Principal's Corner
What's going on at Barge-Lincoln Elementary?
September 2024
Welcome Back to School!
🍎Barge is back in "full swing" and the learning has begun! Our school is buzzing with the excitement of learning and laughter. It is an incredible place to be for our learners!
Barge does have some new faces with staff and you will notice that Mrs. Qualo, our beloved assistant principal, will be shared with Garfield Elementary this year. Mrs. Qualo will be at Barge on Tuesdays/Thursdays and alternating Mondays. Her skill-set of speaking multiple languages, rapport, and leadership will be sprinkled amongst both buildings. Mrs. Qualo is a ROCKSTAR!
New Staff or Teaching Assignment:
*Kinder: Mrs. Knipp & Mrs. Juarez
*Neurodiverse: Mrs. Richter
*2nd gr.: Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Olivares, Mrs. Cardenas
*3rd gr.: Ms. Penaloza & Ms. Rodriguez-Villegas
4th gr.: Mrs. Munoz
5th gr.: Ms. Henning
Music: Mr. Garcia
ELD Specialist: Mr. Ramirez
Speech Therapist: Ms. Lopez
In the classroom, our Bobcats have transitioned well and their brains and bodies are being exercised daily. I'm sure your Bobcat(s) are coming home exhausted, as they've worked hard to make those brains grow and develop. Please help by ensuring your child is getting 8-10 hours of sleep per night, at the minimum.
Thank you for being your child's first and most important teacher! Barge will will strive to provide our learners with a learning environment that is positive, safe, and an inclusive where every child is being taught, each day.
~Mrs. Brennan
Don't Forget~ Mondays are for the WE ARE BARGE Tshirts!
We encourage our Bobcats to wear their shirts on
Mondays and PRIDE assembly days.
If you are new to Barge and your learner needs a shirt, please call our office to pick one up at 573-5200.
We want ALL STAFF and STUDENTS to wear their shirts!
The PTO will be selling gear, as well. Be watching for information.
Let's show our school spirit!
Attendance Goal for YSD and Barge!
Both the district and Barge have attendance goals:
We want our students to attend 95% of their school year, which is 171 days of 180 possible.
Please help by:
- sending your child to school each day, unless they are running a fever or vomiting
- call the office if your child is out
- allow the school to determine if your child is too sick to be at school (sniffles, coughs, sore throats, tummy aches)
- pre-arranged absences are encouraged for missing more than 3 consecutive days
- send doctor notes if student was at an appointment
If you have questions about any of this, please reach the office for clarity at 573-5200.
Friendly Reminders:
FAMILIES---Don't forget!
Barge-Lincoln reinforces our three standards for learning and we'd love your assistance with reinforcing these at home, as well:
- Show Respect
- Make Good Decisions
- Solve problems
~Mrs. Brennan
~Mrs. Qualo
Assistant Principal
School is open at...
As a friendly reminder, the doors open at 8:15am for students. We do not recommend students being dropped off without adult supervision. The school will not provide supervision before 8:15am.
During the drop-off time (8:15am to 8:45am), we ask that families follow the direction of the staff. Please DO NOT pass other vehicles, as we want all of our learners to remain safe. If you have any questions about our procedures for drop-off in the morning, we'd be happy to have a conversation with you.
Remember, you can reach out to your child's teacher(s) to get information on how your child is doing in school. Our teachers are available from 8:15-8:40am and 3:15-3:45pm during the school day.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher first and if you need to continue the conversation, we can include the principal(s). Having a conversation with your child's teacher is the first and most important step, as they work with your learner for the majority of the day.
Reading Testing---DIBELS/LECTURA
It is best practice for our teachers to communicate with families how each child performs at Fall parent conferences. However, please feel free to reach out to your student's teacher beforehand.
We'd love to share how your student performed!
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
Barge-Lincoln Elementary School, East I Street, Yakima, WA, USA
Student Laptops
Students, at Barge, are going to keep their laptops at school. Your child should NOT bring home their computer, as it will be a tool to use within their school day at Barge.
Thank you for understanding.
Your principals, office staff, and counselors are here to help you!
Principal: Mrs. Brennan
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Qualo
Counselor: Ms. Torres
Behavior: Ms. Wood
Office: Maria and Josie
Color Run 2024
Lunchtime Fun
Early Release on LAST Wednesdays of EACH MONTH
Our Barge Bobcats (and the Yakima School District) will have an
Early Release Wednesday
on September 25.
Students will leave campus at 12pm.
Please ensure you are prepared to have your child picked up at 12pm.
Lunch will be served.
Staff will have professional development for the afternoon.
Students will return to a regular school day on September 26th.
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 12:00 PM
219 East I Street, Yakima, WA, USA
Lost and Found!
Parents, please talk to your teacher if you would like to look through the lost and found.
Blaze Bucks and the School Store!
Our mascot has Blaze Bucks that our learners can earn by following our three standards:
1. Show respect
2. Make good decisions
3. Solve problems
When our learners follow these standards, they have an opportunity to earn Blaze Bucks that can be accumulated and spent at the classroom or school store. We encourage you to ask your child how many Blaze Bucks he/she has earned and if they've spent any yet.