CCOG Newsletter
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
I think I say it every year, but it bears repeating. What a GREAT Homecoming!!! Thank you to each person who participated in church clean up. Thank you to those who cleaned in the two weeks since then! Congratulations to Sis. Joyner - the Homecoming Queen, and Keith Riddle - the Homecoming King! Thank you to everyone who invited guests (whether they attended or not, your effort is appreciated). Thank you to everyone who cooked such delicious food!!! Thank you to those who ministered in any way - in the sound booth (I heard lots of compliments on how smoothly everything went), singing, miming, testifying, speaking, teaching, ushering, greeting, prepping, and cleaning. Your contributions were essential to the success of the day. I hope that you were blessed in some way!
June Focus
The churchwide focus for the month of June is celebration! Often, we rush through life. We move on to the next season without celebrating the goodness of God in this season. This month, we are going to make the effort to celebrate together. One way is by starting the celebration reading plan on the CCOG page of the YouVersion Bible App. You should already have received an alert that a new devotion was posted. If not, here is the direct link: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/18138-21-days-of-celebration
For the month of June, we are bringing jump ropes! We need plenty of jump ropes to put into the shoeboxes. Shoeboxes and shipping costs are also helpful for this project. As you saw on Sunday, your contributions are making a huge difference in the world.
Father's Day
Sunday, June 16 is Father's Day. In celebration of the men in our lives, we are having breakfast! If you have a father, are a father, or are a child of the heavenly Father, you are invited to celebrate with us. We will begin at 10am in the fellowship hall. Breakfast will be followed by a time of devotion.
Celebrate Milestones and Progress
Years ago, I started researching joy—what it is, how it can help us, and how we can cultivate it in daily life. The reason I did this was simple: God cares about joy. After all, there’s a reason why joy is named as one of the first fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22.
Over time, I began to see just how much we sabotage joy. One of the biggest ways is by not celebrating.
Joy is the satisfaction you feel when you pursue hope. As we pursue the hope we have in Christ, we reap joy.
Celebration is the act of calling attention to hope.
As Christians, we are called to celebrate because we have a hope that never runs dry. More joy is available to us, if we choose to celebrate hope.
Problem is, we don’t know how or what to celebrate in our daily lives. As a result, we forget or forego celebration.
The first thing to always celebrate is milestones, or momentous events (like birthdays, holidays, achievements). Now, we typically have no problem with this, and neither did the Jewish people in Scripture.
In Nehemiah 8, the people had just finished building the wall and are gathering to celebrate The Feast of Trumpets. This was a day to rest (Numbers 29:1).
This is the gift of celebrating milestones: we get to rest and slow down the speed of life, so we can refresh the hope we have in God.
But in Nehemiah 8, we also see the people celebrate progress. This is what we often struggle with.
When the people are gathered together, they hear Ezra read the Scriptures. And because they understand it, they realize how far they have fallen and how far they have to reach to get back to the standards of Scripture. And so, they mourn.
In verses 9-10, however, Nehemiah encouraged the people not to mourn because it is a holy day. And in verse 12, the people make a sudden shift. Now, they celebrate with joy. What happened?
The verse states that the people celebrated because they now understood the words. Instead of seeing how far they have left to go, they reframed their perspective to focus on how far they’ve come. This gave them joy.
Oftentimes, we’re so critical on ourselves when we fall short, and never look at how far we’ve come.
When we celebrate how far we’ve come, we’re encouraged to go farther. When we only look at how far we have left to go, we’re encouraged to give up.
Today, you might be thinking you have nothing to celebrate in yourself. But think about how far you’ve come. At one point, you were not a believer. But now, you’re reading Bible Plans on the Bible App. You’re growing in your Christian walk.
Celebrate your progress. As you do this, the joy you reap will propel you forward.