South Spartan News
Est. 1932 The Spartan tradition continues…
November 2024
It’s hard to believe that we are one quarter into the new school year. These past two months have been busy and our staff is working hard. My name is Theresa Ostgarden, Title I Coordinator and Data Steward for South Middle School. My job consists of many duties but data, surveys, and testing are a large portion of my duties.
First, I want to thank the parents that completed the HRS Survey for us. We are proud to have achieved High Reliability Schools (HRS) certification at Levels 1 and 2. This significant milestone demonstrates our dedication to creating a safe, supportive, and collaborative environment that maximizes student learning. We are always looking for ways to improve.
High Reliability Schools certification is a framework that promotes continuous improvement, focusing on key areas that research shows contribute to student success.
Level 1 Certification ensures we have a safe, supportive, and collaborative culture. We strive to create an environment where students feel secure and encouraged to engage in learning.
Level 2 Certification emphasizes effective teaching in every classroom. We’re committed to consistent, high-quality instruction that meets each student's needs.
To support our HRS journey, we use our Professional Learning Community (PLC) time on our designated early release Wednesdays. During this time, teachers collaborate, sharing insights and strategies to improve teaching practices, review student data, and design interventions. These collaborative sessions allow us to refine our approaches so we can provide targeted support, ensuring that each student has the opportunity to thrive.
We regularly review STAR testing data to assess students' progress and understand their specific strengths and areas for growth. Analyzing this data helps us make informed decisions about classroom instruction, ensuring that we meet each student’s needs more effectively. Our goal is to identify any challenges early, so we can provide support and adjustments that keep students on track.
Together, HRS certification, PLC collaboration, and data-driven instruction are part of our commitment to an enriching and safe learning environment at South Middle School. Thank you for partnering with us in your child's educational journey, and as always, please reach out with any questions about our ongoing efforts to support student growth and achievement.
We look forward to celebrating continued success with you!
Theresa Ostgarden
2025- 2026 9th Grade In-district Transfer
The deadline for the 9th grade in-district transfer requests for the incoming 9th graders is January 3, 2025. In-district transfer approvals are contingent upon available space in the appropriate grade level or program, satisfactory academic achievement, attendance, and/or behavior. In-district transfers can also be revoked at any time by the school principal or district administration. Transfer forms can be obtained at each school site and turned into the secretaries. Separate applications must be filled out for each student. Separate applications are also required for elementary, middle, and high school.
PTO Message
Greetings from PTO!
We have had a busy couple of months. Thank you to those who purchased Ole & Lena's Pizzas. We sold $9,007 worth of sales. The Challenger team sold the most and will receive a prize from PTO. Whitley Dalzell was the top seller! Congrats! We have some other fundraisers coming up in which more information will be shared once finalized.
Our next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 5th at 5:15 p.m. in the Media Center.
Mark Your Calendars!!!!
November 5 - PTO Meeting at 5:15 pm - South Media Center
November 6-20 - PTO Texas Roadhouse Roll Fundraiser- more information to come
November 6 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
November 11 - No School
November 12 - South Band Concert at 7:00 pm
November 19 - South Orchestra Concert at 7:00 pm
November 20 - Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
November 27-29 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
December 2 -South Orchestra Holiday Festival 8:00-12:00 pm at Red River High School
December 3 -PTO Meeting at 5:15 pm - South Media Center
December 3 -South Choir Concert at 7:00 pm
December 4 -Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
December 5 -Vocal Solo and Ensemble festival - optional Bus to EGF M.S. from 9:00 -12:30 p.m.
December 18 -Early Release Wednesday at 1:00 pm
December 18 - MS/RRHS Band Holiday Festival, grades 8-12 (RRHS, South, Schroeder) 9am - 1:00pm
December 20 -Sunrise Dance
December 22 -January 1 - Winter Break
Block Two Sports
Block 2 Sports start December 2nd. Please note all players must have a Physical and Concussion form completed prior to their first practice! Forms can be picked up in the south office or printed from the links below:
7th and 8th Grade Wrestling
Wrestling will begin on November 12th and run until January 18th.
Fill out the form below and watch your email and our website for more information regarding practice times and game schedules. Cost is $60.
