Oak Leaf Weekly Update
Getting Ready! Back to School Coming Soon!
Back to School Beautification Days 8/18 & 8/19. Come join us!
Dear ROCS Community,
Parent Council is sponsoring our annual "Back to School Beautification Days". We are eagerly getting our school facilities ready the children to fully return after two years of comprehensive social-distancing protocols. Well ROCS Community, we got through the most challenging phases and are looking forward to reuniting during this upcoming community service event.
Whatever skill you can offer, we can use your help on the 18th and 19th between the hours of 10AM and 3PM. Some families like to paint benches and fences while others like to maintain the garden, do light maintenance or help arrange classroom materials. Anyone know how to lazure? Please see Ms. Jenn Douthit or Ms. Jaenelle. Refreshments and lunch will be provided. Bring a water bottle and a hat!
Thank you Parent Council for coordinating this special event. Principal Jaenelle Lampp is looking forward to meeting ROCS parents and guardians.
For the 2022-23 school year, we are modifying the drop off and pick up times so our teachers can provide more specialty classes.
**Kindergarten has no change to drop off an dismissal times**
Start Time Changes:
1-3 Grades start @ 8:10am
4-8 Grades start @ 8:20am
Dismissal Changes:
1-3 Grades 2:05pm
4-8 Grades 3:05pm
Wednesdays: ALL Grades 1:05pm
If your family needs assistance for Acorn Hut, the North Coast Opportunities financial assistance form is available. Please reach out to Talia Cechin: tcechin@riveroakcharterschool.org
Sign up for Acorn Hut: https://www.riveroakcharterschool.org/parents/acorn-hut/
Monday-Friday 1:00pm-5:30pm
Monday 2:05pm-5:30pm
Tuesday 2:05pm-5:30pm
Wednesday 1:05pm-5:30pm
Thursday 2:05pm-5:30pm
Friday 2:05pm-5:30pm
Registration Fees:
$30 First Child
$20 Second Child
$10 Third Child
Kindergarten Hourly Rate:$5 With Contract
Grade 1-7 Hourly Rate:
$5 With Contract
$7.50 Drop-In (if available)
10% less Multiple Child Discount
Past Due Fee: $15 Fees for bills 30 days past due.
Returned Check Fee: $35 Fee for checks returned for
Insufficient funds
Parent Council Corner
Welcome Sarah Bailey Our New Parent Council President
Thank you Sarah Bailey for joining Parent Council. We had an excellent turn out. It was pleasant to physically meet at the school in addition to communicating with families on the Zoom platform. The next goal is to finalize who our parent/guardian representatives will be in each class. There is usually one parent who oversees the ASB classroom fundraising events and the other parent/guardian helps with classroom organization, inventories, and ways to assist our busy teachers. ROCS' unique Steiner-based instruction would not be possible without the countless volunteer hours and financial support our school parents and guardians faithfully provide.
Please join us at the next next Parent Council meeting scheduled on September 1 at 5:30pm
Location: River Oak Charter School (Conference Room).
Here is the link to the page where parents can get the latest agenda, minutes and zoom links.
Help Your Child Adjust to the New School Year
Here are some practical guidelines that will help your child transition back to school, no matter their age.
Young Students:
Less is more with the young child. Slowly shift your preparations for school to behind the scenes. Shop for supplies alone and then before school begins, show them how to open zipper pockets on lunch bags or show them how their clothing fits well. Begin practicing with them.
Children adapt easily and will find the rhythm of the classroom exciting and supportive. The young child is open to new experiences, taking in the new environment when they arrive on the first day. Have fun during these last summer days and give simple honest responses when questions about school arise. It is good practice to not let adult worries or anxieties cloud their innocence. It is important to remember that the young child needs simplicity and rhythm. By finding our inner calm, the children will be comforted and supported and more able to enjoy the world around them.
Elementary Students:
Students returning to the grades typically have the same teacher and peers to look forward to in their classes. Their classrooms will be stocked with familiar materials awaiting them at their desks and cubbies. We appreciate all the parent and community support.
It is important for elementary students to see their parents and families remaining positive about upcoming changes. As adults, we model resilience and flexibility for our children in times of uncertainty, especially during the pandemic. Though at times, things may be difficult, a parent’s view can smooth the waves of uncertainty. Focusing on what is certain is a great way to discuss the upcoming year. Listening to them express their emotions and giving them space to do so is a valuable use of your time. Acknowledge their uncertainty and help them know that their emotions are normal.
Middle School Students:
Older students will not need much in the way of supplies. The older students appreciate knowing what will stay the same during the upcoming year. But will also appreciate opportunities to show leadership. We can trust them in helping support our school community. Let your older student know that we are all facing difficult challenges again this year, but with the right mindset and support, we will thrive again this school year.
To prepare your middle school child for in-person learning, you might consider beginning the process of readjusting late-night teenage bedtimes. You can do this over the course of a week or two by moving ‘lights out’ up by half an hour a day and waking them up a little earlier each morning. Also, don’t forget that even fashion-savvy teens still need proper outdoor clothing at ROCS. This is a good time to double-check that rain boots and winter coats fit properly and haven’t been outgrown from last year.