September Family Newsletter
2024-2025 School Year
Dear Barley Sheaf School Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We hope that your family had a relaxing and joyful summer break. As we embark on this new learning adventure together, we pledge to students and parents that this will be a highly engaging and memorable year for our Barley Sheaf students.
We had a busy summer at Barley Sheaf! Our staff have been attending professional development workshops, presenting at conferences, serving on curriculum committees, and reading professional literature to strengthen their teaching practice. We have also been preparing to open our first preschool section. Please join us in welcoming our new Preschool Penguins to our school community!
We look forward to partnering with you in your child's educational journey. Please be sure to read our monthly family newsletters throughout the year as they contain important information about school news, events, celebrations and more! Our annual Ice Cream Social on Friday, September 13 is a great way to meet many of our families and staff. We look forward to welcoming parents into classrooms on Thursday, September 19 for Back to School Night.
We are excited to open our doors for students on Thursday, September 5! We look forward to a fantastic year ahead and appreciate your continued support.
With great appreciation,
Amy Switkes, Principal
Kimberly Bostory, Vice Principal
Save the Date
9/3/24- First Day of School for Teachers
9/4/24- PTO Chalk Walk 6:30 p.m.
9/5/24- First Day of School for Students, PTO Packets Sent Home
9/5/24-9/13/24- PTO Mum Sale
9/6/24- Spirit Day
9/11/24- PTO Dine Out Day
9/11/24- PTO Public Meeting 7:00 p.m. Library
9/13/24- PTO Ice Cream Social 6:15-7:30 p.m.
9/13/24- Return PTO Packet and Request for Homeroom Parent
9/19/24- Back to School Night, Early Dismissal for Students
9/24/24- Virtual Homeroom Parent Meeting 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
9/30/24- PTO Mum Pick Up
10/3/24- School Closed, Rosh Hashanah
10/4/24- Picture Day
Meet Our New Staff!
We are thrilled to welcome new staff members to our Barley Sheaf team! This list includes staff who are new to our district and staff who are transferring to new positions in our school. We also have staff who are part time, as they are shared between other schools in the district.
Kari Alligier, Fourth Grade Teacher
Brianna Hudock, Kindergarten Teacher
Sarah DeLeo, Fourth Grade Teacher
Joshua Decker, Health and PE Teacher
Lisa Conover, Preschool Relief Teacher
Allyson Beetle, Preschool Teacher
Angela Matuszkiewicz, Special Education Teacher
Mary Rizk, Part Time Child Study Team
Laura Newman, Part Time Child Study Team
Chloe McAloon, Counseling Intern
Amy Rosen, Speech Intern
Alyssa Raszka, Part-Time Speech Therapist
Olivia DeStefano, Teacher Assistant
Daniella Lally, Teacher Assistant
Peggy Bond, Teacher Assistant
Staffing Updates
As Dr. McGann has shared in her correspondence with families, our district experienced budget cuts for the 2024-2025 school year. Our school librarian, Mr. Slomczewski, and one of our school counselors, Ms. Coates, will be shared with Robert Hunter Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year.
Welcome Back Family Video and Read Aloud
Please enjoy our Welcome Back Video with helpful information for parents, as well as a special read aloud with Mrs. Switkes and Ms. Bostory for our students! Our partners at goHunterdon have also shared a video about bicycle and pedestrian safety!
Back to School Night
Back to School Night will take place on Thursday, September 19. This is a great opportunity to meet your child's teachers, learn about the curriculum, and ask any questions you may have. This will be an Early Dismissal Day for students. School will dismiss at 1:20 p.m. A full schedule for the evening will be provided soon!
Student Attendance
At Barley Sheaf, we value consistent attendance. We encourage you to review the information linked below from Attendance Works to learn how daily attendance can positively impact your child's growth and success.
Safety and Security Reminders
- Visitors must be signed in and wear a visitor badge in the building.
- Our school district uses the Raptor system for school visitors. Please have your license available when visiting school.
- Do not hold any doors for visitors.
- Only staff and students are permitted on school grounds during school hours.
- Monthly fire and security drills are conducted.
- We have a full time School Resource Officer, Officer John Carney.
- Use the crosswalks in the parking lot.
- Obey the 15 mph speed limit in our parking lot.
Student Arrival Procedures
Buses and Vans
- Please ensure that your child knows his/her bus number. Each morning, buses and vans will park and unload our PreK‐4 students on the side of the building. Upon arrival, students will be greeted by staff members and enter the building through the designated entrances.
Parent Drop-off
- Students may be dropped off in front of the school from 8:30-8:50 a.m. along the front sidewalk. When driving your child to school, please enter by turning right into the first school driveway on Barley Sheaf Road. For safety reasons, cars may not make a left turn to enter school grounds during arrival and dismissal.
- Students should exit the car on the school side of the vehicle in order to ensure student safety. All students will walk along the front sidewalk and enter the school through the main entrance.
- Always remember to stay in line when dropping students off in front of the building. Cars may not drive into the back parking lot of the school after 8:25 a.m. If you plan to walk your child to the front door, you must park in the south visitor parking lot (in front of the playground patio) and cross at the crosswalk to the main entrance.
- Walkers should enter the building through the main entrance. Staff will be on duty to monitor the crosswalks. Please review this letter for more information on student walkers.
Student Dismissal Procedures
Buses and Vans
- Students riding buses and vans will be called for dismissal to the gym. Please ensure that your child knows their bus number. Staff members will be available to assist students and ensure they locate and board the correct bus.
Walkers and Parent Pick-Up
- Parents/guardians may enter the driveway beginning at 3:15 p.m.
