Chisholm Update
October 13, 2023
Happy Friday Chisholm Families!
Greetings Chisholm Chargers!
It was great to see so many parents last night for the 1st of two nights of Parent/ Teacher Conferences. Next Tuesday, October 17th is the 2nd night of scheduled conferences, which will run from 4:30 to 8:00. Even though these conferences are scheduled by the district at this time before fall break, please don't hesitate to ask for a conference at any time during the school year.
Last week at Charge Up we were able to announce Jessica Tate as our Teacher of the Year, and today we were able to celebrate this recognition with her in person. Congratulations again Mrs. Tate for your selection as Chisholm's Teacher of the Year!
We wanted to remind you that next week is Fall Break. School will not be in session on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 19 & 20. The school will also not be in session on Monday, October 23rd as this is a district-scheduled professional development/ collaboration day. School will resume on Tuesday, October 24th. I hope you will be able to use this time out of school to do something fun and relaxing.
The week of October 24 through the 27 our school is celebrating Red Ribbon Week. The theme for this event is Celebrating Life with Healthy Choices. The dress-up days associated with this week are listed below.
On Friday, October 27, Chisholm will be conducting our annual Story Book Parade where students can dress up as their favorite book character. Our specials schedule will be adjusted for the day and will be concluded at 2:10 giving us time for the parade through the building followed by fall classroom parties. Students may wear their costumes to school during the day. We ask that students don't wear costumes that are scary or gory, and that they have a book for their inspiration during the parade.
Looking forward, our school will be celebrating Veteran's Day on Friday, November 10. Our school will be putting together a slideshow to show to students during class of family members of our Chisholm Family who have served our country. If you would like to add someone to this presentation, please use this link, which will take you to a form to enter the information and provide a photo to be added to the slideshow. So we have time to edit and add this information before November 10, we ask that you submit this information by November 1.
Information or flyers added to this newsletter:
Chisholm Spirit Wear - Now is the time to order Chisholm Spirit Wear, which includes t-shirts, long sleeves, and a hat. Orders need to be placed by Sunday, November 19, 2023 (11:59 PM CST). There is a link below and some pictures of items that are being offered.
October PTO Meeting Minutes - There is a tab below that will take you to the October PTO meeting minutes from our meeting this past Monday, October 9. September meeting minutes are further down in this newsletter.
Edmond Fine Arts Camps - Edmond Fine Arts will be providing art camps for upcoming school breaks (fall, Thanksgiving, and Holiday). Contact and detailed information is listed below.
Beacon Built to Last Bash - Information on a family fun fall festival that will take place on October 15 from 1 to 4 p.m. at Danforth Crossing (4900 E. Danforth Rd.). Come see the pumpkin patch, live heroes and princesses, hot air balloon rides, Touch-A-Truck, face painting, and more.
Northcare Informational Flyer - Northcare offers a variety of services for children, adults, and families designed to strengthen their health and well-being, helping our patients recover from mental illness, substance use, trauma, or crisis.
Dads On Duty - If you would like to sign up or add your contact information to possibly serve on a future Dads On Duty Friday, click the link below.
Looking Forward...
Looking forward...
October 17 - Parent/ Teacher Conferences
October 19 & 20 - Fall Break (No School)
October 23 - Staff Development (No School)
October 27 - Storybook Parade and Fall Parties
School Hours
8:45 - Our school day begins with announcements. Parents need to sign in late-arriving students.
2:55 - Pre-K Dismissal begins
3:25 - School Dismissal beings
Low Cost Home Internet /
Passrod Rest Portal /
Technology Information
Chisholm Elementary
Mon -Fri from 8:00 - 4:00
Website: https://chisholm.edmondschools.net/
Location: 2300 SE 33rd Street
Phone: 405 -340-2950
Facebook: facebook.com/chisholmelementaryedmond