Here is the link to pay: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action or you may send a check made out to GFPS or EXACT cash to the school office.
Here is the link for the form: https://forms.gle/zXz7WTQMkvopc6QE8
7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball
Girls Basketball will begin on December 2nd and run until February 14th.
Fill out the form below and watch your email and our website for more information regarding practice times and game schedules. Cost is $60.
Here is the link to pay: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action or you may send a check made out to GFPS or EXACT cash to the school office.
Here is the link for the form: https://forms.gle/q3iFKAd5r4vDgtHJ9
7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball will begin on December 2nd and run until February 14th.
Fill out the form below and watch your email and our website for more information regarding practice times and game schedules. Cost is $60.
Here is the link to pay: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action or you may send a check made out to GFPS or EXACT cash to the school office.
Here is the link for the form:
6th Grade Intramurals Block 2 - Court Sports
Intramural Court Sports for 6th graders began on Monday, October 16th and will run for 6 weeks.
Court Sports will be after school on Monday and Tuesday from 3:35-4:25.
Fill out the form below and watch your email and our website for more information regarding practice times and game schedules. Cost is $12.50. Payment can be made through the my school bucks app or in the front office with exact change or check made out to GFPS.
Here is the link to pay: https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain.action
Here is the link for the form: https://forms.gle/GhHNaoKtkCGXFJrC9
Yearbook Submissions!
We are looking to grow the yearbook this year and feature some fun action shots and photos of activities! Follow the link below and submit your event photos to the South Middle School yearbook team, for a chance to be featured in the 2024-2025 yearbook. We can't wait to see all of our Spartans in action!
Online Ordering Now Available!
You can now order your yearbook online!
Sept. 16- Dec. 31 is $21.00
Jan - to the end of the school year is $25.00
The link to order is below:
We look forward to sharing our Fall Orchestra Concert with you on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:00pm in South's Cafetorium. This performance is required for all orchestra students. Orchestra students will meet at 6:30pm, and must wear full concert black including socks and shoes. If you need help getting black clothes and shoes, please email Mrs. McFarlane. More information will be sent to orchestra families as the date draws near. Please make sure this concert is on your calendar.
7th & 8th grade orchestra students who are interested may audition for State Middle Level Honors Orchestra. Recorded excerpts are due to Mrs. McFarlane by Friday, November 22, along with a $10 audition fee (checks made payable to NDSTA). Students who are selected will be invited to take part in the State Orchestra Festival, held Feb 14-15 at Red River HS.
School Cancellation and Postponement Procedures
These procedures can be found by clicking this link:
Santa Clause Girls!
My name is Allison Peterson, and I am a Board Member of the Santa Claus Girls. We are in full swing on preparing for the Christmas season, and each of you is a vital link to families.
For those of you that do not know, the Santa Claus Girls is a non-profit organization that serves children 0-12 during the holidays in Grand Forks, East Grand Forks, and the Grand Forks Air Force Base. We provide a gift bag for each child that contains an age-appropriate toy, hat and gloves, toothbrush and toothpaste, reading book, coloring/activity book and crayons/markers, socks, and a treat. The family also receives a roll of wrapping paper and tape, and a certificate for a large Deek’s pizza (or more of these items for larger families). The families either elect to pick up their gift bags or have them delivered. This happens mid-December.
Families self-register for this program beginning tomorrow, October 15, and we are limited to about 1,550 spaces. Online registration continues to be the only way for families to sign up for our service. Please provide this link to families who might need assistance: http://www.santaclausgirls.com/register
We have a soft registration closure date of November 15, but we will close prior to that date if we reach our maximum capacity. This makes registering as soon as possible important.
We will be mailing cards and sending an email to all of last year's participants providing them with the link above, you may want to nudge them to complete as soon as possible. Perhaps the greater challenge is identifying those families in need who are new to the program.
We also know that not all families will have access to the internet. When this is the case, you may decide to complete the process for them. If you do, please make sure you have their permission to provide the requested personal information. Our website is www.santaclausgirls.com to learn more about us, or if you need any further information.
If you received this email in error, please let me know so that I can locate the correct individual; I don't believe the GFPS website has a most updated list of social workers.
