Brave Saint's Bulletin
St. Joseph's Catholic School Newsletter - 9/26/2024
Important Upcoming Dates:
October 2 - Grandparent's Mass & Coffee Hour (more details below)
October 3rd & 4th - Catholic Educators Conference (No School Thursday or Friday)
October 11 - 7th/8th Grade TVCS Dance at St. Mark's
October 11 - Fun Run! More information available below
October 25 - Save the Date! Trunk or Treat
Please see FACTS & the website for a full calendar!
Two Notes
- The next Safe Environment in person class on Oct. 9th at 10 am at St. Ignatius. There are no other classes scheduled until January. Please read here for information & instructions navigating Virtus.
- Lost & Found - The front office goes through the lost and found every two weeks. Items that are labeled are returned to students. All other items are donated. Items were just donated last week and it's already full again. Please take some time to label your children's items and encourage them to check the lost and found for missing items. Thank you!
Nurses Note:
There will be a vaccine clinic available for students on October 22nd at school. If you are interested please fill out and send your student with this consent form and their insurance card.
Nurses Note:
Hello parents and Gaudian,
As we begin to enter into allergy, and cold and Flu season we would just like to remind you not to send over the counter mediation (cough drops, Claritin, Mucinex, and etc.) to school with your children.
There are a number of safety concerns with school children carrying medication, including: medication misuse, medication error, medication storage, and medication disposable. If your child is in need of medication while at school, please fill out a medication authorization form and send the mediation in its original container, and the nurses will administer the medication as needed while at school. These forms are located in FACT’s or on the St. Joes website. Also, if you have given your child a medication at home, please email the nurses office with medication given and time in case your child should require a second dose. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the nurse office. Office hours are M-F 0930am to 1:30pm.
Thank you,
Janelle Carr RN
Sabrina Fuchs RN
Grandparent's Mass & Coffee Hour
St. Joe’s Fun Run is Friday, Oct. 11!
St. Joe’s Fun Run Donation Packets Due Oct. 2 for Raffle Tickets
The St. Joe’s Fun Run – presented by Parilla Grill and Bandanna Running and Walking is Friday, Oct. 11 and will include a prize raffle! Each student will receive one raffle ticket for participating in the Fun Run. Students can also earn raffle tickets for hitting certain fundraising goals:
Earn one raffle ticket for every $25 raised.
Donation packets/forms are due to the front office by Wednesday, Oct. 2 to receive tickets to the raffle at the end of the Fun Run.
Earn one raffle ticket for participating in the fun run on Friday, Oct. 11
At the Fun Run on Oct. 11, we will have Bandanna Running & Walking, snacks, music, fun, dancing and lots of cheerleaders (parents come on down!) to motivate our students. Make sure they wear their Fun Run shirt (distributed the week of the event), running shorts, and their best sneakers!
Learn more, download your donation packet or give online at
Need volunteer hours? Join us during Fun Run week or at the event! Sign up to volunteer.
Help provide healthy snacks! Sign up to donate a food item.
Middle School Opportunity
At Holy Fire, middle school Catholics are invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the powerful, relevant gospel of Jesus. Through talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments, Holy Fire helps young people feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ.
Hosted by the Diocese of Boise, and brought to you by the producers of NCYC, the nation’s largest Catholic youth event: the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, in partnership with Equipping the Saints, a division of Declan Weir Productions, Inc.
Featuring: Bishop Peter Christensen, Robert Feduccia, Noelle Garcia, and The Scally Brothers
Who: Middle School Youth
When: Sunday, October 13, 2024 - 9:30 AM-5:30 PM. Mass will be held at 4:00 PM.
Where: Bishop Kelly High School, 7009 Franklin Rd, Boise, ID, 83709
Cost: Early bird pricing - $49.50 (available until Sept 22, 2024). Regular pricing - $59.50 (beginning Sept 23, 2024). All seats general admission.
Lunch: Included in the registration cost. Vegetarian, gluten-free, and dairy-free options will be available. Those with other food sensitivities should plan to bring their own lunch.
Holy Fire T-Shirts: Included in the registration cost for the first 200 people to register on or before September 18. Choice of sizes guaranteed for participants who register before September 18. After September 18, participants may choose from the sizes available on site.
Volunteer Sign Up
Please fill out this form to share the ways you are interested in helping out this year. Volunteers help make everything happen and we are so grateful for you!
You can find more information on volunteer hours here!
New Safe Environment Database
Please read here for information & instructions navigating Virtus.
Want to see all the behind the scenes fun?
St. Joe's
Location: 825 West Fort Street, Boise, ID, USA
Phone: 2083424909