- Both walkers and students for parent pick up will be dismissed from the front entrance. When picking your child up from school, please enter by turning right into the first school driveway on Barley Sheaf Road. For safety reasons, cars may not make a left turn to enter school grounds during arrival and dismissal.
- Please display your family car tag and follow the directions given by staff on duty. Click here to request a family car tag. Children will be called to the front foyer as parents arrive, and staff will assist with loading students into your vehicle.
- Parents must stay in their cars at all times and remain in the car line unless directed to proceed by a staff member. Pick up will start at 3:25 p.m. and end at 3:45 p.m.
- If you wish to skip the line and walk up to get your child, you must park in the south visitor parking lot (in front of the playground patio) and cross at the crosswalk to the main entrance.
Preschool Pick-Up:
- All preschool students have an assigned bus. Parents are required to get on the bus to buckle in children in the morning. In the afternoon, the Preschool Teacher or Preschool Teacher Assistant will buckle students for the bus ride home.
- Preschool parents will join the regular car line if picking your child up from school. Preschool parents may also choose to park in the south visitor lot (in front of the playground patio) and cross at the crosswalk to the main entrance.
Changes to Your Child's Dismissal Routine
If you need to make a change to your child's dismissal routine, please send a note to the teacher, call the main office, or fill out this form.
- We cannot change a child’s designated bus stop or assigned bus. If your child normally rides a bus home, but you will be picking him/her up, a note must be sent to the teacher.
- If you must sign your child out prior to dismissal, please do so before 3:15 pm. Please come to the main office and your child will be called to the office for dismissal.
- If your child attends the YMCA after-care and you make a change to their dismissal, please contact both the YMCA and the Barley Sheaf main office regarding any changes.
- If someone other than the parent/guardian is taking your child home at the end of the day, please write a note to your child’s teacher detailing the change and giving permission for your child to leave with this person. Please remember that you may not take a child other than your own unless written permission from that child’s parent has been given to the school.
- Please do not email the classroom teacher about a dismissal change during the school day. If you do not send a note with your child in the morning, then please call the main office to report a change.
Bus Information
Your child's bus information is available on the Genesis Parent Portal and was mailed home from the transportation department. Please review our Bus Expectations for students.
Barley Sheaf School Rules
At Barley Sheaf, we have three school-wide rules to help our students achieve their hopes and dreams for the school year.
Technology Information
Please visit the Parent Technology Site for information about policies and forms, protection plans, digital passport, and student/parent supports.
Hispanic Heritage Month
We are thrilled to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month at Barley Sheaf. We recognize and celebrate the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements of the United States. We have a special display in our library and a read aloud with Mrs. Switkes and Ms. Bostory, Alma and How She Got Her Name, by Juana Martinez-Neal.
Curriculum Corner
When your child comes home from school, are you looking for better ways to connect and learn about how the school day went? Check out 15 Questions to Replace "How Was School Today?" This article includes helpful questions, tips, and suggestions!
Counselor Corner
Families, please review this introduction letter from our School Counselors, Mrs. Collins and Ms. Coates. They also include helpful Back to School Tips to prepare your child for school!
Welcome Back, Stuart Little!
Barley Sheaf is excited to welcome back our therapy dog, Stuart Little! Please review this informational letter with Stuart's credentials from Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs. Stuart will visit with students in small groups, 1:1 settings, and in classrooms. If you wish to opt your child out of visits with Stuart Little, please complete this form.
From Our School Nurse
Welcome back! My name is Erin Eosso and I am the Barley Sheaf School Nurse. The health office is an essential resource available to all of our students and staff. Please visit the district website under the Health Services tab for more information and to find any pertinent forms (physicals, allergy plans, asthma plans, PRN meds etc.) that may be required for your child's medical needs. If possible, parents should drop off all medications and completed paperwork before September 5 to ensure proper safety and care for your child at the start of the school year.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns via phone (908) 284-7588 or email erin.eosso@frsd.us.
Wishing your child a happy, healthy and safe school year!
Nurse Eosso
Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Your child may qualify for no-cost meals through the Working-Class Families Anti-Hunger Act. You can complete your application here. Please note, you must complete a new application for every school year.
Barley Sheaf PTO
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The Barley Sheaf Parent Teacher Organization is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable group who work to raise funds, plan events, and generally support our teachers, staff members, children, and families. We hope that you will join us as a member, and consider volunteering for an event and/or a committee. We are looking forward to a great year!
- You can join the PTO or renew your membership at https://barleysheafpto.membershiptoolkit.com/.
- Our first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th at 7pm in the library.
- Please enjoy the September PTO Newsletter!
2024-2025 Barley Sheaf PTO Executive Board:
PTO e-mail address: ptobarleysheaf@gmail.com
Morgan Henry - President - morganhenry5784@gmail.com
Michelle Moy - Vice President - michelle.nicole.moy@gmail.com
Brianna Pileggi - Secretary - briannapileggi@gmail.com
Jessica Ur - Treasurer - jessicag002@gmail.com
Updated Student Handbook/Code of Conduct
Over the summer, the FRSD Student Code of Conduct was revised. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Helpful Links
Send a Birthday Message!
Make your Barley Sheaf child's birthday extra special by wishing him or her a Happy Birthday on the electronic sign in front of the building! Please send an email to Jodi Carmon at jodi.carmon@frsd.us at least one week before the date and include your child's name, birthdate, grade and teacher. A Happy Birthday message with your child's first name will appear on the sign on their special day. The $10 cash or check donation can be sent to Barley Sheaf either in your child's backpack or via US mail. Checks should be made out to Barley Sheaf PTO.