If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me at 701-741-3895 (text or call) or email to allison.m.peterson@gmail.com.
Thank you, and have a great day!
Allison Peterson on behalf of the Santa Claus Girls
Mrs. Keller's Corner: Messages from our Social Worker
Message from our Counselors
Hey parents, one of the concerns we see for families these days is the effects that social media can have on kids. One of the issues we often deal with is a student having some difficulties with other students online. Attached is a link that will give some helpful tips on helping your kids to stay safe online.
Please reach out anytime that you have any questions or concerns.
Bill Chase (student last names A-K) wchase220@mygfschools.org
Tana Thorfinnson (student last names L-Z) tthorfinnso240@mygfschools.org
Attendance Line: 701-746-2346
Please enter this number into your phone so you can inform us when your student is absent or needs to leave our building during the day for an appointment.
Please be courteous to our office staff and teachers and call well in advance to the time that you are needing to pick up your student. By not doing this could result in delayed dismissal of your student and interrupting a teacher in the middle of teaching a class.
The office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you have any questions, concerns, or good news, please stop in or call us at 701-746-2345
8:40 AM - 3:30 PM
School begins at 8:40 AM and ends at 3:30 PM (Band and Orchestra start at 7:50 AM). We ask that students not enter the building before 8:30 AM and leave by 3:45 PM unless they prearrange meeting with a teacher or are involved with music, sports practice, or remain in assigned areas. Assigned areas include breakfast in the commons, 6th grade hallway, studying in the media center, or gym.
Tardy Procedures
Students are expected to be on time and be prepared for school. If a student is late for the start of school at 8:40 AM, then he/she must stop in the office for a tardy slip.
Detention Policy
This policy covers but will not be limited to: arriving late to school in the morning, arriving late to class during the day, not checking in with teachers prior to attending meetings, lessons etc. Below we have outlined the detention policy that will be followed:
-Tardies include EVERY class period and not just PrimeTime, our goal is to make sure the students are getting the most out of their class period starting by arriving on time.
-Every 5 tardies is equal to 1 detention.
-After 10 tardies, a student will be unable to attend activities after school such as: sports practices, sporting games, activity nights, until the missed time has been made up. Students are expected to make up their missed time within one week of the notification being sent home.
-You will be notified from the school once your student has reached the mark 5 tardies resulting in a call/email/letter home from our social worker.
-Detention times are served either from 3:30-4:00pm or in the morning before school from 8:00-8:30am.
-Lunch detention will only be used in cases where your student is unable to sit before or afterschool.
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices During School Hours
In an effort to decrease distraction and increase student learning and personal connectivity, all Grand Forks Public secondary schools will restrict student cell phone use. This includes add-on devices such as ear buds, smartwatches (notifications must be turned off), and other related devices.
Middle School students who choose to bring their cell phones to school will:
Leave their cell phones with their advisory teacher at the beginning of each school day.
Advisory teachers will secure student phones in locked storage containers until the end of the school day when students will be dismissed in time to retrieve their devices.
No cell phones will be allowed in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, or locker rooms.
Each school office will communicate a procedure for students who leave school early for appointments, competitions, family related events, etc.
Each 6-12 student will be issued a Chromebook which will provide educational access to the district’s online resources deeming cell phone access unnecessary.
Each school’s office staff will happily get a message to your student during the day if necessary. Students will also be allowed to use the office phone to make important calls during the day.
Middle School Consequences
First Offense: the phone is taken to the office and released to the student at the end of the day; parent / guardian notification. Expectations reinforced with the student.
Second Offense: the phone is taken to the office; parent / guardian picks it up in the office. Student serves detention.
Third Offense: the phone is taken to the office, parent/guardian picks it up. Student serves detention and their phone must be turned in to the office daily at the beginning of the day for the remainder of the semester.
Middle and high school students who do not comply or refuse to turn over their phone may be subject to additional consequences which may include but are not limited to detention, in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Mental Health Resources
Spartan WIN Club is Back!
Spartan Media
Spartan Media!
Follow South Middle School on YouTube to see the latest updates from our 8th grade students and their production of Spartan Media!