coming up and what we need from you:
SCHOOL CHOICE INFO SESSIONS: Between January 8-31, hold 2 in-person and 1 virtual that is also recorded.
A minimum of 3 school information sessions, held between January 8-31, will need to be provided for families and students to learn about your school. Please schedule at least:
Two in-person sessions—one during the day and one in the evening. These can include a tour or not.
One virtual session that is also recorded, so we can post it to the district website for anyone else interested in your school. We recommend you also post the recording on your school website/social media. We recommend you not require a password.
See Tamar's 12/1 email for more information.
□ ACTION: By Friday, December 15, share your school's three session schedule and details in the google doc: • Middle
□ ACTION: By Friday, January 19, share a recording of a virtual session or presentation slides for asynchronous viewing in the google doc: Elementary • Middle • High and Alternative
□ ACTION: Post information about school choice info sessions and recording of a virtual visit on your school’s website.
Track Coach Confirmation * Action Item*
Please double check if all of the Licensed coaches from last season have confirmed they are coming back. If so, we can add the assignments to be paid out over the remainder of their Licensed contracts per the CBA. This will also give us a heads-up on schools that need to hire. HR can post a pool for Head and Assistants if needed. Sonja needs a list from each school of all confirmed head and assistant Licensed coaches who are planning on returning. Once you have the list and number of vacancies, email Sonja Casarez and cc me.
Advisory Lesson Need *Action Item*
Please work with your advisory leads or teachers in general to ensure every single student is using the guest login on laptops and logging out of chrome when finished. See the message below from one of our TSS's. This message was shared with me and the tech department admin and director:
Hi there. Jordan and I have been spending time in middle schools a lot this fall and have noticed a real issue. Students are not signing out of Chrome!! I grabbed a laptop last week that had 4 students still signed in. I had been giving a training and told all of the students to sign out of Chrome before they left. This particular group had been logging into the laptop under "student" instead of "guest" and that was part of the issue. They assumed that they had signed out because they just logged out. I got on all of those laptops and most were still signed in.
I'm seeing this at other middle schools and have been talking to staff. There is not a consistent message out there about using guest instead of student. Student gives them the prompt that will reset the laptop for the next person.
So, I gave this group the lecture the next week about doing it right because of the huge risk of someone getting into their account and doing unsavory things-the potential is huge of course for students getting other kids in big trouble. Not just deleting their Drives or something.
I don't know what training the students have been given this year after the switch from one-to-one to shared. Advisory could be a place for a 5 minute recorded training.
MS Schedule Project Team Update
I simply want to highlight the discussion that happened at our last MS Scheduling team meeting. The team continues to review how each schedule alternative meets or doesn't meet each of the individual values identified by the team. A communication is forthcoming but will likely be a loom video with an opportunity for staff feedback that each principal will be able to share with staff.
Link to Current Ideas and minutes. Be sure to scroll down on the 11/28 tab:
As a reminder, here are the Clear Values we are prioritizing in reviewing Creative Alternatives:
Center the unique needs-- cognitive, emotional, linguistic, physical, psychological, and social-- of middle school students through choice, exploration, and unique class offerings;
Flexibility during the school day for students that provide choice and access to a variety of supports (curricular extensions + interventions, Advisory, affinity groups, clubs, activities, enrichment);
A specific focus on social-emotional learning, rooted in strong and healthy peer and adult relationships
Prioritize planning and collaboration time for professional staff to increase collective teacher efficacy and thus, student achievement;
Maintain or decrease class size
Class size remains a concern, and shouldn’t be negatively impacted by this schedule change
It's here!
Thanks to all who signed up. I'm looking forward to learning along side the team.
From Curriculum:
Heart of Teaching - Curriculum Monthly Newsletter has been updated for December. Check it out!! Adrienne will also send it out to teachers on Monday as well.
Key Dates for Curriculum Events this Week -
Monday 12/4 8-4pm: TOSAS will be coming alongside principals to attend the OASCD - PLC Symposium. See all those who are attending on Monday!
Thursday 12/7 12:30 - 3:30 pm: Secondary Math Adoption - Focus will be on
ELA Pilot Updates: your teachers have now begun their 2nd pilot and will be engaging with these materials between now until the end of January. Please take time to check in with them, see how things are going and perhaps even sit in on a lesson if you get the chance. We will be doing Pilot Observations in January, more details to come.
Discipline Matrix Feedback Needed!
Updates to the 4j Discipline Matrix will be drafted between now and January 1. Building administrator input is extremely valuable in this process
➜ Please use the following form to provide any Discipline Matrix Feedback Form
Action Plan/ PBIS Funds
In lieu of the PBIS Action Plan that has been used for the past several years, there is a simplified action plan that asks teams to identify their current focus (including any SCIP-related items) and efforts related to school climate, SEL and behavior supports. The hope is that you can use any data you have already identified and actions that your Equity/ Inclusion and other teams will be taking this year. A small budget is allocated to schools who complete this action plan.
➜ Please do the following in order to access this $500
1. Pull together your Climate or PBIS team to review your plans for this year. Bring your SCIP goals and any relevant data or pd plans. The goals is for you to easily be able to pull together items that you have already planned or identified. If your school does not have a dedicated Climate or PBIS team, your Equity & Inclusion team can do this!
2. Complete the Climate Team Action Plan
3. Submit it by sharing via google OR emailing to quigley_s@4j.lane.edu
Leadership Plan Review Deadline- 12/8
The deadline for the next round of review will be December 8th by the end of the day. Be sure to submit your most recent plan to HR and Rob Hess.
12/4 (M)
8-4 PLC PD w/ Janel Keating @ CHS Auditorium
12/5 (T)
3:45-4:45 Secondary AVID Coordinators Meeting (Zoom Link)
4:15-6:15 MS Scheduling Committee @ Kelly MS
12/6 (W)- Early Release Day- PLCs/GLTs
3-4 Middle School Counselor PLC via Zoom
7 pm Regular School Board Meeting In person or Zoom Link
12/7 (H)
1-3 JCAC Sub Committee Reviews Leadership Plans
12/8 (F)- The deadline for the next round of review will be December 8th by the end of the day.
4-5:30 District/EEA Joint PD Sub Committee Meeting